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14369634 No.14369634 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books that discuss these things?

>> No.14369664


>> No.14369767


>> No.14369774
File: 11 KB, 210x239, SNEED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14369776

Gay Reddit quote.

>> No.14369777

Plato - Symposium, Phaedrus, Theaetetus

>> No.14369778


>> No.14369782

All of them, pretty much.

>> No.14369789

All of those topics are usually just as shallow as small talk, it’s very rare to find someone with insight, knowledge on the subject and something worth saying.

>> No.14369790

Dunno, but whatever it is it sounds like the JRE.

>> No.14369954

I’m guessing you smoke a fair amount of weed, all of these are faux-deep unless you’re actually educated in the subject, otherwise it’s like two joe rogans talking to each other about “spirituality” and “gravitons dude”.

>> No.14369964

Unironically reddit.

>> No.14369983

lol this makes me think of the meme comic where someone says 'whats up' and anon drops his spaghetti then posts this later

>> No.14370205

A good proportion of those things are prime small talk topics, what are you talking about?

>> No.14370235

read war and peace, but lengthy conversations in the book have nothing to do with your post. they could very well be lengthy "small" conversations. either way leo tolstoy has a create study in the way people act

>> No.14370252

some reddit contemporary shit like tao lin

>> No.14370259

people who tweet shit like this are always the biggest normalfags ever

>> No.14371196
File: 64 KB, 480x308, konstantin-razumov-nu-au-pendentif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes, I'm actually educated in the topic of my favorite scents. How could you tell?
Pic related. Both clothed and unclothed women are top tier scents.

>> No.14371217

>i hate small talk
Maybe because you're an actual small talker when it comes to real life.

>> No.14371237

>who speak with emotion from a twisted mind

Fuck normals.

>> No.14371251

>he doesnt want to know what's up
You live a sad and empty life.

>> No.14371324

This but the exact opposite.

>> No.14371636

Based. People undervalue small talk. Talking about the weather with an Eastern European taxi driver is one of the most simple and thorough pleasures of life.

>> No.14371703

Imagine how horrible it would be if everyone was constantly having "deep" conversations. Leave me the fuck alone.

>> No.14371710
File: 84 KB, 575x574, jerkcity6922.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow that' quote is ultra-day reddit.

>> No.14371711
File: 15 KB, 399x388, pepe vomiting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that painting

>> No.14371712

Intellectual vanity is the epitome of shallow

>> No.14371717

Where did this hate of small talk meme come from?

>> No.14371721

The most patrician type of conversations are questioning.

>> No.14371743

That image exemplifies to me everything that is wrong with the modern world.

Fuck you.

>> No.14371745

>I suck at small talk and cant have conversations with random normal people

Is this the real message of that image

>> No.14371750

Reddit: The Book

>> No.14371786

How can you expect to discuss about the most complex subjects if you stop at the simpliest things?

>> No.14371797

>I want to talk about atoms
As a Materials engineer I could bore this person to tears about atomic crystal structures.
I also fail to see how the listed topics and "small talk" are mutually exclusive. If I'm talking to some ADD stranger who wants to know what I think about aliens it would still be small talk levels of discussion. Furthermore, I frankly don't want to casually divulge schizo shit and my weaknesses to strangers, you'd have to be my friend for years before I consider talking about it.

On the other hand one of these spastics wouldn't be able to tell if you're lying to their face so the most interesting thing to do with these people would be seeing what bullshit you can feed them.

>> No.14372245

You will sound like a retard talking about this if you aren't familiar with quantum physics.

You will sound like some edgelord and it is too much of an morbid subject to bring up even with ppl you know for years.

You will sound like some conspiracy theorist retard unless you talk about the Fermi paradox or bacteria in other planets which are technically aliens

You will sound like a coomer and this is just as bad as small talk

I doubt this means magic tricks and instead it's more akin to /x/ schizo tier shit.

>meaning of life
You will sound like a pseudo, this is their favourite topic after all

>faraway galaxies
Just like with atoms, you will sound like a retard if you don't know what you are talking about. Most likely you end up talking about Star Wars bullshit

>All the other shit like music, memories, etc
Yeah, no. Small talk is necessary to break the ice with strangers. Talking about all this personal stuff can scare them away. I hate small talk too but it's indeed just a necessary nuisance.

>> No.14372254

Seems like an American Gods's quote. There is a girl in the book that talks like that.

>> No.14372272

based spigot

>> No.14372360

I hate talk in general, small or otherwise. Nobody has anything interesting to say— myself included. It’s why I read books instead.

>> No.14372380

Shit like this is so incredibly narcissistic
>I’m so deep and complex
The closest you can get to the wisdom that image parrots is realizing that everybody is just as boring and pointless as everybody else

>> No.14372404
File: 155 KB, 1280x720, 1561710848710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> browsing interpals, one girl has this pasta as her "about me" section
> interests: kpop
Like poetry.

>> No.14372459
File: 71 KB, 912x1024, 1558042452941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why yes, senior citizens in latex is my sexual fetish, too!

>> No.14372465

>le I'm too smart for smalltalk meme
Moron. No one wants to talk to pieces of shit who go around smugly saying which topics "deserve" their attention. There is no contest of people trying to talk to you (except sellers), brainlet, and if you actually wanted to talk about anything profound, you'd just say something about it and wait for a reply. But here's what you are saying: "hello everyone! Most of you are too stupid for me! Please talk to me about interesting topics". You're a self-centered asshole and if you don't have friends, no wonder; if you do, they probably just tolerate you and none is close enough to actually tell you how insufferable you are.

>> No.14372494
File: 41 KB, 512x512, OP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread turned out better than i expected

>> No.14372595

>quantum physics
You already sound retarded, anon. I didn't even read the rest of your post.

>> No.14372660

Yeah, Pseudo-Intellectualism for Tourists of the Mind by Hubert Smallcockingsdale.

>> No.14372741

basic bitch thot and gay
schizo and gay
pseud and gay
>the meaning of life
pseud and gay
>faraway galaxies
>music that makes you feel different
>the lies you've told
>your flaws
>your favorite scents
wtf that's super gay
>your childhood
>what keeps you up at night
>your insecurities and fears
Why the fuck are you asking all of these personal questions like you're some kind of armchair psychologist? Also, gay.

>> No.14372761
File: 84 KB, 720x720, 1552859793148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheers mate

>> No.14372904

>>what keeps you up at night
gays, mainly my uncle

>> No.14372933

Based post

>> No.14373151

Read Dostoevsky, the protagonist usually thinks about that kind of stuff while he interacts with normies, until he finds a girl and goes apeshit on her.

>> No.14374667

>being this Reddit

>> No.14374675

This is the stuff girls put on their dating profiles, and it's always the girls with the least interesting things to say, or with the biggest sticks up their asses.

>> No.14374690

Girls put this up as a Tinder pic or whatever to stop the torrent of guys bombarding them with "hey what's up" for opening message. It makes me cringe and these types of girls are insufferable, but that's what that image is about.

>> No.14374702

I would so much rather make small talk about the weather than hear what 'deep' things the pretentious faggot who made this image thinks about atoms or or death.

>> No.14374733

All of these are just as superficial. It’s your typical pseud creating arbitrary distinctions to place themselves above others, when every topic they can conjure is just pseudo deep

>> No.14374821

literal faggot

>> No.14375147


>I wanna talk about atomsss maaaan
>Yeah, so, uhh, atoms are like so small - have you ever just imagined how small an atom is dude?

I hate life

>> No.14375833

Nope, those topics are all entirely untouched by literature.

>> No.14375835

fake and gay

>> No.14375914

Are there any books that are the opposite of this image? I guess the dialogue would be small talk, shop talk, and shit talk.

>> No.14375928

Unironically On the Road. It has passages about long conversations done deep into the night in order to gain complete mutual understandings, and the book has a lot of passages in general with that sort of sense.