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/lit/ - Literature

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14370063 No.14370063 [Reply] [Original]

Those of you that are religious, have you read any heretical texts? Do you strongly forbid reading them?

>> No.14370090

As a person who was raised without religion from atheist parents, I could never understand people going around questions like that. Any text is okay for you to read, of course you are prone to some manipulation in one way or another, but ideas do not flow into us like they were a disease, specially if you're cautious and realize there is some degree of bullshit to everything that was ever written anyway. If you are truly bothered by something, you could either press on or give up and read something else. But for someone to desire to read a certain book and prohibit oneself from doing it in fear of punishment or of contamination of ideas, that I don't understand at all.

>> No.14370095

All works are heretical to other religions. What kind of question is this?

>> No.14370106
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'Heretical' just means 'different religious opinion'.

If you are going to follow a source of religious truth, make sure its an enlightened source.
For instance, the Catholic church likes to think it is the only source of religious truth, that its infallible. This leads to all kinds of weird stuff like inquisitions and heresy etc etc

>> No.14370136

Most "heretical texts" from a Christian perspective have little to recommend them. Some of the apocalypses can be fun but the pseudogospels, pseudoepistles and the like tend to be bad literature on top of their bad theology.

>> No.14370206

I'm speaking about satanic/witchcraft books. That sort of stuff.

>> No.14370217

Layman’s understanding of Catholicism.

No not really. Because they were largely reactionary texts in the first place with low value.