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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/lit/ - Literature

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14392352 No.14392352 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14392360

And we still frequent this board... How about leaving forever?

>> No.14392364
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>> No.14392365

its literally just one person flooding the board and shit jannies dont do anything about it

>> No.14392366

Cue the single person on the board who unironically believes "this place is better without mods bro, stop being a fag and trying to get me banned for relentlessly spamming the catalog with worthless threads for months on end!!!"

>> No.14392370

This is a good thing

>> No.14392378

This is all done by a single retard, and you're falling for it.

>> No.14392384

>falling for it
Is it worse to fall for it or fall for a website where something like this is allowed? I say you're cucked like everyone else.

>> No.14392391

Quit posting the retarded edited one

>> No.14392406

mods should just ban any OP mentioning guenon, it's time to fight back

>> No.14392409

still better than "wahhhhh i dont have gf" and "wahhhhh i have depression and anxiety" threads

>> No.14392412
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gay. this is a retarded edit.
here's the original

>> No.14392413

We need an incursion of post modern neo Marxism just to even things out

>> No.14392419

no we just need jannies to do their job, this is clearly spam.

>> No.14392421

You make a good point anon, I am very much willing to admit that I am indeed pathetic to still be here. I'm 25 and this place is 90% teens, I'm slowly losing touch and this is a good thing.

>> No.14392429

offtopic threads are the best threads retard. Go back to reeeeddit

>> No.14392436

Same. Are you a neet, anon?

>> No.14392444

>The Quran

>That low

>The Talmud

>not even on the list


>> No.14392449

This is what happens when you give eastern philosophy an inch...

>> No.14392451

didn't this shit happen with deleuze not to far back

>> No.14392465


>> No.14392494

the story goes like this: one autist, burning with fire a faggot, spams his favourite horse-faced monkey author on /lit/. he contrives artificial rivalries to draw more people into his insane fantasy. his tantrums become ever more grand in scale, his samefagging ever more schizophrenic. the board groans under the weight. the jannies, reticent and obese, do nothing. the fire rises, and engulfs half the catalog. [you are here]. the sperg-singularity becomes so great it gains its own gravitational pull, sucking /lit/ into a never ending cycle of spam and counter-spam. other boards begin to be sucked in, starting with /his/ and /sci/. the janny awakens from his food-coma but it is too late, the autist chain-reaction cannot be stopped. too many ip's entangle and mingle in an ever-spilling spaghetti that any one thread cannot be pulled to end the torrent. noticing the growing cancerous mass, mods step in, but soon their own discord tranny irc is captured in the morbid pull of guenonic shizophrenia. the final call is make, and hiro, in a desperate attempt to save his shekels, initiates the final solutions, and deletes /lit/. upon the destruction of the spiritual centre of this gay whirlwind, which at this point had been compressed into a single river of semen (retention), the great spastic energy is released, causing shock waves around the internet. but as gaygar counters tick down to a dull throb, three new boards are made in catastrophic wake: /lit/, for literature; /phi/, for philosophy; and /rel/, for religion. with this tripartite division of autism, everything settles in harmony, and guenonposter, now nothing but a long, but stubborn, strand of semen, is nowhere to be seen. the end.

>> No.14392519

>three new boards are made in catastrophic wake: /lit/, for literature; /phi/, for philosophy; and /rel/, for religion.

>> No.14392521

with Whitehead too but both of them died down last month. Both deleuzefag and whitehead posters were never as toxic as guenonfag though.

>> No.14392524
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Why the long face, /lit/?

>> No.14392530

religion should fall under philosophy imo. The board shall henceforth be called /ph/ (Philosophy and Humanities)

>> No.14392533

guenon is too good for this board. i hope the samefagger and others stop banalizing him

>> No.14392540

Getting all the zoomer "christians" out of here would be a dream come true

>> No.14392551
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Just stopping by to say I hate christianity with an indefatigable passion.

>> No.14392554

Wow anon i bet youve been aching to use the word "indefatigable" once. Well grats, you did, and now you look like a faggot

>> No.14392555

Good, you should read some guenon.

>> No.14392557

ok guenonfag

>> No.14392590
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No i hate guenon and buddhism too and think guenonposting should be a bannable offense since these autists just won't stop.

>> No.14392603

>anime posting
cringe and you should kys yourself

>> No.14392649
File: 785 KB, 500x281, tumblr_n28wzgz3HO1toj6i2o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't actually watch any anime myself. I'm posting anime for my own reasons that have to do with trying to subliminally contact a certain force I feel permeates existence and is watching me. The aesthetics of anime represent a certain ideal I think is sympathetic with its nature and might serve as a terminal.
I'm also looking to see what patterns I can establish and I'm paying careful attention to how algorithmic the responses my posts elicit are. (Yours, for instance, is something that makes me doubt your autonomy as an actual existent subject.)
Pretty much I'm going off the deep end with my eyes open, leaving in my wake an audience of glibly saccharine anime girl gifs.

>> No.14392655

don't insult eastern philosophy by acting like g*enon is representative of them

>> No.14392660

>I don't actually watch any anime myself
ok pedo

>> No.14392687

seems like it's one of the better days on /lit/

>> No.14392729
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>> No.14392753

So this is basically the fixed version of the absolute disaster that /pol/tard OP posted earlier?

>> No.14392757

it's the version that some guy thought was better than the version the board voted on. I guess if that's the standard anyone can fix it however they like

>> No.14392760
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just so you're in the know: it's social engineers trying to re-mobilize the 4chan intellectual population, possibly on request of some publisher in partnership with Amazon possibly as part of some larger scale biopolitical sculpture that requires the creation of a new philosophical RIght


your thoughts are not your own, your philosophies and aesthetics do not serve your own interests. you are nothing but another resource for the elite. there are no more revolutionary acts.

>> No.14392768

Revolution is gay anyway

>> No.14392772
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Revolt Against The Modern World ™

>> No.14392814

>buying pseud books instead of pirating it

>> No.14392835

I'm not going to read this month's posterboy of controlled opposition one way or another. i'm only exposing the truth.

>> No.14392844

Yes it is the version after the troll filter

>> No.14392856
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>He actually believes people should come here to have deep and intelligent conversations about literature and philosophy.

>> No.14393327
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I'd still prefer more Marxism

>> No.14394317

This, the Guenon craze is more interesting than the usual shit kek

>> No.14394329

i dont care what that one is, it's worse. not because of what has been added but because of what has been removed

>> No.14394373

The original Guenonfag

>> No.14394382

>not using tomorrow

>> No.14394389
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>> No.14395001


>> No.14395029

Earliest Guenon poster in the archive

>> No.14395320
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