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/lit/ - Literature

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14389995 No.14389995 [Reply] [Original]

So you have read all of western philosophy anon?
You have gained something from that right ?

>> No.14390007

What do you think one gains from such a thing?

>> No.14390014
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>y-yes i have
>a-and now im no smarter than i was before i started and im $20000 in debt from college courses and buying books

>> No.14390018

>So you have read all of western philosophy anon?
God no. I just followed the trace

>> No.14390027

best case scenario is if she overhears you talking about it with such passion and a little modesty with other people who are listening. If she herself is interested in philosophy you probably shouldn't want her but she'll be easier for you to grab so feel free to namedrop, but still, your best bet is just to talk about it a little until you see that she's interested in you the same way you used to be interested in girls in high school: looking at you and laughing and unable to stop talking to the point where everyone else around you two are the ones uncomfortable. And you of course.

What have I learned? Do your job and be yourself. Not to discredit philosophy--i love it. Read Plato and Nietzsche. Know 6 books.

>> No.14390265

I've read about them on wikipedia, so yes I have them mastered.

>> No.14390313

Yes, I gained the knowledge that modern western philosophy is a degeneration of the wisdom tradition that philosophy originally was, you're better off sticking to Neoplatonism, Traditionalism, mysticism and eastern metaphysics.

>> No.14390694
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So which is it, you're indulging in your fair share of qts and are unable to gain anything from reading; or, can't get any qts and loathe your choice to indulge in reading? Please tell us, anon, that you both don't get qts and can't comprehend your readings. Limiting yourself to one or the other is bad enough, but... Please tell us, anon, that this post isn't another layer of delusion to distract you from your self-loathing. Please no, anon; anything but that.