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/lit/ - Literature

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14390095 No.14390095[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What books will help me understand women, in a sy mpathetic way?

I'm serious too.

>> No.14390097

john greens blog

>> No.14390119

Lacan. There is no female sexuality

>> No.14390172

i actually agree with this completely. maybe then ill have a chance to sleep with a girl

>> No.14390191

a sad kek

>> No.14390209

it's over

>> No.14390219

good, let’s begin already

>> No.14390236

>some roastie trying to validate her decisions

>> No.14390267

> fucks 25 people
> has atleast an aproximation of what good sex is or atleast what she likes
> doesn't get legally bound to a guy who can't meet her now well defined needs
Fact is only sluts don't cheat

>> No.14390276

Madame bovary

>> No.14390287

What do you mean with that?

>> No.14390293

Not what I've experienced.

>> No.14390295

imagine, just imagine

>> No.14390297

>here’s why you should sleep with 25 chads before settling down with your virgin beta provider
Nah, you’re still fucked m8. Enjoy being a paypig

>> No.14390300

All you need to understand is that they have an expiry date and the clock is ticking fast (men do too, but it's worse for women).
So they're optimized for socializing and acquiring skills to make a better choice in securing a partner.

>> No.14390347
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>> No.14390354

That was always the reason why I supported free love, the hope that I would get some.

>> No.14390390

>Fact is only sluts don't cheat
It kind of defeats the purpose of not cheating if she's a whore anyway, women are pure and clean, they shouldn't be dirtied by so many men's penises, that's why the whole slut shaming thing exists, because men literally tarnish women when they sleep with them, and the more women a man has the more appealing he is, do you see what I mean?

>> No.14390396

Condoning slutshaming is incel behaviour

>> No.14390400

accepting it is cumbrain behavior.

>> No.14390401

A life spent dwelling over such banalities will lead to nothing but ennui. Cast aside such thottery and devote your life to philosophy.

>> No.14390403

Shut up you literally get off on being a slut

>> No.14390406

>obtain gf
>find out I have a higher body count than she does
>both of us shrug it off and don’t really care
>have absolutely mind blowing sex anyways

No true Scotsman

>> No.14390416

The Idiot by Dostoievski

>> No.14390429

fuck women

>> No.14390433

Modern woman sleeps with 25 guy starting around 1960. Men have been raping, adultering, and serial fornicating since the dawn of tim. O am I outraged.

>> No.14390437

does this article talk about the optimal stopping problem? Because it's a well covered question of mathematics:

>> No.14390440

Wouldn't a slut be a better mate evolutionary speaking? I can make an evo psych argument that a slut is a women that has survived many pregnancies and therefore fertile and can give you an heir.

You see what I did there? Evo psych is bull shit. Personally, I don't like a woman to have a high body count because I'm a virgin that was raised in a religious household but I think appealing to evolution is kind of retarded.

>> No.14390445
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This has been my experience because I went from being a loser in high school to suddenly being attractive and interesting in college so I ended up fucking literally dozens of girls
But now I don't know how to love anyone and can only see women as objects so I regret everything

>> No.14390446

so men have been fornicating since the dawn of time but women haven't? hmmm i wonder who those men have been fornicating and adultering with....really makes u think

>> No.14390450

The thing about modernity is sex doesn't result in pregnancy anymore in the west.

>> No.14390453

> a sick person that is still alive is healthy because it's not dead

>> No.14390458

Personally I prefer treating women as inanimate objects with no agency or being.

>> No.14390468
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>> No.14390471
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Sounds like an arid and sterile life to me chum.

>> No.14390474

the female coomer

>> No.14390572

the number of sexual partners you have is much less important than how frequently someone has connection-less pure hook up sex. That being said a super high number of sexual partners is indicative of likely sleeping around in a slutty way

>> No.14390713


Playboy had its annual parties, it’s Jetson culture, traveling around the world, it was men of all types; authors, scientists, politicians, soldiers, fat, short, tall, handsome, ugly, etc. it was man’s pleasure and the women were all bunnies, clones. She has no sexuality, she is there to fulfill a man needs. This was honest human sexuality. Women have every right to be frustrated with this. because this power is illegitimate. A Man has legitimate power when he is legitimately powerful, not because he is a “man”, not because “thats how the world is”. Yet that’s what Playboy wanted you to believe, that’s what playboy was selling. Playboy was not selling sexuality, it was selling ideology. Look back through all the earlier catalogues and you will see it: it was fascistic in ever sense of the word.

Women today, being reared by weak fathers raised in this ideology, an ideology that supposes that certain features of your sex determine an inherent power, which is a fiction through and through, have unknowingly taken on this illegitimacy and false sense of power as their own. They run by the same logic, “I am a sexy (human)”, “I am desired”, “I am powerful”.

Playboy was at least honest with itself in regards to its blatant chauvinism, “we are men, therefore...”, whereas Thot culture has convinced itself that this orientation toward men as sexual objects is a legitimate form of power. The bunny actually thinks that it has power because it’s a bunny, whereas the truth is, the bunny is fiction, invented by the weak man in order to support his patriarchal belief that his biology determines a preset power that is legitimate and absolute by some endowment of nature. This is a fiction. WOmen don’t have a sexuality because of this kind ideologizing, but today they are not just without sexuality, but this absence itself has become their sexuality, they are now WOAHmen. Yesterday they were a mans toy, today they are autonomous toys. Yesterday they had a pimp, today they have a patreon account. In a sense man never had a sexuality, it was always “mans sexuality”, “the chad”, but at least it was capable of seeing it. Women can’t see it because this very orientation of being the “ideal sex slave” isn’t just part of the fabric of a dream dreamed by weak men, but in the fact that the dream itself never included them, as human beings, in the first place.

>> No.14390730

Lady Chatterley's Lover.

>> No.14390741

>Settling down
We aren't hunter/gatherers or farmers, needing to lock each other up in work relations to survive anymore
Your genes are not you, it doesn't matter who the fuck raises your kids or whose kids you raise
Quit being needy insecure faggots who can only feel self-worth by finding a new mommy

>> No.14390745 [DELETED] 

Consider this next time you go to a club. Those “chads” and “stacy’s” are real people, with mothers and fathers, they belong to the earth, they are also children of God. Watch them. It’s all an act, it’s all performance, and it’s all very very frightening.

>> No.14390747

Evo psy can't tell you anything about good and bad

>> No.14390751

>they belong to the earth
they're deracinated urbanites

>> No.14390759

Good or bad is just you trying to universalize what you like and do not like
Grow up

>> No.14390763


>> No.14390765

You can apply that argument to anything about human nature.

>> No.14390772
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>> No.14390791

I don't find that article very controversial. I had slept with well over 25 women before I turned 20. I imagine most women sleep with hundreds of men before they settle down.

>> No.14390798

>I imagine most women sleep with hundreds of men before they settle down.
This is probably true. And they keep quiet so we will never know.

>> No.14390849

tl;dr "women don't develop their own sexuality since they just want to be lead"?

>> No.14390870

A known fraud

>> No.14390893

Extremely relevant and also a good film

>> No.14390897

read houllebecq

>> No.14390923

Bad reading

>> No.14390939

there is no "good reading" of pseudery, only a variety of different bad readings

>> No.14390946

Then what's your point? Surely you can form a better abstract.

>> No.14390954

Then I'd rather unironically be an incel.

>> No.14390960

nice and pseudy, just how I like my women

>> No.14390961

Can anyone itt explain what they think is the proper way for men and women to have sexuality?

>> No.14390962

Learn to read

>> No.14390967

Nuclear family at 21, celebacy until then.

>> No.14390968

Maybe it's a consequence of viewing women as too metal or something.

Like they're just people too, you know?

>> No.14390969

Unironically this is coping behavior.

>> No.14390970

1. marriage
2. love affairs after you have been married

anything else is indecent, the couplings of animals

>> No.14390974

Is it really that difficult to understand?

>> No.14390982

trick question, because there's nothing there to be understood

>> No.14390983

“Proper way”

Why do humans insist on allowing words to cuck them? When will you all start thinking for yourselves?

>> No.14390985

Yes, it's just recreational drug use.

>> No.14390986

What isn't then? Are you suggesting I invest time and resources into some whore? No fucking way senpai.

>> No.14390992

I’m sure “they” “feel” the same way

>> No.14390999

>it wasn’t Real

Oh my child

>> No.14391012

>Wouldn't a slut be a better mate evolutionary speaking? I can make an evo psych argument that a slut is a women that has survived many pregnancies and therefore fertile and can give you an heir.
Evolutionary psychology is shit, but your argument is even worse. Sluts don't get pregnant

>> No.14391017

Evolutionary Psychology > Classical Pseudchology :^)

>> No.14391021

I just realized this a few months ago, and it has been blowing my mind ever since. Any lit on this fact?

>> No.14391024

Deez Nutz by Me

>> No.14391041 [DELETED] 


>> No.14391044

de beauvoir i guess

>> No.14391064

It's the basic point of Haidt's The Righteous Mind. The theory is called Social Intuitionism

>> No.14391075

>my pseudry has a bigger majority therefore it’s not pseudry

Keep dreaming

>> No.14391084

No, it's just far better supported.

>> No.14391086

Don't get all incel on me and start bashing all women just because the writer happens to be a whore.

>> No.14391091

Classical psychology > Evolutionary Psychology because classical psychology actually is founded on experiments and clinical experience. Evolutionary Psychology is just people wild guessing everything into the same story about genes and survival. It's not scientifical.

>> No.14391093

Mating strategies are discussed at length in evolutionary psychology and it's quite complicated. The slut strategy is a real option, but there are all sorts of factors to weigh.

>> No.14391094

>This has been my experience because I went from being a loser in high school to suddenly being attractive and interesting in college so I ended up fucking literally dozens of girls
>But now I don't know how to love anyone and can only see women as objects so I regret everything
Makes up something on 4chan when actuality is a 5 ft tranny

>> No.14391096
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>> No.14391098


costume castle is also a structure

>> No.14391099

they're not "discussed" they're invented by people's imagination because that's all evopsych is

>> No.14391109
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>> No.14391115

EvoPsych is a framework that you use to theorize about why traits might exist. The existence of said traits has to be experimentally confirmed, whether in classical or evolutionary psychology. Neither of these fields has had much success doing this, owing partly to the innate difficulty of studying the mind, and partly to abysmal standards for rigor. The two are not opposed to each other, and any classical psychology should at least admit that the features of human psychology did in fact evolve, even if it is very hard to say why.

>> No.14391116
File: 1.81 MB, 1131x652, Schopenhauer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything by based Schopenhauer.

>> No.14391118

That is incorrect, regarding both. Classical Psychology is founded in abstract philosophical guesswork, whereas EP is based in evolutionary theory, neuropsychology, etc.

>> No.14391122

Do you have a link to that study? Need it to trigger the libs.

>> No.14391126

No more than theorizing that a foot evolved to walk is invented by people's imagination.

>> No.14391129
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Elliot was right.

>> No.14391227
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Read 1 Timothy 2:12 and First 3 chapter of Genesis in KJB

>> No.14391401

That they evolved at all is a no-brainer (why else would they exist), but it's almost impossible to answer when they evolved and if they evolved as a by-product, spandrel (as in the consequence of two or more adaptions) or adaption

>> No.14391422

>I can make an evo psych argument that a slut is a women that has survived many pregnancies and therefore fertile and can give you an heir.
Have you ever seen a woman that wasn't 2D?

You must be the dumbest person in the world.

>> No.14391442

Also, the question as to how certain mental traits evolved, while interesting, doesn't really broaden or deepen our understanding of said traits.

>> No.14391453

God never existed.

>> No.14391482

For one, it is rarely the case that hiring the second-best applicant is as bad as hiring the worst. For another, it is also probably rare that interviewing an applicant gives us perfect information on how they rank with respect to the previous applicants, but leave us without a clue as to whether they are likely better than the remaining ones
The stopping problem doesn't apply to real world problems

>> No.14391490

>I'm a loser so everybody is
It happened, I don't really care if you believe me or not

>> No.14391510

And that's why human nature is fake and gey

>> No.14391522

nobody actually believe this. If I tell you im going to raise a child as a slave and torture them all the time you will assure me this is bad. If human nature didnt exist then the child could plausibly be made to enjoy this existence and Id be doing nothing wrong

>> No.14391552

Protestants are a shit-tier religion, only a step above literal shit-in-the-street Hindoos.

It's 'believing Christ', not 'belief in Christ'.

> 'Even the demons believe, and yet quaver'.

That's why it's called 'faith' - because it's all about faithfulness and loyalty to God.

>> No.14391559

You have absolutely no idea how adaptable we are

>> No.14391564

>tfw women will learn the hard way

the future you chose

>> No.14391569

>Your genes are not you, it doesn't matter who the fuck raises your kids or whose kids you raise
t. literal cuckold.

>> No.14391587

>Your genes are not you
Genes + Environment is literally all I am. What a brainwashed fucking cuck you are

>> No.14391595

wtf was her problem bros?

>> No.14391597
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>/lit/ hates trannies
>trannies actually get laid while /lit/ doesn’t

>> No.14391600

Reading about women will only provide you with a map that doesn't represent the territory well. I suggest you go out and try making some female friends.

>> No.14391618


>> No.14391623

i could EASILY get fucked in the ass if i wanted to

>> No.14391644

Read up on feral children. Human nature exists to an extent but it can be broken irreversibly.

>> No.14391645
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>> No.14391647

If that were true then explain all the single moms who bred with nignog jailbirds.
Women are shit at partner selection which is why past cultures practiced some form of arranged marriage.

>> No.14391654

Based and Schopenhauerpilled

>> No.14391663

she was trash

>> No.14391668

This is someone who dislikes the home truths that evolutionary psychology reveals, such as the fact that culture is downstream of biology and that races are intrinsically different and that genetics is destiny. So they yell "NO! It's not fair! It's not true! It's NOT!"

>> No.14391694

>arranged husband

the male intruder has begotten son written all over it

>> No.14391699

It's simple: people are desperate. Most of them would rather choose a shitty partner than no partner.
>Women are shit at partner selection
Men are even shittier at it. Most men would fuck anything that moves.

>> No.14391701


>> No.14391703

It's just a book. Don't believe everything you read.

>> No.14391705

>what is paternal certainty

>> No.14391762

oh boy infographics. I am ready to LEARN the TRUTH.
(desu I actually agree with the points being made, but I hate infographics)

>> No.14391770
File: 129 KB, 500x771, serveimage (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>58 posters
>122 replies
>only one serious recommentadion which wasn't even discussed for more than 10 posts
/lit/ - Literature

>> No.14391798

Worse.she was trash who didn’t view herself as such.blame went towards everyone but herself and she couldn’t accept responsibility.she was kinda a caricature of the negative traits of a women

>> No.14391815
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>> No.14391824

t. never read lacan
Kill yourself

>> No.14391860

You should read Lacan

>> No.14391989

You too, burger

>> No.14392027

Theres a normal amount when you meet in your twenties where each of you have had a couple of relationships before and maybe one or two hookups, and then theres the red flags at either end of the spectrum with zero or lots representing an underlying issue. Not to mention the risk of venereal disease with the hypersexual partner and the risk of getting murdered by the virgin.

>> No.14392034

So to actually give you an answer as opposed to whatever the hell is going on in this thread

The Wife of Bath's Tale from Canterbury Tales.

The Awakening by Chopin, but if I'm being honest I found Edna to be loathsome.

Anything by Jane Austen.

A good deal of Margaret Atwood's work. The Robber Bride if you just want to focus on Why Women Are Crazy.

>> No.14392036
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>> No.14392201
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wait do the commies on this board really think human nature doesn't exist?

>> No.14392225

too many books

>> No.14392231

I love how "at least" is capitalized. 25 IS THE BARE MINIMUM KIDDOS.

>> No.14392290

What does it mean if you barely find images like this sexually arousing but instead find the form really relaxing, the way the female body looks, like all your problems would seem less bad if this thing was in front of you and dancing slowly?

>> No.14392424

It means you’re healthy and interpreting it the way nature meant it to be.

>> No.14392435
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Then again, if you need books to know women are subhuman cattle then you'll probably ignore them anyway

>> No.14392450

How old are you, nigga?

>> No.14392455

Not to make it overtly political, but I was interested up until you lost me at the use of the word “fascistic” applied to context in which it’s intended to mean something other than what the word means. It convinced me that whatever I had left to read was just going to be a sort of half-educated gotcha and so I stopped.

>> No.14392470

> what books will help me understand women
> in a sympathetic way


>> No.14392474


>> No.14392499

I'm a 57 year old virgin.

>> No.14392501

the red queen by ridley has really put things into perspective for me

>> No.14392503

The sexual revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.14392507

Based. But why?

>> No.14392511

Dudes should be mad at this desu, Basically telling girls to leash you.

>> No.14392512

Fucking based.

>> No.14392532

>men literally tarnish women when they sleep with them
its the other way around

>> No.14392550

It’s mutual.

>> No.14392552

Jane Austen

>> No.14392591
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>> No.14392608
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>> No.14392680

Anna Karenina by Tolstoy
The loneliness of prime numbers by Giordano
Thats a start
T. Female

>> No.14392706

post feet

>> No.14392761

the absolute legend

>> No.14392841

Most people get nowhere near that number ever.

>> No.14394019


>> No.14394029

please be my girlfriend

>> No.14394048

When have you ever become more satisfied with an experience after doing it many many times?

>> No.14394054

shut the fuck up retard

>> No.14394070

all women are whores

>> No.14394117

All women are whores

>> No.14394194

this article is literally the opposite of how Kitty is and Anna is just a crazy bitch lol

>> No.14394333
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maybe try this

>> No.14394934

Anything involving skill

>> No.14394958

>sticking your flesh in someone elses flesh bad!

>> No.14394999


>> No.14395018

Not even.

>> No.14395028

When you do it expecting routine boredom and receive a surprise instead

>> No.14395043
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>> No.14395052

women=left wing for anything but sex
women= capitalist for sex [making men compete for a reward and the reward is providing for a woman at least sexually]

men = right wing for anything but sex = autism = clinging to pathetic power fantasies of leading other people and killing people who do not think like them, craving to be alphas when all they do is supporting women at best
men like to be told what to do
and it is distraction from orbiting roasties.
So that men feel like strong and powerful about something not related to women. However, the only thing that men do when they create a society is in fact to give an easy life to women, because
-men never ever stop competing for women
-society according to men is jsut to get comfortable, which women benefit a lot from , and create rules and being upset when they think that other tribes do things differently

this is why women always push for more society and men gladly work for them free of charge.
men = left wing for sex [utopia]

>> No.14395060
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There is a way out of your self-made hell Anon, but you have to want to change.

>> No.14395061

Wait until you have sex for the first time

>> No.14395075

Congratulations! You are a virgin

>> No.14395107
File: 94 KB, 768x560, AA1CEFEF-BB92-4120-96DC-DC5CCB4EAF0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from Italian fascio "group, association," literally "bundle," from Latin fasces. 1590s, from Latin fasces "bundle of rods containing an axe with the blade projecting" (plural of fascis "bundle" of wood, etc.), from Proto-Italic *faski- "bundle," perhaps from PIE *bhasko- "band, bundle" (source also of Middle Irish basc "neckband," Welsh baich "load, burden," perhaps also Old English bæst "inner bark of the linden tree"). Carried before a lictor, a superior Roman magistrate, as a symbol of power over life and limb: the sticks symbolized punishment by whipping, the axe-head execution by beheading. Hence in Latin it also meant, figuratively, "high office, supreme power."

>> No.14395115

Don’t name call. It’s the weakest form of rebuttal. Try saying something clever next time. You can do it :)

>> No.14395396

Ok why not
No, Anna is not, she was in situation where every single of us may end up. Remember madame Bovary ?there are serious parallels I think. Yes that's all that emotional dynamics and mild melancholia women are better in dealing with.
Maybe, also "Khazar Dictionary" but female version, if you like metaphors and digging deep.

There is also that interesting Nobel prize winner "War's unwomanly face" by Aleksievitch, which trough documentary series of interviews and examples explains human brain in such an mergency situation as war: unbelievable ability to go trough pain when you have no active position, where they still taught you to be passive for the whole life- and that's the worst thing that can happen to human being.

>> No.14395424
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>this thread is still up

>> No.14395442

I feel sadness for the guy in the picture, he witnessed that the fable of equality was a lie and instead of dedicating his will to power and overcoming he decided to lash out then castrate himself

>> No.14395472

Yes, there's still time for you Anon. Still time to learn how to be a bitch to women and a bitch to society.

>> No.14395474

based and whitepilled

>> No.14395478
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Slutshaming is literally human nature. We’ve been conditioned to it through millions of years of evolution, and the reason for it is simple: it’s to be sure that the offsprings you will put resources into are truly years. If infidelity was rampant, you wouldn’t be sure anymore. Being disgusted of whorish behaviour is an instinctive reflex.

>> No.14395501
File: 21 KB, 375x464, marcoaurelio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A life spent dwelling over such banalities will lead to nothing but ennui. Cast aside such thottery and devote your life to philosophy.

absolutely stoic and based, this anon is blessed.

>> No.14395518

Utilitarianism is by JS Mill

>> No.14395571

I wonder if it's the same guy who always fucks that up or if reddit is really that dumb

>> No.14395591

why would we not get laid?

>> No.14395795

Bookish art-types get laid so much it's insane.

>> No.14395814

>be /lit/ tranny
>don't get laid because sodomy is a sin and i'm already at risk of eternal damnation because of the crossdressing
the worst of both worlds desu

>> No.14395934

since when is crossdressing a sin? if you care about any of this, just have sex with a lesbian while you both have bras on and are confused together. (Write a novel off it for profit.)

>> No.14395935

You'd do the same if you were a girl.
If you've ever felt like a girl you know that the moment someone gives you attention and treats you like a girl you melt in his hands. It takes some effort to keep your virginity

>> No.14395941

Same except I don't cross dress or take hormones.

>> No.14395943

>you have to put some effort into yourself anon so u can attract a gf
>see shit like this
yeah, no

>> No.14395944

What does it mean to treat someone like a girl.

>> No.14395961

To treat someone like they're soft and fragile both physically and mentally.

>> No.14395963

when you abuse someone but assert that it is love and affection

>> No.14395977

What does it mean if you've always been treated like this by 90% of the people in your life and you're 22 years old and no longer feel attracted to vaginas but still have obsessions over girls?

>> No.14395994

I don't know i guess it means your life is nice. I'd like to be treated like a girl

>> No.14396000

acquinas says it's a sin because you might entice another person to commit sodomy, so i figure as long as i don't have sex then it's okay to crossdress

>> No.14396003

it means you need to enlist in the infantry because your soul is crying out loud to you that you should stop seeking validation from people you don't respect and instead become a man who makes and keeps his self made laws

>> No.14396023

You're interesting. Not like the other trannies

>> No.14396027

>technical dubs
>technically right
ok coomer

>> No.14396037

"Introduction to statistics 101" could do the trick.

>> No.14396133


>> No.14396135
File: 3.87 MB, 4001x3609, 1567287112437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man caught a brief glimpse of the truth and then society smothered him into a slavery of cucks once more

>> No.14396139

What a car crash this infographic is. You should read the Economist and get that chip off of your shoulder.

>> No.14396208

Women want Chad dick. Here, I just explained the entirety of female psychology to you.

>> No.14396256


>> No.14396319

This entire thread must be purged

>> No.14396330


>> No.14396589

Lifetime happiness and overall relationship satisfaction decreases with each partner you have. Has been 'scientifically' proven (based on polls/etc).

>> No.14396600


>> No.14396820

Empirically false
More promiscuous individuals are more likely to cheat, which makes total sense: if you're someone who craves sexual encounters with different people, it's unlikely you will change overnight and decide to have sex with a single individual for a long-term relationship