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14381549 No.14381549 [Reply] [Original]

On the other hand it must not be forgotten that "welfare" is by definition something relative; once an exclusively material point of view is adopted the normal balance between spirit and body is destroyed and appetites are unleashed which carry with them no limiting factor. It is this aspect of human nature which humanitarians, in the usual sense of the term, either deny or deliberately ignore; they believe in man as good in himself, thus apart from God, and they arbitrarily ascribe his defects to unfavorable material conditions, as if experience did not prove not only that human malice does not depend on any outward factor, but also that it often develops in the midst of well-being, and sheltered from all elementary cares; the deviations of "bourgeois culture" exemplify this to repletion. For the religions the "economic norm" is expressly the state of poverty, in which the Founders have always set the example — a poverty that stays close to nature, not of a denudation rendered unintelligible and ugly by the servitudes of an artificial and irreligious world; as for riches, they are tolerated because they are a natural right and exclude neither detachment nor sobriety — but they are never regarded as an ideal as is practically speaking the case in the modern world.

>> No.14381553
File: 6 KB, 289x429, schuon.turban.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In this respect Hinduism is particularly strict: according to the Shāstras luxury properly so called — which envisages only physical well-being and keeps adding to it fresh needs — is a "theft from nature"; its opposite, simplicity, clearly means, not a privation of what is necessary, but a refusal of whatever is superfluous from the point of view of physical comfort, not a rejection of property as such; it is true that this stage of simplicity has been transcended in India itself, as elsewhere, and has been so for many centuries. Be that as it may, people today far too readily include under the common denomination of "misery" both an ancestral simplicity of life and mere lack of food, a confusion that is far from unbiased; the catchword "underdeveloped countries" is from this point of view highly significant in its candid perfidy. A scientific machine-age "standard of living" has been invented and the aim is to impose this on all peoples,(105) above all on those who are classed as "backward" whether they be Hindus or Hottentots. For these believers in progress happiness means a host of noisy and ponderous complications calculated to crush out many elements of beauty and hence of well-being; in wishing to abolish particular "fanaticisms" and "horrors" these people forget that there are also atrocities on the spiritual plane and that the so-called humanitarian civilization of the moderns is saturated with them.

(105) The Shankaracharya of Kanchi has pointed out in the text already quoted that "the very idea of raising the standard of living . . . will have the most injurious effects on society. Raising the standard of living means tempting people to encumber themselves with more luxuries and thus leading them ultimately to real poverty in spite of increased production. Aparigraha meant that every man should take from nature only so much as is required for his life in this world."

>> No.14381576
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>guenonfag gets accused of not posting actual hindu scholars
>starts posting schuon again
>schuon, a swiss-german
>schuon, who ran a cult in indiana where he fucked his cult members' wives (and their underage children too)

You're really an authentic Hindu now, Guenonfag! Why don't you link some more Olivelle? And a hundred other white guys? While living in the west? Neovedantist.

>> No.14381638


>> No.14382409

>vertical wives

>> No.14382441

Aren't muslims allowed to be polygamous?

>> No.14382505

spend a week without toilet paper and come see me again in a week.

>> No.14382527

How can you tell those who have rejected austerity from those who are simply born into it? they may simply be content in their misery and know no other way of life, material aspiration could improve their spiritual well-being in a way that lassitude can not.

Is it not our nature to consume? Is it not our nature to explore? Denying ourselves that which may be may be, may limit our spiritual growth by suffocating our aspirations.

>> No.14382529

Back to /pol/ my illiterate friend

>> No.14382549

one might say, "why aspire to anything?" and be afflicted with spiritual malaise. We only seek contentment when we are not content, if someone is content to aspire, shouldn't you simply leave him be?

Why must he be forced to conform to the standard of living foisted upon him by everyone else if he feels that is the source of his discontentment?

>> No.14382563

man naturally desires to elevate himself to higher forms of consciousness, and until he gains that knowledge of the futility of struggle, he can content himself in possessing more than he already has, so long as doing so fulfills a need?

Let him learn in his own time that there are needs which can not be fulfilled by material things, so long as he aspires to material fulfillment by his own hands, what is the harm?

>> No.14382573

How can man content himself with austerity if he has no knowledge of self-indulgence? How can he learn that there are things money can not buy unless he experiences for himself the truth of it?

Anyone could simply accuse you of calling the grapes sour, if you could not obtain them for yourself.

>> No.14382579

And again, one man may content himself with less, and another more, they might have different needs that are by no means universal.

A man who learns to content himself with less will often be left wondering if they wouldn't be even more so with a bit more.

>> No.14382593

A man who denies his needs will never be content. A man who acknowledges them can strive to fulfill them, freeing himself from discontentment. You will never become detached from material things if you have no food or water, no matter how much you fast, because until you are ready to die, these things will gnaw at you with a certainty that can't be denied by mere consciousness.

By saying, "I have no need to eat" you are saying "I have no need to live." If you are content to die and not live, then by all means, you have surpassed all mortal desire and freed yourself from attachment, finding perfect contentedness in the nirvana which you have achieved.

But for the rest of us, transcending the physical begins with mastering your needs first, obtaining enlightenment second.

>> No.14383187


I wash my anus after each defecation.

>> No.14383202
File: 5 KB, 259x194, images (25).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14384194


>> No.14384558

Traditionalists are like fucking marxists. They are SO OBSESSED with the bourgeoisie it's all they ever fucking talks about.

>> No.14384758


Anyways, the claims against Schuon were proven to be false. The judge threw them all out in court and he was never shown to have committed any such offenses. Keep seething though hehe

>> No.14386164

This, Schuon was proved innocent

>> No.14386176

maybe of pedophilia, but the vertical wives thing isn't even a crime so he can't be charged with that

>> No.14387582

>n 1991, one of Schuon's followers accused him of "fondling" three young girls during “primordial gatherings”. A preliminary investigation was begun, but the chief prosecutor eventually concluded that there was no proof, noting that the plaintiff was of extremely dubious character who had been previously condemned for making false statements in another similar affair in California.[11] The prosecutor declared that there were no grounds for prosecution, and the local press made amends.

>> No.14387923

for a sex fiend Schuon sure has some lit writing

>> No.14387949

This, Schuon was cleared of all charges of pedophilia and the people who convinced him were discredited as fakes themselves

Based, whiteheadfags seething

>> No.14388172
