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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.14383[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So /fit/ meatheads, how many of these books have you read?

>> No.14404

None of them tbqhwy

well i didn't actaully read the list, Im american would any of them by in my highschool english?

>> No.14419


>> No.14442

I'm a /lit/izen, but fairly under-read. Tell me how I did.
2, 12, 13, 14, 16, 19, 20, 21, 24, 31, 36, 43, 50, 51, 55, 60, 80, 82, 83, 87 (I think all fitfags would have at least worshipped the film), 90, 91 and 98 (Milton is based god).

>> No.14454

>the divine comedy
>reading a self-insert fanfic
nigga, please

also, about half And hated every single Camus book I read.

>> No.14465

The Fall is great, in my opinion. Each to their own, though.

>> No.14478

>(I think all fitfags would have at least worshipped the film)
it doesn't involve lifting or eating. You're thinking of /asp/

>> No.14483
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How'd I do?

>> No.14499
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I've read the following, and my lifts are:

OHP: 35kg
Bench: 60kg
Squat: 80kg
Deadlift: 110kg

Although to be fair I've been reading since I was 4 and only lifting for a month

>> No.14500

>138 votes

nice list /lit/

>> No.14504

21, almost all geek and french book

>> No.14524

>liberal nu-males top 100 books

>> No.14529

>no starting strength
>no practical programming
>no relax into stretching
>no supple leopard
>no the strongest will survive

None of them. Cash me outside how bout dat.

>> No.14532


>> No.14568

every book on that list was written before the concept of "nu-males" ever existed

>> No.14576

Crime and Punishment, The Catcher in the Rye,The Great Gatsby, Slaughter-House Five, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (abridged version), Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
I'd like to read more though where should I go from here? I've been attempting to read Ulysses lately but it's been going completely over my head.

>> No.14590

that doesn't mean the books aren't those only numales would like

>no flaubert
list is shit

>> No.14597

>it's been going completely over my head
Read the Iliad and Odyssey and Joyce's other books first.

>> No.14604

Get away from me, you steroid freak.

>> No.14610

Also that list is absolute dogshit
>Can't think of 99 better books than Harry Shitter

>> No.14612


>Harry Potter series

Yeah, get fucked.

>> No.14614

Most of those a high school books.....

>> No.14629

Most of those seem like shit

>> No.14632

>Moby Dick

>> No.14640

You can't deny their literary influence, they spawned the YA fiction trend that's dominated popular literature in the 21st Century

>> No.14654

meaningless term. in any case, the stereotype you've constructed wouldn't care for the bible, or authors like mellville or dostoevsky

>> No.14657

Woah kiddo, gotta be 18 to post here

>> No.14659

I saw 4 more as movies.

Your top100 sucks, sorry

>> No.14671

It's low end fantasy at best. And JK Rowling is a bad person with zero(0) literary integrity

>> No.14675

I'm /lit/ and I've only read 4. I've got another half dozen sitting at home though.

>> No.14677

>Staring Lit
>Implying /fitlit/ are not at least intermediate readers who read the Gulag Archipelago and supplement it with compative essays and articles
Heh fucking brainlets thinking they are hot shitting because they did a little bit of starting lit.

>> No.14680
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Most of these are complete dogshit btw :^D

>> No.14735

I've read 29/100

Surprised that the list didn't include any works by Ray Bradbury or Stephen King.

>> No.14736

Where's the Lord of the Rings?
>Bible is in the list

>> No.14759


>> No.14780

16. main lifts are 335, 265, 295, 170

>> No.14815

>main lifts are 335, 265, 295, 170
what does this mean

>> No.14817

Also, lifts are:

>Bench: 245x5
>OHP: 150x5
>DL: 365x5
>Squat: 265x5

>> No.14948
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I only read Moby Dick.

I generally really hate metaphors so Moby Dick is really the only /lit/ I like because it's just a story about a man that really hates an animal.

>> No.14969

0, I don't read books unless I have to for class. Books are gay as fuck. Stay small, stay dreaming, faggot.

>> No.15004
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i've read like 25 of these, vonnegut, la peste, catch 22 and mason and dixon in particular were fucking incredible
>harry potter
>cormac mccarthy
and yet
>no terry pratchett
baka get this normie bullshit out of my face

>> No.15011

I've watched some movies about those books, anyway reading is boring.

>> No.15021

>>cormac mccarthy
What's wrong with him?

>> No.15037

12/100 atm reading 'The Brothers Karamazow'

>Bench: 210x5
>OHP: 115x5
>DL: 286x5
>Squat: 242x5

How come theres not one book from Jean Paul Sartre on that list, isn't he rated on /lit/?

>> No.15110

I read 1 of them, 1984

>> No.15112

Stories are for fucking nerds.

Technical Manuals and Squats are all you need in your life

>> No.15142
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Bench 2pl8
Deadlift 3.5pl8

Have read
>Blood Meridian
>Moby Dick
>Dorian Gray
>Catcher in the Rye
>Great Gatsby
>The Odyssey
>The Divine Comedy
>The Hobbit
>Hary Potter
>The Bible
>Faust (in German)
>Lord of the Flied
>Huck Finn
>A Tale of Two Cities
>The Iliad
>Count of Monte Cristo

Am I well-rounded brehs?

>> No.15154
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Why not both

>> No.15188

Sartre was a literal cuckold.

>> No.15190

Bullshit, collectivist messaged novels. Where's Ayn Rand?

>> No.15216

"Manual" describes your sex life, nerd.

>> No.15217

9 and of those only Harry potter wasn't a required reading for school

>> No.15291

None, i only read fitness related materials, books, articles and research papers

>> No.15349
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How many of these abs do you have?

>> No.15361

/fit/ here : 1/100 (Old man and the sea)

>> No.15385

tfw /fit/ and I've read about half of these.

>> No.15403

Just as many, minus the gyno

>> No.15447

is that really the sort of people /fit/izens like and want to have? just looks ugly and awkward to me

i've played plenty of sports all my life but i wouldn't ever want to look like that. by all means stay healthy but that just looks weird

>> No.15453
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No, in the 2016 version Nausea by him got some votes, though /lit/ mostly subscribes to more Christian existentialism a la Kierkegaard, or if they're a bit more juvenile Camus.

>> No.15473

>OHP: 35kg
>Bench: 60kg
>Squat: 80kg
>Deadlift: 110kg

wew lad that's like the general finnish infants' base strength

you should stick to reading tbqhfam

>> No.15487

gi an ax ur mam u fukn pusyfert

>> No.15500
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No. But it is what she wants.

You have a lot to learn about fitness my friend.

>> No.15510

Ja, ik hou niet van lezen.

>> No.15523
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3 6 7 8 12 13 14 19-(it was terrible but I endured) 23 27 29 31 36 41 44 54 60 64 68 73 83 84 87 90 92 93 94 97

I dont like the list. Silmarillion, for example, has an amazing, extensive and well thought universe upon which the story is build but it reads very heavy and I just dropped it altogether.

1/2/2/4 (in plates, OHP/Bench/Squat/Deadlift) for reps, my squat form sucks (highbar, long femur, bad hip mobility and short torso), need to get a good coach.

>> No.15544

How do you know that's what she wants?

I see guys in far worse shape than me with gfs/wives all the time.

>> No.15551

20 was shit btw

>> No.15579
File: 80 KB, 703x1080, The Great Degeneration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you fags read books about things that happened?

Pic related, I like Fergusson's style

>> No.15613

Ferguson is a shit historian.

>> No.15617

I read 8 of them to completion, several of them at least halfway through before giving up on them and own several of them but they're in my backlog.

I have a very bad memory, so if I can't finish the book very fast and have to stop reading for like 3+ days I just give up on it because I barely remember what happened up until that point.

>> No.15631

True, they are influential. But that doesn't make them good, particularly if the influenced books are all garbage.

>> No.15632


You don't read books for the "things that happen" in them, you read books for the themes and the inherent aesthetic structures.

>> No.15668

>reading books for entertainment instead of knowledge or language practise
>being this bored

>> No.15754
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I read none of them fucking wew.
I'm a frog and the only books I ever read were the ones we had to for school. Most of what we read were French authors, the only books that stuck with me were Candide and Antigone. Also had to read a lot a Balzac but I always thought he was a terrible author, I enjoyed none of his books especially Le Père Goriot.

Do I have shit taste /lit/ ?
I wanna pick reading again but I don't know where to start desu.

>> No.15802

Says you.
He engages in too much revisionism, especially when he talks about British empire.

But when in his civilization book and especially in this he analyses a broad societal changes over years, he's very engaging. And really did made me think, why has civil society collapsed in the west. I don't agree with his answer, completely, but at least he got me interested in the problem.

He's as close as you can get to pop historian, while still remaining interesting.

Yeah, but in your list the only book that's closest to any good history is War and Peace.

Or do you only do non fiction on lit.
I really don't know

>> No.15808

>actually read every title
I lift on one hand and read either at the PC or holding the book on the other hand

>> No.15861

Pls own your statements
YOU read for those things, someone else might not

>> No.15870
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Fit poster here. Read a good number of those. Wondering why Suttree made the list though. Not that I think it shouldn't be there. It's one of my favorite books. It's just kind of an obscure McCarthy novel.

>> No.15882
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60 seems like a good number

>> No.15893
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>54. Harry Potter

Why didn't the "intellectual anons" just vote out the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises? Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though
"No!" The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

>> No.15935


>> No.15938
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I used to be deep into lit while I was in uni and high school but fell off the wagon and have been binging /tg/ fiction for a while now

need to get back into it

also /fit/izens who haven't read Mishima are doing themselves a severe disservice

>> No.15958
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Literally go read a book nigger

but yeah Balzac is pretty shit

>> No.15995

former lit tripfag

all the way through: 2, 11, 16, 17, 19, 43, 94
parts of: 1, 4, 7, 12, 13, 15, 23, and more who cares

>> No.15999

>Harry Potter

>> No.16021

18 of them

>> No.16053

>french guy who hates balzac

really gets the noggin going

>> No.16087

It's science bro.

>> No.16088


You guys have poor taste judging from the list. Only a couple of these would reach my top 100

>> No.16095

am also French and don't get Balzac

of the French authors of the period I prefer Dumas and Zola much more

>> No.16166

Number 77 is Bradbury

>> No.16196
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>1984 high tier
>no animal farm
>brave new world not hight tier

>> No.16233

Balzac is shit tier mate. Have you read some of his books ? Pages upon pages of the autistic ramblings of a madman trying to describe some plates left in a sink.

>> No.16369
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this, I only read car and engineering related stuff, everything else would be a waste of time for me
uni and life keep me busy enough, there's no time for being a pretentious lit fag

>> No.16410
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ohp 75kg
bench: 140kg
DL: 180kg

>tfw injury gives you time to read

>> No.16429

How have you not read fucking Gatsby? Honestly brilliant book and it takes like a day to read.

>> No.16462

I'm not from either of these boards, but here's my stat:
1, 2,5,16,17,19,20,29 (my dad read this to me as a kid, I think),32,34,39,43,44 (dad again),49,50,54,55,56,57,66 (dad),73,83,84,90,
I wonder if I'll read the rest before I die.

>> No.16478

no you dont squat

>> No.16499

I've started 10 of them, but have only finished 6 all the way through.


>> No.16717


English is my second launuage so I must get some sort of leeway for not reading as many as the average /fit/fuck.

I used to read a lot of books, but something changed within me. Now I obsess over food, exercise and sleep. Maybe it's just anxiety and mild depression(I have this constant tension in my body and mind)... but I hope I'll start getting back the disappear to want to read novels for entertainment again.

>> No.16756

Only 6/100. And I'm a librarian. Kek
I read mostly for enjoyment though.

Most of them are.
>Great Gatsby
>God teir

>> No.16865

Is the Abolition of Man any good ? I haven't read a book since I graduated high school and now I'm about to graduate from an engineering school, I kinda feel like a brainlet for not reading.
I'm planning on getting Starship Troopers alongside it.

>> No.16918

A few.

Catch 22 remains the only book I could never finish. I just thought it was hot trash

>> No.16989

> Harry potter
> The Wasp Factory

Who picked that list? I've read 23 of those listed and although I enjoyed The Wasp Factory I wouldn't put it up there.

>> No.17079


more than I thought desu

Also thought I was the only person to ever read the wasp factory


>> No.17164


>> No.17356

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Old Man and the Sea

My favorite being Catch-22 but I've enjoyed all of these books, Old Man and the Sea probably the least, but that's probably because it was for school.

>> No.17413

This list was purely by "most votes".

That means if 4 autists put harry potter because of fond childhood memories they get it in

>> No.17443

Not bad! I usually just read anything I can find an hour before bed.

>> No.17454


we worship 51 now and again

>> No.17557

Just read what you enjoy. I'd say don't start reading ideologues right away and just try looking for stories you might enjoy first.
Also don't ask for /lit/ for advice on the former since some people here will be more than happy to shove their own brand of garbage down your throat.

>> No.17580

/Lit/ is full of pseudo-intellectual brainlets who fancy themselves for being brilliant. At least /fit/ is self-aware.

>> No.17600

>Im american would any of them by in my highschool english?

Here's a cheat sheet

>Moby Dick
>Catch in the Rye
>The Great Gatsby
>The Odyssey
>Heart of Darkness
>Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
>The Grapes of Wrath
>Lord of the Flies
>Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
>Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
>Animal Farm
>The Iliad
>The Old Man and the Sea
>Paradise Lost
>The Count of Monte Cristo

There's your highschoolcore

>> No.17701


I like Harry Potter, is that enough to be /lit/?

>> No.17740

She wants the ottermode dude, don't delude yourself.

>> No.17755

>The Trial
>The Picture of Dorian Gray
>Notes from Underground (Didn't finish it)
>American Psycho
>Harry Potter
>Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
>The Savage Detectives
>Fight Club

I've also started a few others but not finished/lost interest

>> No.17757
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>not posting the newest version

>> No.17781

Blood Meridian - Shit
Catch-22 - Amazing
1984 - Hit or miss
Hamlet - HS reading, wasn't a fan
Dune - Preddy good but I didn't read past the first book
The Odyssey - One of my favorites
The Divine Comedy - Also one of my favorites
Silmarillion - Not a fan
Hobbit - Not a fan, busy as fuck
Harry Potter - good teen lit
Grapes of Wrath - Pretty good
The Bible - forced to read it as a kid or else my grandmother would beat me with it
Lord of the Flies - Enjoyable read, loved it
Hitchhiker's Guide - Fantastic but he tapered off at the end. Didn't read the newest one by what's his nuts
Iliad - Great book, enjoyed it

Now go benchpress 2pl8 and i'll respect you, /lit/

>> No.17805


>> No.17816

>Harry Potter
>no Gulag Archipelago
Shit list.

>> No.17839
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>> No.17865
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I guess you're right. I'll just get Starship Troopers since I very much like the premise.

>> No.17867

Having Harry Potter on any top list disqualifies you from being able to claim any taste or literature knowledge.

>> No.17871


>three works by Camus

Unforgivable tbqh famalams.

>> No.17874

6 of them
war and peace
naked lunch
to the lighthouse
alices adventures in wonderland

There were quite a lot I was supposed to read in highschool, but I didn't read books in highschool.

>> No.17887

Better List just for having Confederacy of Dunces.

Such a fun read.

>> No.17929

Literature is the "art" form with the least artistic merrit of all art forms. Language is simply incapable of expressing the same depth of emotion as a symphony or a painting and should be used purely for transmitting information. And no, i'm not a fitfag, i browse lit for philosophy threads.

>> No.17981

Aesthetics are not about emotions, atleast not entirely, that is.

>> No.17985
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not a single one

>> No.17991

My father seems quite literally to be a RL manifestation of Ignatius. The day I discovered I was a bastard was the greatest of my life so far.

>> No.18007

dont even count yourself as /fit'izen with those lifts

>> No.18018

28, 29 when I finish Mason & Dixon

>> No.18028
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>> No.18033

Don't mind those other fags. Those are good numbers for a month lifting.

>> No.18036
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I feel like a brainlet to people around me since they all read regularly.

>> No.18061

Imagine that books are reps and sets for your mind.

>> No.18124
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What if I only like to read fiction and dislike reading philosophy ? Can I still make some gains ?

>> No.18131

I really fail to see aesthetics in language, but that's probably just me though. Kind of jealouse of those who enjoy fiction desu, oh well, classical music and painting/visual art can entertain me for the rest of my life

>> No.18149


I've read exactly 50, am I the most well-read person here?

1. The Stranger
2. The Brothers Karamazov
3. Lolita
4. Moby Dick
5. The Trial
6. Ficciones
7. Crime and Punishment
8. Catch-22
9. The Picture of Dorian Gray
10. The Catcher in the Rye
11. 1984
12. The Great Gatsby
13. Hamlet
!4. Invisible Cities
15. One Hundred Years of Solitude
16. Slaughterhouse V
17. Notes from Underground
18. Siddhartha
19. Anna Karenina
20. The Odyssey
21. The Divine Comedy
22. The Waves
23. The Master and Margarita
24. War and Peace
25. Wuthering Heights
26. Dubliners
27. The Book of Disquiet
28. The Hobbit
29. Heart of Darkness
30. A Farewell to Arms
31. The Metamorphosis
32. The Sun Also Rises
33. Leaves of Grass
34. Harry Potter Series
35. A Clockwork Orange
36. The Bible
37. Faust
38. Lord of the Flies
39. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
40. Dead Souls
41. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
42. To the Lighthouse
43. Pale Fire
44. Thus Spoke Zarathustra
45. Animal Farm
46. Franny and Zooey
47. The Iliad
48. The Iluminatus Trilogy
49. The Old Man and the Sea
50. Paradise Lost

I also own probably another 30 of the books listed just by coincidence (most of these are almost universally beloved classic) and plan to read them eventually. I'm surprised to not find A Confederacy of Dunces on here, as it's a great book and I see it posted on /lit/ all the time.

>> No.18190

This is a troll thread. No one has ever read Ulysses and only very specific types are so concerned about their image to finish IJ.

>> No.18208
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Why do people like Infinite Jest so much? I forced myself through about 50 pages and immediately regretted how much time I wasted reading those 50 pages.

It felt like /r9k/ with a thesaurus trying to puff himself up writing a book about not much of anything.

>> No.18224

Still works, but the litheads will probably compare fiction to crossfit.
I on the other hand find fiction indispensable for reigniting the imagination. It will also help lengthen the attention span so you can lift denser books.

>> No.18227


I hate David Foster Wallace, but I've only read Brief Encounters with Hideous Men. It was actually embarrassingly bad.

>> No.18237

his essays are much, much better than any of his fiction. Try to forget you tried IJ and just read his nonfiction stuff. His NF is actually trying to communicate with the reader rather than jerk off in front of them.

>> No.18273

But why exactly is it so popular? The worst part is that if I actually want to make a fool of someone that most people who praise it haven't actually read it.

>> No.18287

>no Greene
>No Maugham

>> No.18314

This, try out "on the lobster", i found it a really comfy read

>> No.18338

>terry pratchett isn't normie
he's one of the most popular normie writers out there.

>> No.18369
File: 2.13 MB, 1820x4348, Essential Chart - 100 Greatest Books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not many, just ordered Catcher in the Rye off of Amazon alongside Metro 2033. I also possess The Brothers Karamazov, Gravity's Rainbow, Hyperion and Infinite Jest (in physical copies) and have yet to read through them, same with many other books on the Kindle public domain. Reading A Passage to India at the moment alongside a historical book about the Romanovs.

Where should I go next?

>> No.18410

Shit I'll give this a shot, rolling!

>> No.18412

none of them

>> No.18463
File: 2.17 MB, 1820x4348, Zarathustra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

25 books, how did i do?

>> No.18474
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Are you a fit poster? How long have you been a librarian?

>> No.18527


>> No.18545

I don't think language in itself is inherently aesthetic, but the structures it can build are.

>> No.18591
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>> No.18605

5.5 maybe? I'm not sure how to count Huckleberry Finn because I don't know how many stories there are. I've only read the one with nigger Jim on the run.

>> No.18616
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I read mainly non-fiction...ie STEM books.

KYS /lit/fag.

>> No.18652

>he fell for the STEM/lit dychotomy
Try being an actual intellectual, my man.

>> No.18659

i thought infinite jest was a /lit/ meme

>> No.18660

19 actually. Surprised myself.

>> No.18669

three, and all of them were for school.

I've read the complete LOTR trilogy twice though, voluntarily

>> No.18689



>> No.19010

>Great Gatsby
>Catcher in the Rye
>Clockwork Orange

even in high school i could tell those were trash

step up, /lit/

>> No.19011

Currently reading Infinite Jest how do keep track of everything that is going on and what I'd with the random acronyms getting thrown in ? This is definitely the most challenging book I've read by far. Bench 205 dead 3pl8s

>> No.19028

>cucking yourself out of good reading
i'm even a stemfag, the fuck u on

>> No.19041

>Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Wat you really read that in american schools?

>> No.19047

Have you read my favorite book collection?


>> No.19145


>> No.19171
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Do you guys actually find these books enjoyable? I can appreciate the aesthetics, and I've read a few of them, but must of them bore the fuck out me.

am i a brainlet?

>> No.19181


>> No.19193

the whole book is a metaphor for the destructive nature of chasing revenge. Alternatively for overreaching your abilities. Ahab's ego dooms the entire crew save one man to tell the story.

>> No.19213

>A Farewell to Arms

essential Starting Strengthcore

>> No.19237


it appears so

but that's ok, you're a /fit/zen for a reason

>> No.19268


>> No.19274

3 of them...though in college i did take ancient greek mythology w/o realizing how much reading it was. It qualified as as the lesser evil of the electives for my ECE degree.

>> No.19278

I guarantee you didn't understand IJ

>> No.19292

start off w/ been lifting for a month...

>> No.19298

i want a choice

>> No.19303

23, /fit/.

>> No.19306
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>> No.19321

>I am a Cat
>no Kokoro
what kind of shit list is this?

>> No.19330

Pedo trash, I don't understand why people keep shilling it. Oh wait, I forgot where I was for a second.


>> No.19357

English teachers are desperate.

>> No.19358
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Have fun getting left behind in your field. The world needs it's losers.

>> No.19368


Most of them are pretty shitty. You don't have to enjoy all the books. What you should do, is just read 'approved' books from different genres. Find a genre that you like and stick with it, it's pretty good once you find things you like.

I'm sure you're aware, but most of the stuff on the 'lists' are for tryhard autists. Also you're right, a lot of people don't find those top end books enjoyable, they just read them to fit in with the rest of the book club.

>> No.19370

>Harry Potter
I thought /lit/ hated it with a passion.

>> No.19385

Holy shit do people really not read anymore?

that genuinely disgusts me

>> No.19386

Can you give me a quick rundown on it ? I've seen it several times, is there something to it or is it just pedo shit ?

t. brainlet

>> No.19400

why did you read zarathustra lol

>> No.19408

Only read the great gatsby for college desu

>> No.19409

I've read five of those books

>> No.19419
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Shit meme m8. I know your board sucks at making memes,but I didn't know it was that bad.

>> No.19436

>all these /fit/shits unironically falling for this bait
I want this board to stay like this forever.

>> No.19437

some harry potter ones and school books, ever

>> No.19443

Can someone please explain to me Vanity Fair?

>> No.19447

i've read at least one in every row.

>> No.19459
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R8, h8 and masturb8

>> No.19469


>> No.19477

I find it hilarious that folks figure they can be considered an intellectual without judicious study of history. If intellectuals were historically literate, they'd avoid the label as of it were made of uranium.

>> No.19489

0/10 immediately

>> No.19492

that's an interesting point of view

>> No.19494

yeah, it's actually super hot
you read it strictly for nabokov's beautiful writing style

>> No.19510
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>Reading fiction

Waste of time. If you're going to read, at least read real stuff. Currently halfway through this book where (((Daniel Kahneman))) imparts his Jew knowledge on the world.

>> No.19518

>Dorian Grey

I bought this a few months ago but it's just been collecting dust on my shelf. Is it worth starting? I had a B&N giftcard and bought it randomly

>> No.19519

4 of them, now what're your maxes?

Bench Press
Overhead Press

Quid pro quo, anonimo.

>> No.19548

you aren't part of the intellgentsia and your arms resemble toothpicks.

>> No.19558

Today has taught me that I need to frequent /fit/, not just /pol/ and /int/.
I very much enjoy flags and ids.

>> No.19580

I liked it, but I think you should also read something about its themes and cultural background in order to fully appreciate it.

>> No.19595

/falit/ would be more fun

>> No.19611

Can a /lit/izen tell me whats the meaning of catch22?
I read it and the second half just seems like autistic rambling. Im pretty sure it has a meaning behind, I just cant figure it out. Is it supposed to represent the mental state of the soldiers or what?

>> No.19612


I feel bad for everyone who lives in an obscure country trying to post on /pol/. Every time that one anon from Niue posts, every reply he gets is


>> No.19624
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Just be happy you didn't get merged with /mlp/ like /pol/.

>> No.19635

The Catcher in the Rye
Siddharta (didn't like it)
Lord of the Rings
The Silmarillion
The Hobbit
Heart of Darkness
The Old Man and the Sea

>> No.19648

is this worth reading? might check it out

>> No.19649
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>> No.19673


finished 19 of them, 3 of them i've either read excerpts or quit because they were shit.

Can someone explain to me why the fuck Silmarillion is on here but Lord of the Rings isn't? If you're gonna pick one of the two Silmarillion is clearly worse.

I found Crime and Punishment and A Tale of Two Cities to be massively overrated by the way, you could cut out 50% of more of the garbage in those books and they'd be better for it.

>> No.19707

I Fucking hated American Psycho.

>> No.19739


Ever heard of freakonomics? It's like a more in-depth, longer version of freakonomics. I think it's useful. Just don't try to talk to normies about it because they'll think you're crazy.

>> No.19872

Silmarillion was pretty cool though. LOTR books weren't that good; movies much better

>> No.19888

Okay, I'll pass then. I mainly read books for the stories, themes and characters, the writing style is a nice plus but can't redeem a bad book in my opinion.

>> No.19924

Why arn't the d'argtanion romances on this list? seriousy ya'll suck at list /lt/

>> No.19994

All the /lit/ kids' romantic waxing over Communism makes sense after realizing this list omits The Gulag Archipelago by Alexandr Solzhenitsen.

>> No.20218

Checking those trips of humility m8ey. Read the stuff you like, you should only ever use book lists as "stuff that might interest you" rather than "stuff you need to read else you're a retard". Just remember to get out of your comfort zone once in a while.

>> No.20237

how would you know, you havent read them.

>> No.20241

Still better than Harry Potter

>> No.20246
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I am convinced nobody has read War and Peace out of their own free will since it was written.

>> No.20268

Why not?

>> No.20300

It's boring as all fuck.

>> No.20304


Extremely good book, makes you appreciate how fickle our brains are and how many things which govern our thoughts and actions are outside of our conscious control

>> No.20308

This is all secondary school mandatory readin stuff.

I was wondering what you actually get out of reading? Or what you think you get out of reading.
What did you find moving or meaningful in any of these books?

Given society today does it translate into real value outside of the /lit/ bubble or is it just like putta games? a time waster. Something to name check.

>> No.20336

So is lifting weights. Some find it fulfilling though.

>does it translate into real value outside of the /lit/ bubble
Nah, but we are in the /lit/ bubble, so who cares?

>> No.20353


>> No.20380

>No Don Quixote on that list
Not gonna make it.

>> No.20396


am i retardo?

>> No.20449

>Harry Potter

>> No.20466

Lifting weights is a means to an end, not a goal within itself (except for the fat fucks in /plg/ who somehow failed to find any more worthwhile hobby).
You lift to get a nice body, not because it's fun.
And I already read to get a nice mind for something like 16 years in various schools, with nothing to show for it.

>> No.20479
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>tfw I was about to post this chart
Good to know I'm not the only person on here who /breadpill/

>> No.20505

All of those, and my total is like 1500kg

>> No.20546

It's number 8
And it's not that good
t. Spaniard

>> No.20573

why so mad?

>> No.20587

On the Road is fucking garbage

>> No.20611
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>> No.20619

>implying i plan to waste my life in STEM

>> No.20620


So /lit/erates, how much do you DL?

>> No.20708
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I can't get abs no matter how hard I'm trying

>> No.20741

that picture is cringe

>> No.20763


Reading the broskis Karamazov at the minute, about 100 pages in and I'm flagging, I feel like it's all going to kick off eventually but it's really dragging at the minute, worth pushing through it?

>> No.20821

26, some were memes

>> No.20829

The trashcan

>> No.20878

That's a tren bod.

> Not wanting to be diced to the bone.

What a faggot.

>> No.20935

>>19193 nah fuck that shit
>>14948 You kill dat whale baby. Wooo!

Terry is god. JK is swine.
Her business model is based on Pan's Labyrinth.
Remove any magic from the source environement, turn it into high rises and McD's.
From there your product will be in high demand.

> so who cares?
I do. If it isn't displayed it withers and dies, you need to make a market out of your art and steal the publics money.
/lit/ must grow stronk
This is the real reason the gods of 4chan have pushed you and /fit/ together.
You need to make gains.

>> No.20956

I disagree. Try reading some more poetry

>> No.21001
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>> No.21015


>> No.21031

but the story becomes world famous

so worth it i guess

>> No.21038

Don Quixote

I wish I could read it for the first time again

>> No.21039


Just because normies like his work doesn't mean it doesn't have a deeper level. Do you know what gnosticism is?

>> No.21068
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>Mason & Dixon

2 of his most boring books, but no Against The Day?

>> No.21101

I agree desu

>> No.21122

Never tried tbqh.

Haven't been to a gym since I finished school. Never really interested me though, preferred to play actual sports. Found the gym pretty boring.

>> No.21124


The only book I've read is Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy but..

the bible... seriously? How can I even take this list seriously.

>> No.21162

>You need to make gains.
I refuse. I want to wither and die.

>not living the A rebours lifestyle
I bet you don't even own a golden turtle, faggot.

>> No.21165

65, hilarious illumatus! used to be on there

>> No.21166
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>Ulysses first

>> No.21210

Lolita, Blood Meridian and I've started the Iliad.

Really enjoyed both Lolita and Blood Meridian, but holy shit was it uncomfortable explaining the plot of Lolita to people.

>> No.21222

even in /sci/ you are a meme

>> No.21225

>the bible... seriously? How can I even take this list seriously.
The Bible is an extremely important work of literature for the western culture. And even for someone who does not believe in God, parts of it are really fucking great. While I am not religious (because no shit, why would you be?) John's Apocalypse is just awe-inspiring.

Or did I fall for some false flag fedora?

>> No.21281

Well, atleast this one has Faust.

Though Part 2 is better than Part 1, I find it weird that they are listed as one work.

>> No.21314

13, 14, 17, 190, 20, 21, 24, 29, 31, 32, 44, 45, 49, 51, 52, 54, 56, 57, 60, 64, 66 ,68, 73, 83, 84, 87, 90, 94, 96, 97

>> No.21349

I've read 5/100

and I don't lift

>> No.21351

oh yeah,
Bench 335
dl: 540
sqt 390
ohp 185

>> No.21377
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none reading is for fucking nerds

>> No.21404
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Not much of a reader of literature. Should add some to my backlog. Not really a priority right now. Starting to read Sigrid Unsted The Wreath

>> No.21490

American? Yeah you guys ruined the language and turned it into this mess of grunts, then exported that brand to the rest of the world. The educated are constantly persuaded to dumb down their language rather than compel the rest to sublimate.
What you might see they have done to Americans bodies they have done to language also.
I feel there is a deeper impetus, born out of the current state of world, that /fitlit/ might have been intuited.
I am not sure /lit/ really appreciates what it's own value is though.
/fit/ : 1
/lit/ : 0

>> No.21649

Missing some books like:

The war for Mansoul,
Fahrenheit 451.
Canterbury tales,
Dante's Inferno
Charlie and the glass elevator,
Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,

>> No.21749

i'm so glad this chart stuck rather than the more recent one

because although this one had a much smaller sample size, the guy who did it had a much better grasp of tone and it's lightly funny without being overbearing and doesn't seem autistic like the newer one does. the opening text, the little memes like hemmmingway are great without being too much

and frankly, /lit/ had better taste back then

>> No.22030
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Inferno is on there smart one, it's part of Dante's Divine Comedy. Surely you've read Purgatorio and Paradiso as WELL as Inferno, right? Just look at the pic for /lit/'s sticky

>> No.22081

Only twenty of them from the list.
I enjoyed reading Soseki's Botchan. I think it's more Fit relevant than 'I am a Cat'

>> No.22172

> I bet you don't even own a golden turtle, faggot.

You have thrown me into a quandry there. should i chastise you for taking your literature and it's meaning into being a way of life, thus degenerating its meaning and killing /lit/
or do i tell you to keep on trucking and die the death you have proscribed /lit/ yourself?

>> No.22229
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Do whatever you feel like, my spooky friend.

>> No.22250

Dude, literally the exact same numbers and time lifting here. I'm assuming those are 5x5?

>> No.22270

I read most of those in high school/freshman year of college. Pedestrian as fuck, step it up, /lit/.

>> No.22385

why can't atheists be this aesthetic?

>> No.22406

>The Hobbit
>The Metamorphosis
>Harry Potter
>The Bible
>Huckleberry Finn
>Alice in Wonderland
>Animal Farm
>A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

I thought I'd have read more, I should get my shit together
>The Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.22731

hi it's been a few hours but I just wanted to let you know what a stupid post this was

>> No.22766

Hi I know someone who knows Ferguson and I just want you to know that he's a smarmy contrarian.
He's right you dyel retard.

>> No.23068

Plenty of people read books for the "things that happen" you DOUBLE NIGGER

How else am I going to gain an adequate understanding of history? Huh? How?

>> No.23113

He's explaining what you should and shouldn't do, not what people do do haha.

However, he is confused. I agree there. He's trying to explain the >reading for the plot thing, but the thing is history books actually have that kind of literary aesthetic. See, most famously, Herodotus and Gibbon.

>> No.24418
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tfw halfway through part two of the abridged version

>> No.24451
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>> No.24520

Alright Ron.

>> No.24582
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last time I posted my collection I got shit on because apparently they look "untouched".
Am I supposed to drag them through my anus while reading?

>> No.24644
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/fit/ meathead.
73/100....is this what it takes to visit /lit/?
or am I missing some essentials

>> No.24674

>reading ulysses but not portrait of the artist

>> No.24689
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look like i have some work to do lol. not too bad though right?

>> No.24789

>Faust (in German)
I was going to say no, but this makes up for it
You're getting there

>> No.24845

Surprisingly, almost half, despite the fact that much of that list is unreadable garbage.

>no günther grass
>no irvine welsh
>no yevgeny zamyatin
>american psycho instead of glamorama

William Faulkner is a fucking fag. I'm startled you didn't have Salinger in the #1 spot, actually.

>> No.24846

About half yeah. But I'm a DYEL egghead.

>> No.24913

Camus is great if you're French

>> No.24977


Most of the stuff I read is non-fiction because that's what I'm interested in. Lots of military history books and the like. For example one of my favorite books I've recently finished was "Command and Control" by Eric Schlosser

>> No.25017

not from /fit/, but I've read the following:

>The Brothers Karamazov
>Don Quixote
>The Great Gatsby
>Notes From Underground
>War and Peace
>The Book of Disquiet (in it's original language, native speaker of Portuguese here)
>Naked Lunch
>HP Series
>Clockwork Orange
>On the Road
>The Bible
>Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
>Fight Club
>The Count of Monte Cristo

Not listed but also read:

>Howl and other poems by Allen Ginsberg
>The town and the city by Jack Kerouac
>Junky by William S. Burroughs
>Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller
>And the hippos were boiled in their tanks by William S. Burroughs and Jack Kerouac
>Big Sur by Kerouac
>Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
>A brave new world by Aldous Huxley
>Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
>Jack Kerouac's journals
>Barren Lives by Graciliano Ramos
>The complete works of Moacyr Scliar
>The Pilgrimage, The Alchemist and Brida by Paulo Coelho
>The Vedas
>Baghavad Gita

>> No.25036

Kind of a stupid question, but does /lit/ happen to have this list ordered by length?

I'm about to have more free time to read shortly and have some a 5000+ book kindle torrent kicking around here somewhere. Might as well start cracking the quicker ones off first.

>> No.25047


I've read Don Quixote in its original language, I've already won

>> No.25060

oh, also read:

>Dracula by Bram Stoker
>Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift

>> No.25098

I hated the Picture of Dorian Gray and didn't finish it. It seemed very homosex

>> No.25138

Some of the books on that list make me question if this is serious, or if its /lit/s attempt to condense pre-university reading into an image.

>> No.25177

forgot another one
>The motorcycle diaries by Ernesto "Che" Guevara