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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 46 KB, 394x604, A-Dance-with-Dragons-UK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1438528 No.1438528 [Reply] [Original]

So, when this book is finally released do you think we'll have awesome 200+ reply threads of excitement as /lit/izens read through the novel together?

Or will it just be dozens of spoiler threads and anti-fantasy trolling?

>> No.1438533

I hope lit will pull its thumb out and read fantasy other than GRRM and Jordan.

>> No.1438536
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>implying GRRM isn't /lit/'s version of Valve
>mfw neither ADWD nor Half Life Episode 3 are ever coming out

>> No.1438537

That has absolutely nothing to do with the topic. Go make your own thread about Guy Kay or whomever you wank it to. What's stopping you?

>> No.1438543

I would be smart enough to stay away from 4chan till i read an entire book

>> No.1438548

I Martin ever stuffing his face with doubledowns and gets off his ass and actually finishes this series I will be amazed.

>> No.1438609


it will never be released

>> No.1438616

This is exactly why you shouldn't give mediocre writers a sense of accomplishment.

>> No.1438628

Millions and millions of spoiler threads, possibly an invasion of /tv/ with the spoilers, and the anti-fantasy people hating/trolling us more than ever.

This is the usual course of things.

>> No.1438927
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When it comes out I'll get the audio book and listen to it while I play vydia, like I did with all the other books.

>> No.1438932
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>> No.1438944
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>> No.1438947
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>> No.1438951

>fantasy readers upset that someone is being low-brow


>> No.1438954
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>> No.1438957
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>> No.1438959

Really? Because I thought it was funny and ironic!

>> No.1438963
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Audio Books > Books

Can you build things when you read a book?

Play the vydia?

Drive a car?

I thought not, enjoy being stuck in the 16th century readfags.

>> No.1438966

Is there any approximate date of release? Cuz i have all 4 books unstarted since i have no desire to read it, like it, and then start to bite my nail in awaiting

>> No.1438969


Eddard dies at the end of the first one.

It's tragic.

>> No.1438974

End? It's like half way through.

Daenerys gives birth to dragons at the end of the first one.

>> No.1438978
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The only other people I know of who actually anticipate a book's release are harry potter and twilight fans

>> No.1439038

>Or will it just be dozens of spoiler threads and anti-fantasy trolling?

What does your heart tell you?

>> No.1439058


Can you quote the book when you're finished? Can you give an articulate response backed up with relative quotes if I question you about the book?

I know a person who watches TV series like you "read" books. And they have no idea what went on. 16th century is code for "has a concentration span higher than yours". More than likely also a higher IQ.


That /lit/ is just /b/ trying to be intelligent and for the most part failing.

>> No.1439086
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This is delicious, butthurt pseudo-intellectual defending inferior format.

>He thinks reading comes with higher comprehension and retention rates than actively listening

>> No.1439089

I guess you don't hang around a lot of actual intellectuals, huh, d&e

>> No.1439096

no intellectual would ever look forward to the release of a book like genre-fans.

its part of the habitus.

>> No.1439104

>you don't hang around a lot of actual intellectuals, huh, d&e
Not really a big fan of the scum of the earth sorry

>> No.1439121


Inferior format that for the most part results in higher retention rates among everyone I've come across in 22.5 years. Besides, audio book is generally retards talking in a monotone. Got enough of that at uni

>> No.1439126


>> No.1439129

wait what

are you saying that ASOIAF is somehow not fantasy

>> No.1439197

Spoilers, in the end you find it was an alien planet settled by colonists from earth!


So it's sci fi.

>> No.1439202

actually pretty sure it's still fantasy if it works like fantasy & shares the fantasy vision of reality until the end

i mean, in vance's dying earth, all the magic is actually science, but i'd feel pretty comfortable calling it fantasy.

>> No.1439205



>> No.1439291
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>mfw I find and torrent quality audio books and pay nothing for the privilege

>mfw I torrent WoT series instead of buying 13 books

>mfw you booksnobs pay money, I spend nothing

>mfw U mad

>> No.1439312
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My face when you think Audiobooks are of good quality. 98% are horrible monotonous voice actors. The other 2% are hack celebs, or Stephen Fry.

>> No.1439325

>or Stephen Fry
You misspelt like, bro.

>> No.1439337

i buy the books and am just not interested in what you do at all. There is a real pleasure in just wandering in to a bookshop browsing around and then being all, fuckin awesome new WoT book.Can't wait to get it home.

That and making you read a pdf of an entire WoT book is probably what they do before they waterboard you.

>> No.1439339

And why would listening to the audiobook in this case be a bad idea? It's not like its that complex or the prose is so amazing or it must be read in order to be understood. It's just an enjoyable story.

Playing video games while listening though? That seems like it would loose the immersion. I would get the story but not the atmosphere (and the details of the world are half the fun of fantasy). But whatever works for you I guess.

>> No.1439391

I prefer reading by miles to listening. I read at my own pace so I imagine and construct images at my own pace.

That being said its not like I object to audiobooks, there great for when I'm driving or on the train but its not the best option for me. It would make a difference if it was a comedian's book and the comic was reading it in his or her own voice or a biography with the writer reading.

>> No.1439399


>> No.1439408
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Lolita read by Scar made the experience infinitely better.

audiobook > written text

>> No.1439545

I'm pretty sure that colonists from Earth that have thr technology to explore alien planets would be a lot more colorblind and you wouldn't have black people living on the Summer Isles separately from white people in Westeros and inuit groups north of the wall and northern islands, and some white people/asians/hispanics/everyone else in Essos.

>> No.1439553

Sounds like the Codex Alera series by Jim Butcher.

>> No.1439652

I have pretty much made peace with the fact GRRM can't possibly finish the series. A friend and I actually worked out his current age, avg time he takes to write a whole SIF book, and life expectancy accounting for his obesity.

There is no way he can do it. We didnt even count in the other side shit he does. I am not blaming him, he deserves to relish the spotlight, and SIF is still a great series

>> No.1439697

He's not obese. He'll finish it. There are only two books left since ADWD is pretty much done and he said he hopes to spend about 3,5-4 years on each one. I'm more worried as the fan of some "other side shit" he does (Dunk&Egg stories namely, there are supposed to be 9) than as a fan of ASOIAF.

>> No.1439717
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>not obese

Holy Fuck! What exactly constitutes obese to you? Let me guess, you're American?

>> No.1439766

Russian. I don't deny he's a little fat, but having a belly like that is normal for the older men. 'Obese' to me is when a person looks round like a ball and has a lot of fat in the areas that aren't supposed to really have it, like Gabourey Sidibe. Google her and look at her upper arms and you'll know what I mean.

>> No.1440404
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Problem, /lit/?

>> No.1440549



>> No.1440653

What the fuck is going on in this picture? I guarantee non of those nigger bitches either know who he is, r read his books.

>> No.1440682
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What if they're just members of a predominantly black city who happen to be grrm fans?

stupid faggot

>> No.1440914


You're a damn idiot. He dished out the first 3 books in 6 years. Having a setback like the one he did with Feast/Dance does count for some fucking frustration for a writer (I'm sure there's people here that drop something on far less grave circumstances), hence the long time between Storm and Feast. He was well in his 40s when he published the first one, and seeing the delay between Storm and Feast obviously made him think of contingency plans, but as a guy that is known to keep a low profile about his personal life in general is, he doesn't just go throwing them around public if nothing is wrong at the time. There are enough people that already know how the series will end, and I'm sure that if something happens that he isn't able to finish it by himself, it will still be done through and through by someone else. Stop expecting daily tweets about his progress on the book and on the series when we've known for a long time he's not that type of writer.

tl;dr stop being a pessimistic idiot, and I can't believe I actually defended the bearded lard ball, but I'm sure from the minor tips he threw around that he's got it all figured it out, even if you don't see/believe it.

>> No.1440955

4th year english major here. I like GRRM.

Liking an escapist book is not some kind instant shitstain on your cred.

Grow the fuck up kids, reading is not a pissing contest.

>> No.1441450
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>4th year english major
>english major

>> No.1441454
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>> No.1442455

I started reading the series in '04, so I was lucky that I didn't really have to wait for Feast.

That being said, it's been like 5 or 6 years since I finished what's been published, and I've been expecting Dance since then. I have slowly come to realize that it's not coming. It will never be published.

>> No.1443234

so you think fatty martin will pull a robert jordan and croak on us?

>> No.1444901

Jordan had a strange rare disease that had nothing to do with his fatassedness.

Tubbies like Wolfe and Niven keep chugging along while fit guys like Asprin and Zelazny have dropped dead, so I wouldn't count Martin out.

>> No.1444934

>check POV characters
>Dany, 2 Greyjoys, Bran, Davos, Cersei, Quentyn

Yeah, this one's gonna suck.

>> No.1444936

>implying the jews and muslims are intellectuals

>> No.1444941


I thought this was a Battlestar Galactica reference...

>> No.1444980


Thats not a direwolf, not even a young one! Thats a fucking dog. Who is going to be unnerved by that? Fucking no one.

>> No.1444994
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The latter, OP, the latter.

>> No.1445242

Looks like it's from the Game of Thrones wrap party.

>> No.1445264

I love the way Martin has had everyone hanging on his every word for years without even having released anything. It must be such a big ego stroke for him

>> No.1445270

Go read Dreamsongs while you wait for the next book. It's quite enjoyable.

>> No.1445272


Yup, the bigger question is: what will everyone do when this book sucks?

Bail on the series? Convince themselves it's great? Claim the next one, in another 10 years, will be better and make up for it?

>> No.1445275


There is no way this book can be worse than Feast for Crows. This one is actually full of characters I care about.

>> No.1445281


You even like Bran? I didn't think there was anyone who liked Bran!

>> No.1445284


Honestly? I don't even remember who the fuck he is other than a Stark.

It's been five years since I read these books.

But I've been waiting for more on Arya since fuck knows when.

>> No.1445336

Bran was the crippled one, the one that got thrown form a window by Jamie. The one with the most powerful warg connection with his Direwolf Summer.

You gotta remember he's Robb's heir he could be very important once he get's all his warg powers worked out.

He was on his way to see the three eye'd crow beyond the wall with the kids of house Reed who was Ned's closet friend. So if they ever meet up with Howland Reed we might also get some insight about the past we didn't have before since he was the only other person that knows what happened inside the tower of joy.

>> No.1445345

I by 'enjoyable' you mean 'by far superior,' then yeah. There's no part of ASoIaF that even comes close to A Song for Lya.

>> No.1445348
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>> No.1445351

Wait, people read Dreamsongs for everything that wasn't a Dunk story?

>> No.1445403

Well, shit. I guess this has already been discussed by fans, but it's new to me. Just read the above post mentioning Bran as Robb's heir, and I'm now wondering.. isn't Jon technically King of the North now, if they choose to acknowledge him? Robb did name Jon as his heir, and as the North's acknowledged king, he can both legitimise Jon's parentage and release him from his vows to the Wall. It's a shaky claim, but we've already been told that Ned Stark's claim to the Iron Throne after the rebellion was as good as Robert Baratheon's. So Jon is just about the most regal fucker in the game now. His family could have claimed the Iron Throne fifteen years ago, his daddy was probably the Targaryen heir to the throne before that, and now his bro Rob "King of the North" Stark has declared Jon to be his legitimate heir.

...So if Melisandre burns the shit out of Jon, the most kingly king there is, is there anything she WON'T be able to do? Jon's already sent away an ancient Targaryen (even though they're no longer the royal family) and a baby wildling (even though his daddy was only king in a very loose sense) so she won't burn them, but he's still there with Melisandre.

>> No.1445591
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I'll stick to the Fantasy that comes out on a regular basis and doesn't run scared from the Magical elements of the genre.

>> No.1445638

He's going to have to start picking up pace with the new series coming out on HBO, or they'll just start making up their own plot once it comes to it.

>> No.1445641
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that is to say, inferior authors.

>> No.1445953
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>> No.1445973

I think R Scott Bakker is about on the same level as Martin. They're both really interesting and well written series.

>> No.1445991


I'll never forgive /lit/ for convincing me that this would be good fantasy. The main character has the ability to make everyone like him. How can you idiots like this shit?

>> No.1445998

That ability is a bad thing when it's simply there as a matter of the author's choices - when everyone likes the main character not because of anything the story but simply because the author has decided that everyone likes the main character. In Prince of Nothing, it's an actual ability that the actual character actually has - and it's not treated as a good thing. Actually quite monstrous. I don't see what the problem with that is.

>> No.1446020


>and it's not treated as a good thing. Actually quite monstrous.

We must have read different books. I saw nothing but the narrative getting more and more involved in making the main character seem awesome.

When you're hoping the main character dies, and the author wants you to think he's awesome, you've got a serious problem.

>> No.1446029

Really? Huh. I always read Kelhus as basically an inhuman monster. Maybe we just have different opinions!

>> No.1446035


I read him as that too. Because he was that.

The problem is I felt like the author wanted me to think otherwise.

>> No.1446042

I was a bit disappointed by how pretty they made Tyrion. Granted he's no Jaime, but he's not nearly as ugly as he was described in the books.

>> No.1446047

I finished reading this series 2 days ago and now I need something else to read. I'm new to the genre only having read LOTR before this. I heard there's a nice one similar to ASOIAF called Mallazan book of the fallen or something like that but that's all I know.

Any recomendations? thanks

>> No.1446095

I can drive a car while reading. L2 rush hour traffic and 1handed reading.

>> No.1446097
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The Prince of Nothing Trilogy by R. Scott Bakker. The Malazan Book of the Fallen series stinks.

>> No.1446122

the Malazan series is not that similar to Martin except in a very superficial sense. If you think they're similar, you're not really 'getting' ASOIAF.

For some cool modern mainstream fantasy check out Joe Abercrombie or R Scott Bakker. Or even those assholes Rothfuss or Sanderson (okay they're not assholes, there are just aspects of their work that I dislike). For some non-mainstream fantasy, check out, like, Jack Vance and Gene Wolfe.

>> No.1446127


That was just what I heard. I never read it myself. Thanks for the sugestions