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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 97 KB, 960x542, booktuber-rinceyreads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14383869 No.14383869 [Reply] [Original]

Can /lit/ recommend me booktubers that are
or both?

>> No.14383947

What do you even mean by /ourguys/ at this point? This place has no coherent culture or ideology anymore, it's just this never-ending war between various surrogate leftist factions (which almost all accept and amplify the morality of progressive neoliberal capitalism while insisting it can be used to produce something less hideous) and the few remaining Nazbols and Traditionalist larpers. To the extent that there ever was a coherent culture here back 5+ years ago, it has long been shattered by the totality of the political.

>> No.14383964

If you can understand Japanese

>> No.14383987

I don't mean it in the sense of a specific ideology that would permeate reviews, I mean the culture and humor of /lit/ and 4chan in general, in being sort-of edgy but delicate and disappointed of the current *society* that we live in and not trying to score points with anyone but having an honest opinion. I left /pol/ after Trump got elected, I don't care for politics and my exaggerated edgy point of view is that everything outside of Europe should be nuked out of existence. I hope this helps with your recommendation.

Aryosha was my favorite character too.

>> No.14383993

>it's another angry tranny posts his reactionary nostalgia for the good ol' days of /lit/
Oh sweaty, we're progressing, you stupid little poopy!

>> No.14383994

Well put. If there was truly something better and above anything else, we would be talking about it. For the moment were lost. The only people with directions are sales types, slaves, shills and increasingly synthetics.

>> No.14384039

We're certainly progressing. The issue is the progress is towards a schizophrenic void of total incoherency. There is no culture on /lit/, there is only Twitter posts, eceleb nonsense, shilling for whatever form of technofuturist transcendental larping is fashionable this week, and shitposting about Spengler/Guenon/Evola/Uncle Ted/etc.

>> No.14384056

What I'm saying is that there is no remaining culture outside of the political shitposting. To the extent any discussion occurs here, it is always through a political lens because politics has reasserted itself as the dominant question of today under which all other cultural products must conform. To the extent /lit/ was ever able to have a coherent culture in the past it was due to the coherent political climate allowing for such a thing to exist. Without a coherent political outlook (or even a fundamental consensus upon which the differences of opinion rested upon as was the case until 4-5 years ago) there is no ground for a non-political culture to be built upon.

>> No.14384071

>the idiot that watches booktubers
wow what a idiot

>> No.14384110

No popular booktubers review anything I'm interested in. It's all reviews of YA, or may Allah forgive me, NA books. They won't review anything out of copyright, since this is a business, after all.

>> No.14384541

Ya boy Q/TBC

>> No.14384627

Jay Dayer

>> No.14385239

there is only one
forever /ourgirl/

>> No.14385265

This. Good post. But sometimes there are little hints of the sweet “ambivalence” of consensus that there once was.

>> No.14385475

>If there was truly something better and above anything else, we would be talking about it.
Lol. why do you believe that someone like you would be able to see this"something better"?

>> No.14385819
File: 840 KB, 5000x3365, 1572402710699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh so it's a secret good thing known only to churls and pedants? Well it's as good as lost to the rest of us.

>> No.14385822

someone post her nudes i never saved them

>> No.14385848

It is not secret, but it cannot be seen without a pure heart.

>> No.14386236
File: 128 KB, 1080x1080, 1576197795703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14386272
File: 141 KB, 1080x1079, katie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14386305

Body's okay, but that FACE! Hideous!

>> No.14386334


>> No.14386640

nobody here actually reads

>> No.14386660

yeah I have siri read each post aloud, reading is for chumps

>> No.14386767

Are those real and if so how'd they get leaked

>> No.14386775 [DELETED] 

Your safety is not as important as black peoples feelings.

>> No.14386788 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.92 MB, 6000x5103, 1576887476002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about pure kino?

>> No.14386804 [SPOILER] 
File: 181 KB, 907x834, 1576887623570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the literati receive her as a muse. I wish she didn't private her account. She was doing something cool but I can only imagine the thirst issues.

>> No.14386913

I swear there was a picture of her sitting in a chair naked posing that was posted here. I'm like 70% percent sure I saw her titties but it was too long ago to be certain. Is there any way of finding it still

>> No.14386925

WTF all women are whores, even "my voice sounds like i have an intact hymen" Katie

>> No.14386968


>> No.14386984

this is what I thought all people in the UK were like until I went there