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/lit/ - Literature

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14379745 No.14379745 [Reply] [Original]

The symbol of hedonism, the burger gives it's very flesh to sate our unconquerable greed, martyred in it's wake.

>> No.14379776

what is with the hate for burgers? its literally just ground beef, how is that bad for you? like is steak bad for you too? its retarded, i mean obviously fast food burgers are bad for you, but what is wrong with just a normal burger with fresh beef?

>> No.14379791

That's not very well written to be honest. Not only is it purple prose, the grammar and even the meanings of some words are off. You shouldn't write like this until you learn to write very deliberately and cleanly. That will take years.

>> No.14379807

What does purple prose mean?

>> No.14379817
File: 1.42 MB, 3264x2448, cbd_provisions_double_cheeseburger_instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A really good cheeseburger is unironically delicious. Americans get made fun of for their food but honestly I love a good cheeseburger, it's so tasty. Nice cheeseburger with gooey cheddar or American cheese, caramelized onions, good fresh lettuce, a nice special sauce or aioli on top, nice bread and butter pickles. Pair it with some crispy french fries and it's something I'd pit against any other country's food.

>> No.14379878

there's literally nothing wrong with them as long as you use fresh, natural ingredients.

>> No.14381064
File: 114 KB, 970x880, yui guck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humborgers are fucking amazing, wish I had one right now

>> No.14381072

I wish I could make you one.

>> No.14381182


>> No.14381246

currently eating oat bread with tomatoes ;__;

>> No.14381255

Just bread and tomato? You deserve better, anon.

>> No.14381272

tomato sandwiches are kino
little mayo and fresh cracked black pepper and you have a 10/10 sandwich

>> No.14381277
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thanks :) I was too depressed/ lazy to cook and it was the only thing in my room...lets hope tomorrow will be better.

>> No.14381285

How the fuck is any of this about literature? I don't give a fuck what you bastards eat. Go gas some kikes and grill them for all that I care. It's not fucking literature.

>> No.14381289

burgerpunk is literature

>> No.14381293

It's trash.

>> No.14381307
File: 17 KB, 300x250, 60c972604a4d80d73e5c2679ea7f318a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw just ate a burger for din-dins

>> No.14381986

Shouldn’t you be reading instead of whining? It seems like you care a great deal.

>> No.14382137

trash is literature

>> No.14383864

Eating burgers bare handed occasionaly leads me to a primal, animalistic state of consumption that no other food has been able to replicate. You're onto something, OP.

>> No.14383901

Cope from journalistic languagefags

>> No.14384441

Yup. Love tomato sammies when my tomato plants have fresh ripe tomatoes. Fresh cucumber sammies also make great light lunch fare.

Mayo, sea salt, fresh ground pepper.

Eat them with strips of yellow bell pepper as a side dish.

Gotta be fresh though, I won't eat either out of season.