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14384228 No.14384228 [Reply] [Original]

>woke up at 7
>drank coffee, browsed internet
>went to work and felt sad at all the qts on the underground train
>get in to work
>manager has taken his Christmas holiday starting from today; work feels so much calmer when there is no manager around
>did work; tell myself that after the holidays I'll be more extroverted at work when I get back
>on my late lunch break right now, having a Costa coffee at eets pyoorest
>getting the train back to my home city and parents' house this evening and my holiday will start
>feeling normal, though without any motivation

I phoned HMRC last night and it seems my low tax was correcting for previous overpayments. It feels strange to see my savings go up each month. I had such little money sense when I was younger. I never kept track of my money. I just spent it all and even when I worked in jobs during university summers I wouldn't look at my bank balance or my pay. I had so much money (over £5000 in the bank as a student). The idyllic days are over. Spending £3 on coffee isn't stupidity, its a daring repudiation of materialistic values and a signal that I am not a Tayloristic homo economusoyusbugmanus.

I can't believe how much I mindlessly browse the internet at home. I have unironically clicked on youtube clickbait. I try to move to reading books a huge amount (instead of my current normal amount) to be less of a pleb but it's all consumercuckoldry in the end.

>> No.14384234
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>drank coffee

>> No.14384237

Yeah, yeah

>> No.14384256

How come you're dubbed Londonfrog when you're not even from around here?

>> No.14384266

He does live in London, at least that's what people take from the stories. Also, rememember, Londonfrog isn't even one guy anymore. I've already made two "londonfrog" threads myself and I don't even live in Europe. Maybe once there was one guy who did it for an extended period of time, but copycats started appearing and impersonating him. Now, all we have, is the entity Londonfrog.

>> No.14384270

Where are you from, LF?

>> No.14384287

All those years, and your life hasn’t changed a bit, neither did mine.
Wish you to have a less lonely Christmas, londonfrog.

>> No.14384288

so, you're gonna do it or what?

>> No.14384323



>> No.14384342

>getting the train back to my home city and parents' house this evening and my holiday will start
>feeling normal, though without any motivation

Really like these lines.

>> No.14384347

I hate London so much. Ever since 2012. And I've never lived anywhere else. I'm not even white.

>> No.14384432
