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File: 139 KB, 1197x665, Get a skill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14399412 No.14399412[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Literature which refutes this? How much of this is true?

>> No.14399455

holy shit this is not funny

>> No.14399475

>Get a skill
Vīta brevis,
ars longa,
occāsiō praeceps,
experīmentum perīculōsum,
iūdicium difficile.

>> No.14399490

Reminder that the only reason Sam is rich is because he took out tens of thousands in debt and put it all on bitcoin.

>> No.14399497

>Put time into learning a skill

Wow, very hot potato I'm sure there's heaps of literature challening this crazy claim

>> No.14399499

>a youtuber telling people to wagecuck

>> No.14399512

t. put hundreds of hours into some shitty video game

>> No.14399523

he wants his viewers to work so he can take more of their money

>> No.14399591

The only somewhat funny thing this guy has done is the tedtalk one.

>> No.14399652

i hope your family member dies of cancer on this christmas you swine

>> No.14399893

>this guy
Imagine pretending not to know who Sam Hyde is

>> No.14400025

is that supposed to be bad?

>> No.14400428

Imagine getting upset because someone on 4chan didn't address your favourite e-celeb with the respect you think he deserves.

>> No.14400500

who cares...hyde takes his entire style from tim and eric and his jokes are all rehashed pol and tv jokes...theres no reason to pay him any attention, just browse 4chan instead

>> No.14400564

Wasn't supposed to be.
That, the Japanese panel speech, the Comic nerds video and one other video with him talking with other guys giving advice but I forgot the name.

>> No.14400687

No, but that just means he has no right to tell anyone the virtues of hard work and experience.

>> No.14400715


>> No.14400757

Proof he's wealthy?

>> No.14400778

>you cant learn a new skill after 28
Maybe if by skill you mean being a plumber or some shit. Otherwise, thats retarded. Even if someone stays in the same indistry (unlikely), the function of their job at age 25 vs 35 is 100% different. Are poor people really this isolated?

>> No.14400810

his vertical phone vids

>> No.14400814

His best video is the 30 for 30 with the drinking cheap lambrusco guy in BKLYN

>> No.14400818

feels like he doesn't know himself at all and takes out his rage on other people.

regardless, vid is painfully unfunny.

>> No.14400823

das kapital

>> No.14400901


>> No.14400909


>> No.14400919

OP rekt

>> No.14400945

fucking hell sam stop trying to be my dad you fat kike

>> No.14400963

>I generally tell people to stop doing something creative and to do something more practical instead
what the fuck is the point if you're not doing what you want to lmao what cuckery

>> No.14401008

Simple, you just take free time out of your day (or week) to whatever passions/hobbies you may have outside of your given trade.

>b-but I want to dedicate ALL of my time to my personal passion/hobby, regardless if I don't get a single dime out of it
That's life, buddy. Either you adapt accordingly like the adult you (supposedly) are & realize that you've got to find ways to make ends meet in order to have a roof over your head, or you rely on mommy and/or daddy for survival, and remain a NEET indefinitely, only to find yourself a homeless, helpless, underachieving loser.

>> No.14401036

no offense but this post truly reeks of autism. i never said that you should dedicate all your time to your hobby, rather, my point was that you shouldn't drop your hobby in favor of doing something you don't want to do just because some crusty washed up internet comedian tells you to

>> No.14401094

charls was the brains behind anything funny this guy ever did

>> No.14401098


>> No.14401101

Go back to /tv/.

>> No.14401109
File: 257 KB, 516x526, 1409630808061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. reddit

>> No.14401127

>All comments made in this video are purely satirical and for comedic/entertainmet purposes only.

Yeah, this feels sad to me. Especially since the poster being responded to is saying to take the free time from a "given trade" and then "adapt accordingly." What does that mean exactly, especially in the context of already having a job? I wonder when I can actually read a novel.

Had a good deal of artists, writers, scientists, and so on kept to the script of "that's life, buddy" much of what we discuss on this board would have never come to fruition. This vid and "philosophy" is joyless, emotionless drivel Art and knowledge need joyful, directed attention with long digestive periods in between.

>> No.14401199

>art school graduate entertainer fellating his "blue collar" viewer base
What a sham

>> No.14401219
File: 72 KB, 221x449, mishima.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking hell this guy is fucking HILARIOUS

>> No.14401260

Wow. He's actually fucking right.

>> No.14401266

I honestly like Sam Hyde.
Is there any way I can watch his content without giving him money ?
He can't honestly expect shit from third-worlders let's be honest.
I know there's some stuff on bitchute.

>> No.14401290

love that memory

>> No.14401314

I am a scholar of sketch comedy. The Dinner Party, the 3 Breakups, and Officer Maggot are all very funny. And The Man Who Would Never Be What They Made Him to be is also very good.

>> No.14401321
File: 87 KB, 1242x1394, 1576115125570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>much of what we discuss on this board would have never come to fruition
And that's a good thing.

>> No.14401339

Did anyone else used to love Sam but not find him funny anymore? I've been thinking for awhile that he's changed, become more caricature-like and angry since losing his deal with AS, but I'm starting to wonder if he's always been this unfunny. Maybe he could hide behind the irony better when he was young and full of potential, or maybe I've just grown up. But I was one of the most die-hard MDE fans for years and every time I watch modern Sam I just feel sad and empty.

>> No.14401342

How ironic is it that Sam is telling his incel cult fanbase about how to be a real man and have skills when the only reason he can survive is making video content that only his fans find entertaining or valuable?

This guy was a loser NEET, then he got his break, and then he lost it because he couldn't contain his autism and was shitposting nazi stuff everywhere. Now he wants to act like he has sagelike wisdom. The only people who could unironically listen to this coming from him are already so fucked in life there is not any hope for them.

>> No.14401364


>> No.14401745

shill post. hi 1team fags

>> No.14401752


>> No.14401792

>can't learn a new skill past 30
nope, that's cope from losers who couldn't put in the effort so they say it's impossible
>lift weights!!!
literally him projecting his own desire for himself to lose weight and get fit onto other people and saying it's the best course of action to motivate himself.

he's only correct in the stuff that's involuntary and he can't be mistaken about. the reasons why and the underlying stuff is way off.

>> No.14402294

This board is inhabited by disgusting people. Sam gives solid advice that you should listen to. I've grown to despise "creative types" like most of you on this board. You act like faggots. Fucking effeminate, whiny little bitches. You will all fail in life. Go suck a dick.

>> No.14402487
File: 43 KB, 606x406, you're here forever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok boomer

>> No.14402498

He's literally lost thousands of dollars on Bitcoin, he got rich from video editing, his adult swim contract even though he was terminated, and merch / subscriptions. Funny guy does not equal crypto guru

>> No.14402499

nazis can go die i dont give a shit

>> No.14402578

I only watch charls these days because he understands the approach needed now. Sam makes me feel like he's trying to drag me down with him into his embittered world view.

>> No.14402624
File: 22 KB, 266x406, Screwtape Letters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd reccomend the Screwtape letters as a wakeup call.
Sam is arguing about increasing your happiness in the world. What he doesn't realize is that the world is a means and not an end. First figure out how to save your eternal soul from damnation before entrenching yourself into getting good at a profitable skill.

>> No.14402875

You're even worse

>> No.14402907

When did he become a boomer both physically and mentally? He looks like he's about 60.

>> No.14402913


>> No.14402922

But you’re here posting, and imagine taking Sam Hyde seriously.

>> No.14402926

That's the appeal, dummy. Sam rules.

>> No.14402960

Sure Sam

>> No.14402976

>This guy was a loser NEET

>> No.14403186
File: 729 KB, 1202x1856, 1566283137052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14403190

I liked that video, some nice advice from Sam Hyde who is a good comedian among other things

But this is an off topic thread so shame on you OP

>> No.14404286

anyone have a mega of the newer HW? i have a lot to catch on

>> No.14404588

he's unironically right

>> No.14404592

Matt McCusker > Nick Mullen > Shane Gillis >>>>> Sam Hyde

>> No.14405288

It's a joke you dense faggot

>> No.14405305

Be well, Sam :)

>> No.14405367

he didn't address the part where you are good at something but cannot market yourself

>> No.14405414
File: 758 KB, 1280x720, tonys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

>> No.14405521

He's right and it terrifies me

>> No.14405550

when I first heard of mde I thought they were making fun of extremely online alt-righters and I liked them for that. the truth is a lot less funny.

>> No.14405599

The first thing I ever saw from Sam or MDE was "I'm a Alien" which made me a fan instantly.
I thought the TEDx talk was great, as well as An Inconvenient Anime, even Ideas Man, but it really started going downhill as they got more and more blatant with their alt-right sympathies.

Sam's content for the past several years has been pure garbage and it seems pretty clear that the majority of the genius behind MDE wasn't coming from him.

>> No.14405618

do you actually think he makes money on this shit? the paywall is so he can sort of break even.

>> No.14405700

I feel the same way. I was actually surprised that Sam got caught up in the political crossfire cause I always saw him as a more independent thinker.

>> No.14405709

he’s just so aimless and washed up at this point, and mde’s ”moment” is entrenched in such a particular time and place. it’s like late period r.e.m. or something

>> No.14405716

nigga you’re on a literature board, what the hell did u expect

>> No.14406340
File: 124 KB, 551x378, Screenshot_20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this faggot just cured my existential crisis.
>muh vidya hours
oh noez

>> No.14406561

can't believe retards want advice from Sam "all of my life has been a mistake" Hyde of all people

>> No.14406598

>he's walking around saying /pol/ redpill shit "ironically"
>he's looking into a camera saying "you can't learn anything new later in life. get a skill and lift weights"
break even on what exactly? he's uploading shit to youtube and talking into a camera

>> No.14406622

The lift weights part is funny coming from someone who owes his stature to steroids. You could tell when he's on a cycle

>> No.14406664

bitchute silverware

>> No.14407638

happy for you anon, drop video games and realize the immortality of your soul. it's not too late yet.

>> No.14407648

what did u do for 11,000 hrs in gmod??

>> No.14407671

I agree with you. We live in the age of soft effeminante søybois. You don't have to like Sam but he still give good advice even if you aspire to be SJW, self-hating, 40 year old, cereal eating, vidya playing, virtue cuck.

>> No.14407680

play with other anons