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14362220 No.14362220 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good book about feudalism?

>> No.14362227

We must understand that human society will naturally steer itself into a feudal contract no matter how much we try to change

>> No.14362236
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>there were less than 1 million people with more than 1 million dollars in assets
Into the trash this chart goes

>> No.14362248

In china*

>> No.14362252

L' École des Annales, History of Private Life in 5 volumes, of which you're looking for vol. 3

>> No.14362258


I mean, now where's the chart showing how much in taxes each one pays? 'cause that one is even crazier. Like top 5-10% paying 50-65%, smth in that realm.

>> No.14362262

What? Chart shows net wealth, not assets.

>> No.14362273
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>> No.14362285

More like the top 10% paying 5-10% while the bottom 50% paying 50-65% of taxes. How do you think rich people remain rich?

>> No.14362314

Also Braudel

>> No.14362316

You tax income, not holdings. Even still, quite a lot of "net worth" is wrapped up in non-liquid assets. How do you tax a painting, cut off a corner?

>> No.14362317

>More like the top 10% paying 5-10% while the bottom 50% paying 50-65% of taxes.
This is false.

The top 20% of US tax-payers is the source of about 70% of government revenues. Similar distributions across democracies in general.

>> No.14362330

Based poster because he's right.
Master-slave relationship is ultimately the natural state of mankind because all human interaction is ultimately based on top-down commands. The willingness of people to conform to any social norm, any political ideology, any contract that disadvantages them as long as their basic needs are fulfilled shows that most people are born slaves.

>> No.14362333

Not quite


>How rich stay rich

It's called creating value, now I'm not going to argue w/ you given that you already summed up your knowledge of economics

>> No.14362340

>How do you tax a painting, cut off a corner?
How do local property taxes work? Not by sawing off your kitchen nook.

>> No.14362344

Yeah except for this phenomena called Revolutions which by itself invalidates your argument

>> No.14362362

Something happened after 9/11 where Jews were able to semi-automate and take control of much of the stock market.

>> No.14362386

That's not feudalism. Feudalism had obligations, not just rights.

A small percentage of tax-payers can cause aggressive inflation. If Bill Gates wanted to he could buy every big mac and everyone else that wanted one would basically be shit out of luck. A government that owes and spends its own currency doesn't need revenue it just needs to worry about price levels.

>It's called creating value
It's called owning the right assets.

>> No.14362411

You're really either stupid or naive for thinking that any revolution is not initiated by a small group of elitists that currently disfavor the ruling class. You really think the French revolution, the Russian revolution etc. were started by some lousy peasant or carpenter? Did slaves ever succeed in a revolution that did not either brutally fail or turned into the same system that they originally fought? (and yes Post-French Haiti had plenty of slavery)

>> No.14362431

>It's called owning the right assets.
Who created those assets?

>> No.14362527

Working people.

>> No.14362532
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But they don't own it.

>> No.14362534

And therein lies the rub.

>> No.14362539

How terribly selfish of them.

They must give their money to others for want of their money, which isn't selfish.


>> No.14362553

this isn't a feature of capitalism, it's a feature of imperial capitalism. read Capital in the Twenty-First Century by Thomas Piketty. his solutions are pretty bizzare and idealistic but he sums up the problems of inequality in very concrete terms

>> No.14362558

>this isn't a feature of feudalism, it's a feature of imperial capitalism.

>> No.14362579

>How do local property taxes work?
Land's value is not nearly as variable as a piece of art. Property taxes are retarded for a myriad of reasons, and so is the financial approach to land. But despite the philosophical qualms, the deviation of land's value isn't statistically erroneous and as a practical good is calculable according to a model that's averaged against heuristics.

Art is neither of practical utility, and the heuristics involved in art valuation are no where near as statistically sound as the ones used for property valuation.

Speculative value is a cancer on society.

>> No.14362588

Sounds like taxing such trifles at market value would be a good thing, in that case.

>> No.14362636
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>> No.14362696

Taxing an asset with non-deterministic value is ludicrous. "Market value" doesn't exist until a piece is sold, appraisals are generall dog shit estimations. I can tell you've never done a day of serious accounting in your life.

As if there aren't enough cases of malicious appraisal running through the legal system with the far more concrete systems in place for land valuation, yes just hand the government legal powers to write checks from your own pocketbook. Surely this will redistribute wealth!

>> No.14362711

A revolution is not its leaders. It's its effect.

>> No.14362717

So now you love speculative assets? Make up your mind, son.

>> No.14362726

>Oh cool a thread about medievalist books!

>> No.14362740
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Wrong. We just need more more camps and less (as in zero) cities.

>> No.14362848

Irrelevant but it isn't generally who owns a claim on that equity.

>Taxing an asset with non-deterministic value is ludicrous
Which is practically everything but consumer goods. The real value of industrial machinery sitting in any plant at any point is just as questionable.

>> No.14362920

stopped reading here.

>> No.14363075

>A government that owes and spends its own currency doesn't need revenue it just needs to worry about price levels.
The government collects money back instead of making up the money as it spends it because a) it doesn't want prices to spiral out of control as that would hinder it's ability to pay for itself and b) if it makes up too much the money stops being a currency because scarcity is a necessary characteristic of any currency.

>> No.14363214

Notting you said is significantly different from what I said. If a government is taking on obligations in its own currency it would logically collect its own money to manage prices and scarcity not to get revenue to spend... but money is always spent into existence.

>> No.14363771


>> No.14363810
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>> No.14364683
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my diary desu

>> No.14364709

You are correct; it is not selfish to want to live on more than $3 a day while people exist who live on millions of dollars a day.

>> No.14364745

Revolutionaries just exchange the old master for a new master. Every revolution just ends up with a new elite

>> No.14365040

t. literal tool
and the next time you call anyone a bootlicker, may your tongue fall out

>> No.14365042

>it is not selfish to want to live on more than $3 a day while people exist who live on millions of dollars a day.