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/lit/ - Literature

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14383838 No.14383838 [Reply] [Original]

I'm done reading books' introductions even the ones written by authors themselves.
It's poison for the mind and has a terrible effect on my reading of the book. they believe us to be numbskulls in need of spoonfeeding. I'm tired of that tasteless slob whether it's an interpretation or a summary, my head fucking works I can get over the message you are trying to convey so shit the fuck up and give me the text.

>> No.14385031


>> No.14385076

surprised this is still up

>> No.14385110

When it starts with a short and succinct biography of the author, that's nice and comfy. I always start reading them and skip to the actual text as soon as I'm bored.

>> No.14386244

You ought to read the introduction to see even if it's worth reading in case you will have wasted your time.

>> No.14386329

I'm fine with the small biographies they sometimes contain, but going beyond that often leads me into spoilers

>> No.14386349
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Introductions are literally padding added to inflate page count and justify ludicrous price tags

>> No.14386542

Read it after the book, it's written after it anyways. You would miss some crusty details and anecdotes sometimes. Everyone loves crustyness with some fries and large soda.