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1435692 No.1435692 [Reply] [Original]

Okay so i just read A clockwork orange and thought it was great... and then i watched the film which was okay i suppose but i didn't think it was too good. So i guess this is an open discussion on which you liked more.

>> No.1435724

Book by far. The movie made everything way different than i had imagined.

>> No.1435737

>2 of these on front page
so what are popular themes from this book?

>> No.1435742

The virtue of ultraviolence.

>> No.1435746

youth, free will

i liked the book more too. the ending to the movie was an absurdist's wet dream. i thought it was cool but book was far more practical and believable. the movie did have lots of style too though

>> No.1435749

The book is way better , I just had the misfortune of reading it in a crappy translation , so I'm looking to read it in English.

>> No.1435761


The fact that you didn't mention the difference between the endings suggests to me that you read the American version with the last chapter removed. Personally, I prefer the book, and I think the message is more believable and interesting with the intended closure.

>> No.1435891

I read the british version and only didn't mention that because i wanted this thread to be more of a discussion rather than me shouting my views down a computer.

>> No.1435905

oh god i still haven't seen this film all the way through, took an eighth of shrooms and the screen started spinning and i was like wtf. I didnt even know it was based off a book and now i can't wait to read it