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/lit/ - Literature

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14369892 No.14369892 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any literature that discusses being a worthless person?

I’m realizing now that I’m entering the working world that I’ll never accomplish anything great, I can’t keep up with my coworkers, I can’t ever come up with any insights or better ways of doing things, I can’t even focus during my whole shift.

Then when I get home I’m too tired to do anything. Im realizing now I’ll go to the grave a loser virgin. What literature will help me cope with my reality?

>> No.14369898

become some old guy's boyslut and whore away the pain

>> No.14369905

Don't cope, improve. But do it for personal reasons, do it just so you can find some measure of personal contentment every single day. Don't be too hard on yourself when you can feel the slow axe blow of sadness coming your way. Realize it is inevitable, dwell on it (don't you dare push misery aside) and come out of it stronger. You don't have to be anything, anon. I suggest you stop consooming media (normal TV, normal music, normal cinema).

>> No.14369907
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Don't fall into that trap anon. Society has conditioned you (and everyone else) to base their entire worth on how much they can provide to the system. Man is so much more than a mere cog in some infernal machine that wishes to dehumanize, to crush the human soul. Don't fall into the trap of believing your worth as a person can be measure by how much money you can make to some faceless corporation anon.

>> No.14369915
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That is why they work us so hard. They don’t want us for anything else but drudgery.
You don’t need literature that reenforces this feeling, but literature to make you strong enough to try and break free of it.
I can recommend more.

>> No.14369916

I’m not gay

Improvement is slow and discouraging when I realize I need to put years into things others get just by existing. I don’t consume any forms of normal media, I don’t read the news either. I can’t sit down and read very well anymore.

>> No.14369922

/lit/ can be wholesome as fuck sometimes. Hang in there, anon. Tell me more about how you feel.

>> No.14369937
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You are only worthless so long as you allow yourself to be worthless. As long as your alive and able to think you are capable of doing something. But by accepting the idea that you have no worth you have made it true. Me personally would rather kill myself in an attempt to change this world into something closer to my image than tolerate an existence I feel is meaningless.

>> No.14369947
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You need religion >>>

99:4.3.True religion is a meaningful way of living dynamically face to face with the commonplace realities of everyday life. But if religion is to stimulate individual development of character and augment integration of personality, it must not be standardized. If it is to stimulate evaluation of experience and serve as a value-lure, it must not be stereotyped. If religion is to promote supreme loyalties, it must not be formalized.

99:4.4.No matter what upheavals may attend the social and economic growth of civilization, religion is genuine and worth while if it fosters in the individual an experience in which the sovereignty of truth, beauty, and goodness prevails, for such is the true spiritual concept of supreme reality. And through love and worship this becomes meaningful as fellowship with man and sonship with God.

>> No.14369980

Well said, but unfortunately it'll take another 1000 years for normalfags to understand this. Where do we, higher men, turn to in the meantime?

>> No.14370012

100:6.3.The marks of human response to the religious impulse embrace the qualities of nobility and grandeur. The sincere religionist is conscious of universe citizenship and is aware of making contact with sources of superhuman power. He is thrilled and energized with the assurance of belonging to a superior and ennobled fellowship of the sons of God. The consciousness of self-worth has become augmented by the stimulus of the quest for the highest universe objectives—supreme goals.

100:6.4.The self has surrendered to the intriguing drive of an all-encompassing motivation which imposes heightened self-discipline, lessens emotional conflict, and makes mortal life truly worth living. The morbid recognition of human limitations is changed to the natural consciousness of mortal shortcomings, associated with moral determination and spiritual aspiration to attain the highest universe and superuniverse goals. And this intense striving for the attainment of supermortal ideals is always characterized by increasing patience, forbearance, fortitude, and tolerance.

100:6.5.But true religion is a living love, a life of service. The religionist's detachment from much that is purely temporal and trivial never leads to social isolation, and it should not destroy the sense of humor. Genuine religion takes nothing away from human existence, but it does add new meanings to all of life; it generates new types of enthusiasm, zeal, and courage.

>> No.14370022

Kafka's "Metamorphosis" always hit too close to him because the protagonist becomes a burden to his family and I've felt the same way.

I guess that counts.

>> No.14370024

My feelings of worthlessness only amplify my hunger for success. My lack of success is caused by my weakness, so I try to fix that weakness. What can't be fixed, I don't feel bad about. No use crying over spilt milk

>> No.14370025

i get the benefits of religion and shit, but i will never be able to truly believe any one, and therefor, will always be disingenuous in pursuing one. being an agnostic sucks

>> No.14370026

My diary desu~

Self improvement is pointless.

>just feel better about your empty, pointless life

>> No.14370032

hard to win a battle in your mind if its a pile of dust at the base of a stake

>> No.14370069

Do you not believe in God?
Do you believe it is possible God exists?

>> No.14370103
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As I said I am Agnostic; I dont believe in the purely secular world view amd believe that man has a soul, but i also believe that no man made ideology can describe the truth of the universe in an unbiased way.

>> No.14370122

Well just continue sincerely seeking for truth (God) and you will surely experience God or have transcendental or spiritual experiences.
Institutional religion may not be for you but communing with God and being in tune with spiritual reality will be your personal religion.

There is still truths and wisdom to be found in formalized religious traditions, seek the mystic and esoteric expressions.

>> No.14370123 [DELETED] 

trans rights

>> No.14370127
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>> No.14370143

You're not "higher men." You're losers. Dregs. The lowest of the low. You cope by saying that you've got "a human soul," but you don't even have so much as girlfriends with those "souls" of yours. Pathetic. It's worth absolute dick.

>> No.14370151

ive had spiritual experiences and its nothing spectacular as people claim it to be, it seems to only really affect those who had previously been living in delusion. besides pursing that kind of stuff is like a white rabbit tied to the end of a stick, it never really leads anywhere of value other than an alternate interpretation of conventional wisdom.

>> No.14370163

Your words are utterly meaningless. Your pathetic "insults" are just water off a duck's back.

>> No.14370174
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Why would you conflate the reasonable post with the arrogant "higher men" one? Is it so you can use arrogance yourself as a way of building "confidence" the way he does?

>> No.14370195

Tell me what your "human soul" has gotten you that literally anyone else in the world doesn't have. It's a dumb thing to say, some sort of "oh yeah, well at least I'm humble, you should be more like I am," boring shit. Ask yourself seriously what your soul ever got you. Make a list. Then realize the TOTAL poverty of that list.

>> No.14370211

Don't answer him, he is baiting. The truth is he is truly soulless, so consumed by materialism that he defines his worth by the amount of possessions he owns. He's the lowest of the low, a dreg, a loser, because he supports a system that abuses him and that ensures that he will always be a loser, because there will always be others who own more than him.

>> No.14370291

>what your soul ever got you
>defines his worth by the amount of possessions he owns
sounds about right. bump

>> No.14370414

This is wasted thought, you’re making yourself feel like shit and you’re spending the mental energy you could be using on these “insights” and reading on worthless self pity.

>> No.14370700

>thinking there is a hierarchy with worthy people on the top and unworthy people at the bottom
>thinking human beings can have value
>thinking some humans have less value than others bc of some arbitrary reason

>> No.14370705

Late stage materialist over here

>> No.14370724

not literature. fuck off

>> No.14370816

As much as I like this message I feel like it gets completely lost when I have to force myself to do my shitty job all day long or else I won't have a place to sleep or be able to buy fucking food.

>> No.14370840

There is a an objectively observable hierarchy, but it contains worthless people (merchant bugmen) on the top and very few worthy people at the bottom.

>> No.14370842

>Judging another human being's worth on the basis of whether they have a gf or not
How can someone be so vile? So cruel? So heartless? So despicable?

>> No.14370861


>> No.14370863

It’s all he’s got going for him so he judges value by that one thing, it would hurt too much otherwise.

>> No.14370864

just become a bum

>> No.14370884

I'd say try reading some stoicism. To me its most important aspect is the denouncement of self pity. It's a harmful emotion and your post seems to convey it.

>> No.14371015
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>> No.14371021

Anon, only the strong are able to seize power, but even the weak can have it granted to them :)

>> No.14371346


>> No.14371354

please don't reply to the tranny