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14369605 No.14369605 [Reply] [Original]

what good are any of your ideas if you are not willing to defend them to the bitter end?

>> No.14369628

what good is the idea of defending ideas to the bitter end

>> No.14369641
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They are fun to entertain.
The final redpill is becoming a self-induced schizoid that has completely retreated into mental space and pay no mind to the external world besides gather more information to digest.

>> No.14369646

because you will be destroyed by someone who will
disgusting image, and your post exhibits everything that is wrong with society today.

>> No.14369670

Society today is obsessed with the external and physical pleasures; you could argue that my post is wrong but my post would be on the opposite side of the "Wrongness" spectrum compared to what ills modern society at large.

>> No.14369697

saying "everything" was an exaggeration in my part, however we do have many people aware of today's "problems" but don't do anything about it.
i am not exempt from that criticism.

there more theory i read, the more i realize that there is no diplomatic solution to any of the problems we face today in the united states especially.
whether you are a godfearing american patriot or a godless communist, we can all agree the american government does not fulfill it's purpose and it hasn't in a very long time.

>> No.14369714

>fedposting on /lit/
no one here is gonna do shit mr agent, you're talking to effete, twinkish dilettantes

>> No.14369726

Kinda disagree and a pessimist reasoning, take the idealist pill you insufferable materialist faggot.

Things simply are, don’t try to cross the is-ought gap. There are no “problems” just amalgamations of innumerable factors. If it is not to your liking, that’s fine, but you are presupposing a correct path we have veired from instead of just there being a path.

>> No.14369743

>offering actual solutions is fedposting
i'd shit on you but fedposting is a real thing. i hope you're behind 7 proxies like i am.
nothing will be accomplished unless the powers in replace are removed.

>take the idealist pill
>spouts materialist garbage
do you have the two reversed?

yes, there are problems. yes there are solutions. yes it is not to my liking. yes it is not to the liking of many people.

i did not say we were going in the right path, but we were going in a path, and we have strayed away from it quite a bit. i wish to away with both "paths" and offer something completely new.

>> No.14369769

There is only THE PATH, and it’s about how you walk it is what I’m trying to say. It determinist in the sense that people’s counsiousnes are within the system of cause and effect. So you can influence something to your liking, but that’s simply it, to one’s likening, and that’s the important bit. Not the path itself but the strides you take. Idealist in the sense that things are not “incorrect” just not to one’s liking.

>> No.14369775
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>dying for abstract bullshit

>> No.14369786

This Is the type of thinking that enacted desegregation

>> No.14369795

Mussolini's ideals flipped around so much scholars to this day have a hard time defining fascism in any sort of concrete terms. Die bitter like your man

>> No.14369798

They’re intellectually honest, I’m not going to defend something that’s been proven wrong.

>> No.14369800

so mussolini was just too complex for these niggas

>> No.14369805

Man this picture is so cringe.

>thinks a lot, but doesn’t read

Do you really think you’ve thought of anything that hasn’t been considered before? Oh, you’re 19 I guess that explains it.

>> No.14369813

He was being an idealist, he was criticizing the government for not fulfilling what it SHOULD be doing. I think you’re confusing the two.

>> No.14369814

>There is only THE PATH
why call it a path then?
> it’s about how you walk it is what I’m trying to say
i didn't say anything against this
>It determinist in the sense that people’s counsiousnes are within the system of cause and effect. So you can influence something to your liking, but that’s simply it, to one’s likening, and that’s the important bit.
i don't have any wish to influence any mass group of people. revolution has never and never will been fought by the masses.
>Not the path itself but the strides you take.
i still don't see how this is against anything i said. i was never talking about a path to begin with. that was you. then i said that we could be on a different path.
i'll just substitute what you said by saying that
>we should take different strides on THE PATH
> Idealist in the sense that things are not “incorrect” just not to one’s liking.
that is not idealism, that would be exactly what the materialist worldview entails.
no matter if things are incorrect, no matter if it is simply that i do not like them, i along with many other people think there should be a change. i just simply think no real change can be bought about without some force.

>this Is the type of thinking that enacted desegregation
what are you saying? that people believed in something and got something to work? desegregation was came with force btw
none of his core principles changed in the later course of his life. also fascism was the logical conclusion to national syndicalism.
YOUR beliefs anon.

>> No.14369823
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Indeed, I like to live dangerously.

>> No.14369826

You should nourish your ideas like a loving mother; dealing out expedient discipline if they misbehave. Ideas are organisms—they are little people that evolve like anyone else, love them and you will be content to see them grow up to be losers, still seeing the light in them if they turn out stupid(999/1000 times they will), hopefully your parents do the same for you.

>> No.14369834

My beliefs are mercurial and change depending on what I need in my life and reading opposing belief systems critically. To be paralyzed in one worldview forever is to be already dead.

I’m not opposed to certain constants such as the golden rule, unless you’re a masochist, or have an atypical value system that others wouldn’t like.

>> No.14369863

when a mother's children are threatened, she will give her own life to defend her children. i'm not too sure about modern humans in that regard.
except i dont know what you mean by worldview. what is worldview? your thoughts on a certain people isn't a world view.
do you think it's okay to be transgender, but sometimes you wake up and you hate the thought of it? does your worldview switch like that?

if you worldview fluctuates so easily then it is not worth defending with your own life which supports the post i was making in my OP. if you don't stand for anything, let yourself be swept away by the wind of apathy and have your beliefs controlled by someone else and forever be a slave.

and please, dont call yourself an idealist. you're not an idealist.

>> No.14369877

Oh God it's retarded

>> No.14369887
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>oh god it's retarded
even if that was the case nature does not select based on intelligence

>> No.14369917

It’s not apathy, it’s critically vetting your philosophy as you read and live more. If transgenders figure into your worldview then you misunderstand my use of it, a worldview is your religious and philosophical view of the world. Your political ideology is directly influenced by those two things, not the other way around. Currently I’m an absurdist with materialist leanings, but to be stuck in that mindset forever is false as there’s no one proven philosophy.

I’m unsure if you know what being an idealist is, your other post about it seemed pretty off base, the opposite of idealism in fact.

>> No.14369926

fascism isn't completely new

>> No.14369928

It's okay based boy, I still love you even if you are retarded. Just stop being a helicopter-mom, okay?

>> No.14369945

What? Was your retort really that retards fuck?

>> No.14369953

>a worldview is your religious and philosophical view of the world
exactly. something like that doesn't change overnight. nor does it change yearly. it is a gradual process. i would go so far as to say your world view does not change, you only grow more into yourself.

>I’m unsure if you know what being an idealist is
just define it for us
didn't say it was and didn't say i was.
>stop being a helicopter mom
>an insult

>> No.14369968

Whose my little basedby boy? You are! You are![/spoiler

>> No.14369971

An idealist is someone that behaves and longs for a perfect world. They’re moral daydreamers that see flaws in reality and human nature.

“Growing into yourself”, falling in love with a new way of perceiving the world, it’s kind of semantic when you differentiate it like that. My philosophy is patchwork and if you have an argument better than my own and who I’ve read then I’ll consider changing my mind, it’s intellectual honesty with yourself. I’m not saying that I will change my mind, but that I’m open to it in the right circumstance, defending your views to the death is folly if you’re not certain in your accuracy.

>> No.14369982 [DELETED] 

you can have an army of either.
120 IQ on the left, 105 IQ on the right
which do you choose?

>> No.14369992
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you can have an army of either.
120 IQ on the left, 105 IQ on the right
which do you choose?

>> No.14370000

The left, we’ll pillage and muddle the gene pool until there’s a new standard of beauty. They’d make awful grunts, but excellent guerilla soldiers, I’d strategize with that in mind.

>> No.14370028

are you telling me parents would not sacrifice their own lives for their young?
i don't think perfection is the right word. i would say they long for the best possible, and that perfection itself could never be achieved. they also believe in something beyond that which is the material world, if not some deity then their own principles.
>“Growing into yourself”, falling in love with a new way of perceiving the world, it’s kind of semantic when you differentiate it like that.
i'll give you that
>My philosophy is patchwork and if you have an argument better than my own and who I’ve read then I’ll consider changing my mind, it’s intellectual honesty with yourself.
i don't think you're wrong actually. but can you radically defend the beliefs you hold if you think that everything is subject to change? i actually do think so. my beliefs have changed undoubtedly, but my core fundamentals have stayed the same for a very long time.
my tranny example was not a very good one.
but have your own virtues really changed all that much? is there a core principle that you felt that went completely 180?
things like your honor, your passions, your kindness or your integrity.

>> No.14370029

A materialist is someone that sees no flaws, only the product of systems we might not understand.>>14369726
This is you confusing materialism with idealism, have you read any works on the subject?

>> No.14370043

i didn't make this post >>14369726
I am OP. i am the guy who got called a retard and a helicopter mom.

>> No.14370058

> and muddle the gene pool until there’s a new standard of beauty
the beauty of facial symmetry is objective and evolutionary.
my point was not the face but the physical body. it is not obvious in the picture but one is obviously a twink and the other is well built.
that is not to say the twink cannot be turned into a well trained soldier but i highly doubt the one with 120IQ would be so interested in becoming one if the midwit self masturbatory intellectualism on this board hints at anything

>> No.14370059
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>> No.14370066

My interpersonal morals are cemented, but my views on what’s truly important in life have changed drastically. I used to be a firm believer in the merits of scientific progress, but now I believe that accelerationism will only lead to mass unhappiness and the potential end of humanity, I’m a physics major so fml... for now. I used to think that legacy was a thing of importance, but now I realize that Einstein’s tombstone will erode like any other. I used to believe the golden rule was the key to morality, but now I know that the human experience has such subjective breadth, that how one person would like to be treated is very different form another, although I’ll concede that there are some universal wants.

Idk, I think the fact that philosophy has never been agreed upon is a valid reason to doubt your own, maybe that’s a philosophy in itself though. That’s why I currently relate with absurdism, it’s essentially the view that things seem absurd until you understand them, so misunderstanding would be absurdity doubled on itself.

>> No.14370071

Ah, my bad then.

>> No.14370081

The beauty of facial symmetry is the result of evolution, see the circular logic there? I was going purely off of the facial feature and in all honesty, the uglier the soldier the scarier the adversary, I’m sure a lot of the incels on this board would be more passionate about killing than the chads as well.

>> No.14370091

>didn't say it was and didn't say i was.
what's your idea then?

>> No.14370097

>My interpersonal morals are cemented,
that to me is someone's ideals friend.
in fact i only realize now i said "ideas" and not "ideals" in my OP.
>I used to be a firm believer in the merits of scientific progress, but now I believe that accelerationism will only lead to mass unhappiness and the potential end of humanity,
i took the tedpill when i was underage b&. not a bragging right but it makes me fearful as to what comes next.
>that how one person would like to be treated is very different form another
i think the vast majority of people want the same fundamental things. or as you say "universal wants"
if absurdism is that things seem absurd until you understand them, then you can count me right in in that i agree with you. but does that mean thought that is absurd cannot exist, even if you were to understand them?
this site would do good with post IDs.

>> No.14370113

Someone thinking in an absurd, or disorganized way is doing so because of genetics and mental processes that we don’t fully understand. Someone that’s purposely being absurd is always doing it for a reason, however esoteric.

I believe there are moral proofs that fit in to the materialist worldview due to them being intrinsic and recurrent throughout history. There’s a reason why the same lessons appear in so many religious texts that were nowhere near each other, sometimes separated by oceans.

>> No.14370115

fascism is an extremely broad ideology.
you cannot point to something and say that is where fascism begins and where it ends and every country that practiced fascism tailored it to fit correctly for them.
my idea? well i can tell you what i propose and you can put whatever "-ism" you want in front of it.

i'd like the state, if it were to exist to serve the needs of the people. otherwise it should not exist at all.
i think the economy should be mixed and suit the needs of the people in that particular time as well as considering the needs of a future society.
i dont think a united state could exist if the people did not share some blood tie
essentially i view the state as a superorganism, or the largest expression of a tribe, which is just a larger expression of a family.

>> No.14370125

In other words, those that believe their delusions are suffering from disorders we don’t understand yet, those acting absurd are posturing for a reason, it could be for art, or political advantage, there’s a huge swathe.

>> No.14370130

>The beauty of facial symmetry is the result of evolution, see the circular logic there?
it would take you a very very very long time to be able to breed that. a couple thousand years at least.
if you're going to be that unrealistic you might as well just say they can alter their physical attributes and build a machine in which they can accomplish whatever they want with their aesthetic features.
i can say that i will take the most intelligent offspring of my chads and make them breed and bring the coming of the overman.
>I’m sure a lot of the incels on this board would be more passionate about killing than the chads as well.
as much as i would love for it to be the case, passion alone does not win any battle. and people unironically thought that up until the first world war.

>> No.14370140

The idealist argument is that morals are humanity at its best and the materialists argument is that these recurrent morals are why we’re the most advanced species, they’re efficiencies that we’ve developed so we can cohabitate and construct civilizations.

>> No.14370149

I still think that a smarter military is going to be more beneficial, you can still train incels to fight and it’s not like you gave me a time limit.

My original response was a joke, I don’t think these boys are actually going to pull a genghis khan.

>> No.14370166

>I still think that a smarter military is going to be more beneficial
higher IQs (and in my scenario midwit iqs especially) breed dissidence.
those types of people are problematic in a combat scenario, especially when your place is as a grunt following orders.
and my statement was still flawed in that IQ itself is not exactly a good measure of intelligence. it was never meant to be.
iq is a measurement of stupidity, specifically retardation and it's very good at measuring that.

yes every healthy man can probably be put into the physical shape to be prepared for war. but mentally? not at all.

>> No.14370189

What is the range for a midwit anyway, 115-125? The average iq for a math PhD is 130 and I wouldn’t say that’s midwit material. I’ll also agree that to be truly smart you need to intuit and have generative intelligence, iq just measures pattern recognition, it doesn’t measure the creative side of being smart.

I’ll concede that they’d be more dissident if they were grunts, but if I made them all drone pilots and told them it was a game I’d rule the world after the nuclear fallout.

>> No.14370216

>just boilerplate fascism after all
yawn. this shit is 100 years old.

>> No.14370256 [DELETED] 

>What is the range for a midwit anyway, 115-125? The average iq for a math PhD is 130
i dont know, as i said you cannot quantify intelligence and IQ isn't meant to do that. it's only meant to point out retards and slow kids.
I have a friend in my family who is a medschool graduate but cannot into basic logical reasoning or seem to posses any common sense.

i have a 125~+ IQ. I was in the GATE program. i abhorred public school, did fuck all, and have stopped paying attention altogether since middleschool. i got into a fantastic highschool but did fuck all as i was already alienated and a bit anti social anyway (and this was in a school where the majority were spergs anyway)
i wasnt normie enough for the normies nor spergy enough for the spergs and got caught in my own little bubble. did poorly on the SATs with a 1200 (didnt take it seriously at all, no studying or so much as bringing a calculator.
i failed 17 classes in my highschool, still graduating and doing fuck all with a 1.8 GPA.

so i go to community college and i find myself even more alienated than previous because these people are just generally incompetent and a displeasure to speak to regarding any academic subject. majority are also nigs and the non nigs were simply nigs in all but race. the work is also exceedingly elementary and biased (this is to weed out the slackers, which i am) but i just can't bring myself to do "busy work" that doesnt amount to anything when i'm already fucking depressed. i haven't shown up in a month but i havent officially dropped out so i guess i can show up to winter classes. i'm not sure. must've failed everything.

i decided a while ago that i will just live frugally and focus on bettering myself. getting a job has proven difficult and there is nothing for me outside being a cashier. wage cuckery would amount to a misery even worse than college. so now, i have to go back. and if i cant, then i'll have to wait until i can. pursue a trade, wage cuck, and pursue my hobbies as a side thing. only thing i see in my future is misery.

but ey i score two standard deviations higher on some test meant to measure retardation in children whoopdeedoo

>> No.14370262

At least tell me what I said that you disagree with.

>> No.14370267 [DELETED] 

forgot to add
>i'll concede that they’d be more dissident if they were grunts
that is false and thousands of years of military history can attest that

>> No.14370283

>What is the range for a midwit anyway, 115-125? The average iq for a math PhD is 130
i dont know, as i said you cannot quantify intelligence and IQ isn't meant to do that. it's only meant to point out retards and slow kids.
I have a friend in my family who is a medschool graduate but cannot into basic logical reasoning or seem to posses any common sense.

i have a 125~+ IQ. I was in the GATE program. i abhorred public school, did fuck all, and have stopped paying attention altogether since middleschool. i got into a fantastic highschool but did fuck all as i was already alienated and a bit anti social anyway (and this was in a school where the majority were spergs anyway)
i wasnt normie enough for the normies nor spergy enough for the spergs and got caught in my own little bubble. did poorly on the SATs with a 1200 (didnt take it seriously at all, no studying or so much as bringing a calculator.
i failed 17 classes in my highschool, still graduating and doing fuck all with a 1.8 GPA.

so i go to community college and i find myself even more alienated than previous because these people are just generally incompetent and a displeasure to speak to regarding any academic subject. majority are also nigs and the non nigs were simply nigs in all but race. the work is also exceedingly elementary and biased (this is to weed out the slackers, which i am) but i just can't bring myself to do "busy work" that doesnt amount to anything when i'm already fucking depressed. i haven't shown up in a month but i havent officially dropped out so i guess i can show up to winter classes. i'm not sure. must've failed everything.

i decided a while ago that i will just live frugally and focus on bettering myself. getting a job has proven difficult and there is nothing for me outside being a cashier. wage cuckery would amount to a misery even worse than college. so now, i have to go back. and if i cant, then i'll have to wait until i can. pursue a trade, wage cuck, and pursue my hobbies as a side thing. only thing i see in my future is misery.

but ey i score two standard deviations higher on some test meant to measure retardation in children whoopdeedoo

>i'll concede that they’d be more dissident if they were grunts
that is false and thousands of years of military history can attest to that

>> No.14370316

Your story sounds similar to mine, excluding the casual racism. I scored high when I was a kid(~126) so my parents have always said I was super smart. It doesn’t matter though as I’m schizotypal and have an anxiety disorder. I basically failed my senior year of high school because I was too nervous to show up for class. Fell into hedonism due to alienation for several years and now I’m trying to repair my life by upgrading some courses, I’m relearning physics I took in hs, that shit is soul shriveling. I relate to the not being spergy enough for spergs, or normal enough for normies. I’m too self aware and not obsessive enough to relate over media with spergs and I find the gossip and zeitgeist discussions that normies have to be incredibly dull. I’ve been playing Russian roulette with ssris for past 2 years and I’ve finally given up and tried an antipsychotic for my physiological symptoms of anxiety.

Reading and drugs are the only things keeping me Sam way this point, I’m going into a bugman degree(math/physics) and I know I’m going to want to kill myself.

>> No.14370319

This was meant for >>14370283

>> No.14370407

>excluding the casual racism
you'll learn
>my parents have always said I was super smart
i'd get "he's so smart if only he'd apply himself" and i heard that since elementary and at that point my parents would call me a retard and say that "only an idiot would posses my "intelligence" but not use it" and that fact makes me a special sort of retard.
i'm not sure i have any mental illnesses but depression seems to run in the family? i dont consider it to be genetic but i do think certain people are more predispositioned to it. there are studies but they are all conflicting. eitherway i'd rather not be diagnosed with anything. i wouldnt want to pay for tests and i think i would have probably been diagnosed as a kid. i'm an oddball but i dont stick out like a sore thumb.
>I basically failed my senior year of high school because I was too nervous to show up for class. Fell into hedonism due to alienation for several years and now I’m trying to repair my life by upgrading some courses
i stopped going to college classes because i'd rather smoke weed and play hearts of iron lol
>I’m relearning physics I took in hs
i have not retained a single bit of information i learned in highschool. i never learned anything period, and it was through my own choice i admit. luckily i passed each and every single one of my state tests with decent marks
>I relate to the not being spergy enough for spergs, or normal enough for normies.
it's why were called midwits
> I’m too self aware and not obsessive enough to relate over media with spergs
it's how i grew an aversion to anime
>I find the gossip and zeitgeist discussions that normies have to be incredibly dull
i agree, but i'd be lying if i said a spicy happening in my social group wouldnt capture my interest
>if i had a social group
>I’ve been playing Russian roulette with ssris
>I’ve finally given up and tried an antipsychotic for my physiological symptoms of anxiety
i dont know jack shit about antidepressants but im gonna put on my tinfoil hat and say i dont trust big pharma
taking a pill for happiness is just so orwellian to me, but i smoked dope to cure mine(didnt work) so who am i to say
>Reading and drugs are the only things keeping me Sam way this point
are there other drugs i should be hearing about?
>I’m going into a bugman degree(math/physics)
i went as a philosophy major LMAO so youre not too bad. you can definitely be able to find yourself a job in the future.
>I’m going to want to kill myself.
i already do man. and i'm open with the fact with the only people i talk to. i just proclamaed that i wont go through with it because i think it's morally reprehensible. also the fact that i wouldnt hurt my mother in that way.
also the fact i still havent even turned 19. i am in a month. i am looking forward to what the rest of life has in store for me. if my past was any indicator i only see misery. but a lot of that has to do with my own actions, or lack thereof. it's time i change that.

>> No.14370514

Sam way=sane at this point, I’m on a phone.

I don’t really trust pharmaceuticals either, but I literally can’t function and pursue my goals without them rn, I’d seek talk therapy or something, but the referral waiting lists are like 7 months.

I’m 22 and only now returning to school so take my advice and just grind, it’s shitty, but it’ll get even shittier the longer you wait. Weed is another trap I fell into, just don’t get too sucked into it.

I was originally taking an English major, but I also dropped out due to anxiety and weed. I’ve realized that it’s pointless to pay a school a tuition so they can give you a syllabus and tell you what to read, desu I’m going to read through the western canon at some point in my life, I’ve already made a dent in it, so I might as well go to school for something that will make money and give me freedom in my career. I’d also recommend getting diagnosed if you think you have a mental illness sooner rather than later if that’s an option.

The reason I don’t kill my self is to not destroy my family, I also think there’s some beauty in the world that I’m ignorant to and is probably a valid argument against it.

>> No.14370605

What can i say man, i cant give ya life advice since you're in the similar place as me, only further down the road.

> I also think there’s some beauty in the world that I’m ignorant to and is probably a valid argument against it.
that and the former statement is what keeps me going as well man. lets see how it turns out. maybe things do get better if you actively try to, and succeed.
Eitherway man I'm gonna get some shut eye. I wish you the best of luck and will probably still lurk the thread if it's up tomorrow.

Enough of my faggy sentiments lol

>> No.14370616

Same to you anon, time to end this gay discussion.

>> No.14370632

Is everyone here literally the same person?
I'm basically the same as you two.
Probably should stop using this board, then.

>> No.14370658
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It is the sickness of the midwit.
In a way, I am glad that I am normal in so far as being a shitposter on 4chan
but it also saddens me that i may never amount to greatness i aspire. i am not outstanding. i would have much prefered to be normal normal than 4chinz normal.

>> No.14370699

I kind of agree, I also think self identifying as a midwit could be used as an excuse to not do anything. You fall into the lie that you’re too smart for normie shit, but too dumb to even try for greatness, and this is why I don’t label myself as it only seems limiting. Just read and try your best, and maybe you’ll impress yourself. There’s no point in being a defeatist before you’ve even really tried.

>> No.14370716

You are completely right and truthfully I am a lazy piece of shit who does not give effort in the things I enjoy, much less things I don't.
I needa lift myself up but my days are on and off and the mindfog is far too dense.

I have principles, I have beliefs. I have hobbies. Yet I just want to curl up into a ball, not do anything, and be left alone. And die. Hopefully.

>> No.14370765

Same here with the brain fog. I think the trick is to cut back on the things that fry your dopamine receptors and turn your brain to foggy mush like technology and alcohol. You’ve got too(I do too) treat our bodies like hunter gatherers, eat healthier, use up our calories on exercise and sleep when the sun goes down. I think the closer you are to how nature intended will make you the most efficient you. I’m already an anxious wreck because of these environmental factors and now I’m chained to a pharmaceutical, but I can still fight and rebel against this complacency that we choose for ourselves. I’m a crypto-idealist masking in a materialist’s world and if their world is so mundane and lazy then I’ll make mine beautiful and exciting.

Sorry for the sentimentality, I’m in a motivated mood, I think I’m going to take a break from this site for now.

>> No.14370781

>Dying without purpose because of the abstract concept that you don't want to die for an abstract concept.

>> No.14370795

Don't be, thank you actually. I've only ever dropped one bad habit at a time, seen no progress. Then got back into it thinking it was not a problem.

I will make an effort to sleep at a reasonable hour, eat properly (i barely eat at all) eliminate porn and cut back on vidya. People say it's not good to cut down on anything completely so quick but I never had a problem with quitting bad habits (specifically vidya and porn) for weeks at a time. Only to get back to it because I feel nothing changed.
>tfw /sig/ was the answer all this time

>> No.14370811

>what good are writing laws if you can't carry out the old ones

>> No.14370818

>the closer you are to how nature intended
Nature seems less and less relevant. We already got rid of the "natural" lifestyle 10000 years ago, and the last 500 especially years has been a continuous process of humans utterly defying nature's rule. We're all on Mr Bones wild ride and there's no getting off.

>> No.14370819

Lol I always avoided /sig/ because I assumed I knew better, perhaps that arrogance is part of it.

Imo positive change follows itself, so the longer you try the bigger the snow ball will be, it’s easiest to quit when you’re on the cusp of beginning.

That’s enough pithy self-encouragement for tonight, time for sleep.

>> No.14370837

We’re not going to evolve faster than technology advances. The stigmata of our evolution will be adverse to cortisol-inducing blue light and the over abundance of things we used to fight for for the foreseeable future. Crispr isn’t advancing that quickly and even if it did, we’re still the generation that has to deal with this congenital dissonance.

>> No.14371074

Where does it say anything about having original thoughts? Most of my thoughts are about worldbuilsing self-insert fantasies and fujoshi manga.