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14358384 No.14358384 [Reply] [Original]

Any books you recommend for a beginner reader? I never really read books in my childhood bc of dyslexia and wanna start now, soz If I sound like a new fag.

>> No.14358391

Flowers for algernon

>> No.14358393

Since you like dogs, start with the Dog of Flanders:

>> No.14358418

If you want to read a novel try instruments of the night by Thomas H. Cook, the only decent crime one i know
Tip: when you reach the ending read it thoroughly because you might find it confusing, but just remember who took care of the house while he was gone (not a spoiler at all, has nothing to do with the main story)
But i think you should first try short stories, i recommend you argentine ones

>> No.14358637

The Stranger

>> No.14359820

Jack London, "White Fang".

>> No.14359825

Really? A beginner can read The Stranger?

>> No.14359840

hungry hungry caterpillar

>> No.14359846

Not him but I started reading this year and it was my first book.

>> No.14359859

Steinbeck’s novellas are good for a beginner, especially Cannery Row
Dumas books are good to get you reading longer books, if you can’t into french read the robin buss translations they’re very good

>> No.14359871
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Musashi is a nice book with which to get into reading because it is very long ~1000 pages, a great story, and extremely readable.

>> No.14359883

Being very long is not good at all for a beginner.

>> No.14359973

Imagine, after a few years of browsing this place and reading intensely that will be a sad dog.

The three books that I first read when I "really" started reading in yr 9/10 of highschool were:
>Plato's Republic
>Modern Man in Search of a Soul
>The Sailor who fell from Grace with the Sea

>> No.14359975

Harry Potter

>> No.14360929

start out with the hobbit and the lord of the rings trilogy