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/lit/ - Literature

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14378694 No.14378694 [Reply] [Original]

is this book the ultimate pleb filter

it still makes /lit/ seethe to this day tbqh

>> No.14378697

>it still makes /lit/ seethe
does it? Neet Chuh is pretty well liked on this board lol

>> No.14378703

The Gay Science and Geneology of Morals are better, though.

That book just has the edgier title.

>> No.14378728

And after you read the prelude to a philosophy of the future, read the actual philosophy of the future: http://orgyofthewill.net/

>> No.14378737

Which translation is better? Kaufmann or Stanford?

>> No.14378743

So true, can't believe so many brainlets come away from reading this thinking Nietzsche was atheist and not realizing that the book was profoundly satirical

>> No.14378760

the thing about nietzsche is that thus spake zarathustra is genuinely great but the rest of his work is a bit lame. like his metaphysical position is unironically "THOSE WHO BELIEVE IN AN IMMATERIAL WORLD ARE WEAK!!!!". like i'm not even strawmanning him that's basically it. it just appears a bit autistic watching him throw rocks at plato

>> No.14378761

Question for anyone whose read a lot of nietzsche:
How would an ubermentsch deal with a fight with a loved one? What does one affirm in this situation? The love of the other person (and thereby back down to maintain peace) or the confidence in themselves (potentially ruining the relationship)

>> No.14378807

he was an idealist
Ubermensche is the endgoal of man, and would not even be recognizable from man.

>> No.14378822
File: 56 KB, 720x696, 687474~1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw a girl acquaintance sees me reading ecce HOMO
>maybe a week later she sees me reaing the GAY science
>she thinks im gay now
i wish i was joking

>> No.14378831

kek ask her out

>> No.14378833


>> No.14378859

The ultimate pleb filter are those who can't see that Nietzsche is a rehash of Callicles, Thrasymachus and other assorted Sophists. Never moved past his beloved 'pre'-socratics, let alone anything that came after.

>> No.14379385


>> No.14380118

>n-no I'm not gay! we could, like, go out sometime, just to show you I'm not gay though haha, not like I have a massive crush on you, hehe

>> No.14380279

By the time i learned how to talk to women i lost interest in them

>> No.14380308

are you me

>> No.14380420

>Neet Chuh is pretty well liked on this board lol
What board have you been visiting? He's called "Reddit" by conservative Christian users and liberal idiots like Butterfly (though not necessarily xer specifically) say he's been "refuted" or some other stupid shit. Comparatively the amount of /lit/ users who are a fan of Nietzche are a minority, even if by a small margin. He's misunderstood on one side as a fedora-tipping nihilist and atheist for his anti-Christian views, on the other as a Nazi for his views on the herd and slave morality.

>> No.14380428

/lit/ is one person.
You have schizophrenia

>> No.14380627

His speech is less relevant than his lifestyle.

>> No.14380639

same, now there’s some girl whose straight up in love with me and i give no shits

>> No.14380659

There are people who meme against him but they rarely have anything interesting to say outside of
>hurr he was cringe fedora durr
wheras most people who actually have interesting things to say at the very least agree he is worth reading.

>> No.14380677

Stanford may (I don't know) be more literally accurate but Kaufmann captures his style better and N is one of the few philosophers where style is actually important.

>> No.14380768

>is this book the ultimate pleb filter
Nah that would be Hegel

>> No.14381093

Hegel, installed from above, by the powers that be, as the certified Great Philosopher, was a flat-headed, insipid, nauseating, illiterate charlatan, who reached the pinnacle of audacity in scribbling together and dishing up the craziest mystifying nonsense.

>> No.14381415

Neetch is definitely worth reading. It's pretty hard to disagree with his worldview.

>> No.14381460

If I were to read only one of Neetchees books, which should it be? I'm guessing Zarathustra

>> No.14381471


If you're only gonna read one, read Beyond Good and Evil

>> No.14381475

Alright, will do

>> No.14381515


If you're done with it go straight into Dosto's crime and punishment, it's like they're made for each other.

>> No.14381517

I'd read >>14378703 instead.

>> No.14381542
File: 103 KB, 450x253, 5aXdIgh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> bug babe is a liberal

>> No.14381572


>> No.14381580

I read half of crime and punishment already. Dostoevsky puts me to sleep

>> No.14381590


It's my favorite book and somehow I feel personally attacked by this lol.

>> No.14381597

>Friedrich Nietzsche at one point called Dostoevsky "the only psychologist ... from whom I had something to learn; he ranks among the most beautiful strokes of fortune in my life."

>> No.14381600

My biggest problem was that everyone has three names and I had no idea who anybody was until I figured that out

>> No.14381604


That's just Russian that has nothing to do with Dostoevsky himself, literally every Russian book does the 3 names thing.

>> No.14381677

>loved ones
Untermensch detected

>> No.14382925

tell me how please sir

>> No.14383623

too narcissistic. human is social being it has to have company

>> No.14383730

Everyone has respect for Neetche stop baiting

>> No.14383742

Radical individualists are pretty cringe