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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 111 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14390705 No.14390705 [Reply] [Original]

booktubers you'd have stinky sex with

>> No.14390708

pleb tier books
A+++ vagine

>> No.14390717

>letting some roastie steal your precious masculine essence with her vaginal wiles
the gayest thing i've ever heard of

>> No.14390723


>> No.14390746

it's possible to have sex without cooming

>> No.14390752

Based af

>> No.14390808

Who zat

>> No.14390815

unfortunately, a female

>> No.14390817

Yeah but what's the point?

>> No.14390820

energy vampirism

>> No.14390828

>heterosexuality = homosexuality
based homosexual

>> No.14390836

The vampire (female) gains nothing from draining your semen anon, vampirism implies win-lose situation and semen vampirism is lose-neutral

>> No.14390837


karezza is a fucking meme

>> No.14390841

she gains occult energy/power. if you get her to orgasm without cooming yourself, you leech off her energy

>> No.14390847
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Not really a booktuber but she's way more /lit/ than OPs picrel and I'd TOP her in the boipussy

>> No.14390853
File: 40 KB, 640x628, 272d3f1985fbb13fd8701390fa2c8723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none of u are ever gonna fuck her or any1 else dumb ass virgins stop discussing it

>> No.14390860
File: 22 KB, 280x291, NO MORE PLEASE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the "Booktube Boyfriend" tag is making the rounds
>all the booktubers I watch are making vids with their boyfriends

>> No.14390865

im speaking from experience. ive done the no-coom fuck before it energizes the fuck out of you

>> No.14390872

not the guy you're replying to, but in order to do that you'd have to be one hell of a dedicated masochist to fuck a woman till she orgasms, and still not having the chance to have an orgasm yourself

>> No.14390882

it's not that hard bro. have you never heard of foreplay? i can get a girl to come before i even stick my cock in her

>> No.14390891
File: 596 KB, 762x565, 1541788333553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if anything this should give you HOPE. look at this anon, fucking LOOK and tell me what you see:

shut up virgin noone care

>> No.14390894

I was talking about making her orgasm by way of having sex, not foreplay you fucking moron

Everyone (who isn't an incel virgin) and their mother knows that making a woman cum through foreplay isn't all that difficult

>> No.14390900

Looks like a rat who dials 8

>> No.14390901

female orgasms are like a cumulative stack. if you make her come during foreplay first and THEN have sex, she will have multiple orgasms throughout the sex. dont call me a moron, that's mean.

>> No.14390902

paperbackdreams looks like arya if she stayed a hot loli

>> No.14390909


fuck off back to twitter, you limp-wristed faggot

>> No.14390910


>> No.14390917
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>durr him shorten word him dumb me smart durr
>me no like shorten word me smart i see same thing twitter that mean he use twitter durr
fuck off autist nobody cares about your arbitrary gatekeeps

>> No.14390924

do you have friends? women are hypersocial creatures. that guy is probably well integrated into a social circle.

>> No.14391153

imagine having friends

>> No.14391174
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kat is my wife

>> No.14391181

She wants to suck out your spine juice. That's always their endgame. Semen is only the beginning.

>> No.14391205

I want to cuddle and smell her

>> No.14391258


How do you think she comes?

>> No.14391273

soft and quietly

>> No.14391291

with a lot of jump cuts

>> No.14391346

her orgasms are intense for sure. she'd probably look like she did after reading A Little Life and ugly cried for hours.

>> No.14391351

What am I supposed to be seeing anon?

>> No.14391376

>all the booktubers I watch

Kill yourself.

>> No.14391394

All of them

>> No.14391449

>tfw you will never give kat an orgasm and then cuddle her as she sobs into your chest

>> No.14391463
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why live.

>> No.14391487

sometimes a girl is very cute but then her mannerisms are so bargain bin it's repulsive. I can't count how many art hoes I've seen holding up a peace sign making that exact same faux anime girl face.

>> No.14391496

also those nails and that nose ring are fucking disgusting. she probably described herself as "witchy" God I hate women

>> No.14391501

that's just women. I would still wrap her around my cock.

>> No.14391507

whats her youtube?

>> No.14391523
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>> No.14391529

Join the 40%

>> No.14391551
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>> No.14391566


>> No.14391610


Very nice hands, each finger distinguished from the other, last phalanges almost as long as other two, almost no tapering, well-developed and wonderfully-articulated thumbs.

>> No.14391642

Fuck. Thought for a second that was an ex girlfriend of mine.

>> No.14391652

ugly boyfriends

>> No.14391655


>> No.14392357

what type of panties do you think she wears? i bet they're cute flowery ones desu

>> No.14392656

she's fucking ugly. stop being such a fucking loser.

>> No.14392731

Nothing can save your degenerate souls

>> No.14392770

>ywn be the Iran to her Contra

>> No.14392792

Guaranteed to be on antibiotics

>> No.14392836

You guys are creepy. No wonder you can't get a girlfriend!

>> No.14392852


>> No.14393014

def cute ones. would love to eat her ass while she reads tbqh.

>> No.14393780


>> No.14393796
File: 273 KB, 523x548, 1576810310546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do I not have a gf because I'm creepy or am I creepy because I can't get a gf?

>> No.14393825

I want to rim out her stinky butthole so bad

>> No.14393841

i hope she inspires some of you to read non-classics

>> No.14393849


>> No.14393917

you’ve gotta be fucking joking

>> No.14393931
File: 68 KB, 750x738, IMG_20190906_074315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these stupid coomer anons talking about Kat in a lewd way
I hope you idiots know she's aware of this shit right? She's been shittalking the creeps who leave thirst comments on her videos for a while now on twitter. Kat is only for chaste cuddling and admiring from afar, you all have shit taste.

>> No.14393934

serial killer vibes, seek professional help

>> No.14393938


her videos from when she was a he are way funnier and less pretentious


>> No.14393939

Fuck off consoomer zoomer faggot loser.

>> No.14393962

To put her in her place.

>> No.14393983

Lot of you guys need to stop lusting.

>> No.14393984

You don't have a gf because you're creepy
But not gaving a gf breaks your soul, and you grow to become lonelier, weirder and creepier
And such things make you unable to get a gf
But not having a gf makes your life even worse
And because of that, you can't get a gf
You're in hell

>> No.14393987

>she's aware of this shit

>> No.14393991

The key is to not give a shit about being with anyone

>> No.14393997

>Kat is only for chaste cuddling and admiring from afar
How do you cuddle her from afar you faggot. You fucking retard fucking nincompoop. You know you will never get a girl so you try to convert your isolation in to a form admiration but we all see through your pathetic anal gaping fuck prolapsed brain rot shit motherfucker.

>> No.14394005

at least Hell has videos of cute girls talking about books I can shove my face up against

>> No.14394006

Watch him slowly being consumed by the characters he created.

>> No.14394053
File: 81 KB, 658x901, fugg u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant to say or anon. no need to be so rude you fucking spazz
and i'm perfectly fine with not getting a gf because i'm a grill

>> No.14394119

faggot you probably play video games and watch Marvel movies

>> No.14394199

lol'd irl

>> No.14394257
File: 69 KB, 775x837, 1571453153136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are girls on 4channel reading my lonely and horny posting
fuck what the hell do they think about it bros?

>> No.14394261

Who knows?

>> No.14394299

Coitus Reservatum. Kind of a meme, but real enough to have a Latin term for it

>> No.14394384 [DELETED] 


>> No.14394392

we think it's cute and funny tee hee

>> No.14394398

There are metric shittons of girls on /soc/
>what do they think of it
they don't understand this meme and consider it scitzoposting

>> No.14394457

lol no
that leads to giving up and eventually your libido dies
you're done, so fucking done...over the years you slip into isolation, further and further until you are nothing but a walking carcass, a bleak dispassionate being...
you can't even understand life at this point, "why do these dumb fucks care so much?" it's because they still have something to live for, something that makes them feel alive
in conclusion
have sex

>> No.14394466

>booktubers you'd have rough, hate-fueled sex with

>> No.14394508

with white men, she does not come

with bbc, all the neighborhood hears her

>> No.14394511

im gonna shoot myself in the temple if this cute girl is a l*sbian

>> No.14394516
File: 1.16 MB, 800x1185, EE8B3986-ADF8-42FF-8455-5CE3564C3490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14394562

>ew, what a weirdo

>> No.14394608

haha imagine getting to that point it would be awful haha

>> No.14395087


>> No.14395094

post tits

>> No.14395100

i don't have any

>> No.14395109

post nips

>> No.14395112
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>> No.14395119

u cut bro?

>> No.14395274


Imagine if she went full Katie, haha just kidding.

>> No.14395299

It doesn't matter, nothing matters

>> No.14395306

Projecting, might wanna see a therapist about your inadequacies before they consume you bud

>> No.14395314


>> No.14395350
File: 64 KB, 1280x720, 575546468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife is in reality marble. As I pray. Unlimited book gains.

>> No.14395388


kat loves us keep going lads

>> No.14395423


>> No.14395444

If she’s reading this, can she please get better taste in books?

>> No.14395450

The same as she goes.

>> No.14395455

wowo racist much???

>> No.14396434

more like barebackdreams

>> No.14396767
File: 1.18 MB, 970x908, oh god.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is now a hand board. Foot philistines OUT!

>> No.14396815
File: 393 KB, 952x788, barehanddreams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14396918

i must admit, those are some nice hands

>> No.14396929
File: 26 KB, 232x319, randall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know your pain lad

>> No.14396976

>Androgyny sausages

>> No.14396981

Was going to post a censored version but even so i don't want to get banned. I have been getting off on videos of girls masturbating while reading literature aloud. I would probably have sex with them if the opportunity presented itself. But that is also because i struggle with coombrainism.

>> No.14396991

Where can one find these videos?

>> No.14397016

do you really find those round finger tips attractive? pointy fingers are much better.

>> No.14397032

Search 'reading' on pornhub. My current favorite is teenyginger reading Muir's Mountains of California.

>> No.14397290
File: 359 KB, 943x1071, HEED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, good hands are a paragon of balance and grace, pointy distal phalanges belonging to the kind of extremism prominent in feet: the gross disparity between first and last toe, between metatarsals and pahalanges, between one end and the other, etc. Just one of the many aspects that make hands superior.

>> No.14397345
File: 1.29 MB, 1186x900, oh god no the h-h-h-h-handyyyyyyyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way fingers can thoughtlessly go through so many positions, revealing and covering each other, in just one moment, despite one intimately possessing them with exquisite dexterity; it's very Spiritually erotic.

>> No.14397421

based. post more fingers

>> No.14397465
File: 1.52 MB, 1098x901, hegel is right about everything.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Truly, after the face, the hands are that by which you can immanently see and feel yourself not just as having a body but as being your body proper, the good-bad head-feet or head-genitals linearity is dispelled and a good-good reflective Self-experience takes place between face and hands, the Absolute conquers the particular by being the particular before it triumphantly discards it.

>> No.14397518
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>Lit obsessed over another booktuber.
There we go again

>> No.14397562
File: 1.53 MB, 1454x901, wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Casually browsing her video...palmistry poster.

>> No.14397572

incels please leave

>> No.14397600
File: 1.14 MB, 1147x900, unimpeachable beauty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Note how the hand is unlike anything else, other things are like the hand. This is not like a blade or like a feather, but particular blades and feathers are like it.

>> No.14397622
File: 1.20 MB, 1189x902, plotinus is right about everything.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grass following the sun? Wave crests? A candle's flame under someone's breath? The awesome simplicity of God can be seen in broad daylight.

>> No.14397635


starting at around 25, this girl is only going to get fatter and fatter, meanwhile slathering on more and increasingly histrionic make up, demanding the world continue to treat her the same way it did before she became a ham beast

>> No.14397652

This bitch needs my huge stinky cheesy cock all up in her box yo, i would love to thrust myself between her meaty folds until she splutters brackish fluids all over my face and lips haha

>> No.14397660


>This world is a corpse-eater. All the things eaten in it themselves die also. Truth is a life-eater. Therefore no one nourished by truth will die. It was from that place that Jesus came and brought food. To those who so desired, he gave life, that they might not die.

>> No.14397662

I want to suckle on her teet while she reads me her YA drivel.

>> No.14397717

>histrionic make up
Another faceblind anon, I see.

>> No.14397733

>Stephen King
Basic bitch.

>> No.14397781
File: 1.29 MB, 1260x901, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consider how free one finger is from the other and the ineffable space between them. The expanse of the ocean, falling asleep, Yin itself; only the sky and the ground are further apart.

>> No.14397809

she's the only person I know for calling him out on how shitty his books are anon

>> No.14397818

she kind of hates stephen king

>> No.14397823
File: 35 KB, 505x343, 3C16FB14-FA25-4D73-8A3F-22E7DB23EA91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14397844

nigga you just watch as those cat-eye lashes get more pronounced, and she starts wearing brown and purple lipstick. women are as predictable as the seasons

>> No.14397940
File: 20 KB, 593x580, 61FFEFC2-0673-4139-8262-3B5465F2CCB7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14397972

god i wish those fingers were up my arsehole

>> No.14398051

someone should tweet her this thread
im glad we could have this beautiful discussion, this board can be great sometimes

>> No.14398095

we should get her a christmas gift

>> No.14398105


>> No.14398109

i'll write her a sonnet about her beautiful fingers going into my ass

>> No.14398116


>> No.14398123

t. edge too much and have a hard time breaking the urge to suddenly stop myself during sex and end up not coming at all after multiple attempts

>> No.14398205

Is Kat a virgin?

>> No.14398235


>> No.14398258


>> No.14398288

Cringe. Not even /mu/ is this retarded.

>> No.14398382

>is [adult female] a virgin?
think before you post

>> No.14398416

NO. I won't hear it. I refuse. She's pure.

>> No.14398433

>She's pure.
she makes videos of herself and puts them online AND she swears. NOT pure

>> No.14398589

>booktube boyfriend tag
>none of the boyfriends read

>> No.14399070

That things existence is an indictment of reality.

>> No.14399081
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>> No.14399112
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Ive grown to hate Contra, not because of Contra himself, but because of his cult. Whenever he drops a new vid, there's screeching cultists all over the internet posting his oh-so hilarious sarcastic overproduced garbage everywhere as if it has any authority or content. And it gets worse when shit like Vice claims he's 'deradicalizing far right kids', when in reality he's preaching to his choir, as i cant imagine how even a mild conservatie can sit through any of those fucking vids without seeing a gestalt avatar of everything he thinks is wrong with the West. A fascist would probably feel uncontrollable hate and disgust.

>> No.14399337
File: 1.65 MB, 480x270, Cooming.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14399382

contra made me hate neolibs and cryptolibs so much i've embraced national bolshevism

>> No.14399410

That nigga's pullout game is amazing.

>> No.14399460

he was entertaining until this year, his aesthetics are more sophisticated but the quality of his essays are getting muddled by the lack of, heh, contrapoints

>> No.14399468

ive never cared for the aesthetics that much.

>> No.14399760

How does she do her pubes I wonder. Bald or bush?

>> No.14399780

is that contra?

>> No.14399792

the duality of (wo)men

>> No.14400507

Anyone have that pic of the booktube cunt who is standing with her back to the camera and she's reaching up to a book and shes nice and thicc?

>> No.14400806
File: 1.42 MB, 641x1080, 1486927127503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck any bookube whore that isn't Carli.
>2017 was 2 years ago
I miss her so much bros.