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1439372 No.1439372 [Reply] [Original]

So y'know, has anything big transpired in what, the past month or month-and-a-half or whatever?

Did any of you kill Tao Lin?
Is Brax still the horrible, oppressive emperor and D&E the one chosen to destroy her/him?
Is there a big new (but actually not new just newly appreciated) author for the beginning of 2k11?
Have you made anything to equal that bird poetry thread?

>> No.1439376

wow, and I hoped you had died in a chinese prison...

>> No.1439400

Surprisingly similar fate, as it happens, so don't be too disappointed. Tonight though I'm very bored so I wanted to check in.

>> No.1439499


>Surprisingly similar fate

I'm intrigued.

>> No.1439502

Holy shit where have you been

>> No.1439530

what happened?? :o

>> No.1439551

It isn't that interesting. I just made the mistake of getting a girlfriend so now I spend my days being brow-beaten and not drinking.
Where have I been? I've been missing you, cute stuff. >>1439530
I happened. You happened. Everything happened and there was nothing any of us could do about it.

>> No.1439557
File: 180 KB, 800x600, Deal With It Nerd OC..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id any of you kill Tao Lin?
>no but there is a video of him on youtube on a cooking program where he is shown to be the autistic he is

Is Brax still the horrible, oppressive emperor and D&E the one chosen to destroy her/him?
>he's still a cunt but has resorted to pathetic avatar fagging in more desperate attempts for attention
Is there a big new (but actually not new just newly appreciated) author for the beginning of 2k11?
>not really, some people are getting excited about the last book from ASOIAF though, it's coming out soon
Have you made anything to equal that bird poetry thread?
>it wasn't even archived (mods at 4chanarchive must have rejected it) so no, not really although we have some more funny threads on there now

hi btw

>> No.1439569

Brownbear, you're solid like Stephanie Meyer's calves must be. Hi, and thanks for the comprehensive update.

>> No.1439596


>Just like it has been for the past five years eh? (ASOIF)

>> No.1439619


What are some of the most common misconceptions about Tao Lin (you don't have to answer that in the third person btw)?
>Maybe that I'm a vegan

>> No.1439631

Aww mang, no youtubes up in here.

also, BB, dat sum GTO? Props to you on that. Made me nostalgia p hard.

>> No.1439644


thanks man, gotta love dem thighs


fuck yeah! no one else ever gets it :( makes me feel old

>> No.1439654

I preferred cromartie high school

>> No.1439662

Alright well it's bedtime. Good to know all's well back here. If the gf is actually pissed off enough to dump me instead of just staying the night at her place, I'll be back on the regular to shit up the board. Ciao.

>> No.1439675


>> No.1439688

Man Babycakes is so freakin' cool

Loves me some Brad Neely