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/lit/ - Literature

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14404164 No.14404164 [Reply] [Original]

Books about a Chad fucking everything in his way.

>> No.14404169

A hero of our times

>> No.14404173
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Augustine's Confessions.

>> No.14404183


>> No.14404190

Bukowski's Henry Chinaski novels. It literally dispels the incel myth.

>> No.14404194

women by charles bukowski, but it's more about a 4channel type guy who becomes desirable to women for the first time in his life in his 50s due to his success as a writer, so he basically goes trough his whore phase

>> No.14404203

i would say "my diary, desu" but because i am a chad i do not write in a diary, my exploits are retold purely through the oral tradition of the vast harem of single mothers i left behind in my eternal quest for more poon

>> No.14404225

i look at a girl like this and think "man, what would it be like to be with a girl that good looking" but then my mind immediately replies to itself and i think "shes a whore i hope she dies"

>> No.14404236
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Bel Ami - Maupassant

>> No.14404259

Name of the girl?

>> No.14404267

absolutely based, i went out earlier today and that phrase was basically on repeat in my mind the entire time
they're just disgusting creatures and i've never met a good one in my entire life

>> No.14404274

You don't actually talk to many women.

>> No.14404277

the demon - hubert selby jr

>> No.14404281

incredibly based whores absolutely btfo

>> No.14404294

of course not, why would i want to?
since i'm assuming you do, why don't you describe the kind of women you do talk to, and why you apparently think they're the bees knees

>> No.14404312

>why don't you describe the kind of women you do talk to
They're all different. Some are annoying some are cool, same as men. Do you want me to give a description of every woman I know or what?

>> No.14404324

Concentrate especially on your mother.

>> No.14404346
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women: not worth a second THOT

>> No.14404351

The Book of the New Sun

>> No.14404352

women who pretend to not be whores are liars, delusional, stupid, or ugly

>> No.14404357


What if the protagonist is literally named Chad?

>> No.14404374
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Based. Every man has thoughts like this. Like yeah it would be cool to fuck a chick that hot but once the initial dopamine hit wears off you come to realize that she's just another annoying, vapid whore that you have to appease. Fuck women.

>> No.14404382

Anything Ayn Rand

>> No.14404387

You don't actually know any women irl you just seethe at Instagram posts that get reposted here.

>> No.14404403

Journey to the End of the Night

>> No.14404475

yes. YES.

>> No.14404740

Gravity's Rainbow
Tyrone Slothrop is the chaddest

>> No.14404759

why dont you guys admit that the only reason why you "hate" women is because you cant get laid?

>> No.14404771

This. I haven’t been able to lay down in 4 years

>> No.14404777

Dom Juan
Les 11000 Verges

>> No.14404791

you really cant think of any other reasons

>> No.14404810

>get laid
>realize thats all women are good for
>realize even that isnt that great its just a short term pleasure
>rather be reading or doing nothing

>> No.14404816

the only people that CAN hate women are the ones you're talking about. if you have sexual contact with women, hating them would make you conscious of your lack of will because you're actively pursuing something you hate.

>> No.14404820

Ironically, a lay is not an accomplishment.
Men want something more - love is separate from carnal acts. Sex is only for procreation.
The resentment stems from this truth: men will never find love in women.
So when you see them still prowling around, with the same dolts - likened to the dolt you used to be - anguish follows. Then you develop your world a bit more, and a dismissive disposition flows in more like a residue from your effort. It isn't a hatred. This is the life beyond women.
You just see children playing. A crooked playground.

>> No.14404823
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This except I imagine that I am her, jack off and then hate her.

>> No.14404866

I must say, that is indeed quite based

>> No.14404950

No, people that can't get women idolize and love them. Men who do sleep with women quickly realize they're not that special.

"Women are considered deep - why? Because one can never discover any bottom to them. Women are not even shallow." -N

>> No.14404996

>men will never find love in women

>> No.14405012

its so hard to fap now when you know you arent enough charismatic for a girl

>> No.14405018

a true chad would be impregnating many concubines

>> No.14405187

get std tested

>> No.14405197


>> No.14405225
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I hope you can get out of the dark place you're in, anons.

>> No.14405231

there's nothing dark about this place, in fact, having seen the light, i would say it is blinding

>> No.14405279

This. Severian literally falls in love with every girl he meets, fucks them, and then says he only ever loved Thecla. Not only that but during this whole ordeal he doesn't have a shirt on.

Shadow of the Torturer is THE book for you OP

>> No.14405283

My diary desu

>> No.14405321
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Posting this, let's get this thread back on track.

>> No.14405333
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>MC fucks every girl in the book whilst dating half of them
>His best friend fucks more

>> No.14405335

i knew you guys where based but i didn't knew you were THIS based

>> No.14405339

Sooo much this. Trying to fuck this art hottie who is mentally fucked and has a horrible childhood and it’s better if I walk away

>> No.14405342

I can't even fap anymore without becoming incredibly depressed at the fact that all I know of sex and relationships is fucking my own hand.

>> No.14405360

Sex ain’t shit king stop being a coomer and work on yourself go for a walk and keep walking day after day until it becomes a run ... even if it’s to the end of the driveway ... good luck

>> No.14405386

you have accomploshed nothing

>> No.14405419

For a faggot in /lit/ I find it ironic you only read it at face value ... remember and do what I said and you’ll
See the change in your life

>> No.14405426


>> No.14405957

why dont you admit that the only reason why you "hate" us is because we simple state the truth