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14390274 No.14390274[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Hyperstition is a positive feedback circuit including culture as a component. It can be defined as the experimental (techno-)science of self-fulfilling prophecies. Superstitions are merely false beliefs, but hyperstitions – by their very existence as ideas – function causally to bring about their own reality. Capitalist economics is extremely sensitive to hyperstition, where confidence acts as an effective tonic, and inversely.

>Hyperstition can thus be understood, on the side of the subject, as a nonlinear complication of epistemology, based upon the sensitivity of the object to its postulation (although this is quite distinct from the subjectivistic or postmodern stance that dissolves the independent reality of the object into cognitive or semiotic structures). The hyperstitional object is no mere figment of ‘social construction’, but it is in a very real way ‘conjured’ into being by the approach taken to it.

>> No.14390286

>superstition is “false”
>except when it’s true (we force it to be true)
whatever bro

>> No.14390294
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Alright, but how do we fight it?

>> No.14390298

is this that r/acc bullshit? get out of here with that fuckwad nobody wants to see that

>> No.14390315


>> No.14390340

go back to riot if you're in favour of this.

>> No.14390369

So what's the point of this thread? Do you have any insight or thoughts on the subject?

>> No.14390381

ok boomer

>> No.14390419

in favour of what

>> No.14391234

Another thread with an interesting premise that has died, in favor of the usual "fight me about X" /lit/ threads.

>> No.14391249

ok tranny

>> No.14391284

anyone got a link to the documentary?

>> No.14391307

>muh complicated wurds
give an example or gtfo

>> No.14391310

Name three (3) examples of this.

>> No.14391350
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and it was only bumped into survival by you

>> No.14391367

God, money, happiness, a friend, the sky god, the forest god, things with names. What kind of people think through this shit?
nah this shit goes down m8

>> No.14391393

christianity, capitalism and islam

>> No.14391640


>> No.14391660

yeah no buddy YOU are the tranny enjoy your gender acceleration dickwad

>> No.14391717

AI, VR, cell phones, space ships, artifical limbs, cloning, gene editing, sex robots, pretty much anything you can think of meme'd into existence through sci-fi.

>> No.14392234

hyperstition predates r/acc it's straight out of the ccru

>> No.14392345

this thread is a cult recruitment device
vulnerable minds beware

>> No.14392368

Is this like those tongue in cheek sex stories where an author's character manifests in reality and is subject to his whim except when the author decides that the character has free will?

>> No.14392399

This. Most sissies are materialist/atheists and discover hyperstition independently. There is a striking resemblance between hyperstitious occultists and dronification/sissy hypno recordings.

>> No.14392423
File: 289 KB, 564x989, simulacraandstimulation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Point a pencil or sharp object at the center of your forehead, the tip almost touching the skin. Try to imagine how intense the tip would feel if it were to touch. You should feel a phantom tingling sensation. What is going on is a feedback loop between anticipation and perception, where a strong anticipation creates the faintest perception of it, which enhances the anticipation as it is now perceived, which makes the perception even stronger until the sensation is undeniable.

This mechanism is behind many meditative techniques, including kundalini/chi, seeing "visions," and even creating altered modes of consciousness. Even moods and emotions can be manipulated this way. "Astral travel," at least in some practices of it, is full immersion into a self-hallucinated state, where anticipation and perception become one and the same.

This mode of anticipation is foundational to our interactions with the world, for example empathy uses it by creating the "illusion" that one is feeling and thinking as if they are another. We often become "immersed" in our inner narratives and thoughts just like we do any other medium, and can react to what is going on in our imagination to some extent as if it were real.

The problem with describing this as an "immersion" is that there is no such thing as de-immersion, only shifting from one narrative to another. The perspective of the immediate present cultivated by mindfulness meditation and similar practices is just another perspective. To deny the reality of either present or cumulative experience and their involvements is to make yourself blind to either engagement, which is the whole purpose of corporate McMindfulness: to render the proles impotent to true future-directed activity, and to offer endless contentment in an illusory ever-present. I see mindfulness practice as being an incredibly useful tool, but tools are neutral and can be used effectively for contrary purposes.

>> No.14392477


>> No.14392594

Nope, Aminom/Eris. I was involved in some of his threads. I wonder what happened to him, his energy and passion was absolutely incredible. I suspect he moved on to better things.

>> No.14392730


>> No.14392788
File: 104 KB, 700x926, 5835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is hyperstition in action

>> No.14392798

someone recc me the best case against shit like hyperstition, I mean, some smart guy somewhere must've shat on it, right?

>> No.14393126

evoke more powerful superstitions to surpass the original one

>> No.14393854

"Hyperstition" is the accelerationist's pseudo-intellectually cladding for the fact that his cognition operates in the same exact way as that of the 85-IQ drone people who read Rhonda Byrne's "The Secret".
Wishes aren't horses, even if everyone wants a horse.

>> No.14393881

is there a compilation of his /collectedworks/ or screenshots anyone has?

>> No.14393911

No smart guy worth his salt will waste time on shitting on a notion that is on its face this cast-iron retarded.

>> No.14393935

I wonder if there are any modern """""philosophers""""" who don't wrap their ideas in huge amounts of "haha look ma I can pleb filter" pseud drivel

>> No.14393936

Then only one of these fits the bill.

>> No.14393986

Is this the wagie cagie

>> No.14394003

The wagie cagie existed as concept art before the term existed and became synonymous with burgerpunk.

>> No.14394034
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>filtered by the simplest term in acc

>> No.14394052

>you grasped my brainlet rhetoric immediately and made fun of it
>obviously you didn't grasp it at all
>brainlet wojak
Your philosophy is the intellectual equivalent of the Thanksgiving kid's table and your worldview is transparently the product of someone who's talked shit for his whole life and never once gotten hit

>> No.14394058
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>he thinks I'm acc because I can understand the word hyperstition

>> No.14394069

Everyone in this thread can understand the word hyperstition, you brainlet. That's why it's being derided harshly immediately, because it's rarted. Literally just a "positive thinking positive results" moral but scaled up to fit whole pops and dude tech scary lmao. You cannot disprove this, and your mindset would be more suitable for society at large if your dad had beaten you when you were young

>> No.14394081

>Literally just a "positive thinking positive results" moral
that would be superstition, not hyperstition, read the OP again and try one more time

>> No.14394137

Yes, that is correct. Hyperstition is superstition, but made "dude more real, hyper-real, [postmodern philosoplatitudes]" so as to tailor it to fit small-souled ironyboys (like you) who are afraid to commit to anything considered approachable by functioning human beings.

>> No.14394172

the idea is that hyperstitons are ideas which make themselves real
>their very existence as ideas – function causally to bring about their own reality
this means literally the opposite of what you think it does. your "positive thinking positive results" literally doesn't matter because it isn't your positive thinking that brings it about at all. it will bring itself into being regardless of what you personally think about it. don't like sex robots? want to protest them and use your positive energy to prevent them from becoming a reality? too bad, faggot, your superstition is weaker than the hyperstition.

>> No.14394184

Yes, and those ideas first take root as your oft-despised positive thinking in the heads of noncommittal ironyboys like yourself. Hyperstition is defined by belief in the inevitability of a chosen idea, and that inevitability is an accelerationist superstition. Your philosophy is blown the fuck out by the simple act of reading it while not adhering to its thoroughly rarted causal framework.

>> No.14394211

>Hyperstition is defined by belief in the inevitability of a chosen idea
no, again you have it literally completely backwards. Hyperstition is defined by the inevitability of the idea regardless of the chosen beliefs

>> No.14394249

Hyperstition is an accelerationist superstition. Your system is belief-based, and all "evidence" for its nature as verifiable and not superstitious is cherrypicked, which is always the case when an invalid philosophy fortifies its superstition against criticism.
Hyperstition is an accelerationist superstition.

>> No.14394269

>all "evidence" for its nature as verifiable and not superstitious is cherrypicked
can you actually talk about what evidence you think is cherrypicked and why that makes the theory a superstition? you just keep posturing rather than engaging

>> No.14394271
File: 84 KB, 800x600, Camatte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accfags are the hyperstition of generalized lunacy.

>> No.14394285

I'd rather not.
Here, I posted it both at the front and back before so you'd have no excuse not to address it, but I underestimated your temerity and overestimated you as a viable person. Again;
Hyperstition is an accelerationist superstition.

>> No.14394303

Friendly reminder that jungle music is the aesthetic of gay districts.
Is dilation a hyperstition?

>> No.14394321

>I'd rather not
then don't waste my time faggot, go masturbate in private like a normal human being

>> No.14394363

Guenon invented hyperstition.

>> No.14394410

>how can I intellectually justify summoning a tulpa? maybe I'll just assume all truth is subjective and come up with a new buzzword

>> No.14394455

>all truth is subjective
couldn't imagine a less accelerationist statement

>> No.14394480

Hyperstition is an accelerationist superstition. You cannot refute this. Seethe harder.

>> No.14394488

this is a concept well studied in finance and systems theory in numerous context and names. god I hate it when philfags try to rename shit like they're discovering it when in reality they're 40 years behind the rest of us

you hear me you fucking faggots go fuck yourself

>> No.14394502

>heh you won't refute this unsubstantiated assertion I refuse to support
nigger it refutes itself lmao are you underage or one of those high functioning retards or something

>> No.14394518

sure but Burroughs was talking about this shit 60 years ago so really science fiction wins again

>> No.14394523

Don't associate accfags with phil, they're part of your lot.

>> No.14394528

>it refutes itself
Yes, accelerationism certainly does.
If it refuted itself you'd have said so earlier. You didn't. You're a weak-willed faggot and your favorite philosopher is, too.

>> No.14394637

do you know what it takes to refute an unsubstantiated claim? saying the word 'no'. you never made an argument. why am I even explaining this, if you need this explained you are literally too dumb to argue with

>> No.14395038

read steve fuller

>> No.14395047

something in particular?

>> No.14395064

summoning? it doesn't exist outside your head, it has no consequence of that kind. it's no more real than a dream. why'd you need to justify it? is it thoughtcrime? and i don't think accelerationists use this term for that at all

>> No.14395621
File: 145 KB, 700x437, d3acbd387fa4425b9f27cf5c4af0374e-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posters in this thread are underestimating the importance of the phrase "bring about their own reality". This doesn't imply simple 'self-fulfilling prophecy'. In the context of Land's ideas about time and Marxist materiality it implies both the structural formulae that are embedded within existence that innately drive certain outcomes AND the real impact of ideational forms.

Land performs the Heideggerian manouvre of collapsing a binary, but in two places. He argues that all 'times' are present and relevant, and, that the 'emergent' and 'that which is emerged from' are of the same unit.

Viewed from this perspective, Land (perhaps accidentally) validates previous philosophical suggestions that the examination of of a part of reality can inform our knowledge of the whole. But more importantly, draws our attention to a radically present 'future' and demands that we recognize that both the 'future' and the 'present' make unsettling implications about each other.

Against this background the 'hyperstitional object' shares some qualities (and some inverted qualities) with a 'shibboleth' - to use a vulgar metaphor; the human mind is not a womb that nurtures new possibilities but rather a birth canal that, voluntarily or otherwise, participates in the effusive act of creation. Therefore the term 'conjured' is perfectly apt.

>> No.14396484


>> No.14396677

I wish he would come back.

>> No.14397072
File: 15 KB, 250x487, numogram00-e1416289667485.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do I need to read to get a full explaination on the collapse of time and 'emergent'? Is it all in FN?

>> No.14397266

hyperstition generally refers to technology you idiot. people wrote books about how cool it would be if sex robots existed, companies recognized the demand and invested in developing sex robots, now they exist. the idea made itself real.

>> No.14397935

whats it called in finance?

>> No.14398686

there's a lot more in "CCRU writings 1997-2003"
it's got a lot of interesting ideas.
and if those ideas aren't your cup of tea, at least the stories explaining those ideas are pretty fun to read.

>> No.14399055
File: 28 KB, 640x480, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Circutries" from 1992, which is in #ACCELERATE#, covers some of it.

>> No.14399424

siiick, thank you! i'll snag these asap

>> No.14400472


>> No.14400506
