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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 60 KB, 349x483, Screen Shot 2019-12-20 at 10.00.52 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14387610 No.14387610 [Reply] [Original]

Raw Data:

Those who voted for the same book more than once had their extra votes removed. "Harry Potter" was counted as Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.
I'll take questions for 30 minutes then I'm out, I've been working on this nonstop for the last 6 hours.
What were your thoughts? Personally I think it seems more meme-y than usual this year.

>> No.14387619

How is this different from last years?

>> No.14387620


>> No.14387621


>> No.14387623

Is Infinite Jest actually good?

I feel like you guys are just trying to meme me into reading a 1000 page book.

>> No.14387625
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>> No.14387630

I really liked it unironically. I voted for it.

>> No.14387637

as a greatest books of all time, list? pretty shitty. I mean i'd still go up to bat for most everything on there but the ordering repeatedly makes no fucking sense.
should have been top 25 and fiction only, allowing philosophy or compilations or even the diverse forms of literature muddles things. there should be multiple lists really.

>> No.14387640

disappointed to see it drop off the top 10 this year desu

>> No.14387643
File: 72 KB, 920x790, 1570966670243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good job anon

>> No.14387644




>> No.14387649

Thank fuck Infinite Jest and Gravity’s Rainbow we’re kicked off the top 10.

>> No.14387655

It’s too polarizing

>> No.14387656


>> No.14387658

Christian LARPers took over the board

>> No.14387659

I think it's more about /lit/'s taste than an actually defensible list for greatest of all time
Wait until you see the 80s and 90s

>> No.14387662

redpill me on Roberto Bolano. I read By Night in Chile and liked that, should I do his short stories next?

>> No.14387668

>Wait until you see the 80s and 90s
What's wrong with these other than "My Diary"

They should be ranked higher?

>> No.14387670

Taken at 53

Good job Anon. Sad to see some of my books didn't make it (Absalom, Absalom! loses to the Sound and the Fury again) but a pretty decent list overall

>> No.14387674

How many extra votes were there? and for what books?

Also thanks anon.

>> No.14387677

My Diary Desu was the one I was referring to
Also Harry Potter

>> No.14387683

Harry Potter at #55?

Should be #1. Absolute travesty.

>> No.14387686

Why didn't you rig it? Now Reddit is going to laugh at us and call us pseuds

>> No.14387688

I think only 3 or 4 people voted for the same book more than once. One of them voted for all harry potter, one all for mein kampf, and I think someone voted for Finnegans Wake 3 times. You can check the data table if you're really curious.

>> No.14387695

>1 Moby Dick
>17 Book of Disquiet
>Infinite Jest not in top 10
>Bible not 1
>27 Das Kapital
>29 The Recognitions
>30 Process and Reality
>50 The Man Without Qualities
>59 The Tunnel
>64 Montaigne
>83 Under the Volcano
>89 Arcades Project

>The Wake not in top 50
>52 Kaczynski
>53 Taleb
>54 Guenon
>55 Harry Potter
>57 Franzen
>71 Hitler
>91 Spengler
shit. the list should be thrown out.

>> No.14387698

I'm honestly interested to see what reddit's reaction to a list containing Mein Kampf, The Quran, and Harry Potter, is.

>> No.14387703

Anon you got one of the authors wrong. No one here likes Franzen on 57. You should have put Correction by Thomas Bernhard it was on the chart last year.

>> No.14387708

>Capital still dabbed on the rightwing memes

>> No.14387709
File: 58 KB, 750x1000, poster,840x830,f8f8f8-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mein kampf
>the quran
>Bhagavad Gita

last years one was better

>> No.14387711

Someone make the chart so we can post the Reddit thread

>> No.14387714

Thanks, thought there was something up with that, but google didn't even give me that result when I searched Correction lmao. Edited.

>> No.14387717

how many dicks have you sucked?

>> No.14387720
File: 43 KB, 770x258, Screen Shot 2019-12-20 at 10.27.36 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow /lit is so much better than reddit. Look how well read we are. I never knew Mein Kampf was better than Aquinas and The Gita

>> No.14387730

Spengler is fine literature.

>> No.14387735

you should go back :/

>> No.14387737

Jesus. this board gets worse and worse evrey year

i'm done posting here you fucking pseuds. this is the last straw.

>> No.14387741

This is more representative of the state of the board than the actual list

>> No.14387745
File: 172 KB, 564x600, C4E444A1-A9C4-4E5A-858A-B69F90585163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why come everyone readed the babby's first big book books?
>Why come no one readed my secret special club books?

>> No.14387754

they're not even good fucking bioosk you trash
;i;n too drunk for this shit
just fuck
fucyyou all

>> No.14387756

Times change. Gen Z runs this board now boomer.

>> No.14387757

Thanks op now it is a bit less cringe. Thanks for your hard work fren.

>> No.14387764

So there were just 537 responses, in which people listed their 5 'greatest books of all time', and this was used to form a /lit/ top 100 list?

Great work anon. This is hilarious.

>> No.14387780
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>Whitehead and Marx dabbing on the fashtrad incels

>> No.14387798
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is this is the first time that the chart hasn't been moderated for obvious memes? i kinda like it.

>> No.14387805
File: 44 KB, 657x527, 8B7DA7FA-FB7B-445A-8F91-0F43A8060563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the work anon, I like to go through and cross out the books I’ve read and I hope someday I can cross out every book.

>> No.14387807

OP can you post the authors who appeared least often/were unique? I'm more interested in that desu

>> No.14387813

Thomas Carlyle

>> No.14387833
File: 80 KB, 619x928, 2f8232f5ec121cc26dcdf2ee0bc73eea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ay my sweet Ovid got in!!!
But rip Lucretius, you tried!
And uh, Conversations of Goethe was a pipe dream but god did I adore it.

Pretty magpie for my Ovid friends.

>> No.14387840

>Reign of Quantity and Sign of the Times
>Mein Kampf

dare I even say it? BASED AND RED-PILLED

>> No.14387844
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Shout out to the other anons that voted for Ted.

>> No.14387850

tiebreaks when?

>> No.14387851

Quality of the overall ranking aside we accomplished what once seemed impossible, Infinite Jest is out of the top 10. It’s a new era, old /lit/ is dead it seems. List overall is memes, but whatever man, next year lets get the bible to number one.

>> No.14387871

Who's going to be the new /lit/ trinity?

Guenon, Taleb, and Carlyle?

>> No.14387881

Marx, Whitehead, Benjamin

>> No.14387882

No one cares about Taleb besides that one twitter shill. The /lit/ trinity for the past year has been Deluze/Land, Guenon, and Whitehead.

>> No.14387886

There were a ton, you can look through the data if you want

>> No.14387892

Guenon for sure, i think based on this year it’s Guenon, Whitehead and Nietzsche. They have consistently gotten 10-20 threads a week. Feels like /lit/ has further transitioned away from fiction, though Joyce, Pynchon, Dostoevsky, Faulkner and Tolstoy threads will always pop up.

>> No.14387898
File: 3.44 MB, 3472x3262, philosophers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So there were just 537 responses, in which people listed their 5 'greatest books of all time', and this was used to form a /lit/ top 100 list?

Basically take anything out of the Top 10 or so with a grain of salt because only a few people, or in some cases a single person, would have voted for it.

>> No.14387903

I feel you anon. Going to read through the list, close this website, brush my teeth and go to sleep.

>> No.14387904
File: 1.23 MB, 1820x4348, Top100lit2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at how much this has changed. It almost doesn't seem like the same board. Sort of crazy to think. Any other anons on still on here from 2014?

>> No.14387914 [DELETED] 

i think people moved on with their lives after their teens and early twenties

sorry boomer :(

>> No.14387918

Guys lets not show this one to /r/books, I'm too embarrassed.

>> No.14387922

>implying I wasn't posting on /lit/ during middle school

>> No.14387930

Anon can you let us do the tie breakers? Like in a strawpoll or something.

>> No.14387932
File: 590 KB, 398x666, KarlyleKing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going long on Carlyle blowing up in 2020

>> No.14387939

nothing stopping us i think, we have all the data all that’s left to do is break the ties and make the chart. it doesn’t have to be the same anon

>> No.14387947

Strawpolls are way too easy to fuck with.

>> No.14387952
File: 3.05 MB, 1820x4352, top2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Walter Benjamin just as much as the next serious reader but there's no way his Arcades Project could have made it on there without samefagging. Also glad that Musil is moving up in the world. Some of the meme responses are a tragedy of course but the good must be taken with the bad and I heartily welcome our Dick-lords

That said 2016 is still the best with arguably only 2 memes on it, Bottom's Dream and Moore's Jerusalem which exactly 1 person has actually read, both of which are literally never discussed now. So this current epidemic of blatant Guenon/Whitehead spamming will too pass

>> No.14387959

There's been a migration from various different parts of the internet. Twitter, reddit, /pol/, /leftypol/, /r9k/. Nobody on /lit/ cares about literature or art anymore. Too many philosophy and political posters. And if it's not philosophy or politics, then it's porn, blogposts or shitposts. I wonder where the literature posters went.

>> No.14387962

Read one of those and if I am to judge the rest upon that one then I will refrain.

>> No.14387970

Yeah I’m done but you’re welcome to do whatever you want now. Hope someone makes the actual chart.

>> No.14387989

The fact that In Search of Lost Time is not #1 shows /lit/ has shit taste

>> No.14388006

>Gravity’s Rainbow
>off the top 10
might want to check your math there, cowboy

>> No.14388061

I’ll make a google doc, how long should I leave it up for? I’m thinking 2 days.

>> No.14388069

Just do a strawpoll and we will do it quick

>> No.14388075

All those books are great

>> No.14388094

making them now, thread soon.

>> No.14388099

>The Golden Bowl is in the tie breaker
You better vote for this you fuckers

>> No.14388104

Don't put any of the memes on the poll so trolls don't vote for them. The chart is already cancer as it is.

>> No.14388119
File: 273 KB, 517x396, 1509400409687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1984 at number 21
This is proof everyone just spouted names of well-known books. People who think 1984 is an important book do not say it's a great book. It's not even the greatest book in Orwell's corpus let alone worthy of being 2 places down from Hamlet.

>Red and the Black no longer on the list
Fuck you all

>> No.14388133

I’ve gotta in an effort to make things somewhat fair, though I may leave off the uber faggy ones

>> No.14388142

Which memes made the tie breaker?

>> No.14388210

There's some books I haven't read on that list so I might have to read them. For some reason I didn't expect that particular work by Guenon on the list. If anything I'm more surprised Evola didn't make it.

>> No.14388247

Unironically my favorite book.

>> No.14388439

what the fuck? there are only 9 guenonposters??

>> No.14388443

I forgot how pleb /lit/ is.

>> No.14388461

>No Hunger Games
>No Divergent Series
>No Cassandra Clare
This list is shit.

>> No.14388471

>Moby Dick always number 1
>literally, LITERALLY, never mentioned on /lit/
I'm not denying it's a good book but it's odd nobody ever talks about it

>> No.14388485


nah theres more. I would have voted for reign of Quantity too but I didnt get a chance

>> No.14388486

>Process and Reality
>The Catcher in the Rye
>Industrial Society and It's Future
>The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times
>Harry Potter
>Brave New World
>American Psycho
>The Decline of the West
>Kafka on the Shore
We should not make a list next year. /lit/ has been sufficiently colonized by /pol/, r/books, and meme shills.

>> No.14388491

>but I didnt get the chance
Guenonfag reveals himself to be the only Guenon voter using nine different accounts

>> No.14388507

Nah, if I got the chance I would have made enough accounts to put Guenon at #1

>> No.14388522
File: 55 KB, 600x800, 1566386244678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's been a migration from various different parts of the internet. Twitter, reddit, /pol/, /leftypol/, /r9k/. Nobody on /lit/ cares about literature or art anymore. Too many philosophy and political posters. And if it's not philosophy or politics, then it's porn, blogposts or shitposts. I wonder where the literature posters went.

Can you faggots who don't love literature or art please fuck off
fuck off!
fuck off!
fuck off!

All the philosophy posts need to be corralled into a general or megathread and their fine.
but the rest need to be round up and shot

>> No.14388535

>The Man Without Qualities 50+
>No The Sleepwalkers on the list
>No Rushdie or Vargas Llosa

0/10, you guys are such memes.

>> No.14388556

Thank you anon for your effort post (:

>> No.14388559

>Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
I stand corrected. /lit/ has always been bad.

>> No.14388609

I'll read it, or listen to it.

I'm glad that The book of the new sun made it. Its truly excellent, and I definitely want to reread that as well.

>> No.14388639

>Demons at 79
Oh no no no no patrician bros we got too cocky what happened?

>> No.14388680

fucking newfags i swear

>> No.14388695

did my part for spreading tedpill

>> No.14388705

Lurk more

>> No.14388711

Catch-22 has been on the list every year, and lit talks about it all the time. Chart Anon should’ve used a meme filter, but some pleb books are lit-core.

>> No.14388721

Want to feel like a smart stem-faggot without having to give a shit about the field ?

Read Taleb today.
Guaranteed interesting ideas, never before seen takes, in his surprisingly large series of Incesto.
Also IQ is a sham no matter it's usefulness and he's not arab.

>> No.14388739

Also Industrial Society and it's future is at 11.
Some anon voted "Unabomber Manifesto"

>> No.14388827

I don't care about the same books I cared about then. If I had voted for 5 then and 5 now, they would only overlap on two, probably.
Even if the /lit/ base didn't change one bit, the list would change.

>> No.14388844

>screenshot literally shows it having the same number of votes

>> No.14388858

I only come on lit once a year to vote for Moby Dick
And Faust

>> No.14389230


>> No.14389232

>meme books
never gonna make it

>> No.14389322

someone who doesn't even know how to read the thread subject wants a shot at commenting about the greatest books of all time

>> No.14389325

Is the book called by night and you've read it in Chile or is it called by night in Chile?

>> No.14389334

>you lived to see the edgy, pretentious Camus not be even in the top 10
>you lived to see the overrated Stranger not be above TBK, Ulysses, Don Quixote etc
Best timeline

>> No.14389353

Don't hate on my man Albert
All he wanted was to see us find some meaning in the world

>> No.14389360

Btw, the amount of tiebreakers is ridiculous, should really get more votes in. And should remove memes like mein kampf if you don't want the board to lose credibility.

>> No.14389388


>> No.14389398

i'm just happy one hundred years of solitude did better this year
eventually it will end up in the top 10 if we meme it enough
all that's left to conclude this yearly custom is to post the results on r/books

>> No.14389421

sooo... who's making the chart?

>> No.14389434
File: 57 KB, 275x280, 1573751346996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Kawabata made it this year

>> No.14389459

Where should one start with Kawabata?

>> No.14389545

I suppose I'll have a crack, I've got nothing better to do right now.

>> No.14389552


>> No.14389603

Correction over Bernhard's true masterpiece, Extinction. Hmm...

>> No.14389682

absolutely disgusting

should have used a meme filter

>> No.14389690


>> No.14389691

Does a top 100 like this deserve a chart?

>> No.14389699

Absolutely not, though I've already started so it's too late. Maybe it'll serve as a grim reminder.

>> No.14389700

We honestly ought to cast some more votes and just disqualify any submission that involves Mein Kampf, Guenon, Harry Potter, John Green etc
It's outrageous

>> No.14389704


we must not let this happen.

>> No.14389718

And Ted

>> No.14389726

you all are a bunch of pussies. I for one am ecstatic that our memes, Whitehead, Guenon, Kaczynski, etc. made it on to the list. It's like a snapshot of ever evolving board culture

>> No.14389741

Whitehead is a philosopher in the same vein as Hegel and Nietzsche. Not a meme like those two.

>> No.14389748

whitehead is a meme and an anglo too

>> No.14389755

The only meme thing about him is that he was being spammed. Other than that he isn't really a meme.

>> No.14389758

I've read a bit of Guenon and it's not really philosophy, but it's clearly still literature, if I had to categorize it I guess it would be theology since his idea of metaphysics comes from religions though obviously he has his own categories of esoteric/exoteric

unabomber can also be considered literature, he writes books about technology, social conditions, psychology, etc.

>> No.14389761
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>> No.14389763

Seething losers can't accept the results. voting systems only work if you accept the results.

>> No.14389764

Unabomber is just shilling retard ideology. It's a meme book.

>> No.14389767

What caused the fall of camus?

>> No.14389771

We don't accept them. We wanted OP to make rules like we usually do so this shit wouldn't happen.

>> No.14389775

It might be retarded but plenty of academic stuff is seen as retarded too, even by the people in academia. Unabomber is just obviously not praised by any institutions but I don't see why that matters

>> No.14389779

I didn't even know there was a vote this year.

>> No.14389782


>> No.14389789

>all this seething from wallacefags

>> No.14389796

Doesn't disqualify him you asshole.

>> No.14389797 [DELETED] 

The stuff published in academia at least has intellectual rigor even if you might disagree with their readings. Don't compare Unabomber to that. It is just the hollering of an incel that killed people trying sell his retard reactionary ideology.

>> No.14389799

Yes. Disqualify him along with Hitler and Harry Potter.

>> No.14389804

The stuff published in academia at least has intellectual rigor even if you might disagree with their readings. Don't compare Unabomber to that. It is just the hollering of an incel that killed people trying shill his retard reactionary ideology.

>> No.14389805

>The stuff published in academia at least has intellectual rigor
There is literally no procedure in place to test for intellectual rigor in the humanities. There practically can't be one, it's not science. And the social sciences are not exactly a great example either, in fact even some harder sciences like Geology are very hard to provide evidence for.

>> No.14389809
File: 44 KB, 800x450, brainlettttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14389810

>There is literally no procedure in place to test for intellectual rigor in the humanities.
t. never read a piece of criticism in his life
Doesn't matter if it is a science it is a human practice and has its own strict methodology behind its discourse. If you are ignorant about it then don't talk about it.

>> No.14389811

Have you even given it a cursory glance? You'd probably enjoy it even if you think destroying contemporary society is not the correct solution. His description is on point.

>> No.14389815

Even if the book was just posted by some guy as a pdf on his website I dont see why that would disqualify it. What is this cucking to institutions

>> No.14389817
File: 22 KB, 211x320, 71A7E2F2-7EB4-4DF2-B7C5-6241C8BFA36D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no The Fountainhead

>> No.14389820

Because the moron would not accept that. Even if I appeal to institutions, he still won't consider it a book.

>> No.14389821

The methodology can itself be criticized since there is no way to falsify it, but that's not going to be published because the fields are full of groupthink. You're just a slave to academic authority

>> No.14389827

I gave it a glance. It is just a tasteless stembug that has poisoned his mind with reactionary ideology spilling out the same shit you see on /pol/. Nothing of value.

>> No.14389831

You couldn't write a criticism of it to save your life, the only mental process you can handle is 'is belief fashionable? if yes develop rationalization for believing it'

>> No.14389835
File: 55 KB, 577x608, 1558874092327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I gave it a glance
>reactionary ideology

>> No.14389838

It is like anything just another human practice. It is followed up by literary history and tradition.
Science as well is its own human practice. These are the key words "human practice."

>> No.14389843

Here come the Ted cultists

>> No.14389846
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>Here come the Ted cultists

>> No.14389847
File: 13 KB, 225x224, îshque.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you kidding? I talk about it all the time. A lot of people here talk about it, there was a thread about the comedic aspects of the book not long ago. Indee, M-D is often a topic of conversation here.

>> No.14389849

That top 3 is based

>> No.14389850

The Quran makes an appearance finally!

Why is it's author not 'God'?

>> No.14389857


>> No.14389858
File: 88 KB, 657x527, 1576842823011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translators and scribes don't count?

>> No.14389861

Could you point out where in Ted's work are the /pol/ references? I tried looking for the words "nigger" and "jew" but I could not find them. Maybe I didn't read closely enough, could you help me find them?

>> No.14389862
File: 54 KB, 375x500, Kawabata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw him live in New Haven, great show!

>> No.14389868

Who votes for shit like the count of monte christo or les miserables?

Thanks to other anons who voted for musil.

>> No.14389870

It's the bit about Leftists being oversocialized and identifying with weak groups(poor, female, gay, black, etc.). He probably shouldnt have included that bit because it turns off people who otherwise might listen to his primitivist memery

>> No.14389871


>> No.14389874

To add on if you have the reductive view that science=OBJECTIVE and humanities=SUBJECTIVE then you have a silly view of things. They are all looking at things from different perspectives using different tools of human practice. I recommend you read Cosmopolitics by Stengers. Good book one of the best philosophy texts published this century.

>> No.14389879
File: 42 KB, 334x506, 5FB3D92E-A0E5-4140-A23C-829D4B5CE93E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t why people seethe at the meme picks so much. The memes are what separate us from insecure pseuds on reddit, who would outright ban half of these from getting votes and censor results. Be happy you post on a place that a few years ago voted infinite jest the best book ever written and this year voted guenon into the top 100, it’s a show of our unique and evolving culture, and above all that we actually read, since odd picks a pseud would never touch get chosen. Here’s to /lit/!

>> No.14389880

This. Jannies, you can do better.

>> No.14389882


>> No.14389886


>> No.14389889

I have the perspective that the subsets of the sciences that produce applications can be said to have instrumental value, and therefore some relation to reality. Whether this is objective or subjective, I don't really care.

The areas of human thought that don't have this quality are much harder to be certain of, making me not especially convinced by an academic consensus, especially given their frequently shifting nature, and the tendency for institutional bias. I'll read what they have to say and I'll read what non-academic sources have to say, and judge them by whether they make sense to me, withholding any real judgment because they are by definition tentative.

>> No.14389891

No one here reads. The people that voted Guenon, Harry Potter, and Hitler only did so to troll. I doubt anyone here reads Guenon except that one guy.

>> No.14389899

Yet unlike uncle /pol/ its not about hating or eliminating minorities. Its about the cult of victimhood and the neo-liberal style of slacktivism. Always seeking a cause to rally behind yet not actually challenging or changing anything. Claiming to be "against the system" but indulging in it and furthering its ends. At least that is the way I interpreted it. I'm not saying the guy is 100% right but I think can see what he is trying to say and why. Also Ted roasts the fuck out of primitivists too, there is an entire chapter on why they are essentially retarded.

>> No.14389903

Haha, nice one.

>> No.14389905

/pol/ is a pipeline. Most people there start off with vague libertarian notions of fairness and end up with extreme views

>> No.14389909

I read Guenon, just finished his book on the Theosophical Society. Pretty good if you enjoy that sort of thing. Which I do...

>> No.14389913

Evaluating art and its intricacies is just as bunch of a skill as anything else. You wouldn't expect a layman to come across a difficult poem and be able to perform a scansion of it the way maybe a professor would. They have a better hold of the literary history, the language within the methodology, the form and practice used to construct the piece, the web of conversation surrounding the text, etc.

>> No.14389920

Just eliminate the people who voted "randomly" for the 5 books in attempt to derail the top 100, i'ts all in the raw data anyway.

>> No.14389925

/pol/ can’t understand half the things it co-opts. At the very core it’s disenfranchised young men who want to control peoples lives to assert a utopian vision, it’s fundamentally childish. They constantly refer to religion, yet there’s no way such utilitarian and superficial thinkers could really appreciate religion, they constantly refer to any extremist writer who vaguely aligns themselves against the system, but they can’t see the vital nuances in those people’s views. The whole thing is adolescent and I imagine most will grow out of it

>> No.14389927

The chart's coming along alright boys, will post it as soon as it's done. I think the list is a bit silly but there is something endearing about getting Hitler on there.

>> No.14389935

>You wouldn't expect a layman to come across a difficult poem and be able to perform a scansion of it the way maybe a professor would.
I'd judge them each by reading what they had to say, not by assuming the professor knows better.

>> No.14389949

Thanks for the update and the work you're putting into it, Anon. Much appreciated, even with this shit-tier meme of a list. Maybe the chart will serve as a reminder for my fellow fictionfags and wallaceposters to come out in droves for next year's vote so to box out the nu-/lit/ cringe.

>> No.14389953
File: 204 KB, 680x382, 1546812692739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30. Whitehead
>54. Guenon

>> No.14389965

A guaranteed year of guenonfag seethe

>> No.14389966

Again this is just a silly notion that art is subjective and that everyone has something to say about art. Art is a human practice with its own technicalities which the professor, who has practiced the field for years, has a better hold of the tools to evaluate said piece.

>> No.14389975

Now if only anyone would read Whitehead

>> No.14389980 [DELETED] 
File: 1.11 MB, 777x1177, 1576785185263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure to read the kjv if you read your bibles the rest are corrupt

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

>> No.14389986
File: 32 KB, 428x507, 1571015928389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all his effort of spamming 20 threads a day, resetting IPs, forcing cringe memes, samefagging to give a popular impression about Guenon....all of it amounts to failure

>> No.14389997

douay rheims is the way to go

>> No.14390000

I’ve read douay with the haydock commentary and the KJV, they are both honestly really similar. Just read whatever one fits your denomination

>> No.14390020

Kek. Only woman In top 100 is transphobic jk rowling.

>> No.14390033

Ill judge that based on whether the professor says anything of value in his text, same as any other text. There is no reason to care about his opinion just because he's a professor

>> No.14390069 [DELETED] 

Everyone has their own interpretation, but some interpretations are better than others. Hammer the words HUMAN PRACTICE into your head. Would you trust a layman to do a medical procedure on you? Would you trust a layman to construct a desk for you? Why would you hold the opinion that knows nothing about literature with the same weight as a professor who specializes in Milton? It's very silly. There is authority within the realms of art and literature as well simple as is. They are just working with different tools which are what we have in language.

>> No.14390076

>>14390033 #
Everyone has their own interpretation, but some interpretations are better than others. Hammer the words HUMAN PRACTICE into your head. Would you trust a layman to do a medical procedure on you? Would you trust a layman to construct a desk for you? Why would you hold the opinion that knows nothing about literature with the same weight as a professor who specializes in Milton to do a reading of Paradise Lost? It's very silly. There is authority within the realms of art and literature as well simple as is it just seems you just don't want to admit that. They are just working with different tools which are what we have in language.

>> No.14390079

>Would you trust a layman to do a medical procedure on you? Would you trust a layman to construct a desk for you
These have demonstrable effects, literary criticism does not. You can test whether a desk or medical procedure works, you can't test whether ltierary criticism works.

That being said I would trust anybody not retarded to build a desk

>> No.14390086

>They are just working with different tools which are what we have in language.
All in this sentence. The demonstrable effects is what they put out in language which interconnects with the rest of the conversation and tradition of the piece. There is authority in art and literature, simple as is.

>> No.14390090


>> No.14390093

I don't have to even vaguely care about your conversation, it has precisely zero authority over Milton's text.

>> No.14390108

It does. Technicalities, form, history, tradition, language, methodology. There are tools to evaluate art and a professor has better hold of them than a layman. What I said before, everyone has an interpretation, but some interpretations are better than others. You have no argument.

>> No.14390117

>a professor has better hold of them than a layman
There is and can be no evidence of this ebcause there is no way to test it. The layman can easily understand Milton's text better than the professor. The professor is better suited to interpret the text according to the orthodoxy that reigns at whatever moment he belongs to an institution, and that's it.

>> No.14390118

but herman melville sexually harassed nathaniel hawthorne!

>> No.14390136

Based bichad

>> No.14390141

They can't easily understand Milton's text because they are a layman and know nothing about the practice. You are simply a philistine if you actually believe that art is purely subjective and that anyone can just waltz into the field without knowing anything. This conversation is over.

>> No.14390148

I didn't say it was subjective, I said they could analyze it better than a professor could. You act like professors stockpiled all literary information in a bank vault only they can access. Have fun sucking off academia though

>> No.14390161

Oh and to add on there is evidence. It is all in their interpretation that they argue for using what they garner from the text. It is all in the text. So yeah. Done now.

>> No.14390167

More adding on. A text which is interconnected within a web of other texts deferring to other texts which garners a wide tradition of the practice.

>> No.14390182

And you don't have to have the status of a professor (seems to me that you are just spooked about academia) but a person who has spent a long time reading into the tradition and gets a good hand at the PRACTICE will definitely have better tools to evaluate art than a layman.

>> No.14390205

Literally anybody can comment on said tradition, you are actually so incapable of thought you think that belonging to an institution magically alters the content of what you say.

>> No.14390211

Right, she sucked quite a few dicks to get Harry Potter the publishing deal it got.

>> No.14390217

I said you didnt have to be a professor just someone that works hard learning about the tradition and the practice.
No, someone that knows nothing about the tradition or the practice can't just waltz in.
Seems to me you are just spooked about academia. Ted cultists have nothing interesting to say. I should have just stopped responding.

>> No.14390224

>1984 before the Republic
I know it's a meme but still.

/lit/ is lost, no more comfy nights.

>> No.14390227

If you don't need to belong to an institution then you're literally agreeing with my initial point- read the text and see if they have anything of value to say.

>> No.14390240

No one is going to have something of value to say right from the start without learning more about the tradition and the practice, which all professors do, they read and read. It is a practice that takes hard work to learn more about just like anything else.

>> No.14390242

When will the chart be posted here? Thanks to the anon who is creating It :)

And thanks OP for the effort of hosting this.

>> No.14390256

What do you like of Ovid and why?

>> No.14390257

Are you implying her literature doesn't stand on it's own two feet?

>> No.14390268

What is the difference between reading lots and lots as a layman or professor(besdies which not all professors read that much, or have anything interesting to say at all)? You also never addressed the fact that insitutions have biases, which is obviously shown by the fact that the dominant practice will shift from century to century.

Why not just judge a text on its own merits? If you dont like it then explain why, dont just insult the author.

>> No.14390283

Read all my other posts and see why. Seems like everything went above your head. I already explained this. And while you are at it, read Eliot's Tradition and the Individual Talent.

>> No.14390290

>Why not just judge a text on its own merits?
Like how do you even know the merits of a piece without even knowing the practice and what the piece is fucking doing? I have explained all this and it is frustrating talking to you.

>> No.14390291

You've done absolutely nothing except said that a certain group of people's opinions have priority because they belong to an institution. Notwithstanding the fact that a given institution will contradict its own dogma from a century ago, making the entire thing incoherent, there is no reason to privilege them in the first place.

Just read the fucking texts and decide on your own

>> No.14390301

>Like how do you even know the merits of a piece without even knowing the practice and what the piece is fucking doing?
by evaluating whether what it says makes sense you fucking brainlet

>> No.14390309

>that a certain group of people's opinions have priority because they belong to an institution.
I have said no such thing. I said that a person who puts hard work in learning about the practice has better tools to evaluate art. I really want to hammer my head in why are Ted cultists so fucking dense?

>> No.14390324 [DELETED] 


>> No.14390335


>> No.14390344

I don't even agree with Ted, his psychological theories have no evidence supporting them at all. You seem completely incapable of grasping that there is no one 'practice' involved in literary theory, there is a multiplicity of them, and you have to judge them with your own intellect, because there is no way to test them.

The only possible criterion here is making a compelling argument

>> No.14390348

>literally, LITERALLY, never mentioned on /lit/
the fuck you talking bout

>> No.14390350

>learning about the theory of poetry
Absolutely lmao. You know how that theory was created? By people reading poetry and making arguments about it. It's not a fucking rule of nature, they weren't magic, you can look at what they said and see if you agree with it

>> No.14390366


And I never said there was one theory of approaching literature. Some interpretations are better than others though. The person with practice in the field has a better interpretation than the guy that knows fuck all. That's all I said.

>> No.14390367

Shouldn't be too much longer before it's done. My computer is a real piece of shit but I'll post it here as soon as it's finished, I want to make it look at least sort of presentable.

>> No.14390379

I didnt say theory of poetry just poetry overall which of course includes the theory as well.

>> No.14390385

How do you know that he knows fuck all without reading his text. How do you know the guy in academia isn't just repeating a consensus based on a narrow interpretation? Again by reading the text

>> No.14390408

Fuck all by meaning he has never read anything in his life. Where in my post did I say anything about academia? You are very spooked and resentful it seems.

The person who has read Paradise Lost multiple times, knows shit about form, meter, techniques in poetry, knows the context of the text, knows the literary history behind it and the other texts it is connected with, will have a better reading of it than someone who has never read poetry in their life.

>> No.14390430

this entire debate started with
you now seem to be agreeing that it doesn't matter where a text is found, rather it matters whether the person who wrote it is saying things of value backed up by knowledge of the subject and insight

>> No.14390431

is someone working on this?

>> No.14390451

I am saying literature is a human practice just like anything else. People who know about the practice and the tradition, who have read a shitload, say a professor or maybe an autist that does a lot of studying on their own, has more authority to evaluate a piece literature than a layman. That is all I said.

>> No.14390480

I voted for the Divina and the Gita and they are on the list. /lit/ is so damn based. Can't wait for the official chart image.

>> No.14390503

Why bother?

>> No.14390535

Mein Kampf is such a bad look for us. Please don’t include it. /lit/ is, in many ways, the antithesis to /pol/, I really don’t want our board ties to their crossposters

>> No.14390543


>> No.14390551

Anybody who is going to get upset over the inclusion of Mein Kampf doesn't belong on 4chan anyway. Even most reddit faggots would just chalk that up to some anons being edgy

>> No.14390568

If you're more upset about Mein Kampf than you are about Harry Potter or Nassim Taleb then you don't belong here.

>> No.14390586

I just noticed Harry Potter and Taleb, those also should not be included either.

>> No.14390600

Some of you may live long enough to see this meme chart being unironically considered TRUE /lit/ CORE by loudmouthed newfags. Whatever helps them read the classics, I guess.

Such is the fate of selfishe meme.

>> No.14390608

Wahhh, only include books written by KANGZ

>> No.14390610

I am a web designer with 50 years of experience, and I advise you to make those damn columns wide enough for those damn titles.

>> No.14390618


>> No.14390623
File: 1.56 MB, 2000x2641, 1556152447313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this different from any year? Why is the chart about best books of all time and not best books you read this year? People are not going to change their answers every year. Are you people expecting the influx of posters to change or a replacement of the old ones?

>> No.14390626


>> No.14390639

Whoever is making the chart, put The Golden Bowl by Henry James replacing it with one of the books at the end that got 5 votes. It was one of the tie breakers.

>> No.14390655
File: 2.77 MB, 2000x3700, littop1002019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the chart. I hope I didn't make any typos or other errors, pretty sure I was quite careful. Feel free to bitch at me about the choices for books covers chosen, for many of them I was at a loss for what would be appropriate. Either way, hope this is alright, enjoy.

>> No.14390749

It looks terrible but at least its suited to its contents.

>> No.14390773

>stranger higher than book of the new sun
can somene explain this?

>> No.14390864

Thanks a lot. Finally the new chart

>> No.14390908

moby dick sucks dick

>> No.14390922

Cheers man

>> No.14390941

>only has a problem with /pol/
>but /leftypol/ is no problem
You are part of the problem with this board. Politics don't belong here at all. Slit your throat, you worthless piece of shit.

>> No.14390966

Good but holy shit the list falls apart after 50

>> No.14391040

He should have definitely ran the poll longer.
5 votes to make top 100 makes the sample size look really inadequate.

>> No.14391224


>> No.14391250

Throwback to 2016's top 100 survey

>> No.14391267

it'd be nicer with the number of votes each book got under the author.
also, the Bible had "various" authors, just like the Qu'ran
>inb4 no, God can't be an author.
also, some covers are clearly cut or have a weird size

thanks for making these anyways. These details aren't a big deal, but you did ask for some feed-back.

>> No.14391275

>*posts picture of another year* "what went wrong guys?"
>it's the same fucking books

>> No.14391277


>> No.14391292

>Please fuck off.

>The last list garnered over a million views on imgur, and /lit/ was a quagmire of shit for months afterwards.

>It serves no other purpose than to guide middlebrow newfags who should just read the sticky. The dangers associated with the list hitting imgur, or god fucking forbid, reddit, are massive.

>Please, pretty please, fuck off.


>> No.14391294

Most of these are classics that everybody in and outside this board know of. To get a new book in there, you need to shill for it during months before the poll. Or sabotage the poll.

>> No.14391296

It’s really good. It just has maybe 150 too many pages of pointless descriptions.

>> No.14391298

Even Reddit is going to make fun of /lit/ now

>> No.14391311

usually the maker takes out the meme posts, but good on you for putting in even less effort this year

>> No.14391323

OP literally got baited by /pol/ discord into believing that "haha random classic novel + MEIN KAMPF OFC" submissions are honest opinions of /lit/

>> No.14391339

upboated :^)

>> No.14391341

>/lit/ is a Melville board.

>> No.14391357

/leftypol/ btfo
Better luck in 2020 ;)

>> No.14391365

Capital is 26, Mein Kampf is 75 or something

>> No.14391379

Damn didn't expect this but I'm glad Title by Author made the first place this year

>> No.14391381

Bible number 2
Cope harder

>> No.14391387

a bit annoyed that op is fucking retarded

>> No.14391398

Jesus is a socialist

>> No.14391427

the Bible, especially the NT is not political. Jesus says outright to not pay attention to the political power and just pay your tax to whoever is in charge. The OT has some 'right wing' stuff related to marriage but it's kind of a shitshow interpreting it as a whole

>> No.14391428

Don’t bring religion into your politics shit

>> No.14391431

Fuck sake. This is abysmal. You could actually take 2018 seriously. Why is this even published? You know /r/books and /r/literature are talking about this right now? We look like fools. Fucking issue an apology or something. What cunt would release the chart with harry potter in it?

>> No.14391438

Jesus was a communist, Jesus was a pacifist

>> No.14391447

I'll admit I've fucking raging right now. We seriously look like a bunch of plebs. To the Lighthouse isn't even on here. WHY IS HARRY POTTER EVEN ON THIS? FFUCK.

>> No.14391448

Called By Night in Chile. It's real good, short too.
Anyways where would you guys go from there for Bolano?

>> No.14391450
File: 8 KB, 250x228, glassesconcerned pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>538 replies
>#1 book was on 18.77% of them
>Only the 5 most voted books got at least 10% of the vote
>Last 10 books got in although they obtained only 5 votes (0.92)

>Bible and TB got both 89 votes, although the chart shows the Bible as second

>496 replies in 2016 (last years this data was shown in the chart)
>less than 10% increase of votes
>2014 got 138 votes casted

>> No.14391454

Can someone who is competent just filter out the retard choices with the tie breakers please. This is just lazy.

>> No.14391464

Are you baiting or do you genuinely care about leddit's opinion

>> No.14391468

I don't care about reddit's fucking opinion, I care that this place holds to a fucking standard of decency because we always seem to consider ourselves better... yet this shit proves otherwise. Fuck this.

>> No.14391473

The third reich

>> No.14391474

It is literally some anons trolling the results by posting HP and Hitler and you're actually upset about this. it does not matter man

>> No.14391492

Redditniggers and leftists seething
Democracy too problematic for your tastes? Maybe you should go back

>> No.14391493

>Jesus was a pacifist
Only one thing was described as being made by Christ's own hands in the Gospels - a whip. Which he then proceeded to put to good use.

So in a word: no.

>> No.14391498

Someone give me a list of the the breakers I am going to filter out the troll picks.

>> No.14391499

I have no issue with the bible and it deserves to be there, just don’t associate it with your banal politics shit

>> No.14391508

>Lolita has almost the same amount of votes as The Divine Comedy
this board is a shithole

>> No.14391518

>only two women
>one of whom is a TERF

Would have been better with no women at all but still pretty based overall

>> No.14391524

based woman hating tranny

>> No.14391526

IKR. Dante is much better than Nobakov.

>> No.14391530

it's a song, genius

>> No.14391539

That was implied.

>> No.14391557
File: 409 KB, 1600x2400, 5580cc860bb34f93859136695f2c46fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is Harry Potter a "meme" book?

It's a classic kids book and deserves to be on the list more than half the FOTM philosophers (Guenon, Whitehead, Taleb, etc) that have crept on there.

The prose might not be Nabokov-tier but the story and characters are universal. Reminds me of a modern Dickens desu,

>> No.14391567

>le epic arab man (Antifragile)
Fuck this list

>> No.14391575

because it's terrible
/lit/ should make a chart with acceptable kids literature

>> No.14391579

Because nobody on this entire board has Harry Potter in their top 5 and it was posted purely as bait, and probably because of the Rowling Terf thing that just happened

>> No.14391582

>equating whitehead with guenon and taleb

fuck off

>> No.14391583

Any bros with me on getting watership down on there next year

>> No.14391604


>> No.14391605



>> No.14391612
File: 174 KB, 1079x633, 1576963814350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddit is making fun of us..

>> No.14391648

/lit/ has had its corpse raped and shitted on by /pol/. Even /a/ has better discussion than this place.

>> No.14391675
File: 27 KB, 691x653, 1517082607309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF, I apologize,
how could we?

>> No.14391684

This post is the end of /lit/.

>> No.14391686

Distant Star, then Detectives, then 2666.

>> No.14391689

why are varg and peterson there lol

>> No.14391707

I've got a very strong feeling that OP is actual a /pol/ crossposter who helped /pol/ discord include fucking Hitler on there

It makes absolutely no sense otherwise

>> No.14391726

But I liked the fact that one of the two women was a TERF

I hate women and trannies.

>> No.14391736

Then why would Capital be on there?

>> No.14392126

I don't think I need to explain why the second comment is so unreasonable. Including to the R*dditor that is reading this rn.

>Go back.

yet here you are.

>> No.14392161

The faggots nuked the whole thread

>> No.14392420
File: 177 KB, 2289x2289, ebj97mu3o7s31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan characteristically chooses a book written by the most inciteful figure to ever exist over some pajeet writing about shitting in the street
>le reddit is superior to us!!

>> No.14392439

Capital has been on the chart for years, and is talked about all the time here. All the memes on this year chart is because this year’s Chart Anon is a newfag and didn’t have a meme filter.

>> No.14393152

Based anon