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/lit/ - Literature

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14356250 No.14356250 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think playing video games is bad for you? Would it clash with a literary lifestyle? I read plenty of books and write daily but sometimes I can't help but play Smash for a few hours.

>> No.14356261

Games are for kids. Thankfully I grew out of it already.

>> No.14356275

i would rather play games than work desu

>> No.14356288

Then that means your work sucks.

>> No.14356291

I used to not play any video games during the day and only during the weekend I would play for an hour or two after 10. I'm using all the leave I saved up for the rest of December so I've fallen back into old habits. Maybe it was better that I had other things to do?

>> No.14356305

I had been playing video games my entire life up until 6 months ago and then I got rid of it all and haven't looked back. I don't judge anyone else that enjoys them but I can't waste any more time on that stupid shit. I think it's childish and brain dead, and staring at the wall would be a more productive use of ones time.

>> No.14356316

I hardly play video games anymore. When I do it is short ones and I put them on easy and just play for the story. Like Tomb Raider or Alan Wake.

>> No.14356339

I'm in the same boat. I quit about a year and a half ago and I would never start playing vidya again. It became too much like a hamster wheel for me.

>> No.14356340

Play good games only (there are not many), take the time to think through them after playing just as you would a meaningful work of fiction. Play games that make you want to read and learn more.
If you must play Smash, make sure it's mostly with other people, and focus on developing skills.
Video games, and the like, are only troublesome if they control you more than the reverse - same with pop-fiction, film, etc.

>> No.14356349

I used to play video games 12hrs/day, never reading any books. Now it's 6hrs/day and the rest of the day is spent watching anime and reading /lit/ threads.

>> No.14356370

I just play Smash with friends sometimes. The only other games I play are sandbox or simulator games where I can slowly build things after work. I think those are more productive than narrative games since I get to produce something of my own and get to be a bit personal. I'll try not to spend too much time on them.

>> No.14356397
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My literary focuses are children's literature and weird fiction, and this also translates into my preferences for video games. I like light-hearted cheery games like Yono and the Celestial Elephants, Hamtaro GBA games, Rune Factory, and many more, but I also enjoy horror/macabre games like Darkwood, Blasphemous, Silent Hill, and etc.

Dualism is absolute, and the wise privilege the light over the darkness. Anyone who denies this is going to hell.

>> No.14356443

I only read philosophy/science/math books and other non-fiction genres. I generally stopped playing video games, but only really play video games with good stories like the Ogre Battle games, Muramasa: The Demon Blade and Vagrant Story for my fiction fix. Even then, I play them like once every 2 or 3 weeks so they aren't all that intrusive to my literary life.

>> No.14356457

The Japanese are not very good at writing complex stories while remaining the subtle the way Black Isle, older Obsidian, and a few other Western game companies did.

>> No.14356475

What do you do?

>> No.14356497

I'm a gay male prostitute for the Jewish oligarchs.

>> No.14356513


>> No.14356572

Thank you, Anon. I am going to do heroin instead. You changed my life.

>> No.14356589

Video games are one of the greatest forms of art ever created, and anyone who says otherwise doesn't know shit about art. True modern intellectuals place games and books as equally important creative mediums.

>> No.14356644

i am addicted to league of legends

>> No.14356657

This. I was bed ridden for months and the first 3 I was incapable of focusing on anything so I couldn't read. And I couldn't stand watching TV shows and movies lost their magic, so I played vidya games and I fell back into that habit. Constantly entertaining yourself is as much a drug as weed.

>> No.14356665

While games can be interesting, literary, fun, etc., their purpose precludes them from being art.

>> No.14356704

They're entertaining but they're not art.

>> No.14356711
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Go play Pathologic 2 right now you fucking useless bitch. It has at least as much words as War and Peace so its basically just a long and hard to read book.
Also you will never get tired of finding interpretations for it.


Dumb Oyons

>> No.14356873

Do you play video games?
No, because it doesn't seem worth the effort and I'm video game illiterate. The first point is that watching TV is a passive activity and you get no benifet. Art, writing, and exercise is an active activity with benefits. Gaming though, is an active activity, you o cant shut your brain off like you do watching TV, with zero benefits. It doesn't seem worth the effort to spend half an hour or entire weeks defeating an AI boss for a computer generated trophy.
Second is because I never played video games as a kid, so learning basic controls is like memorizing kanji to me. I'm not your regular "bad gamer". I've lost many online battles because I'd hsve to look at my remote to figure out the right button to press.
>Do you think playing video games is bad for you?
Inherently no, but the biggest problem with gaming is that it's an addiction for most people.
>Would it clash with a literary lifestyle?
No, but you'd want to read more than game at some point and being the "I like philosophy and gaming" dude gives off "I'm making education fun and hip" teacher vibes.

>> No.14356973
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On video games being "deep" the biggest problems I see is that those who want games to be deep want it out of validation and often don't want the responsibility it takes to be "deep".
For example most gamers I know are "Teacher: the curtains are a metaphor for sadness, The author: The curtains are blue", "modern art trash. Concept art good", and "100 percent objective and apolitical" type analysist. Yet they want gaming to be "deep", which implies all the things they hate will become apart of video games. From seeing this I kind of feel 70% of them are just "stop making fun of me for playing CoD" types while the other 30% know small circles were video game studies are taken serously.
Also a problem with making games deep in a mainstream way is that the standards are so low you can be the best of your genre by being decent/having 1 unique mechanic or be the best by having some "HA Ha that is totally me" 'deep' plotline. I'm so sick of joining groups that claim they want deep conversations on gaming, but end up being LARPers who get all their info from some gaming channel that doesn't cite sources because they either make shit up or use the first result that appears on Google

>> No.14356976

>I don't judge anyone else that enjoys them
>I think it's childish and brain dead, and staring at the wall would be a more productive use of ones time
based retard

>> No.14356986

Playing sonetimes is ok, but I don't understand how can someone, a grown man in his 20s, constantly have a minimum of 50 hrs in 2 weeks of Steam.

>> No.14356996

I am pretty lonely right now and have almost no friends. The only people with whom I converse, apart from my immediate family, are some online friends when we play videogames together. I'd say playing vidya is pretty shitty for your brain and incompatible with a /lit/ lifestyle, but right now it kinda fuels an existential need in my sad life.

>> No.14357005

There's definitely video games that are worth playing. I think there are five categories of worthy games.
The first one is related to freedom. The medium shines the best when it gives you a lot of methods for approaching the situation. This is why games like Deus Ex, VtmB, Thief Gold, System Shock 2 etc. are the best.
Then there's the second category of games I think are worth playing - artistic and experimental stuff. Games like Shadow of the Colossus, ICO, Killer7, OFF etc fall under this category.
The third category are games that mix all of its elements meaningfully - Demon's Souls and Bloodborne are a great example.
The fourth category is going to be disputed by most, but it's games that focus almost solely on gameplay. The controls have to be tight, the level design outstanding and so on. Cuphead would be a modern example and Shinobi 3 a retro example.
The fifth category is related to games that can't really fit into any of the previous four, and I'm guessing there's not many of them. Live a Live is one such example.

>> No.14357043

That's true of most JRPGs, but there are definite exceptions.

>> No.14357081
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Videogames have been shown to help improve fluid IQ, they're not bad for you unless your playing 18 hours a day for weeks on end but doing anything that autistically is bad for you.

Personally I play 3-6 hours a day sometimes less if I don't feel like it, I find it doesn't impact anything else as long as I avoid mmos since I have an addiction problem with them.

>> No.14357124
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> I don't play vidya I have better thing to do with my time

> watches hours of Netflix and YouTube
> shitpost on 4chan

>> No.14357204

Lmao acting like there's a preconceived "purpose" to the medium, your perception of it relies to much on semantics. Walking around just a blank box is a video "game", what about this precludes it from being art? There is nothing inherent of the medium that demands that it's designed to be a game, only that current form is deemed profitable by companies and the average fanbase are disgusting manchildren who called the first tiny step away from the gaming framework "walking simulators"
Somebody creating an experience on a gaming engine with full creative control, as in everybody else only directly takes orders from the auteur and all energy is directed to bring a unique vision to life, this is the setting needed for """"games""""" to cross the bridge. The potential is limitless, it just requires much more intelligence, foresight, hard work, actual creativity, and money that the typical "artist" type has

>> No.14357212

>Pathologic 2
I downloaded the first one, but it was kind of a slog. PLayed for 30 minutes
Does itr get better?

>> No.14357389

I wish i still play vidya expect for waste hours on youtube

>> No.14357444

>Do you think playing video games is bad for you?
If it is bad, yes. If it isn't, no. Being addicted to some MMO and wasting time and money on that hamster wheel is bad. Playing in moderation, within reason, is certainly not outright bad.
>Would it clash with a literary lifestyle?
Who the fuck made up the concept of the "literary lifestyle" in the first place? It looks like a really cancerous /lit/ meme, completely unrelated to reality.
>I read plenty of books and write daily but sometimes I can't help but play Smash for a few hours.
Do you want /lit/'s seal of approval for your lifestyle? Are you a teenager? Live your own life, don't be a dumb fuck, take some responsibility for your actions and think about them for yourself.

I wholeheartedly agree. It's a very visible problem, most of the "artistic" games come from a feeling of inferiority and a bit childish manner and desire to come off as smart and adult. Same thing plagues modern comics, most of the work of the supposed geniuses of comics are like that. Forced "depth", forced "realism" and "seriousness". Not denying that there's space for actual good content in the mediums (and a lot has already been achieved but is ignored by the audiences because it doesn't seem cool or smart), but it's really fucked up if you compare the situation with film, which developed both theory and radical and undeniably artistic practice long before either of these other two mediums.

>> No.14357465

Best post itt.
Also, nice trips.

>> No.14357469

Play video games that have some form of learning to be had, usually that would involve multiplayer games or replayable single-player games that go beyond repetition to get good. I.e. you would have to watch youtube videos or read a bit to get better at it. Not only does this save you time because you can literally just read to get good, but does prove that not all games are ADHD fueled frag fests as to say like fortnite.

Like real-time strategies or tactical shooters. I personally play a bit of Civ 5 but surprised haven't even clocked 600 hours on it while there are retards with 10K hours yet struggle at level 6 difficulty which I started playing on only after 100 hours.

Same with starcraft, started out completely new to the genre, went from bronze to masters within a year while there are still people who can't play gold league after playing it for hours on end even doubling my playtime.

tl;dr Play games that go beyond motor-skills and have something to be learnt.

>> No.14357476

You can either spend your free time productively or you can waste it.

>> No.14357477

Oh wow, we got a genius over here, everybody

>> No.14357512
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Not video games but similar... One of my favorite things I saw when I traveled to the middle east was the popular social hubs for games like backgammon and chess. Nearly every street had a gathering place everybody would go to after work to chill with their friends, street seating, some music, tea, hookah, play through the night talking and just being outside with the neighborhood. Wish we had something like this in the us. Closest thing is an air conditioned strip mall store to play Warhammer with autists every 2 weeks. Online video games really take out the social benefits of games. Looking at a screen and talking through a mic isn't the same

>> No.14357599

Why do you feel the need to constantly be insincere? I didn't say anything sensational.

>> No.14357604

As a burger, I find this interesting. Reminds me of the few netcafes I went to in the early 2000's to play CS with my nerd friends.

>> No.14357628

It’s ok anon, it really doesn’t matter. I play video games for a few hours every once in a while to reward myself but I read mostly and I don’t let video games get in the way or control me. You just need to make sure you don’t let it become a habit.