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14404086 No.14404086 [Reply] [Original]

Is a PhD in economics /lit/?

>> No.14404098

Look at his gun, it's not of a big enough caliber to knock his target backwards. In fact, capitalism is standing in the way of socialism to a safe and bright future

>> No.14404109


>> No.14404139

>PhD in economics
about as useless as it gets

>> No.14404141

Hell no

>> No.14404144

What am I supposed to do, then?

>tfw I’m talking with zoomers

>> No.14404149

Study medicine instead. That or go collect disability.

>> No.14404152
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>Communists don't even know how physics works
Go on, shoot

>> No.14404331

I respect it, but it doesn't fit the bourgeois "patrician" aesthetic that /lit/ wanks over.

>> No.14404343

if you're using that PhD to justify our current state of affairs, then no.

>> No.14404368

>socialism wants to destroy capitalism
read the Frankfurt School retard

>> No.14404379

Probably. I'd like to get one just to humiliate all the pseudo-expert economics dilettantes on discord

>> No.14404409

no, absolutely not

>> No.14404414


>> No.14404424

I have a friend doing one and he gets visibly shaken when I mention central banking and usury kek. That should tell you enough.

>> No.14404440

does capitalism work without force? it seems like it falls apart without guns

>> No.14404449

lol frankfurt school were marxist kikes seething at how the middle and lower classes rejected marxism and aspired to make their own success free of the state. It’s a pity they survived the holocaust

>> No.14404473

Honestly, you're retarded if you follow that path. Avoid it at any cost. Except if you're the stem fag type.
t. economics undergrad

>> No.14404480

lmao as an economics student i can totally relate to this

>> No.14404485

why, what's the deal

>> No.14404493

not that anon but economists invest most of their time learning useless models that defend free market and when they're confronted with even the most basic questions by legos they get scared as fuck because they never even thought about such obvious things

>> No.14404538

>revolution fails so thinkers reflect on why it failed to try and learn from the errors of the past
>lol fucking kikes trying to learn and improve and shit
based retard

>> No.14405730
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>learning from the past

>> No.14405777

I'm going for an economics major. You guys are scaring the fuck out of me.

>> No.14405789

Leave it while you still can

>> No.14405826

What are the essential aesthetic PhD fields of study?

>> No.14405851

I was studying econ and thought I was into it until I got to Money and Banking and realized all this "science" I was learning was made up quite possibly in direct opposition to human advancement

>> No.14405882

that image is so fucking stupid

>> No.14406479

Extremely /lit/. It will allow you to btfo everyone else. Economics trumps everything else.

>> No.14406485

The only people who are against it are Marxists who don't know any economics lol

>> No.14406511

Agreed. It was probably made by a socialist.

>> No.14406759

Economics is literally just studying and understanding economics, there is nothing inherent within it that demands an ideological stance. Communist countries engage in economics. Every polity that has ever existed works within the framework of economics. All the retards in this thread screeching about "status quo" and "freemarkets" are fucking idiots. If you hold an ideology that encompasses the exchange of goods and services and do not study economics please kill yourself

>> No.14406776

>The study of economics made up money and banking
Please kys. It's literally just a field of study to understand phenomenons that already existed before there was even the word "economy". How do people with this low iq make it to university in the first place holy shit. This is like blaming historians for shit that happened in history

>> No.14406810

Gravitational inertia would allow the man on the other side of the plank just enough time to get onto the cliff. This is just scaremongering propaganda.

>> No.14406819

That's not what we are talking about retard. We are talking about the field of economics.

>> No.14406823

>he thinks dead people weigh less
Stop playing video games.

>> No.14406826


...in 2010

>> No.14406843

/biz/ didn't exist in 2010

>> No.14407081

>he thinks people who have been shot stay standing stiffly upright
stop living

>> No.14407161

(((Economics))) in Western universities is just liberal capitalist propaganda.

>> No.14407178

The only thing that's /lit/ is something in English. Too bad your diploma alone won't help you like other careers... you have to actually be good (and a little lucky) to make it in the arts.

>> No.14407191

You haven't studied economics. It's just applied mathematics to a social phenomenon. It doesn't require you to take any political stance to understand. Forming a world view without proper economic knowledge is retarded. Your opinion is literally worthless unless you're well versed in math or have access to an economist to call out your bullshit

>> No.14407200

>He’s damn sure a crumpled over bead person weighs less than a living and standing person.
Underaged b&

>> No.14407203

Wtf is the point of paying some old fart to give you a reading list? If you want to write literature get a Kindle and take some creative writing courses

>> No.14407224

Most great writers have at least a masters in English... but I'm sure you know best, buddy. I'm waiting to see you upload a pic of your Nobel Prize in literature any day now.

>> No.14407284

Didn't answer my question. Nice faggot appeal to authority. Name something specific that English degrees provide in order to write literature that you can't easily do and find on your own

>> No.14407295
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>It's literally just a field of study to understand phenomenons that already existed before there was even the word "economy".
pure ideology. there will be no word "economy" after capitalism either

>> No.14407298


>> No.14407351

>It's just applied mathematics to a social phenomenon.
That's bullshit. My major was in mathematics and physics. What economists do is not science.

>> No.14407371

Why do people who have no idea what they’re saying immediately try to incriminate others knowledge?
What a fucking case study

>> No.14407427

Your picture looks backwards. Isn't it always the capitalist countries invading the socialist countries?

>> No.14407516

>when the revolution comes
keep dreaming faggot

>> No.14407523

>Literally posts an economist
If you're not a isolated, nomadic hunter gatherer you engage in economics
>Applied mathematics=science
It uses empirical data to theorize about human society which cannot be broken down into an autistic self-referential, falsifiable system. It's not placed in the natural sciences for a reason
Not an argument

>> No.14407535

isolated, nomadic hunter gatherers engage in economics

>> No.14407678
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>> No.14407683

>Communism doesn't engage with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.
Your mind is warped by pure ideology

>> No.14407693

Unless communism somehow creates a universe with unlimited resources immediately available to everyone than economics will still exist buddy

>> No.14407713

this image has already been debunked, the guy on the plank would weigh too much to be held up by the other guy

>> No.14407808

Deleuze and Guattari's 'Capitalism and Schizophrenia' is probably the best work on economics in the past half-century.

>> No.14407857

Most kids getting degrees in economics don't even fucking learn calculus, and they don't know fuck-all about statistics.
It is absolutely not science. It's half divination, half post-hoc rationalization.

>> No.14407879

Getting a BA in economics isn't learning economics. Graduate school economics is pretty much only math.

>> No.14407885

Math that's completely detached from empirical reality. It's the modern equivalent of Christian apologetics.

>> No.14407894

Gonna need a source on that

>> No.14407949

>Most kids getting degrees in economics don't even fucking learn calculus, and they don't know fuck-all about statistics.
Bullshitter detected. There is not one economics program in the world that does not require calculus and basic statistics to be completed in the first two years of an undergrad. You literally cannot engage in the actual study of economics without a proper background in math. The econ students you meet at your shit school is not a proper indicator on the validity of the field
>It is absolutely not science. It's half divination, half post-hoc rationalization.
Retard with reading comprehension. Nobody is comparing it to the natural sciences. You sound like a pompous idiot who just discovered taleb and thinks he has everything figured out

>> No.14408004

>She thinks Capital can be rendered inert without being displaced

There's a reason why in the end, the Lefties always come crawling back, begging for a succ of Aryan cock.

>> No.14408012

Christian Apologetics are entirely valid. Unlike any left-wing theory of econ, of course.

>> No.14408030

free market is incompatible with christianity...

>> No.14408034

Factually wrong, given that they have coexisted for centuries.

>> No.14408040

the liberalisation of the economy and the decline of christianity over the past two centuries prove the opposite...

>> No.14408063

are you dumb

>> No.14408088

The math used in economics at the highest levels is very limited and simplistic. E.g., there is a bias toward linear models.

>> No.14408098

All capitalism has to do is step sideways, Thats is stop paying.
How does it feel knowing your ideology is and has only ever been a social experiment founded and funded by the WASP intelligentsia and the Tikkum Olaming Great people?

>> No.14408102

We did. The conclusion is always the same.

>> No.14408109

a lot of stuff seems to fall apart without force
from the little i've seen, it seems pretty tight if you're a quantitatively minded person. i know a few people who are wrapping theirs up and they seem to have enjoyed themselves somewhat. however i don't think it's exactly a passion major for the vast majority. you should have an idea of what you want to do with it career wise imo
just to pile on: communists absolutely do engage in economic thought. in fact theoretically in the case of central economic planning, economic authorities will need to analyze econometric data and make even deeper plans and theories than any laissez-faire polity because they have to negotiate good demand and supply manually rather than relying on free market negotiation by purchasers
>what is escape from freedom

>> No.14408121

>citation needed
Looks to me like it was your obsession with social engineering which proved to be the biggest attack against Christianity in history. Social engineering which started as a obsesión of the enlightened calvinist élite which invented socialism.

>> No.14408164

Reminder to not claim yourself a "winner" or "owner" lest God takes you for your word and gives you your externalities as well.

>> No.14408224

What will happen when the capitalist moves off the board?

>> No.14408260

He gets shot.

>> No.14408266

Are you totally ignorant of the histories of the USSR and China?

>> No.14408325

The communist left has written thousands of pages of analysis trying to extract lessons from the Russian counterrevolution. Here's just one example: https://libcom.org/library/fundamentals-revolutionary-communism-amadeo-bordiga

That's an abstraction, and not an adequate description of political economy. A typical bait-and-switch: when it's convenient, everyone and their mother are economists as long as they think about distribution of something. But when the situation requires rejecting "heterodox" economic theories, then suddenly only the most-cited people from the orthodox clique are considered real economists.

Christianity has become the secular basis of society. Individualist ideology is a creation of Christianity.
>Political democracy is Christian since in it man, not merely one man but everyman, ranks as sovereign, as the highest being, but it is man in his uncivilized, unsocial form, man in his fortuitous existence, man just as he is, man as he has been corrupted by the whole organization of our society, who has lost himself, been alienated, and handed over to the rule of inhuman conditions and elements — in short, man who is not yet a real species-being. That which is a creation of fantasy, a dream, a postulate of Christianity, i.e., the sovereignty of man – but man as an alien being different from the real man — becomes, in democracy, tangible reality, present existence, and secular principle.

>> No.14408327

Corrected link: https://libcom.org/library/lessons-counterrevolutions-amadeo-bordiga

>> No.14408336

He’s talking about the field of economics too you dumb fuck, and he’s right. Studying economics in a modern institution will naturally offer a capitalist bias, but in turn it will offer you tools to critique and understand other economic systems and broaden your knowledge of philosophy-in-practise.

>> No.14408343

Not really, though.

>> No.14408344

You mean the USSR that fought off the US in multiple proxy wars and to this day has to grin-and-bear-it when the US slaps another military base in Estonia or Poland? The US has been and still is far more militaristic and aggressive than the USSR ever was.

>> No.14408348

A laissez-faire attitude to the distribution of wealth in society is incompatible with Christian vision of social justice. Ideologies which demean the individual and leave him helpless to the machinery of the state are of course incompatible with Christianity, but those ideologies which champion private enterprise and Mammon at the expense of the sick and the poor and the living conditions of the common man are anathema to Christianity also.

>> No.14408350

In what way, ‘not really’?

>> No.14408361

>the USSR
>to this day

>> No.14408369

>A laissez-faire attitude to the distribution of wealth in society is incompatible with Christian vision of social justice.
You're misunderstanding Rerum Novarum completely.

>> No.14408380

In what sense?

>> No.14408384

Most places have redistributive policy rather than a laissez-faire attitude.
>but those ideologies which champion private enterprise and Mammon at the expense of the sick and the poor and the living conditions of the common man are anathema to Christianity also.
But this is the unavoidable result of making the Christian doctrine of the sanctity of the individual soul the real basis of society. It necessitates private property and all the concomitant "liberties", which can only lead to capital taking control over the life-process of society.
Your idealized version of Christianity is incompatible with the real world in its entirety, because it ultimately isn't a real thing but simply a fantastical representation of man's own powers as alienated from himself.

>> No.14408394

Shut up nerd, you know what I mean

>> No.14408396

>the real basis of society.
As if there is only one sole basis to society. One absolute vision, no intersections compromises interactions nuances competitors.
>Your idealized version of Christianity is incompatible with the real world in its entirety, because it ultimately isn't a real thing but simply a fantastical representation of man's own powers as alienated from himself.
Yeah only minimally regulated capitalism has existed and will exist forever the post-war consensus never happened social democracies don't exist.

>> No.14408419

How can you expect me to know what you mean when you can't even be bothered express your intentions clearly?

>> No.14408431
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Medieval economics, yes.

>> No.14408435

>As if there is only one sole basis to society. One absolute vision, no intersections compromises interactions nuances competitors.
I never mentioned the word "one". And it's not a matter of "vision".
>Yeah only minimally regulated capitalism has existed and will exist forever the post-war consensus never happened social democracies don't exist.
Wait, so you're just complaining about muh neoliberalism and whatever? Are social democracies compatible with "Christian vision of social justice"?

>> No.14408436

In no way shape or form does Rerum novarum talk of distribution of wealth or as charity being something that can be leased to the state. It simply repeats the previously extabilished doctrine on charity and avarice in more modern terms.

>> No.14408443

>But this is the unavoidable result of making the Christian doctrine of the sanctity of the individual soul the real basis of society. It necessitates private property and all the concomitant "liberties", which can only lead to capital taking control over the life-process of society.
Youre changing definition so fast it spins my head.

>> No.14408448

How can I expect you to understand what I mean when you have trouble parsing simple sentences? You and I both know that when I say USSR and ‘to this day’ in the same sentence, I am obviously referring to the current-day form of the USSR, the Russian Federation. Your gay attempts to derail the conversation are pathetic, friend.

>> No.14408455


>> No.14408486

t. deluded libertarian

>> No.14408553

Well, mainstream economics are mostly fiction...

>> No.14408556

t.heretic liberation theologian.

>> No.14408566

>How could You not understand that i wasn't saying What i was saying? RETARD!
Drink the fucking hemlock Socrates.

>> No.14408582
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I don't agree with what you are saying. But I haven't laughed as hysterically as I have right now in a year. Thanks Anon.

>> No.14408593

You're wellcome

>> No.14408604

>I’m retarded
I suppose when someone says ‘the sun is rising’ you also make sure to point out that ‘ummm ackshually we live in a heliocentric solar system!!’? Fuck up.

>> No.14408619

It's in no way the same thing retard You're implying the russian federación is a continuarion of the USSR. By the same metric the USSR itself was a continuation of Tzarist Russia.

>> No.14408626

Not him but they are all continuous.

>> No.14408649

Yes, that’s what I’m saying. Do you think that the Russian Federation is actually some island-nation in the Pacific or something? I suppose you also can’t countenance the fact that Hitler lived in both the Weimar Republic and Nazi Germany? Each of these names are just labels for historical itterations of the nation as it is today, or does linear time not work for you?

>> No.14408761

So What They're continuous, They're in direct ideological opposition to one another!
You're just being ridiculous. You know What i mean. :^)

>> No.14408770

In what way is the RF and the USSR in direct ideological opposition? They’re not the same beast, clearly, but they’re no way in ‘direct’ opposition. In this case, I have literally no idea what you mean, because what you mean is ridiculous.

>> No.14408778

First thing you learn when studying history is that nothing ever dies, only transforms

>> No.14408786

>They're in direct ideological opposition to one another!
Not really. They weren't ideologically identical, but neither were they opposed. Especially since Stalin's time when the capitalist revolution has been accomplished, because earlier there some significant pre-capitalist ideological elements.

>> No.14408796

Yeah lol whatever.

>> No.14408976

Gracious in defeat, I see

>> No.14409446

>political economy

>> No.14409556

No but do it. Too many unimaginative autistic fags teach economics. An econ/lit voice would make a shit for brains undergrad like me happy

>> No.14409712

Yeah, because a guy who got shot will just stand there

>> No.14409793
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The study of aesthetics

>> No.14409942

For this situation to work, the capitalist needed to be standing in the board in the first place. Hence capitalism gives way to socialism. Thank you

>> No.14409994

neoclassical economics is garbage, phd learns really nothing new but pseudo maths. but if you want to make money waving dick around...

>> No.14410116

Would studying Marx help me make profits?

>> No.14411364
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of coursh!

>> No.14411941

All societies larger than an extended family are like this, the question is to what degree

>> No.14411974

He literally says most societies have a redistributive goal, at least partially, that came from the postwar consensus. Please anon, focus