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14383439 No.14383439 [Reply] [Original]

>My parents had an account with the largest bookstore in Beirut and I would pick up books in what seemed to me unlimited quantities. There was such a difference between the shelves of the library and the narrow school material; so I realized that school was a plot designed to deprive people of erudition by squeezing their knowledge into a narrow set of authors. I started, around the age of thirteen, to keep a log of my reading hours, shooting for between thirty and sixty a week, a practice I’ve kept up for a long time. I read the likes of Dostoyevsky, Turgenev, Chekhov, Bishop Bossuet, Stendhal, Dante, Proust, Borges, Calvino, Céline, Schultz, Zweig (didn’t like), Henry Miller, Max Brod, Kafka, Ionesco, the surrealists, Faulkner, Malraux (along with other wild adventurers such as Conrad and Melville; the first book I read in English was Moby-Dick) and similar authors in literature, many of them obscure, and Hegel, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Marx, Jaspers, Husserl, Lévi-Strauss, Levinas, Scholem, Benjamin, and similar ones in philosophy because they had the golden status of not being on the school program, and I managed to read nothing that was prescribed by school so to this day I haven’t read Racine, Corneille, and other bores. One summer I decided to read the twenty novels by Émile Zola in twenty days, one a day, and managed to do so at great expense. Perhaps joining an underground anti-government group motivated me to look into Marxist studies, and I picked up the most about Hegel indirectly, mostly through Alexandre Kojève.
>When I decided to come to the United States, I repeated, around the age of eighteen, the marathon exercise by buying a few hundred books in English (by authors ranging from Trollope to Burke, Macaulay, and Gibbon, with Anaïs Nin and other then fashionable authors de scandale), not showing up to class, and keeping the thirty- to sixty-hour discipline.

>> No.14383477

It reads like that excerpt from ready player one

>> No.14383478

Pretty based, but not enough classics. Should have started with the Greeks.

>> No.14383491

Most based Phoenican f**k you money independent scholar he is

>> No.14383498

I'm reading Fooled by Randomness and he seems pretty based.
I hope his relentless Twitter usage hasn't detracted from his reading schedule.

>> No.14383505

Antifragile is the best imo. I read it more as twenty times

>> No.14383510

Arabs are lit by default fren

>> No.14383514

the only popular contemporary non-fic author worth paying attention to

>> No.14383520

>and I picked up the most about Hegel indirectly, mostly through Alexandre Kojève.
What a fucking pleb, this arab cunt. Almost 60 years old and he still doesn't understand Hegel because he only read him through another retard who that understand him.

>> No.14383532

He's read Hegel, imbecile.

>> No.14383534

Lebanese are not Arab, gabish?

>> No.14383545

Shame he's not lit then

>> No.14383603


>> No.14383978

Racine is not a bore you moron

>> No.14383998
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>and other bores

>> No.14385063

He looks Greek

>> No.14385078

>Zola over Racine
Oh putain les mecs...

>> No.14385118
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I want a Antifragile 2 not Skin in the Game (the weakest book).

>> No.14385127

Wait for my book, ETA 20 years from now

>> No.14385661

This nigga expects me to believe he read 4-8 hours a day every single day for decades? I don't believe that.

>> No.14385983

How does he know something is a bore if he never read it?

>> No.14386092
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>another retard who that understand him.
>implying Kojeve understood Hegel
You are the actual plebian, the negation of the negation. Kojeve is singularly responsible for the French misunderstanding of Hegel in the 20th century. Hyppolite is the true reader of Hegel. You'd know that if you read Genesis and Structure, faggot.

>> No.14386141

he said that he neglected his essential responsibilities to maintain his habit

>> No.14386682

he lies and contradicts himself all the time

he is probably the public figure most steeped in cognitive dissonance i've ever encountered, everything he does has a post-hoc rationalisation.

he's not really smart or insightful, if you just look at his references in his books you'll see the way he uses others' ideas is not even original.

plus the roman italian-american LARP is ridiculous, like we're meant to pretend lebanon hasn't been a conquered land for millennia and that he's somehow "phoenician" and in any way a steward of ancient greek and roman thought

>> No.14386708

Serious doubts, mate. Kind regards.

>> No.14386965

We do have many ancient Neolithic, Chalcolithic, and Iron Age autosomal samples from around the world. You can compare many modern peoples to their ancient counterparts.

>> No.14386978

I refuse to believe this post was written by anything other than cheap AI.

>> No.14386982

I have done a lot of research into the archaeogenetics of my own race, you stupid fucking brainlet piece of shit.

>> No.14386989

so you're a mutt who wanted to know where he's from?

>> No.14387000

My archaeogenetic research showed I wasn't a mutt. You can only determine if you're a mutt or not based on data analysis. I used nMonte with Global25 coordinates and compared myself to ancient samples, among other things.