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14383591 No.14383591 [Reply] [Original]

>Raocous cheering everywhere
>"Now, let's get down to-WAIT A SECOND... Which Oxbridge college did that Anon fellow go to..."
>They look back


>> No.14383606


>> No.14383614

I slept with people at St Johns and at Trinity... and Darwin... I don't think that counts somehow.

>> No.14383622

It's spelled 'Cambridge', Oxford is a shithole

>> No.14383626

We're talking politics, so it's Oggsford.

>> No.14383637


>> No.14383640

Everyone knows the people who really make waves go to Edinburgh university.

>> No.14383647


>> No.14383654
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The Scottish diet can do that to you.

>> No.14383659

Nevertheless, all heterosexual fucks my dude.

>> No.14383660

Worst part of living in Scotland desu, but at least it isn't Glasgow, there's sense of English decency and moderation in Edinburgh

>> No.14383708

tfw only going top 10, why must I be plagued, the poor decisions of my childhood have stretched far beyond into my adulthood

>> No.14383725

Did you get into Oxbridge buddy? How’s it going? Enjoying it so far? What’s it like?

>> No.14383785

Because the city is literally 25% English and has been English speaking for longer than most of England.

>> No.14383903


Green Templeton bb

>> No.14383916

Trump University

>> No.14383920

bending over is nothing to brag about

>> No.14383937

i went to a community collge for 6 months then became a neet

>> No.14384030

Nevertheless I went, in a sense, to those colleges. One could even say I stayed at them.

>> No.14384057

I graduated from the London School of Economics with a third.

>> No.14384061


>> No.14384070

Did it come into use? I graduated with 2.2 in Maths in a shitty russel group uni.

>> No.14384144

Which one?

>> No.14384152

Graduate in Gender dimorphism from Oxford reporting in.

>> No.14384167
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Who here /uneductated/

>> No.14384468

>...Bunker Hill community college

>> No.14384486
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Why yes, I am self-taught and in a well-paying profession. How could you tell?

>> No.14384500

Dropped out of Edge Hill, la

>> No.14384512

alberta la

>> No.14384518


>> No.14384534

i dropped out of my american community college, that's alright with you /lit/ right?

>> No.14384535

BASED autodidact.

>> No.14384575

Based Macbeth poster

>> No.14384581

Uhhhhhh L-Leicester...

>> No.14384602

why do people go to uni?

>> No.14384615

lol @ UK Meritocracy

>> No.14384639

lol. ahahaha, good ol british dry humor :D

>> No.14384648

Because of HR departments, theyve literally ruined the job market

>> No.14384682

>Community college -> transferred to big state school -> studied economics -> work for major tech company now.


>> No.14384724

not if you say people

>> No.14384736
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>university of Brighton

>> No.14384763

*spit on their face*

>> No.14384775

To get an education, so they can get a job that doesn't entail flipping burgers or carrying heavy boxes in a warehouse.

>> No.14384868

>Went to one the best schools in Canada
>No one gives a shit outside of Canada
>No one gives a shit in Canada either

>> No.14384892

Because we get funnelled into it for fear of dissapointing our parents, only to end up either dropping out with debt and becoming a NEET or graduating with debt, a useless degree and becoming a NEET.

>> No.14384909

Jim Hacker?

>> No.14384915

Patrician. Proud of you, anon

>> No.14384951

Hahaha Redbricks are just as good right guys, in this day and age hahahaha?

>> No.14385008

Queen Mary.

>> No.14385030

Fuck off, Quentin. Go back to youtube

>> No.14385038

Turned out to be a lie. I'm flipping burgers 10 years later.

>> No.14385075


and not ST fucking JOHNS

>> No.14385082

One might say people for any number of reasons my person.

>> No.14385226


upstairs from bojo's son

>> No.14385230

Education never made darwinism obsolete.

>> No.14385637

>tfw you'll never be a privately educated chad that can casually recite the iliad in ancient greek.

>> No.14385666

which college anon?
Vanbrugh representing

>> No.14385879

I vaguely remember an old 4chan post of an anon who got a low final grade for his degree BUT was part of the uni anime club. He knew the club president who got into something good and somehow pulled the anon into it as well.

>> No.14385932

How useful would a third in say accounting be?

>> No.14385959

Aren't there apprenticeships in accounting? I know you don't need a degree for it.

>> No.14385969

top 15 in US, not bad

>> No.14385974

Is St Johns shit even if you're just doing languages/lit?

>> No.14385979



It's the Oxbridge of universities to go to when you get rejected from Oxbridge.

>> No.14386043

st andrew's

>> No.14386079
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Who else /Exeter College/?

Alma mater of Dominic (Cum)mings

>> No.14386082
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va hacienda maet

>> No.14386100

A third in any field is not useful
If anything a third is actually worse than not having a degree, because it shows that you went to uni and spent three or four years squandering the opportunity

>> No.14386268

If your friend (unironically not me) went to uni for 3 years and smoked weed every day to combat anxiety (had a gf who exacerbated his panic attacks and his worries about not ever accomplishing anything in life) and mentioned he just turned off his brain during lectures and still passed with a third (others on his course who smoked as much weed as he did got a second) but he got fuck all in terms of connections or internships etc and now hasn't been able to become a chartered accountant after he finished uni and says the min wage jobs he is working+OT are just temporary (he's now 22), has a messed up short term memory and lacks the ability to concentrate but isn't socially inept and has a good personality, still smoking daily and can't quit

How fucked would your friend be? He said he hated going for so long and absolutely couldn't do a masters and just wants to earn money finally

>> No.14386315

no it hasn't. from 14th century until the 19th scots was the language spoke there.

>> No.14386742

>Angus slowly realising Lowland Scots are literally Anglo-Saxons

>> No.14387313

James and im a fresher

>> No.14388053
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>carrying heavy boxes in a warehouse.
That honestly doesn't sound too bad. I hate how stressful my job is and how difficult it is. I hate outlook. I hate excel. I want to die.

>> No.14388601

so i can be an engineer, do math daily, not talk to new people and have time to read.

>> No.14388604

i wouldnt be surprised if weebs were all nepotistic jews

>> No.14388636

I went to 1.5 semesters like the Sopranos meme, realized it was pointless because I've never had real friends and am too autistic to network for a job, failed my suicide because I'm retarded, then somehow got neetbux. Now I have a several years employment gap via depressive loafing around which might as well be a felony so there's zero point in trying again because it's hard enough for normies to get a decent job, let alone my dumb ass.

Redpilled me on the plight of welfare niggers. Will for sure try a noose for round 2 in a bit. It's a doggy dog world. Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.14388670

I dinnae go to college, govnah.

>> No.14388673

What do you do in excel?
Working a warehouse job is terrible fyi.

>> No.14388967

St Johns is like one of the more prestigious colleges, don't have a fucking giggle m8.

>> No.14389011

probably just mild autism though no?

>> No.14389077

if you wanted to get a job you could get one. unless you are disturbingly autistic. if you contact agencies and tell them you're looking for a job to start as soon as possible, one will give you a job. they will have no-experience-required jobs that they find hard to fill for various reasons

>it's hard enough for normies to get a decent job
>decent job
this is the problem with fucking neets, they want instant gratification. they don't want to take the first step because they think it's beneath them. and it's that very attitude that makes them useless and undesirable to anybody.

why do you think you're entitled to a decent job when you've been leeching off society your whole life? why don't you start off with some voluntary work and try to pay back what you've taken. until then, there's no evidence that you're capable of doing any job at all, so get over yourself.

>> No.14389357

York St John university is not

>> No.14389369

>Went to one the best schools in Canada
>one the best

because no cares unless it's the best, if it's not Oxford/Cambridge then it literally doesn't matter where you went

>> No.14389374

Is there a book which explains the repulsive physiognomy of the brits? I've never seen a properly-proportioned bong.

>> No.14389384

Ok pseud

>> No.14389443
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>> No.14389519

>spend years years at college
>"just work at 7-11 bro"

truly it is a Foot In The Door©. based wagie anti-entitlement thrall.

>> No.14389533


Based skalposter

>> No.14389550

Everyone knows UCL is superior to Oxbridge. Oxbridge trains people to rule Britain, UCL trains leaders for every other country.

>> No.14389572

So many foreigners though man - I dont mind them in themselves but overall you just get this feeling of atomisation at UCL - everyone from a different country, everyone going home in the next 2 years never to be seen again, surface-level conversations about cultural drinking differences

>> No.14389579

you could just learn greek - church of england do cheap lessons


we're a populist party now

>> No.14389606


Tell me more about the cheap Church of England Greek lessons

>> No.14389631

Its the anglo catholic churches in london - im fairly sure st mary le strand and st matthews are invovled - id dm them on facebook

>> No.14390421
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There, now you have.

>> No.14390460

See this is what I mean, even with Englands finest, Cavill is more like a happy accident. Hid nose is fucked, his head shape is off. He was just lucky to have all this anglo disturbances fall randomly into the right places. Compare Cavill to truly symmetrical males like Brad Pitt or Chris Hemsworth and the difference is apparent

>> No.14390533

Henry is Norman. brad pitt and hemworth are midwit plebs and look like it.

>> No.14390560

Scots is an Anglo-Saxon dialect.

>> No.14390562

Not even the best university in Scotland, a glorified playpen for wealthy asian kids and weak minds