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/lit/ - Literature

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14398122 No.14398122 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on scandinavian languages. Which one should I learn? Icelandic seems the most based to me and it has the Sagas. Norwegian seems to have the best modern literature, and I'd like to try Finnish just for how batshit crazy it is.


>> No.14398708
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>> No.14398795
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Icelandic is the nicest sounding and has the coolest alphabet as well as the best literature, both modern and ancient.
Finnish is the most unique and has some interesting albeit niche stuff most notably the Kalevala but is also the most difficult to learn.
Swedish/Danish/Norwegian are just snow german but from that bunch Sweden has definitely produced the largest amount of valuable art

>> No.14398839

Thanks anon. Are you Scandinavian yourself? Any favourite Icelandic lit?

>> No.14398998
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Other than the Eddas and various other medieval sagas, modern authors that blow any other contemporary nordic writer out of the water imho are Halldór Laxness and Hallgrímur Helgason.
I'm Finnish although Finland is not technically part of Scandinavia.
Ackshually Norway/Sweden/Denmark are the core Scandinavian countries, and sometimes Iceland is included too. If you want to refer to Finland too the accurate term would be Nordic countries.

>> No.14399017

Norwegian and Old Norse, then do Icelandic. This is the best method.

>> No.14399026
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alrite thanks fren

>> No.14399080
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Using opportunity to post sinuhe.

>> No.14399859

Reasoning behind this?

>> No.14401381
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Swedish seems to me to have the largest amount of good literature; however norwegian is generally easier to learn for english-speaking persons. Finnish is cool but difficult and narrow in literature. Disregard islandic and faroese – they are memes. The most important thing however, is that you stay far the fuck away from anything danish.

t. Finn-swede

>> No.14402700

>stay far the fuck away from anything danish