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/lit/ - Literature

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14381461 No.14381461 [Reply] [Original]

I've been wondering about whether it's important for a partner to be /lit/. Could you even have a fulfilling, lasting relationship with someone who doesn't share an appreciation of the arts? Or would the relationship grow boring with recycled, shallow conversations?

>> No.14381484

Basing your relationship solely on an appreciation for the arts seems equally shallow to me.

>> No.14381503

Then, how do people stay together, or in love? I don't fucking get it. It might be the autism.

>> No.14381608

It happens naturally. Most people go with someone who like them on a genetic level. You can examine this in their faces, couples tend to look like siblings. Some people meet with similar interests, others don't. Also how friendships form with people of the same sex. Think of it like a mini tribe. You may not end up in a relationship or maybe you will. Just try to be happy with yourself in the meantime.

>> No.14381625

I find I get along better with people who don't particularly have much interest in the arts. There is a lot of weird jockeying for place that occurs in arts based discussion, a lot of "check out my super hot take on this thing that will blow yours out of the water." And more often than not their take barely rises to the level of tepid and the discussion usually hangs around the level of
>I like this thing
>me too
>do you remember this part of that thing
>yes I liked that
>me too
Or more excitingly
>I like this thing
>I don't
>oh. Why not
>because of this part of this thing
>oh I liked that part
>oh ok
I'm an extraordinarily bad conversationalist though so perhaps its just me.

>> No.14381628

my only criteria is that he isn't a ex-coalminers. it may sound trivial but pneumoconiosis is no joke.

>> No.14381629

My girlfriend doesn't read as much as I do but has a pretty similar appreciation of the arts as I do.
I haven't had a relationship with someone like this before, and it's been leagues more enjoyable than my past relationships. Watching art films and writing poetry with her is a joy honestly.
(Also having someone who not only puts up with but seems to appreciate my autistic thoughts on Bataille and Hegel is very soothing)
Of course, there are other aspects to the relationship that make it work and there are a few issues, but I love being with her

>> No.14381774

>how do people stay together, or in love?
Some people are just fun to be around. It's hard to explain.

>> No.14381984

yeah even ur 4chan post put me to sleep

>> No.14381989

Read a little bit about the relationship between James Joyce and his wife Nora. That might help you

>> No.14382282


>> No.14382294

I've never been in a relationship with someone who had a serious literary interest, but what I can say is that she at least needs to have some respect for what you do.

>> No.14382326

Just remember to spread her pages wide open--and use your finger to follow the plot.

>> No.14382362

As far as I can tell, friendships are built on shared interest and relationships are built on compatibly. Typically the most important value in a relationship is a unification of life-goals, emotional support, and sexual compatibility.

You closest friend could be someone you have the most stimulating conversation with, but you may wear on one another's patience over long periods of time. You have to be able to wake up next to a partner for the foreseeable future. That may not include being able to talk /lit/ with them.

But what the fuck do I know, I'm deeply lonely and starved for romantic intimacy. These are just observations of creative friends who chose non-creative partners.

>> No.14382363

seems like i have better odds with a daft girl

>> No.14382364

Why does the girl I'm presently sticking it to need to enjoy books?

>> No.14382467

>I've never been in a relationship with someone

>> No.14382481

you're not supposed to be friends with women, dumbass
they're for fucking and marrying and if you're not doing one then you should be doing the other
successful relationships are not the ones where the man and woman are best buds and see each other as equals, they're ones where each partner recognizes their place and acts within it accordingly. this is what love really is, having a friend you get to fuck and shoot the shit with is not

>> No.14382708

The only traits you should care about in a woman are whether you will still be attracted to her in 20 years and if she does what's she's told.

>> No.14383935


>> No.14384011
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>> No.14384302

Had to look up that term. Initially thought this was some joke about black men but no, you really did mean coal miners