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14386514 No.14386514 [Reply] [Original]

Going in trip this break and need a good philosophical work I can indulge myself in without too many prerequisites, or that I can google research unknown terms and references with ease. I enjoyed Guenon's first book and am looking into Crisis of the Modern World, I also liked Schopenhauer's thesis but have yet to venture deep into his first book. I see many of the meme reccomendations on here often as really interesting and they usually have one master work thats easy to dive into. Derrida-Hedigger are cool as well but the latter unlike former requires lots of preliminary stuff. I'm considering everything, Nietzsche as well has a good collection under Kaufman.

So, so far my options are:
>Derrida's Grammatology
>Land's FN and the Bassier intro book as well
>Guenon's Crisis of the Modern World
>Nietzsche reader which has Twilight of the Idols and Zarathustra
>Schopenhauer's WW1

I know a lot of these are meme books but I'm solely looking for some philosophy ridiculous or not that I can completely indulge myself and maybe read over a few times.

>> No.14386540

Tao de Ching.

>> No.14386647

Nothing of interest in anything I listed?

>> No.14386752

Either a pedo or a pedo-sympathizer. He petitioned against age of consent laws on behalf of some particularly heinous child molesters.
>Land and co
Memes, but interesting reading. Do not go for these if you want reading that doesn't require an extreme amount of prereqs. This stuff is dense and convoluted.
The only person who actually is into Guenon is Guenonfag. Don't be like him. Guenon can be interesting, but his position basically boils down to fetishization of the trappings of tradition. There are better critiques of modernity that are not memes like Guenon or Evola.
Only decent option from your list. That's a good Nietzsche reader, too.
Not going to be fun to read on a trip at all.
This. Tao Te Ching is great. It's a bunch of aphorisms to ponder and is excellent reading for traveling.

>> No.14386757

It has virtually no prerequisites and has plenty to contemplate about while you're on the move.

>> No.14386762

>Insinuating Derrida's work is not good because he had some retarded personal beliefs.
An actual ad hom, in your shitty image board? It's more likely than you'd think.

Anyhow, just pick the Nietzsche one, it's the most accesible one that isn't either hard af (Derrida, Schoppy to some degree) or deluded ramblings (Guenon and Nicky boy).

>> No.14386776

Little reason to pick the Tao de Ching unless you're specifically interested in Eastern phil btw.

Plato's 'trial of socrates' dialogues and his 'the republic' are pretty good and accesible too.
Blackburn's Think is also pretty strong for someone who doesn't know a whole lot about the field too, probably the best introduction that doesn't belittle your intelligence.

>> No.14386818

Everything written by a pedo is tainted, because the pedo's life revolves around its sickness and delusions. A pedo philosopher is even worse because he has cloaked his wickedness in statements that may look okay to even the educated observer. Most of the philosophers who signed that petition were filthy perverts whose thinking served to justify their behaviors.

>> No.14386916

nietzsche and schopenhauer are both the best options from your list. schopenhauer's style is extremely lucid and clear and nietzsche's aphoristic anti-systematic style makes for interesting "encounters" where you don't need to understand Everything in order to get something out of it. apart from those, i would recommend spinoza's ethics or kierkegaard's either/or

>> No.14387054

This is some shite that Peterson or some other 'muh Pomo neomarxists' clown manufactured isn't it?
You're just pretending to be retarded aren't you? Right?

Imagine throwing away all of Plato's work because he fucked kids. Jezus Christ. Someone better tell 90% of all philosophers that the base of their work is based on 'tainted' work.

>> No.14387149

Difference between Kierkegaard and lets say neetch and schop?

>> No.14387169

None of those people are philosophers.

>> No.14387540


>> No.14387570

Literal peanut brain
You realize tons of old philosophers had fucked up beliefs
Are you not going to read Kant because he thought slavery was okay?

>> No.14387583

either/or in particular is a lot more literary than schopenhauer and nietzsche imo, it's definitely philosophical but it explores the themes it does through the lived experience of two different literary characters. in some ways, this makes it a lot more easier to read than nietzsche and schopenhauer, especially if you are used to fiction. there's a lot less meandering about epistemology in either/or compared to nietzsche and schopenhauer as well, either/or is committed to exploring a philosophy of life first and foremost. the downside to either/or is that its very long lol quite the monster of a book. you can't go wrong with all three though

>> No.14387652

How much time do you have? You can ready Baudrillard, Simulacra and Simulation. It's short.

>> No.14388958

Land might make for a bad trip lol but it could be a fun story. Skip the boring essays and get to the fun oness!!!

>> No.14390288
