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File: 671 KB, 1009x1317, Kant_gemaelde_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14365461 No.14365461 [Reply] [Original]

I would be a Christian if it wasn't for this fucker. This fucker right here. He remains unrefuted and that fact alone drives me to Nietzschean philosophy. How is it possible to be a Thomist when Kantianism still remains unrefuted? Kant literally ripped Thomism inside out and no one is addressing this. I cannot find a single refutation of Kantianism from a Thomistic point of view! There is no truth! Nietzsche is right, there is no truth! Kant demonstrates this for me. There is no truth. Philosophy is a paganistic power ritual where each philosophy tries to become the top dog. There is no truth. Kant proves this. It's over.

>> No.14365521

There is a whole tradition of "transcendental Thomists."

>> No.14365527

>there is no truth
is that true?

>> No.14365531

Ok hylic

>> No.14365539
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I mean, we do reach the things in themselves according to Kant's moral framework. So there is truth in that sense.

What's the difference in believing in God according to a pure reason hardcore deductive proof and believing in God because your practical reason postulates it?

>> No.14365546

because the first vatican counsel says that god can be known through pure reason alone and catholicism is the only correct christian denom

>> No.14365572

Just be a gnostic

>> No.14365833

Nietzsche literally accused Kant of having "theologian's blood" and being a crypto-Christian

>> No.14365862

I know. My point is that he destroyed rationality to shill his lutheran and fideist autism. My point here is that since lutheran and fideism are clearly retarded, there is no point to be a Christian. Catholic rationality is the only reason, and he killed it. Lutheranism is german niggery.

>> No.14365895

You can escape this by literally fusing together, appreciating both Aquinas AND Kantian metaphysics. It is called Transcendental Thomism.
Karl Rahner is famous for this. To start with him, read Content of Faith. It is collected works.

>> No.14365916

This is his introduction, aka magnum opus(same story as Summa theologica and The Epistle to the Romans by Karl Barth) of his philosophy, so you should be prepared for substantial knowledge related to a book, especially Heidegger's existentialism.

>> No.14365941

If you want to see the biggest appropriation, see this Catholic theology :
This guy is Karl Rahner's friend BTW

>> No.14366021

>There is no truth. Kant proves this.
Try actually reading him, brainlet.

>> No.14366186

He didn't even address thomism he just attacked strawmen untill he mercifully di

>> No.14366649

Why must the human mind constantly search for the ultimate truth in science, literature, philosophy, politics, splitting the world apart only to put it back togethor in shambles.
That which made us whole we shall never forget, that which made man, clothed him, fed him. The truth of simplictiy in heart and mind.

>> No.14366683

Read Chesterton. Try Orthodoxy for Essays, Ball and Cross for fiction to start.

>> No.14366690

LOL your are decades behind buddy.
Kant has long been debunked by modern neuro science and Wilfrid Sellars eliminativism And its even worse not just the whole religous bullshit but also most of psychology and idenity is nothing but hot air.

>> No.14366699

>god can be known through pure reason alone
*the existence of *a* God
huge difference

>> No.14366706

>Kant has long been debunked by modern neuro science
citation needed

>> No.14366714

we can't be sure lol

>> No.14366725

are you sure about that?

>> No.14366784

Is this satire or actual christcuck cope?

>> No.14366790

Yeah i'm actually interested in this claim, where did you get this from?

>> No.14366819


>> No.14367174

Aaaaaand that's why rational theologies are debunked.

>> No.14367249

each claim about either strictly material realism or idealist realism hits its head against the unfalsifiable character of the supposed prime mover, metaphyiscal cause or lack of those.
Idealists follow the axiom of non-material inception whereas materialists are a bit more nuanced. The latter either accept a 'material' prime mover like Aristotle or if they don't, they try to sweep under the rug the infinite regression.
The more logical person follows Idealism. The modern take "dude neuroscience and quantum shit prove that we're totally unconscious puppets; like the spacetime fabric totally and randomly, while only being able to support exactly 1 possible course of events, came out to be exactly that one in which certain spacetime sub-structures (humans, for example) are capable of making complex statements about that very fabric of which they're part of, while also possesing a remarkable false sense of identity and consciousness" is flat-earth level in terms of retardation.

>> No.14367655

what kind of idealism
the Kant or the Kastrup kind (some strange kind of self referential materialism in the end?

>> No.14367877

This isn't true, I dont understand why anons post shit like this

>> No.14367902

And he himself was devoutly religious. Why, OP?

>> No.14367938

>This isn't true
LOL some refutation

>> No.14368003

first, there has to be something to refute. an assertion isn't an argument you fucking sped

>> No.14368023

Define "sure" and the domain of "that"

>> No.14368032

>actually believing a priori concepts have priority over pre-mediate aesthesis


>> No.14368036

you peabrains don't even know what eliminativism is

>> No.14368037

It's retards pretending to hold the opposite view, then constructing a bad post in the hopes that other retards sharing their genuine views take the bait and beat up the strawman.

>> No.14368040

definitions will avail you nothing in the fiery place you are headed after death. accept Christ's saving grace NOW. with only five small payments of $139.99 you can have that saving grace, guaranteed. subscribe now by dialing the toll free number on your screen

>> No.14368062

>ill just throw out made up words with no context and laugh at YOU for my total lack of communication
>this is how i maintain my self esteem and stave off suicide for just a little longer
npc niggers

>> No.14368079

>there is no truth
>doesn't even try to explain what truth is
>what is DNA
this is just special ed kindergarten level retardation

don't you suppose that patterns in reality that are objectively recorded and objectively replicated in every life form might be worth considering as TRUE?

>> No.14368083

read up on it little girl

>> No.14368114
File: 34 KB, 318x359, 1407762973732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? Literally read critique of pure reason, hes retarded. his only argument is "i-it's trivial so it's not a proof!". He equates the Cosmological argument with the ontological argument and fails to understand both.

As soon as you realize concepts have an objective existence, you appreciate the beauty of mathematics, logic, theology, and philosophy.Once you realize god is real, you can look back at Kant and see that, in the hegelian sense, he was at a more primitive understanding of what conceptual reasoning is.

>> No.14368245

you do know Kant believed in God, right?

>> No.14368268


>> No.14368292

Automatically falsified by the fact that computation is the ultimate reality, and that all of physics is a subcategory of computation.
So long as there exists a computation of anything, it "exists", meaning it is "objectively real"

>> No.14368310

That is to say, EVEN IF you try to predicate the "Mental categories" of pain, love, ideas, etc. on a materialist foundation and then try to argue that they are therefor "not real", you are falsified, because the computation of anything is a constructive proof of it's objective existence.
Therefor, pain is real, as it is a computation, in the same way fusing hydrogen together to make helium is real, as it is also a computation.

>> No.14368431

that has nothing to do with validity of reason

>> No.14368529

>computation is the ultimate reality
what computes what ? reality itself ?
Like this crackpot Tegmark claims ?

>> No.14368615

Then you just defeated nihilism. Good job.

>> No.14368628

Has anyone refuted Dostoevsky? He’s the only reason why I LARP as a Christian and not a Nietzsche Ubermensch. Please show me who refutes him

>> No.14368629

>Kant literally ripped Thomism inside out
citation needed

>> No.14369765


>> No.14369817

He was retroactively refuted by Parmenides.

>> No.14370489

Kant nowhere says or implies that there is no truth, what he is criticizing is grand philosophical systems that purport to go beyond experience and prove the existence of god, the immortality of the soul and stuff like that. I don't know why you are confusing Kant with Nietzschean perspectivism. I want the shit you are smoking.

>> No.14370498

Give me your best Dostoevskian argument and I will tear it a new one just for you

>> No.14370507

belief not in God but in the meaning of His creation and His goodness cannot be reached through reason alone

>> No.14370519

I have no idea what is that supposed to mean, please drop the internevangelist larp and elaborate

>> No.14370579

read the Brothers Karamazov, specifically the Grand Inquisitor section and it will make sense

>> No.14370704

Jesus, who always emphasizes social inequality of roman society

>> No.14370848

>we do reach the things in themselves according to Kant's moral framework
no. a priori synthetic knowledge is still PHENOMENAL in his framework.