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14399006 No.14399006[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

you ever reply to your own posts pretending to be someone else to start an argument/discussion?

>> No.14399008


>> No.14399013

Haha... can you imagine doing that haha... and changing your IP lol so it changes the unique poster count lmao

>> No.14399014

No, but I reply to random posts with 'have sex' and 'dilate'.

>> No.14399016

I prefer to respond to anons as if I were the person they were talking to.

>> No.14399035

Exactly what I do. And i can do it an unlimited amount of times by turning on and off airplane mode and using my data plan

>> No.14399229


>> No.14399235


>> No.14399246

No, I'm not a faggot

>> No.14399256

You can have real conversations here. Why would you do that?

>> No.14399265


>> No.14399306
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Sometimes people dont reply to me

>> No.14399326

If i want to know something about an author/philosopher then i just make a post with things i know are wrong but not blatantly wrong, in order to get someone to correct me. You have to understand that /lit/izens dont want to help people, but they love to act like smartasses

>> No.14399338

When I'm in the middle of an argument with an anon I just reply to myself while pretending to be him and I say something stupid. Then he's all like "THAT WASNT ME BRO, THAT WAS SOMEONE ELSE. PLEASE BELIEVE ME!" Fucking kek. It's an instant BTFO in any debate, and there's no way to counter it. Maybe somebody could counter it by imitating me, and we can reverse roles in the debate, but would it be a stalemate? How could you progress at that point?

>> No.14399347

that's the best part of 4chan
sometimes threads get huge and I'm less miserable knowing that I contributed like a tear in the rain

>> No.14399363

i'm gonna be honest with you anon, about half the posts on this board are mine, every time you reply to someone, there's a 1/2 chance it's me shitposting
i have a botnet army of residential ip addresses and run scripts to post things at different times (look out for posts that don't specifically mention anything related to the thread, or are replying to someone long after the original post has been made, most of those are me), i change my typing style around, i also occasionally invent tripcode identities just to spice things up a bit (most of the tripcode users on this site have been me, including some that have been very popular here recently). i have a stock repertoire of basic threads (like i've got at least fifty about infinite jest, although guenon is my latest favorite) and stock replies to them that i post on a timer so it looks like there's organic discussion. i've got a script that runs posts through a neural network classifier i fed with example posts from the archive to determine if a post is based or cringe, and another one that just posts it at random. due to my vast influence on the shape of discourse on this board, roughly 3/4ths of the board culture is spawned from my own passing interest in books i've read, i come up with memes and then run scripts to post them incessantly until other anons pick it up and start doing it too, then i pull back a little bit and let them go at it. for example, like i mentioned earlier, my latest interest is in the work of rene guenon, so i've been posting threads and replies about him quite a bit, although less lately now that others have started following suit
i don't get paid or anything to do it, i just have a bit of a god complex and love sitting in the shadows, pulling strings and watching to see how others react to it. nobody's ever even suspected that most of the posters here are robots, much less that they're operated by me in particular. the only reason i'm even typing all of this is because i know none of you will believe me anyway, so why not eat my cake and have it too by bragging about it as well? it's not like any of you can stop me, even if you wanted to
anyway, i hope you like guenon, i'm only halfway through initiation and spiritual realization so you'll probably be seeing a lot more of him until i move on to something else

>> No.14399379

Sometimes I reply to a thread and then it dies.

>> No.14399428

Honestly I really do believe this. I have a God complex too and this is something I would do. I would brag about it too.

>> No.14399433

Very intelligent thing to do. It's a guarentee to get an answer.

>> No.14399437
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Sometimes I wait all day just for one anon to reply to something I posted.

>> No.14399439

Prove it

>> No.14399441

Not today.

>> No.14399449


>> No.14399452


>> No.14399482
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It has happened with every single anon, bro. Don't lose faith

>> No.14399491

>i have a botnet army of residential ip addresses
at least learn to paragraph, you fuck

>> No.14399501

Sometimes I get erect talking to anons.

>> No.14399508

read fanfiction

>> No.14399516

Kek, knowing this site I believe it.

>> No.14399530

>read fanfiction
Between you and me?

>> No.14399541

I do the exact same tbqh.

>> No.14399544

I can just tell this girl has a nice pussy.

>> No.14399550


>> No.14399744


>> No.14399771


>> No.14399784

In some threads I'm the only person posting for the five initial posts or so.

>> No.14399863

I'm not that fucking autistic, so no. Not once, in all the time I've been using the internet, have I ever done something so truly pathetic.

>> No.14399875

Masturbate before posting.

>> No.14399918


>> No.14399928

>for the five initial posts
bro that's too much

>> No.14399949

more often than not I'll do it because I set-up a joke but nobody else took it

>> No.14399973

I'm just enough of a paranoid freak to believe everything you say.

>> No.14399996

pure and goldpilled

>> No.14400033

have sex

>> No.14400037
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>get into argument that you know you're losing
>backing down will shatter your already shattered ego even further into dust
>relentlessly and swiftly internet research topic of debate, trying to find flaw in anon's argument
>find it
>use phone data to pretend to be another anon
>reply with "eh, not him but I've actually studied this field at graduate level. I can tell you're a LARPing amateur on account of..."
>if anon you're debating with is indeed LARPing, they back down
>if they're not, you reset your IP several times, each time pretending to be the anon you're debating, eventually leaving the entire thread in complete disarray with nobody knowing who is who.
I've spent literally whole nights doing this shit.

>> No.14400045

lmao, study more so you don't embarrass yourself in debates
you can't do this shit in real life

>> No.14400059


>> No.14400066
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>post thread
>nobody replies
>pretend to be another anon to bump thread
>make it a mocking shitpost so nobody suspects it's OP
>everyone finds the shitpost funny and spends the entire thread off topic shitposting

>> No.14400068

lol what a faggot

>> No.14400075

have sex

>> No.14400085


>> No.14400095

just accept you dont know anything faggot.
you're not perfect
just say "damn, you win. i'm going to have to take the time and read more on this myself"
it's not that hard