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14372086 No.14372086 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books about the free market and economics in General

>> No.14372094

Das Kapital

>> No.14372131
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Leftist dibble

OP if you're such a materialist read any of these.

>> No.14372134

cursed thread

>> No.14372139

Well i will unironically read it in the future because im someone who wants to know the arguments on both sides
But now i want to Start with the typical basic economics
I always wondered how a commuism (No nomenklautura/no party membership book parasites/Champagne socialists) done right country would compare to a full blown Adam Smith type of free market economy country

>> No.14372156

well it isnt really anarchism if it corporations rule over everything is it?

>> No.14372176
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Smith, Ricardo, Max, Keynes, some neoclassical/Austrian school wankery, modern Marxians

There was a chart with all the big names

>> No.14372179
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>well it isnt really anarchism if it corporations rule over everything is it?
If theres no state then its anarchism

>> No.14372186

You need a state to protect land rights

>> No.14372200

private security can do it.

>> No.14372215
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And to the victor goes the whole world

>> No.14372216
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>Leftist dibble
Marx is not a leftist. Proudhon and Bernie Sanders are leftist.

Also, approaching Marx as a side in imaginary debate and not on his own terms is a great recipe for failing to understanding him.
>I always wondered how a commuism (No nomenklautura/no party membership book parasites/Champagne socialists) done right country would compare to a full blown Adam Smith type of free market economy country
Compare under what criteria? There's no "communism done right country" because communism "done at all" can't possibly be limited to a country.

>> No.14372237

>Marx is not a leftist
I'm going to screencap this

>> No.14372242
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>> No.14372370

haha that's epic

>> No.14372422

>Compare under what criteria
Buying Power, Inflation rate, unemployment, infrastructure

>> No.14372463

There's no buying, inflation, and unemployment under communism.
And "infrastructure" is not a criterion. It's just a thing you're going to be a comparing, under who knows what criterion.

>> No.14372477

>Marx is not a leftist. Proudhon and Bernie Sanders are leftist.
you're memeing now

>> No.14372513

Jesus Christ how many brainlets in this thread. OP wants to learn economics and you assholes point him to dense political economy texts.

I recommend the Mankiw textbooks if you actually want to understand economics

>> No.14372521

>There's no buying, inflation, and unemployment under communism.
Sounds like a pipe dream desu

>> No.14372570

And once the corporations have military and police powers, what exactly differentiates them from governments?

>> No.14372579

Thx lad
Would you recommend economics in one lesson and basic economics as a warm up read or should i straight jump to the textbook
Im a layman in regards to economics

>> No.14372731

any economics books that explain the economics of city states or small countries?

>> No.14372744

Straight up read the microeconomics one. It's very well explained, repeats its point many times and only uses the math you actually need

>> No.14372749
File: 298 KB, 2097x1772, 2018_08_steven_pinker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Enlightenment by Steven Pinker

>> No.14372816
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>> No.14372824

No, grouping people who stayed firmly within the realm of the post-enlightenment bourgeois liberalism with Marx who represents the rejection of that is utterly retarded. You're not a leftist if you're not committed to things like egalitarianism and social justice (in the broad sense). Marx isn't. He's committed to the materialist understanding of history which reveals those as products of the ideology of current society.


>> No.14373429

Economic way of thinking by Heyne, Boettke

>> No.14373534

>And once the corporations have military and police powers, what exactly differentiates them from governments?
They are privatized

>> No.14373607

Are tall office buildings the end game of the free market doctrine?