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File: 36 KB, 729x768, atheism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14358824 No.14358824[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

you know its true

>> No.14358842

I'm sure somewhere in the recesses of your mind this thread made sense and had a point.

>> No.14358844

This accurately represents every plebbitor atheist. Nothing but literal bastards full of resent.

>> No.14358849

what type of person would make this picture? clearly not a christian, as they wouldn't be as daft to imply that god is evil.
this picture asserts the following
1. god is everything (pantheism is not christianity)
2. god is part evil (not christian)
but the picture follows the logic of a christian mind. bizarre.

>> No.14358851 [DELETED] 

Other way around. There's evil everywhere, hardly any good to be found.

>> No.14358857

But anon, I was raised by both my god loving parents who I love very much, live a fairly comfortable life, and still resent the idea of being judged by your sky daddy. It’s not about the imaginary ratio of good to evil anon, it’s that god in the traditional view is an ass

>> No.14358859

No, it is false. If it were as depicted, his argument would be right.
The problem of evil has good responses, but this doesn't seem to be one of them to me.

>> No.14358862

>sky daddy
Opinion discarded.

>> No.14358863

What bizarro planet do you live on where goodness is so dominant? Cause here on Earth you have to dig through piles of shit to find a speck of it.

>> No.14358878
File: 116 KB, 680x680, 1574828238418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making religious threads in bad faith aka trolling

look at pic, faggot. it's for you. sage.

>> No.14358894

>congratulating yourself on needing a metaphysical comfort blankie to get through
more insufferable than the atheists were desu

>> No.14359176

I’ve been on this site too long, I apologize if my rhetoric is not up to your standards.

>> No.14359197

god you're stupid

>> No.14359224

>there’s more good than evil
Ahahahahahaha you fucking mongrel.
Answer me one question: when a lion mauls and devours an antelope, is the intensity of suffering the latter has endured equal to the intensity of lion enjoying his meal?

>> No.14359239

>there's more good in the world than bad
Several people were brutally killed and raped in time it took you to read the sentence above

>> No.14359255

The world is more than mauling, your resentment towards existence is showing

>> No.14359262

You really believe that shit? You really believe the world isnt full of evil and malice at every corner? Full of hatred and apathy and lack of any good?
You are either a child, or truly blind to reality.

>> No.14359276

The world is exchange of resources and information, but being robbed of something will always result in a feeling of devastation greater than the dopamine rush of having gained that same something.

>> No.14359285

Unless of course your worldview is upside down and you think that suffering is good an pleasure is evil, to which I say go crush your genitals with a boulder in the name of your twisted jew-crafted faith.

>> No.14359355

why is a lion mauling an antelope evil.

>> No.14359372

God is a state of mind, and that state of mind is absolute cowardice. God exists as a false claim to rights over the whole universe made by those who desire rights over the whole universe for themselves, and so have made God into the idealization of their own desired position. Those who truly love God love the idea of being a tyrant, and such a desire always comes from bottomless cowardice: a mindset of seeing the whole of reality of an adversary to be overcome and controlled. God is war, everyone who loves the idea of God is a metaphysical fascist.

You know it's true, look at the motherfuckers selling the God bullshit: they position themselves as God, to receive great wealth and power by virtue of their claimed relationship to this ghostly image of themselves. Religion is nothing but the oldest pyramid scheme, which is made grotesquely obvious in the Egyptian brand of mental slavery that resulted in such atrocities committed in the name of a grotesque addiction to having power over other human beings.

Worship God, worship your own slavery. You know its true, but you are so invested in the scam that it would be so painful to your fragile mind if it were to revealed that you were deceived to such an ultimate extent, and so you have no choice but to perpetuate the regime of errors out of fear of the consequences of honest self-awareness.

>> No.14359405

(Mohammed Marmaduke William Pickthall)
Therefor we said: O Adam! This is an enemy unto thee and unto thy wife, so let him not drive you both out of the Garden so that thou come to toil.

-Sura Ta-Ha, Ayah 117

Earth is not Heaven , Earth is full of suffering ,this is well known. If Earth was a perfect paradise than there would be no point in Heaven , would there ?

>> No.14359415

Well shiiet, I guess if you define mauling as a non-evil act, God indeed created a very cool and just world. 10/10 job couldn't do better myself.

>> No.14359416
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>> No.14359420

Daily reminder that if God was Omnipotent that red spot wouldnt be there.

Christards are reaching max cope levels

>> No.14359427
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>> No.14359439

It's there on purpose , and it's not a tiny spot either. Look >>14359405

>> No.14359480
File: 96 KB, 720x303, christtard_interpreting_the_bible.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This "argument" never fails to amuse. Apparently despite his omnipotence, God is still bound by laws of logic and even evolution, and HAS to create world full of evil because otherwise he just CAN'T think of a way to teach humans virtues.

>> No.14359498

Please refrain from using badly drawn wojaks. It is unbecoming for an intelligent person to use an image to call someone stupid. You are better than them.

>> No.14359518

Its weird when athiests critique this dont they basically imply that life is bad essentially

>> No.14359527
File: 2.21 MB, 1280x1876, Crucified_Thief_by_the_Master_of_Flémalle,_after_conservation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do fake Christians on the internet take such a flippant stance toward the problem of evil? The saints and theologians exerted blood, sweat and tears trying to come to terms with the existence of suffering. You people are more concerned with getting one up over people who disagree with you than with serious meditation on man's condition and its relation to God.

>> No.14359535

not OP, but I do come from a very agnostic european country with strong roots in paganism
the whole god is evil never made much sense in the first place, if you are going to argue good and evil exists and that god created everything, it must logically follow that either god is above good and evil or is both good and evil at the same time
what baffles me is people struggling to grasp "both good and evil" part, like I can shoot a man in the face while on my way to donate a few hundred thousand dollars to charity - these acts and their qualities don't magically cancel each other out

>> No.14359547

Is this ancient meme supposed to shame me into subscribing to your desert cult?

>> No.14359567

No he's right, on 4chan we insult each other with image macros.

>> No.14359583

then, man, for chrissakes give me an answer. if god is great why did he create a species to have them know suffering?

>> No.14359601

No you missed the point , the purpose is not to teach human virtue , it's to test them individually.
Heaven and Hell are rewards and punishment , of Earth was already perfect there would be no use for a reward.

>> No.14359603

why do you insist on this cope. just admit theodicy is unsolvable, accept atheism, and move on

>> No.14359606
File: 461 KB, 1024x768, 1343733552987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you wear a hat
this is your argument?

>> No.14359608

Where did this idea that omnipotence should somehow overcome logic come from?

>> No.14359619

From the definition of the word 'omnipotence'

>> No.14359629

From a cartoon definition, maybe. I've never come across any theology claiming that God could make 2+2=5 if he so chose.

>> No.14359630
File: 17 KB, 635x201, words have meaning and shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the dictionary I imagine
>hurr durr if your god is omnipotent why does evil exist
>well if god is omnipotent why is he restrained by human logic now?

>> No.14359634

>I've never come across any theology
I sincerely doubt you have read much if any theology

>> No.14359637

Only the strongest concept in "omnipotence" suggest omnipotence is beyond logic, and any weaker concept suggest it is not. Aquinas rejected this beyond-logic omnipotence argument because he thought that would contradict with the bible

>> No.14359644

>God is perfect
>but actually he's not
Is this what you were trying to say, OP?

>> No.14359647

>Aquinas rejected this beyond-logic omnipotence argument because he thought that would contradict with the bible
that sounds retarded
the bible isn't infallible

>> No.14359651

There's nothing human about logic, it's the structure of everything that exists. That definition doesn't help you either, most theologies would go with "very great" rather than literally unlimited - for the traditional theist, there's a great many things that God can't do.

>> No.14359652
File: 122 KB, 987x1300, 106111941-jerusalem-israel-oktober-16-2016-traditional-market-before-the-holiday-of-sukkot-religious-jew-in-a-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aquinas is retarded

>> No.14359666

>There's nothing human about logic
logic exists outside of human experience? I mean I'd love to hear the argument or evidence but it'd be a tall order
>most theologies would go with "very great" rather than literally unlimited - for the traditional theist, there's a great many things that God can't do
you seem to be speaking quite a lot on the behalf of these "theists" you are not specifying and to me at least appear to be avoiding stating your own stances, just pointing out that it's not very persuasive

>> No.14359669

>it's wrong because that would make the bible wrong
this is muslim tier logic

>> No.14359674

no u

>> No.14359677

>Math is above me though :'(
So, should we worship math instead of some weak bitch God?

>> No.14359734

>Not shedding his hubris, accepting all good things come through God, and dedicating himself to avoiding sin and pursuining a life of charity and love.
It's only acceptable to feel this angst as a teenaged moron.

>> No.14359780

>Not understanding that sin is man's only creation.
>Not understanding it is caused by rejecting God's light and will.
>Not realizing that the Lord has given you free will. That you are free to love him or reject him and will receive your lot on the day of judgement.
God really is amazingly kind and loving. Man is cruel and wicked and the cause of all his own anguish. Accept that the GOOD things come through Him and you will see the path to enlightenment.

>> No.14359869

>Man is cruel and wicked and the cause of all his own anguish.
Yeah uh except millions killed and injured by natural disasters oopsie haha

>> No.14359881

Can't wait til atheist China steamrolls all you people.

>> No.14359908

>Lived in the Garden of Eden
>Broke the ONLY rule and got kicked out
Yes, man is the architect of his own anguish.

>> No.14359912
File: 41 KB, 729x768, op_faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14359942

>one dude and his gf break the law you didn't even fucking bother to explain properly

>> No.14359947

Aw geez, mistah, you sure convinced me that the Stockholm Syndrome you call belief is actually true

>> No.14359950

That's quite a common thing in a lot of theology looking at that sort of thing.

>> No.14359956

Nice bait

>> No.14360198

even observing that life is a vampire that feeds on life gets you called resentful. Christians with no respect for the problem of evil are absolute cretins, you can tell they've never truly wrestled with anything.

>> No.14360205

Do athiests have a reason to live? They seem like such negative fucks. Like its obvious christards have their copes but man athiests are depressing and they try to reverse on christians in a bizaree way. Perhaps thats their cope

>> No.14360231
File: 55 KB, 729x768, 1576503205694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed it again

>> No.14360242

Mine is I'm stuck existing, not by my choice, so I can either choose to die or not
If not, then what is a compelling and satisfying way to spend my time
Do that thing
Not really complicated

>> No.14360259

So if Adam and Eve already had the moral capacity for sinning prior to eating from the tree of knowledge, then what did they gain from the tree that was such a problem? This point is probably too obscure, so I'll rephrase it. Prior to eating from the tree, Adam and Eve were like the beasts (for example, unashamed of their nakedness). Now we can hopefully agree that someone is only culpable for their actions if they understand them, which is why (for example) diminished capacity is a valid defense in criminal law. Did Adam and Eve understand what they were doing when they ate from the tree? If yes, then they were created with the capacity for evil, man was created fallen, and the tree was incidental. If no, then they weren't culpable, there was no sin for lack of capacity to sin. It's only the tree that gave them the knowledge required to sin, but eating from the tree cannot itself be a sin. Otherwise we're left with something like, "The cat peed the carpet, so I killed him. Serves him right for breaking the only rule."

>> No.14360270
File: 89 KB, 805x851, 1571152717606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14360274

Do christians have a reason to live? I can't think of a more depressing life to lead, being nothing more than a puppet slave to the uncaring supreme being who made up a bunch of vague rules for you under a threat of sending you to the house of torture. Your reward for being a good boy? You go to the retirement sky home and I dunno, walk around or something. Not even the sweet release of death is there for a christian lmao.

>> No.14360289

Nah. Universe isn't evil by itself. People are.

>> No.14360293

>You may eat from any of the trees except this one.
>Serpent says "C'mon, why should God tell you what to do, don't you want to be cool and awesome and just like him?"
>*Eats the fruit and defies God and thus humanity begins its long battle with sin*
Why do idiots only talk about the big actions and miss all the important parts in the middle? It's almost like you guys never read what you're trying to refute.

>> No.14360299

Everything eats everything. The universe is evil. Animals need to kill to survive, every day, until they themselves are eaten or die themselves. You have no idea where you live in.

>> No.14360389
File: 64 KB, 796x583, reallymakesmethink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14360412

Do atheists have a reason to live? I can't think of a more depressing life to lead, being nothing more than a puppet slave to uncaring biological urges and a bunch of made up vague rules invented by 18th-21st century pseudo-intellectuals for you in order for "good" and "evil" exist and have meaning. Your reward for being a "good" boy? Nothing. You just spend your life walking around or something. No point in living.

>> No.14360431
File: 40 KB, 647x659, 466kkk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No point in living.
Yes, I am my own master.

>> No.14360438

>"I am my own master"
>he believes in free will

>> No.14360446

>Yes, I am my own master.
Keep saying that to yourself. What a dismal way of living.

>> No.14360463
File: 73 KB, 630x750, mooney1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder it has been empirically proven religiosity stifles scientific innovation.


Daily reminder the overwhelming majority of leading scientists are atheists


Daily reminder most philosophers are atheists


Daily reminder religious people are less intelligent according to dozens of studies.


Daily reminder religious people are less educated


Religious people are literally a lesser breed of human

>> No.14360464

I created my own meaning by having a family and having a career.
I'm divorced and single now, but I still love my children and that's all I really need to keep on going in life, looking after them as best I can.

>> No.14360483

Yawn. Tiresome meme. Just because someone's an atheist doesn't mean they're a whiny teenager whose dad left them. Atheism is just a term that means you don't believe in a god. It could apply to literally anyone.

>> No.14360489

Reminder that being a philosopher ≠ saying anything worth shit

Reminder that a lot of philosophers in the past were religious

Reminder that a large amount of scientific breakthroughs were done by religious people

Reminder that education is a meme and that your average coastal urbanite is nigger cattle

>> No.14360490
File: 28 KB, 1050x689, djw4d9f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed (again)

>> No.14360492

>logic exists outside of human experience? I mean I'd love to hear the argument or evidence but it'd be a tall order
If there's a rock at the foot of a hill and another rock rolls down and sits beside it, there will be two rocks there. We use the term "two" to describe that amount but it doesn't change the fact that the amount we use "two" to describe is present. The human mind doesn't create 2+2=4

>> No.14360495

I am Vietnamese and I'm deeply offended by this god damned country is somehow more innovative than Germany, Findland, Britain, France, and Italy.

>> No.14360499

Cope: the post

>> No.14360501

God, the quality of this board has dropped drastically. I wonder, whether you are just shitposting, or are you actually serious?

>> No.14360502

If you want doubling down to those poster, you must correspond with any form of reports and papers

>> No.14360503

>still resent the idea of being judged by your sky daddy
Well, that settles it. You don't like the idea of being JUDGED, so God must not exist.

>> No.14360506

Evil is only evil when consciously committed. Animals eating each other is not evil. They know no other way

>> No.14360510

>law you didn't even fucking bother to explain properly
What part of "do not eat the fruit" is too complex for you to understand?

>> No.14360512

Eichmann : Hmmm

>> No.14360520
File: 15 KB, 279x253, Does it look like I'm laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Correlation = Causation

You're so retarded and you don't even know it.

>> No.14360526

The OT Hebrews and the early Christians suffered far more than you ever will. Medieval peasants suffered far more than you ever have and ever will and yet they still lived far more fulfilling lives.

There is nothing evil about animals eating each other or natural disasters.

Nice response.

Are you incapable of using google? Do I need a "peer-reviewed" paper to prove that being a philosopher does not automatically make you a superior breed of human or that atheist East/West Coast USA urbanites are nigger cattle who live for the sole purpose of pleasure and consumption?

>> No.14360527

Not him, but at some point you have to accept that correlation and causation are hand-in-hand. Unless we're just going to throw away the entire scientific method or any means to verify an event.

>> No.14360531


>> No.14360540

>Implying evil has it's own separate existence outside of good
>Implying evil is anything but a privation of good

Except that's not how it works. Unless you're saying that two processes that both rely on people aging and otherwise are related to each other in a meaningful way past both being related to another more important process is somehow statistically meaningful (e.g. Studies have show kids going through puberty have read more books over their lifetime)

>> No.14360542

even if that's the case, that linear regression sucks ass

>> No.14360546

Yes how dare more religious countries not cuck themselves to the globohomo elite. Who gives a fuck about identity or having a culture or reason to live when you can invent new ways of fucking other people over. I'm sure you'd love to live in China.

>> No.14360551

Shut the fuck up you fucking pea-brain. EVERYTHING is contextualized within and by human perception and communication. Evil is a word used to describe certain events, or people, or an action, all of which are tangible things that exist in the world as it actually is, as if the word 'light' and 'warm' and 'hard'.

>> No.14360588

Oh man, I would love to be part of the culture of the most religious countries of the world, like Ethiopia, Malawi, Niger and Yemen. Truly paradises on Earth.

>> No.14360595

Based retard

>> No.14360599

By what measure do you determine whether something is evil or good?

>> No.14360609

>dude correlation isn't causation, I'm so smart haha

This is how brainlets hand wave away solid studies arguing, with plenty of theoretical foundation along with statistical analysis, that causation does exists. You're not rebutting anything, moron.

Read the papers.

>> No.14360620

Nice of you to ignore the entirety of Western society before the 1960s and Poland. >>14359869
Those flooded were degenerates who performed degenerate practices.

>> No.14360621
File: 117 KB, 625x773, 1517004171415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>evil is just a privation of good, therefore there's no problem of evil!

Literal Facebook-boomer-tier argument. Not taken seriously by any philosopher.

>> No.14360626

I dunno
Reason as to why? Consequences of violation?
If the government suddenly told you that picking your nose is illegal, would you not be curious why, and whats the punishment (its death, instant death, by the way)?

>> No.14360628

Ah yes, another retard with an idealized view of the past, color me surprised.
And Poland is a fucking shithole without future, the toilet of Europe.

>> No.14360629

>would you not be curious why
Not really, no. Also God is just a little greater than the government.
>its death, instant death
That wasn't the punishment you retard, it was mortality.
You didn't actually read the Bible did you.

>> No.14360632

I shudder to think what your idea of a utopia is when you consider Poland of all European countries to be a shithole and not the 50% non-Christian France or the mostly atheistic Sweden and Czech Republic.

>> No.14360639

You're either an asshurt subhuman pole or a brainlet that idolizes a country because they are raging christards. The institutions in Poland are falling apart, and their democracy is in tatters.

There are far more people who would rather live in France, Sweden and the Czech Republic than in Poland. You know I'm right.

>> No.14360646

Nice rebuttal there faggot.

Every philosopher alive today is a pill-popping yuppie boomer. Why the fuck do you care about their opinion? Plus, that argument is literally from Neoplationism, you uncultured retard. Just like darkness is the absence of light (not a nother principle in and of itself), things are good ontologically, but they are evil since they aren't perfect and lack something they should have.

I like how /lit/ keeps on becoming discount /pol/ and the userbase keeps on getting louder and even more illiterate each time I come on here after years at a time.

>> No.14360647

>going from immortal to mortal is not a death penalty
Sure thing retard

>> No.14360656

>Nice rebuttal there faggot.
You didn't make an argument you fucking retard, there was nothing to rebut. Causation is explicitly addressed in the paper, read it or fuck off.

>> No.14360667

Based christcel

>> No.14360671

Then which one is it addressed in you autistic, asswipe? Unlike you, I'm not a stupid fucking NEET that tips my fedora 24/7 while fapping to ponies. I have an actual life.

You're literally just an inversion of my you autistic piece of shit. You aren't much better.