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14395296 No.14395296[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is life suffering?

>> No.14395327
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It's whatever you want it to be, bro, it's all in your head

>> No.14395331

he has a gf, i never had one, really makes you think

>> No.14395332

this but unironically

>> No.14395335

anon, why
why why

>> No.14395337

because of faggots who make off-topic threads

>> No.14395340

where was the father when the doctors were deciding to end the young mans life or not?

>> No.14395341

Life is bound to the laws of the Universe like everything else and entropy is unavoidable at every level; personal to societal; molecular to cosmic

>> No.14395343

Karma, we're in a quasi purgatory

>> No.14395356

I think missing one hand is the most annoying thing. Sure shitting in a bag on your belly,no sex and no walking is harsh, but there are so many activities you are robbed of by missing a hand.

>> No.14395357

Someone send this image to Sarah Perry. She'll have a heart attack.

>> No.14395360

what is his ig

>> No.14395363

this guy probably has a better life than you. i can tell by his hair and attitude. he cares enough to make it work. you mope and post on 4chan. he doesn't want your pity. even without a penis 2 legs and a forearm this guy mogs you.

>> No.14395365
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>all in your head

>> No.14395369


>> No.14395373

here anon

>> No.14395374
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>> No.14395378

>>>14395296 (OP)
>Karma, we're in a quasi purgatory

>It's whatever you want it to be, bro, it's all in your head

This are both true. Karma makes us delusional and makes us think life is sufference when it is not reality. Bhakti, Karma, Jnana and Raja will resolve this problem.

>> No.14395386

Why does he have a pair of secateurs near his neck? I thought they were gardening tools?

>> No.14395432


>> No.14395440

Shouldn't they euthanize him? It's not much of a life

>> No.14395443

how can you ask that while posting something that completly refutes it? that man has NO penis, shits in a BAG and will never be able to spend a whole day without needing help of some kind again but he's STILL smiling because he knows being happy is a choice. your life is so vastly better than his that the things that come easiest to you are his most unrealistic fantasies any you have the gall to complain? looking at that picture should fill you with shame at having taken every day of your life for granted.

>> No.14395445

Real answer? Because the universe is built on suffering.

>> No.14395459

Because God hates us all.

>> No.14395484

because people believe themselves to be anything more than slightly more sophisticated apes and like to mix up the laws of their internalized world of ideas and nature.

>> No.14395496

I’m sure that smile will last

>> No.14395752

haha books for this feel

>> No.14395760


ah yes because your life is better then others you aren't allowed to feel sad :)

>> No.14395810


jesus christ just kill me at this point

>> No.14395837

Because of the Supreme Being's power of maya

>> No.14395844

hes on hard drugs retard, otherwise he would be begging for euthanasia

>> No.14395853

Pretty much, yes

>> No.14395854
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a challenger appears

>> No.14395860
File: 123 KB, 393x222, 2021ec2dff7a60a2b4d4a6bd6e39670f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and all you sad fucks should know he has a beautiful wife and a child
as he says, what's your excuse?

>> No.14395864

at least he has a dick and balls the other is TOTALLY fucked

>> No.14395874

because human nature is inherently evil. if we could overcome our evil nature, life could be good for everyone

>> No.14395879

OP is deciding for someone else if life is worth living. He's using an example of someone he doesn't even know to justify his own miserable feelings. So, let me understand you, it's ok for OP to be a snide little prick about the value of another's life to justify being a self-indulgent pussy, but not ok for the other anon to call him out? You seem like a.little crybaby bitch, too.

>> No.14395903

>no need to worry about women
>no need to worry about looks
>no need to wageslave
>has a hand to write
>isn’t retarded (let’s assume)

Sounds good to me.

>> No.14395911



>> No.14395957

>i am my balls and dick

>> No.14395960

this but unironically

>> No.14395992

Dunno about you but he would be the perfect bf for an assexual like me

>> No.14395999


>> No.14396044

>i had to wait for 10-15 minutes before they could lift the fork lift off me
>it crushed every bone from my pelvis down
>my crushed arm was lying right next to me
>i was conscious the whole time
sweet baby christmas crackers

>> No.14396050

Whats going on here?

>> No.14396071

So true. I spend most of my days imagining I am Samuel L jackson from Pulp fiction (because I really liked the cinematography) or imagine I am Edward Norton from Fight club and I make very vivid and colourful images of me living in a beautiful farm outdoors in the middle of nowhere all alone posting on the internet and it gives me extreme serenity and euphoria.

>> No.14396076

He can still watch porn, or anything for that matter, and listen to music. He can also smoke and drink, probably fuck if he has money and a penis. He can still do drugs, eat when hungry etc.

>> No.14396087

This shit has nothing to do on /lit/

>> No.14396090

Life is what you make of it. Suffering must be let go to attain Buddha way.

>> No.14396121

> fastforward 2022
> ethical state crushed by yellow wave, chinese consume their own leaders in extasy
> with regulations and restrictions lifted, we enter singularity instantly
> this man gets augmented exolegs with monster dick

>> No.14396148

Do Americans really do this?

>> No.14396173

At least he wasn't incel lol

>> No.14396178

Schizo moment

>> No.14396230

He must eat her out like a buzzsaw

>> No.14396237

gonna cry?

>> No.14396249


>> No.14396253

Pain is a particularly effective biological signal. There are more things that can go wrong to the body than can go right. Therefore the possibility space for pain is greater than pleasure. Given that probability supervenes on possibility it is therefore more common to experience pain than pleasure. Even too much pleasure results in pain, as from overindulgence in food, overdrinking, etc.

>> No.14396266

She must have been with him before the accident and then stayed with him out of a sense of moral duty. Leaving probably would have shattered him. Good girl.

>> No.14396695

>being happy is a choice.
>Muh choice. Muh freedom. Muh bootstraps.

In the land of Burgerstinia's grim camps, haunted by the image of a cosmos topped by a deity from which Smug Frog and his kin descend, there is no such thing as innate differences of temperament, depth to life's dice. (That is unless throwing a tribal tantrum, or inflaming a feud.) Of course the notion appeals most to those who are imprisoned for life in a foul mood that cramps the imagination and kills frolic regardless of circumstance, fortune, or the foresight to modify surroundings for creature comfort--as opposed to modifying oneself to suit nature's inclement ways, as the awkward persist in doing. Not that I blame these inept gardeners, these dogs of artless rant and sick plot, for the hellish fate unfolding from their seed bitched, if you will, far beneath sunny canopies. I too would endlessly equivocate about the matter of temperament if so conceived--to abhor reflection, flop at lyric flight, conjure sinister spooks, fall into the rut of rustling sans-comic jimmies via electromechanical prick, and invert the logic of speaking from experience, or making an essay in the manner of it--a felt image too amiable to convey by lesser means--the storyteller's fluent form--the poet's high tranquillity in face of things gone terribly wrong. It's no more chosen or earned than Chad's bones were, and the most there is to do about is ponder less vexing matters, maybe something STEM, stellar flaming ramparts, stirring architecture.

>> No.14396876

Is this no-fap-for-life challenge?

>> No.14396948
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I've seen a guy who was missing his left forearm from amniotic band syndrome. He was physically normal otherwise. He looked similar to me. He had the same sad look in his eyes. I knew he thought the same thing about me with the way he looked at me.

>> No.14397026

This. Fuck living like that.

>> No.14397060

Suffering is good.

>> No.14397067


>> No.14397183

volatile creation and decline of energy is the universal rule. this rule is reflected in people and being smart enough to appreciate the beauty of this process is going to break your heart. borges said the best part of writing was the writing process itself and not the completed work.

>> No.14397236

I’m not a charismatic fleshlight

>> No.14397252

>God is totally rea-