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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 264 KB, 2100x1500, 81TGQ1cTcrL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14378841 No.14378841 [Reply] [Original]

No other pieces of children's literature can come close to this.

>> No.14378857

Eric Carle is a trash picture book writer and artist. The fact he made millions from this filth always make my blood boil. I can recommend better picture books writers and artists.

>> No.14378864

>I can recommend better picture books writers and artists
Ok so do so

>> No.14378893 [DELETED] 
File: 1.77 MB, 898x4498, picture_books_top_50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are my top 50. Note, the German book

>> No.14378903 [DELETED] 

going to edit this to make some stuff more legible. will delete and repost in a second

>> No.14378907
File: 615 KB, 595x514, frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the rarest pepe of all

>> No.14378922
File: 1.78 MB, 898x4498, picture_books_top_50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My top 50 picture books.

>> No.14378934
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*blocks your path*

>> No.14378938

For me? It's Abel's Island.

>> No.14378940

I never found Arnold Lobel's illustrations appealing. I can recommend better works involving frogs or toads.

>> No.14378943

Thanks. But why the german book

>> No.14378955

Not impressive. Poorly illustrated and overly unmemorable text. Trash.

>> No.14378960

>But why the german book
And what's wrong with there being a German book there?

>> No.14378968

remove this adverb

>> No.14378969

Well it's fine but I assume many can't read german

>> No.14378971
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*blocks you're path*

>> No.14378994

His impressive illustrations enough merit him the award of being in the top 50.
I'm not sure if the four English translations of his works are even faithful to the source material. The translations just seem made up. I do own some of his real books in German and plan to learn the language soon.

>> No.14378996
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a challenger appears

>> No.14379004

This is crappy and pathetic art. The art itself is a like meme for an increasingly ADHD generation.

>> No.14379014
File: 108 KB, 425x630, 9781435156234_p0_v2_s1200x630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't read his children wondrous tales of interracial cuckoldry

>> No.14379030

The Arabian Nights is trash. The reality is that Bedouins and Gulf Arabs never had a real culture. They were always West African tier, hence why they have significant nigger admixture. The original 1001 Nights was about China.

>> No.14379047

Those aren't even Arab stories. 90% of them take place in Iranian lands, and are probably of Iranian origin.

>> No.14379054
File: 30 KB, 292x400, 9781908745651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BTFOs the entire thread

>> No.14379083

My favorite one was Moominland Midwinter because of its contemplative and solitary feel.
Most Iranian myths don't even take place in the desert. They take place in mountainous areas of North Iran and Central Asia, some of which are very green. Nothing about 1001 Nights is Iranic in origin whatsoever. Read the Shahnameh if you want to understand what Iranic culture, before Islam, was like.

>> No.14379100

Eat a dick faggot

>> No.14379356

This book was wild as a kid. There was another book I read at around the same time with a similar feel, and I hate that I can't remember it.

>> No.14379535

based picture book enthusiast

>> No.14380023

People who don't line Frog and Toad belong in work camps.

>> No.14380172

>tfw this was my favorite book until middle school

>> No.14380462

Where The Wild Things Are

>> No.14380480

Maurice Sendak is probably a pedo. Read In the Night Kitchen again. It's like a fever dream of a fat Jewish pedophile.

>> No.14380485

ha ha, how many /lit/ humor threads do we need, bro? ha ha

>> No.14380594

That's where your wrong kiddo. Check these out:
1. The monster without a name
2. The God of peace
3. The man with big eyes and the man with a big mouth

Author is Franz Bonaparte

>> No.14380631

boomer shit, *yawn*

>> No.14380640

Gorilla dick daddy's hungry for some pussy :3

>> No.14380657

How is that "boomer shit", brainlet?

>> No.14380666

Do not taint this thread with your filth, nigger demon!

>> No.14380673
File: 13 KB, 280x281, 2B032B77-97A2-46C6-AEFD-EEB92221B3AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the mousehole cat
This list is certified patrician

>> No.14380686

They all look like those old and faded picture books that sold for 25 cents at goodwill because no one wanted to buy them

>> No.14380712 [DELETED] 

Some of the artists were popular during Golden Age of Illustrations. Maxfield Parrish, Kay Nielsen, Alfred Bestall, Fritz Baumgarten, and many others to name a few.
Many of them won the Caldecott Award, which include Kitten's First Full Moon, Flotsam, The Little Island, and much more. Other ones have famous or best-selling artists like Sven Nordqvist Pettson and Findus series, which sold over six million worldwide.
You're a dumb faggot who can't be assed to even look at the logic behind the list.

>> No.14380736


1. Some of the artists were popular during Golden Age of Illustrations. Maxfield Parrish, Kay Nielsen, Alfred Bestall, Fritz Baumgarten, Beatrix Potter, Louis Wain, and many others to name a few.

2. Many of them won the Caldecott Award, which include Henke's Kitten's First Full Moon, Cordell's Wolf in the Snow, Santat's Beekle, Weisner's Flotsam, Weisgard's The Little Island, and much more.

3. Other ones have famous or best-selling artists like Sven Nordqvist Pettson and Findus series, which sold over six million worldwide. There are also relatively popular European artists like Inga Moore, Jill Berklem, Elsa Beskow, and Margaret Tarrant.

You're a dumb faggot who can't be assed to even look at the logic behind the list.

>> No.14380746

Yeah, it was one of my favorites. Nicola Bayley has other good works like The Patchwork Cat and Katje: The Windmill Cat.

>> No.14380769

All I'm getting from this is that they're just "children's" books for adult critics - no actual child would get any enjoyment out of such bland and matured (see, boomer) art.

>> No.14380793
File: 1.32 MB, 1500x860, fritz baumgarten02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All I'm getting from this is that they're just "children's" books for adult critics
It's more that the adult critics evaluated they were very good.
>no actual child would get any enjoyment out of such bland and matured (see, boomer) art.
The art is not bland. Many children love this art piece, for example.
Go back to watching trash like Pewdiepie, zoomer ADHD faggot.

>> No.14380811

Not him but I had a number of them as a child and still remember them fondly

>> No.14380855
File: 454 KB, 522x716, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be so disingenuous and pretend like every single 5 year old on the planet wouldn't rather consume pic related than watch Beauty and the Beast or read whatever boomer children's books. If an actual panel of children were critiquing and giving out awards to the best children's books and media based on how much they enjoyed it over how much their parents and other adults enjoyed it, the results would be very much shifted towards more easily consumable shit.
>Zoomer ADHD faggot
We're literally talking about children

>> No.14380884


if you like picture books so much, help me out. I have been trying to find a series of picture books for a while. I believe the main character is an anthropomorphic pig, and in one of the stories he gets a fruitcake

>> No.14380914

Are you talking about Mercy Watson?
As I've told you, they are still selling well. Consider how recent Pettson and Findus is, yet it made Sven Nordqvist a considerable sum, even landing some movie adaptations.
Moreover, the recent Caldecott winners Wolf in the Snow by Matthew Cordell and The Adventures of Beekle by Dan Santat sold pretty well, so it shows the market for picture books is still going strong. Also, the Facebook page "The Golden Age of Illustrations" has over 100k followers and shares many of the illustrators I referred to (e.g., Fritz Baumgarten, Beatrix Potter, and more).
Also, Beatrix Potter's works are always selling in large numbers, it goes through waves based on recent adaptations or advertisements. The new movie adaptation of Peter Rabbit was trash, but it probably did lead to more sales of her works.
The stuff about "consumable shit" is just a trend of the talentless but also being largely pushed by Jews for social engineering purposes.

>> No.14381014 [DELETED] 

It's either Toot and Puddle or Mercy Watson.
After thinking more, I believe it is Toot and Puddle. Was there a parrot in it too?

>> No.14381021

I did some more reflection, and I think it's Toot & Puddle! My bad. I wasn't thinking straight at first. Holly Hobbie's Toot & Puddle is very good and another best seller. It is soulful. It is true to the spirit of Beatrix Potter and many other Anglo picture books.

>> No.14381047

The Monster at the End of This Book: Starring Lovable, Furry Old Grover
Also there was a children's book where you got to pick between a sad ending and a happy ending. It was to promote an environmentalist message.

>> No.14381154 [DELETED] 

I never really sensed an inkling of a soul in Sesame Street, Bernstein Bears, Arthur, Barnie, or Teletubbies. It is the opposite of soul, something like a negative space. Of course, there are many soulful works like Tasha Tudor, Toot & Puddle, early Pixar, Maxfield Parrish, or whatever.

In the modern era, there is such thoroughness when it comes to horror literature, yet "children's" literature is relegated as being of lesser importance or merit. The fact is, this is not a matter of "children's" literature. It is a matter of literature of light. The way these genres are framed is of immense importance and does psychically impact how one interprets his or her lived experience. If a children's or picture book cannot tap or point to the the inner divine light of beings or simple joyful events, then it has not succeeded in its objective.

In this sense, literature of light is diametrically opposed to the horror or 'dark' novel. Something like Maldoror is placed to the opposite direction of Beatrix Potter, and this leads to the most important metaphysical question of life: "Are the light and dark two sides of the same coin OR in conflict as two?"

In my view, they are in tension/conflict rather than in a complementary existence, and during Sassanian times, every person who denied this was outright executed. Dualism was considered absolute.

>> No.14381163
File: 69 KB, 488x488, chickensoup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A challenger has appeared

>> No.14381225

Yes and we now know how poorly informative "enjoys" is. The child must be formed. Tomatoes may well loathe trellising but it's better for them.

>> No.14381258
File: 64 KB, 342x450, 1761DD5A-5F0A-434B-B9DD-35982448CA35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the poem written by the same author as Julie of The Wolves and My Side of The Mountain
God Jane Yolen is so fucking based

>> No.14381316

I also liked Jane Yolen's Owl Moon and The Day Tiger Rose says Goodbye. Jim LaMarche's illustrations for the latter are very good.

>> No.14381332
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>> No.14381850

I've never seen a single non-austistic Moomin fan. Makes sense that it's only really popular in the two most autistic nations on Earth.

>> No.14381875

Dicks out

>> No.14381900
File: 2.26 MB, 1920x1080, 1576490113624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I assume many can't read german
Shall we just all reduce ourselves to the lowest common denominator for you?

>> No.14381971
File: 44 KB, 299x400, 9780140541489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Graeme Base aka Graeme Based will always be the GOAT children's book writer-illustrator.

>> No.14382033
File: 89 KB, 709x474, 91FA1C87-5438-463F-8085-28AAAF55AD98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck I forgot about this guy. Imaginative illustrations, and he’s not afraid to actually challenge kids with difficult words and complex puzzles like a lot of authors are. I used to look at his drawings for hours trying to find all the hidden things.

He’s incredible.

>> No.14382045

>dont recognize any of these
that must be why i turned out like this

>> No.14382048
File: 72 KB, 444x500, Parts-Tedd-Arnold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perfect for the burgeoning schizophrenic

>> No.14382050

Graeme Base is very good.

>> No.14382054
File: 10 KB, 220x293, 51WtXoJuZaL._SX218_BO1,204,203,200_QL40_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big dick child lit coming through

>> No.14382056

Pure trash.

>> No.14382057

Anon, I've met a lot more well-formed consumers than I have well-formed readers. The landscape is changing, which is tragic.

>> No.14382340
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>> No.14382545

I remember that!

>> No.14382773
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Sorry if I ended the thread too early, I couldnt wait any longer

>> No.14382815

I just don't like this kind of style. It's all wacky with no soul or substance.

>> No.14382853
File: 27 KB, 260x328, the robots are coming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book made me who I am today

>> No.14382882

Try reading it again maybe, more closely this time

>> No.14382920

To be more precise, it's not that bad, but I've seen better. It has too much of a cheap Saturday morning cartoon feel rather than a high-quality picture book.

>> No.14383369

This book complimenys Anti-Oedipus pretty well, desu.

>> No.14384029


>> No.14385252

Fantastic Mister Fox by Roald Dahl

>> No.14386390

Body without parts explained to kids

>> No.14386418
File: 34 KB, 313x499, 51EQ9PHWW1L._SX311_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly sentiment I guess but I appreciated it.