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/lit/ - Literature

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14397577 No.14397577 [Reply] [Original]

What’s in your December reading, /lit/?

>> No.14397587
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>> No.14397774

Just finished 100 Years of Solitude, currently reading Moby-Dick and Neuromancer.

>> No.14398101

Currently: As I Lay Dying
Next: Go Down, Moses or Speak, Memory

>> No.14398131

Based choice. Currently going through Neuromancer myself. Trying to read some old work so I won't be uncultured

>> No.14398166
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Finally finished Plato (or what I need to) so I'll read a couple of Aristotle's works (ethics and politics, maybe metaphysics) before finally heading on to Rome.

>> No.14399384

Islam and the destiny of man by gai eaton

>> No.14399496
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Probably going to be my January reading too

based schizo toiletries

>> No.14399520
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>> No.14399533
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I've been reading this since the Summer. If I finish it before the end of the year it will be a miracle.

>> No.14399660

Cute hand. Post more and/or feet

>> No.14399703
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>> No.14399732
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kinda stole this from a prop bookshelf a few days ago. i'm also reading crime and punishment which i really like. i've never read dostoevsky before and i really like him so far.

>> No.14399820

>stole this from a prop bookshelf
>i'm also reading crime and punishment
Here's hoping Raskolnikov's suffering inspires you to confess your own crime and turn your life around.

>> No.14399931

is this the first edition cover?

>> No.14399981

Tbk is the best refutation of fedoras. It pre emptively refuted Guenon.

>> No.14400035
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>National Bestseller
Of course not. It's the 10th anniversary edition. (It's also the 10th printing of that edition, if you were wondering) Interesting comparison of the two covers: for the first edition, DAVID FOSTER WALLACE is more clearly visible than INFINITE JEST, suggesting his name is the selling point, while by 2006 the selling point was clearly INFINITE JEST and Wallace's name is much smaller.

>> No.14400057

working my way through Shakespeare, presently on Romeo and Juliet. planning on reading King Lear next

>> No.14400074

Boring? Or just long

>> No.14400087

gonna read the shakesmeister myself next year (along with the pynchmeister and the dostmeister).
Are you reading The Sonnets, Venus and Adonis, and Rape of Lucrece as well?

>> No.14400102
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>> No.14400106


>> No.14400109

You. >>14399660

>> No.14400120

How do you "kinda steal" something fucking dumb ass

>> No.14400165
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It's decent desu

>> No.14400192

technically not my property, but no one would ever notice it was gone

>> No.14400202

The word kinda is fucking stupid looking in a grammatical sense in that sentence. "I KINDA STOLE IT BRO" you stole it, that’s what you literally did, why would you say kinda?

>> No.14400211

not them, but because it probably didn't belong to anyone? props belong to the collective

>> No.14400545

How is it?

>> No.14400558

The Count of Monte Cristo.

>> No.14400794
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>> No.14400819
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Here’s what I got

>> No.14400887

Cool edition

My reads:
>Confedaracy of Dunces
>Rings of Saturn

>> No.14400904
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Just wrapping up part 3

>> No.14402112

Reading de Sade's Justine. Surprisingly good. I went to my library few days ago to ask whether they have anything by de Sade (it's a pretty small town library, I usually don't find what I'm looking for). They said that they did have his books, but they decided to throw them out. Pretty fucked up for a library. I had to go to another city to check with their library and lo and behold, they do have one of his books.

>> No.14402405
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>> No.14402699

it's good. I hate to use a meme buzzword but its genuinely very comfy, it's a nice book to read through the winter (I just read the Christmas chapter too). Plot/action-wise, there's not a lot that necessarily "happens", mostly people walking around talking and being ill, but i find it very compelling and easy to read.

>> No.14402732

Kundera - Farewell Waltz

Would recommend

>> No.14403810

The Trip to Echo Spring by Olivia Laing

Really good book exploring why so many of America's greatest writers were also massive alcoholics. Laing is damn good at turning a phrase, herself.

>> No.14404184

The idea of hegel's logic, Stanley Rosen
The logic of science
Hannibal, Serge Lancel
Truth and method, Gadamer
focusing on the first three then I'll read either gadamer or thoreau once I'm finished with Hannibal

>> No.14404227
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Just finished this. Highly recommended to all, especially Christian anons.

>> No.14404268

the fuck

>> No.14404289 [SPOILER] 
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i hate my life

>> No.14404362
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>> No.14404366
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>> No.14404392

How is the book anon?

>> No.14404738

Its unbelievably well written. Uwe is always introducing new ways to express the flows of conversations and stories. The story itself is good, but I prefer the 1960s portion of the book to the 40s Germany. The book meanders and begins to lose its way a bit in book 3. The chapters start to get longer and really get into the minutiae of small town politics in Soviet occupied Mecklenburg

>> No.14404894
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>> No.14404986
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>> No.14405182
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I'am like 20 pages in and i have no clue what's going on or what the point of the story is. It literally just feels like his vagely describing a bunch of dreams he had from memory. Also she seems to REALLY like cats for some reason.

>> No.14405216
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handing out redpills like candy in halloween