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14394486 No.14394486 [Reply] [Original]

All I have seen him do is complain. I have never heard him praise any other person's work. He always has gripes with everything except for his own work. Does he really expect me to believe everyone is wrong except himself?

>> No.14394491

>Does he really expect me to believe everyone is wrong except himself?
yes actually

>> No.14394494

He likes Rudolf Rocker. Read.

>> No.14394548

how can one man be wrong on so many topics yet idolized by many in academic circles? the few things that he gets right, he's right by accident.

>> No.14394569

Other than the Khmer Rouge (regrettable) name one thing he was wrong about

>> No.14394574

>All I have seen him do is complain.
Whereas 4channers like yourself are focused purely on expressing love for your elders?

>I have never heard him praise any other person's work.
Then you haven't heard him. He's a fan of many many scholars' work.

>He always has gripes with everything except for his own work.

>Does he really expect me to believe everyone is wrong except himself?
I get how you might feel that way, but there are solid factual sources that he relies on. If the passion with which he speaks upsets you, I suggest you read what he is reading and try to keep sociopathically calm like Pete Buttigieg does.

>> No.14394575

I'm not OP nor anyone in this thread but how was he wrong about Khmer Rouge? https://chomsky.info/20090327/
I haven't seen one decent response to this yet.

>> No.14394585

He's a nutcase conspiracy theorist. There's literally a page on his website arguing that operation paperclip proves the nazis won wwii.

>> No.14394588


>> No.14394592

Doesn't that describe most philosophers though?

>> No.14394601

What's actually impressive about this crusty old hebe? It seems like the praise he receives is function of the libertarian left's lack of public intellectuals and his sheer prolificacy. Seems very forced and manufactured.

>> No.14394619

>how can one man be wrong on so many topics
>He's a nutcase conspiracy theorist.
^ Get a load of these neolib shitbags who insist on deploying working class tax revenue to fund random foreign wars half way around the world. After all, transnational corporations must make a profit, right? Fuck the middle class and anyone who lives off a paycheck, right?

>> No.14394624

He was retroactively refuted by Lenin.

>> No.14394627

Great bait m8 I r8 8/8

>> No.14394636

Jesus that's a long as read, do you mind showing me where this statement is justified,
>His defenders, meanwhile, limit their collections of quotes to Chomsky's disclaimers and qualifiers, conveniently ignoring the underlying theme of his articles: that Khmer Rouge Cambodia was not nearly as bad as the regime's detractors claimed.
Because Chomsky has already addressed this exact claim in a very direct manner after Zizek accused him of the same thing.

>Žižek cites nothing, but he is presumably referring to joint work of mine with Edward Herman in the ’70s (Political Economy of Human Rights) and again a decade later in Manufacturing Consent, where we review and respond to the charges that Žižek apparently has in mind. In PEHR we discussed a great many illustrations of Herman’s distinction between worthy and unworthy victims. The worthy victims are those whose fate can be attributed to some official enemy, the unworthy ones are the victims of our own state and its crimes. The two prime examples on which we focused were Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge and the Indonesian invasion of East Timor in the same years. A long chapter is devoted to each. These are very telling examples: comparable atrocities, in the same region, in the same years. Victims of the Khmer Rouge are “worthy victims,” whose fate can be blamed on an enemy. The Timorese are “unworthy victims,” because we are responsible for their fate: the Indonesian invasion was approved by Washington and fully supported right through the worst atrocities, labeled “genocidal” by a later UN investigation, but with ample evidence right at the time, as we documented. We showed that in both cases there was extraordinary lying, on a scale that would have impressed Stalin, but in opposite directions: in the case of the KR vast fabrication of alleged crimes, recycling of charges after they were conceded to be false, ignoring of the most credible evidence, etc. In the case of ET, in contrast, mostly silence, or else denial.
c&c&c& https://chomsky.info/20130721/

>> No.14394679

>What's actually impressive about this crusty old hebe?
So basically, because of his Jewish ancestry, Chomsky should be ignored completely? Despite his anti-zionism, anti-capitalism, anti-communism.... he should be dismissed due to bloodline?

>It seems like the praise he receives is function of the libertarian left's lack of public intellectuals
Except no: most public intellectuals -- like most people in Western countries in general -- are economically left and culturally libertarian.

>> No.14394699

>So basically, because of his Jewish ancestry, Chomsky should be ignored completely? Despite his anti-zionism, anti-capitalism, anti-communism.... he should be dismissed due to bloodline?

I don't care about this thread or discussion and I'm not that anon but this is the gayest fucking misrepresentation I have seen on a while in this site. You are a dumb kike faggot bitch

>> No.14394708

>So basically, because of his Jewish ancestry, Chomsky should be ignored completely?
Where did I say this, schizo? My point still stands; Chomsky is as manufactured as the empires he purports to oppose.

>> No.14394711

Chomsky also has a habit of literally making things up. Here's one particularly blatant example
"Well, we’ve learned from the Russian archives that Britain and the U.S. then began supporting armies established by Hitler to hold back the Russian advance.”

>> No.14394712

>You are a dumb kike faggot bitch
Holy FUCK: project much faggot? Lmao.

>> No.14394721

I mean that happened and the article even acknowledges it, and instead opts to argue about intent

>> No.14394729

(It didn't happen)

>> No.14394731

Are you kidding? Did you support the 2003 invasion of Iraq? The fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.14394736
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congrats reddit your /lit/ invasion is complete time to conquer the next board.

>> No.14394741

Try reading actual history

>> No.14394745

Yes. Did you support Saddam Hussein remaining in power? What is wrong with you?

>> No.14394789

Saddam? Oh yes, great guy. Particularly loved the shark tank he had (Bond villain style) in which dissidents were gobbled up by the more alpha sharks. Of course, conflating Saddam's antics with grounds for invasion is absolutely key.

>> No.14394816

What’s he right about?

>> No.14394838

Pol Pot

>> No.14394840

I tried and could not be bothered to finish one of his books, is whinging about american foreign policy all he does?

>> No.14394870
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>if you find Chomsky's partisan misrepresentations of the truth odious you must be an evil neocon neoliberal who supports bush reagan thatcher iraq war global capital bhopal nazi genocide apologist!!!

>> No.14394889

he wasn't even wrong about that

>> No.14394909

Of course not, but that's one of the most important things that he 'whines' about.

>> No.14394965

the only thing he said wrong about the Khmer Rouge was that anything they did was unjustified.

>> No.14395516

Nothing worse than a self hating Heeb, constantly whiny and unsatisfied, worse than women, almost

>> No.14395525

He's probably the most obvious pseud out there 2bh.

>> No.14395637

It's called critique, anon.

>Mom found the universal grammar research
Oh fuck, it was an accident, I swear

>> No.14395936
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Funny how nobody has been able to give a proper answer to this. As a linguist, I can say that his generative theory of language features quite a few holes, but it’s almost meaningless to complain about them, since Chomky’s aim was to propose something in order to allow a conversation in the topic (I’m paraphrasing, but read Syntactic Structures and you’ll see something to this effect in the first pages). People get mad because they some feel you can’t ever speak so concretely on things and love calling him out for being wrong, but these are the kinds of people that are content with never defining anything and just presuming that everything is completely subjective, which is silly.

TL;DR He’s one of the most important thinkers, not because of what he was right on, but because of the license he gave us to think about things that are fundamental to the human experience. Anybody that has a cursory understanding of philosophy knows how many philosophers fall under this category.

>> No.14396064

>also has a very authoritarian personality and a tendency to use underhanded dirty tricks to come out ahead
Was Mussolini right about all anarchists just being butthurt dictators?

>> No.14396154


>> No.14396267

Yes, unironically this. Everyone who slanders him refuses to cite his actual work and instead just asks the reader to take it on faith that he's an idiot and a bad person who was wrong about everything. But no, don't read his extensive and well researched works. I'm convinced there are people here who are deliberately being dishonest for political purposes.

>> No.14396297

So? And have you even read all his work, you ADHD riddled retard

>> No.14396311
File: 7 KB, 300x300, uhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not wrong

>> No.14396317

Not incel for starters

>> No.14396324

That quote he has about how even caring about or looking at the evidence for race differences is itself racism is enough for me to consider him fundamentally intellectually dishonest.

>> No.14396325

A frail little tit with only one song in his throat.

>> No.14396327

Glad to hear you're so easily swayed

>> No.14396338

If he'll do it for one subject, he'll do it for others. I'm not interested in having to constantly figure out if he's lying.

>> No.14396379

Well as one of my professors told me at lunch after having been in the same research department as him back in the day. “He’s a pompous asshole that never once knew what he was talking about”.

She also told Heidegger to his face that he was just copying Hegel and the best thing he ever did was making his work too complex for anyone to ever understand. So I trust her opinions.

>> No.14396386

>even caring about or looking at the evidence for race differences is itself racism

I love how you fuckers have to twist his words to make him look bad.

>> No.14396389

He's a jew, of course he is. They all rely entirely on promotion in the media and by their colleagues as being the most brilliant person on earth. They did the same thing with Einstein. They also like to do it with those people they trot out for popsci documentaries.

>> No.14396412

>Look over here guys! The media! They're manufacturing consent!
>What do you mean these are educated by about 10 elite universities you stupid reactionary piece of shit! The cathedral isn't real it's the dirty capitalists I'm telling you
>What do you mean the irrelevance of lobbying is a well established fact in political economy?!
>What do you mean billionaires like Soros prefer to donate to NGOs and political activists?!!
Well /lit/?

>> No.14396437

>Surely people differ in their biologically determined qualities. The world would be too horrible to contemplate if they did not. But discovery of a correlation between some of these qualities is of no scientific interest and of no social significance, except to racists, sexists and the like. Those who argue that there is a correlation between race and IQ and those who deny this claim are contributing to racism and other disorders, because what they are saying is based on the assumption that the answer to the question makes a difference; it does not, except to racists, sexists and the like

He says this with a straight face while continuing to lament the state of black Americans. If it's impossible to even look at the possibility that they score lower on average for IQ then you simply have to attribute the disparity to white racism necessitating affrimative action and similar policies. So he says it's of no scientific interest or social significance, but it's in fact at the heart of one of the most contentious debates in American culture. It's extremely relevant.

The line 'only relevant to racists' is especially fucking weaselly. It is purposefully ambiguous, he's saying either that only hateful, irrational people looking for a reason to justify their hate would look at this evidence(obviously untrue as I pointed out its relevance above), or he's saying that only people who believe the races might be different...care about the evidence that the races might be different, a tautology. This conflation of believing the latter with the former under the one title 'racist' is constantly done by these dishonest charlatans. This way he can tar an entire field of inquiry with many very relevant implications by saying that the entire thing is only relevant to Cletus who just got done lynching a negro.

>> No.14396458

we need a movie called "nature you racist!" where bunch of ghetto niggers just go around shouting at forests, caves, waterfalls. etc for reparations

>> No.14396469

>has gripes with everything
As does any semi-intelligent person
Stop projecting

>> No.14396557

>uses the word Islamophobia to discredit critics of islam
>believes people are creative and cooperative by nature but capitalism and democratic government suppress it
>his work on language emphasizes people's desire to create and express ideas instead of the value of language for survival
>a fucking anarchist

>> No.14396581

>Try reading actual history
>links wiki article

>> No.14397135

are you denying that lend-lease exist? you got any academic sources that support his conspiracy theories?

>> No.14397144

Chomsky has a deep-seated hatred of normal people.

>> No.14397166

here's some actual work of chomsky where he completely made up a retarded conspiracy theory about the US supporting unspecified Nazi armies in WWII to win a debate about Iraq.