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File: 76 KB, 318x475, gabriel-garcia-marquez-one-hundred-years-of-solitude-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1438918 No.1438918 [Reply] [Original]

Goddammit why is every version I download of this book have fucked up formatting. Anyone have a version of this that is a) not a PDF and b) not broken?

>> No.1438919

I do, it's sitting on my bookshelf.

>> No.1438921


>> No.1438922

irc: http://encyclopediadramatica.com/Bookz


>> No.1438945 [DELETED] 

Here you go, OP:
password: ebooksclub.org

fuck off, assholes

>> No.1438955 [DELETED] 

>download of this book

Because, you fucking idiot, you cannot download a book.

What you are about, you see, is trying to download a reading game.

In the same sense: one may not download a car; one may, however, download a driving game.

Do you see?

A book is a thing made of formed wood containing printed words which one holds in one's hands. It is a physical thing. It cannot be, as you say, "downloaded".

This is not fucking Tron.

>> No.1438956

It's a PDF, but thanks anyway. I found a properly formatted .mobi file, though—finally.

>> No.1438967

Post a link, faggot.
It's not all about you, you know.

>> No.1438985

>download of this book

Because, you fucking idiot, you cannot download a book.

What you are about, you see, is trying to download a reading game.

In the same sense: one may not download a car; one may, however, download a driving game.

Do you see?

A book is a thing made of formed wood containing printed words which one holds in one's hands. It is a physical thing. It cannot be, as you say, "downloaded".

This is not fucking Tron.

>> No.1439002
File: 273 KB, 1691x2087, Edward Norton (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see >>1438921

>> No.1439039


A .pdf is always going to suck, a .mobi is always going to suck. Formating, font, translation, special characters. Everything about digital is death to a book.

So just buy the thing. I mean, I'm living off government funds while I look for a job so I can keep studying and even I can afford a book a month. Which means I'll have the Terry Pratchett collection in something like three more years. But still, easier to read, and I like the cover art.

I also like how if there's a footnote it's on the same page, or if there's a special character the entire book isn't out of line after it since the page fked up so bad.

>> No.1439056

> tries to school other people about the essence of books
> reads one book a month (terry pratchett)

way to discredit yourself, bro

>> No.1439066

Good luck to you, fella.

Do you have a wishlist? Why not post it and maybe get something nice?

>> No.1439137


Fktard who can't read properly.

One book a month with access to multiple libraries, op shops and friends parents bookshelves? 'Sif

However, if there's a book I really want, I can get one a month. For the books that aren't as common, and Pratchett is a strange one that seems to be remarkably absent from most places.

For example, Tristan by Von Strassburg is unavailable in local libraries, so purchasing that on Amazon for 20. Doesn't mean that's the only book I'll read this month.

>> No.1439210

Just buy the book. It's worth it.

>> No.1440891

Weird that you are having problems with this one because I had no problem finding a non PDF version

I actually found mine at a local Borders
or if going to a bookstore is to much damn work for you, you spoiled piece of shit