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/lit/ - Literature

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14380440 No.14380440 [Reply] [Original]

>indirect translation
Why are they allowed to charge money for this?

>> No.14381454

Son nom est trop fucké

>> No.14381555

wtf I thought the French were huge weebs, they couldn't find someone who spoke moon

>> No.14381682

maybe it has something to do with the fact mishima greatly valued the english translation of his works idk

>> No.14381687

Maybe (You) should try translating a book for no compensation and see how that feels.

>> No.14382291

>working for a living

>> No.14382420

>Why are they allowed
if you don't like freedom you can always defect to Cuba

>> No.14382490

For a living or not, work is work, and making a good translation is hard work with a limited talent pool.

>> No.14382714

Only for mangos and animus. Real literature is too complex for weebs.

>> No.14382846

C'était la volonté de Mishima de traduire "Le soleil et l'acier" ainsi que "La mer de la fertilité" de l'anglais en français. Mais avec la mort de sa femme(?), les droits de je-ne-sais-quoi ont expiré, d'où la nouvelle traduction de "Confessions d'un masque" par Dominique Palmé. L'on peut donc espérer des nouvelles traductions français-japonais si Mme Palmé est intéressée et motivée par ses éditeurs.

>> No.14383023

>C'était la volonté de Mishima de traduire "Le soleil et l'acier" ainsi que "La mer de la fertilité" de l'anglais en français.
but why

>> No.14383594
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>That fag can keep the c'h in his name but you cant'