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/lit/ - Literature

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14387933 No.14387933 [Reply] [Original]

>what you're currently reading
>how you're holding up

>> No.14387966

>Oblivion by DFW
>I daydream all day about coming home from work and spending the evening reading and writing and then I come home and shipost on /lit/ and stare at facebook and then go to bed

>> No.14388019
File: 2.75 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20190707_201507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soumission by Houellebecq & Siddartha by Hermann Hesse, Both in french.
I'm okay. Broke up recently with 2 year gf. Now spend too much time on /lit/ and vidya. But I've been cooking good meals and taking care of myself, so I don't feel so bad.

>> No.14388029

>Art of Seduction by Robert Greene
>I'm severely dejected about life at the moment.

>> No.14388037

>envy by yury olesha
>first semester of uni, probably gonna fail 3/5 classes, feeling more disassociated than before and constant paranoia,

>> No.14388051

>28 hhkv neet
>Kafkas diaries and a shitty historical fiction novel called The Murder of Edgar Allen Poe
>waiting for my psychogenic death to arrive any day now, hopefully before the Christmas holiday when I'll inevitably be expected to deliver a progress report on my situation to my relatives

>> No.14388087 [DELETED] 


>> No.14388092

>wanted to see if I can still enjoy fantasy
>read Plague of Gaints. Got through the entire book giving a shit about literally no one but the villain and even him eh.
>wheel of time: book one
>trying to figure out if Fantasy is worth reading when not a teen
>writing is better, but the shift into multi perspective was awkward. Main character is on a super repetitive arc. Getting bored. Too many young characters are POV characters but I hope that changes.

Does the series get better? Im tired of "enter Inn, get attacked, Mat put a hand on his dagger, repeat"

>> No.14388097

>anti-oedipus by deleuze
>burnt out by uni but im with my dog now so things cant be that bad

>> No.14388109

I read LOTR when I was a kid, and I think my next book is going to be the Silmarillion. I initially was going to reread LOTR but I've been on a Bible kick lately and the prose in the Sil is kind of biblical, or something. idk
The point here is that if you're looking for epic fantasy there's probably some Tolkien you haven't read.

>> No.14388115

>blindness by Jose someone
>pls send help

>> No.14388121

>A Christmas Carol, but it's so short that I'll say I'm reading either Skagboys or The Present Age next
>Trying to pray more and be a better person this Christmas season, but mostly failing. I've had an awful hangover most of the day.

>> No.14388141


>> No.14388263

>East of Eden
>agonizing over every life i will never lead and incapable of enjoying anything i do have

>> No.14388274
File: 800 KB, 1080x1529, The Curve of Time by M. Wylie Blanchet book cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related. It's about a widowed mother and her five children spending several summers boating up and down the British Columbia coast in the 1920s. It's pretty good, and pretty comfy.
>in the middle of getting my life together; it's hard

>> No.14388311

I'm 28 and finished reading Lolita this morning. It's fantastic. Nabokov is a god and has earned the right to shit on as many writers as he pleases. A few days ago I read Serotonin. I liked it, and the final pages were heartbreaking. Now reading The Tin Drum. I don't know how I am. Probably terrible, but the steady intake of good literature has been good for the spirit. I think most of you are fags, mostly because you defend DFW, a fault of humanity I simply cannot abide.

>> No.14388987

>The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch
>Just met a cool girl and things are going pretty well, I hope she'll get me out of my spleen

>> No.14388990

>data mining thread
>celestial shit psyop shilling
damn it fuck off

>> No.14389003

I’m almost200 pages into Lolita and I’m getting bored

>> No.14389010

The Idiot
neet at the moment. going to start working at some shit job in summer though.

>> No.14389025

>of the original contract by hume
>finished this semester with ok grades. huge relief cause this was the worst semester i've had so far

>> No.14389058

Things are looking up. Finally got a new job. I need to learn how to be better with money and now is the time. I have to be smart this time. So i can leave home and live with my gf.

>> No.14389068

Honestly, Malazan Book of the Fallen.

>> No.14389101

Delete Facebook and block 4chan

>> No.14389136

>Vom Kriege part 2 and rereading Siegfried by Mulisch
>Having a hard time at work because Im having trouble keeping up the pace. Also going off and on with my ladyfriend but honestly getting pretty tired of our charade. I guess I'm just scared of going sexless if I put an end to it.

>> No.14389150

The possibility of an island by Houellebecq
Existential psychotherapy by Irving Yalom
I fell in love for the first time after 6 years. Feels good and bad coz I have too many feels to deal with.

>> No.14389158

>too many feels
Better be stoic about it otherwise you won't end up in a makeshift relationship until you implode under emotional stress

>> No.14389161

>A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again

>> No.14389163

>not well. feel not in control of my emotions/body. I will wake up in a panic and remain in a panic all day. I'll wake up sad and remain sad all day. Brief moments of happiness, like laughing at a joke, etc, only last for the duration of the joke, then immediately return to negative feeling/thoughts.

>> No.14389166

>The possibility of an island by Houellebecq
Do you know what they call the fatty stuff around the vagina?

>> No.14389179

>house of leaves
>debating whether or not to wageslave or suicide

>> No.14389186

A whore

>> No.14389238

>thus spoke thus spoke zarathustra
>getting fatter and more depressed

>> No.14389260

Man up. Stop reading existentialism drivel. Shoulder your burdens and let the infinite flow of time carry you upstream.

>> No.14389300

4 years old
Diary Of A Wimpy Kid
I am holding up great

>> No.14389307

>Gravity and Grace
>I can neither live fully nor die in good conscience, I am a shell of a person being crushed slowly

>> No.14389355

Top kek

>> No.14389358

The punchline in the book is a woman.

>> No.14389362

the magic mountain
i'm doing better. stopped drinking every day, just weekends now

>> No.14389399

imagine unironically being in your 30s

>> No.14389401

it's even worse than you think

>> No.14389416

based, i recommend captain underpants

>> No.14389461

>Ada or Ardor by Nabokov

>> No.14389523
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>The Brothers Karamazov
>had a dream last night that makes me wonder if I am accepting of that which happens around me or resenting of it first. also just generally tired and want christmas to be over

>> No.14389537

>browsing 4chan
what are you doing man

>> No.14389592

not him, but you'll be surprised how quickly time passes

>> No.14389661
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>Pic related
Constantly worrying about the money, feeling okay otherwise, a little existentially bored

>> No.14389681

>A Christmas Carol, will probably finish it this evening
>Nice and comfy, got a lot of plans to spend time with my family this next week. Had a decent year and ready to hit the 20's with both feet on the ground.

>> No.14389729

> 30
> Lolita. Just finished it and I didn't like that much.
> Today is quite good. Overall I'm trying not to think too much about my future, because it always paralyzes me and I want to KMS, even though I have decent job. Now I'm visiting my parents for Christmas time for couple of days and I'm sure they will be pushing me with GF topics, which is always depressing.

>> No.14389740

>Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
>Gripped by anxiety much of the time but my life is actually pretty good right now

>> No.14389996
File: 121 KB, 600x824, 32-n-600x824-italian-female-soldier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Infinite Jest
>Currently drinking more than a fifth of gin a day

>> No.14390038

>Fear and Trembling and Luke
>Decent, spending lots of time with family but lacking motivation to lift and train for track season so need to get that together

>> No.14390060

Infinite Jest

Not doing badly, but I'm at a bad place in life. Addiction to prescription amphetamines and alcohol abuse has led me to drop out of pharmacy school, which is something I spent my entire undergrad trying to manage to get into. I've decided to go with plan B and study Computer Science instead, but I'm still new at it and failed all four classes last semester. Just trying to get my shit back together by working and studying as much as possible before the next semester starts. Thank God my mom still hasn't given up on me.

Infinite Jest is also making me realize how fucked up my drug abuse is and the path that I will inevitably face if I don't get it together soon. It's been both enlightening and terrifying, and frankly, I'm glad /lit/ has so many fucking threads about it or I probably would've never checked it out.

>> No.14390087

Infiinite Jest gang. From your story you could be me. How far through are you? I'm about 600 pages deep and it's set to become my favourite book. A lot of it so far has just mirrored my life and im like well fuck. I could easily be a character in the book, i think.

>> No.14390126

Why does this matter you fuck

>> No.14390157

Good trigger discipline
Beret needs some work. Field beret is fuckin cool tho.
Straps on webbing need to be done up, she looking like a dreadllock predator mf.

>> No.14390537

Fucking same, bro.

I'm not sure how many pages since I've been listening to it on Audible, but I'm on part 3/7. Listening to the book while drinking is fucking surreal in a darkly comedic way, anon. Especially the part where Dr. Incandenza's dad is drunk as fuck and about to "teach" Jim how to play tennis was pretty deeply disturbing.

In any case, I think this book is basically the closest thing anybody like us is gonna get to actually knowing what we're in for if we keep putting off the painful task of changing our drinking habits. We're just gonna get older, it's just gonna get harder, and it won't be long before AA or suicide are the only solutions left.

>> No.14390678

Bertrand Russell's western philosophy book
Got a job, long distance gf. But I just don't feel anything except occasional frustration over the fact that I haven't been writing.

>> No.14390691

>Stoner and Elliot's Quartets
>The women who want me, I do not want; the women who do want me, I wanted, and now don't want, yet the rejection and the broken nostalgia of what was and has been destroyed is a persistent ache in my increasingly faithless soul

>> No.14390709

Have you chosen a retirement home yet?

>> No.14390912

>Manual of Insight by Mahasi Sayadaw
>Adjusting to life as a disabled person; losing faith in Buddhism.

>> No.14390913

These are data mining threads. I really wish the janitor would delete them.

>> No.14390928
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>I don't have any self discipline and I want to do too many things

>> No.14390976

Why are you all reading this pedo manuscript?

>> No.14391650

What could possibly be gleaned from these threads? The age demographic of 4chan users is already known. That we're all suicidally depressed is not exactly a big secret. And who would care about what we're reading?

>> No.14391741

>Anna Karenina
>day before I wanted to tell her I like, I found out that she got a boyfriend. It hurts. I didn't tell her.

>> No.14391744

Real question is, why aren't you. Get with the program.

>> No.14391760

Kill yourself

>> No.14391871

>Consider The Lobster by DFW
>Feeling very down, despite having close friends and a great gf. Think it's because I drink too much and my sleep schedule is fucked. Having a fucked up sleeping pattern here in Scandinavia essentially means you get no sunlight for days on end. Vitamin D deficiency induced sadness perhaps?

>> No.14391920

>just finished reading Cows by Matthew Stokoe, I’m partway through my reread of Lolita and am considering rereading Pornography by Andrea Dworkin
>good, my entire family is home right because of the Christmas break and my medical school application is going swimmingly

>> No.14391956

Whitman, Rilke
Everything is very quiet.

>> No.14392046

Sartre’s Nausea.
I’ve just been to a psychiatrist for the first time just to get fucking pills but he did not see the need to hand them over, he’d rather try therapy on me. So overall not great. Not feeling the Christmas spirit at all.

>> No.14392220

Based psychiatrist doing his job well

>> No.14392309
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Disabled how so? And losing faith in what manner?

Pic related is the one and only Buddhist text I have ever read (besides Hermann Hesse's 'Siddhartha' if that even counts) and it LITERALLY got me [practically] laid. I mean-- I decided to capitalize on a romantic situation (with a first cousin of mine) without acknowledging the anxiety inducing consequences that plagued my mind, and it was such a potent sexual experience that 10 years later (and two continents apart) the girl is STILL obsessed with me. I'm not trying to brag, and I sincerely hope none of this comes off as bragging. I just wanted to describe to you what engaging deeply into Buddhist philosophy (while it was convenient enough) managed to do for me. That's why I want to know why it is that you are losing faith.

>> No.14392335

>The Bible (book of Acts)

Life has been treating me well lately and I've been productive in the important aspects of my life, but I'm agonizing over this girl. I've been seeing a lot of signs to make a move before it's too late, but she's the most perfect girl I've seen or met in my entire life and the idea of being rejected and having her leave my life is completely paralyzing.

>> No.14392351

How fucking gay no wonder your life is a mess

>> No.14392353

>looking for direction

Anon, we've all been there and we've all suffered for 10+ years until we either miraculously or begrudgingly came to a conclusive decision that we decided to live by for the following decade.

Just choose the path you think will [(benefit)] you the most and follow it. Dumb it down through trial and error for the next few years and I can assure you that you'll ultimately land at your potential.

You've still got at least another 7 years before you hit something of a plateau, so do your best to try as many things as you possibly can before settling on a lifestyle that you firmly believe will satisfy you as a human being.

>> No.14392394

When you get to be like 23 or out of school at least. Time passes rapidly. No OP, I'm 25.

>> No.14392672

>Padurea spanzuratilor
>meh, ok I guess, some days are worse than others

>> No.14392809

>t. infertile tranny

>> No.14392980

Why is everyone in this thread a total and unabashed new fag?

>> No.14393238

>calling others 'new fag'
lmao what a newcandyass

>> No.14393266
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> 24
> The Hermetic Tradition by Julian Ebola

>> No.14393275
File: 748 KB, 1949x2848, Suttree_-_Cormac_McCarthy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


At the end of Suttree, it was good. Blood Meridian was better.. but its better than the Border trilogy.

Despondent. Losing connection with humankind it feels like.. beyond observing social cues anyway.

>> No.14393289

>i'm doing well actually. probably not enjoying my youth as i should but doing well nonetheless

>> No.14393320

St. thomas aquinas politics and ethics
It's been rough. Asked a girl out last week and got turned down hard.

>> No.14393332

good book. That was the first piece of literature that ever blew me away

>> No.14393355

>The Dark Ages by Charles Oman
>Happy and healthy

>> No.14393360

>the notion of authority by Kojeve
>slightly worried, slightly weary, otherwise not too bad. it could be worse.

>> No.14393361

Decent book. ending is weird as fuck
How good is demons? I'm interested but I'm probably going to go for the brothers or crime and punishment next.
how does it feel to be a fag?

>> No.14393460

>infinite jest
>my life is objectively shitty (dropped out of college first semester, i work retail now) but it works for me. not suicidal anymore.