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File: 277 KB, 800x1126, Eminescu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14372453 No.14372453 [Reply] [Original]

I recently read some of his works and was pleasantly surprised.

>> No.14372572

He sorta looks like me if you ran my photo through a Chad filter

>> No.14372641
File: 20 KB, 305x400, George Ţărnea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep this alive while i translate something

>> No.14372841


Almost done.

>> No.14372917

>what if eminescu was less buttmad about sex and more socratic?

George Ţărnea

Nepăsare vremelnică:

În preaplinul tău de viaţă,
Nici nu are cum să fie
Loc de moarte din iubire,
Care-nseamnă poezie.

Se întâmplă încă totul,
De la sine, cărnii tale,
N-ai avea cum recunoaşte
Gustul pierderii totale.

Însă va veni şi vremea
Când puţinul mângâierii,
Adunat după o viaţă,
Să te dea de tot durerii

Obligându-te să-ţi drămui,
Cu mai mare disperare,
Rătăcirile mărunte,
Şi, din ce în ce mai rare.

The brief uncaring:

In your overfull of life,
There cannot even be
Room for death from love,
That means poetry. (spooky rhyme coincidence)

All still happens,
By itself, to your flesh,
You could not have recognized
The taste of total loss.

But the time will come
When the little of caressing,
Gathered after a lifetime,
Will give you to pain for good (1)

Forcing you to skimp on, (2)
With greater despair,
Your petty wanderings,
Which are ever rarer.

1. The ambiguity of the "să", the second and fourth verses translate as such if prioritized, however, the third and fourth verses would translate as "gathered after a lifetime TO give you to pain for good".

2. The verb "drămui" means to measure finely, wisely, perhaps excessively so, down to the "dram", a small unit of measurement, though not necessarily out of need. "Skimp" is a poor translation, any other ideas?

>> No.14372927

didn't read lol, but based effortposter