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/lit/ - Literature

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1436889 No.1436889 [Reply] [Original]

hi /lit/

i was browsing 4chan while i thought Why is there so much people who talk about The catcher in the rye as it were the best book in the world?

i mean, i 've read the book and i liked it, i think its good, but i cant see where is the epicness of this, i think it is highly overrated

>> No.1436898

It's one of those books, like 1984, that people tend to be forced to read at their most impressionable peak during high school.

A pamphlet giving instructions on how to build model airplanes out of cardboard could leave a profound impression during this period of one's life.

>> No.1436903

It accurately depicts the then newly invented teen-agers.

>> No.1436904

Because you end up killing a beatle.

And there's like what, 2 of them left?

It's a select club

>> No.1436918


maybe, but im not from united states neither from europe, i didnt have to read it for the high school


that is what i thought but it is not enough to be an "epic book"

>> No.1436924


>i didnt have to read it for the high school

And that's why you don't see what the big deal is.

>> No.1436937

alot of people hate this this book because they are embarrassed of the way they interpreted it in their teens or because they are still phonies themselves

>> No.1436945

Kind of like that line near the beginning of Brave New World about "elementary sex play". If you hate Catcher In The Rye, you're probably too close to it to be objective.

>> No.1436948
File: 9 KB, 229x279, fitzgerald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dancing through my mind
with the clacking bangles
there is no sleep.

The animal is here, now gone
You stop him

Dreaming and wishing is a fine
waste of time.

Brabantio is dead, cherie.

>> No.1436964


alot isn't a word, stop using it dumbshit.

>> No.1436967

a lot of people have read it. While you may still love it after exploring hundreds of other books, it seems much more exemplary after a career of only 20 novels.

>> No.1436970

after you've been used to talking to gen Y for awhile it becomes natural.

>> No.1436976
File: 90 KB, 800x600, ALOT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

