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/lit/ - Literature

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14354827 No.14354827 [Reply] [Original]

Super normie question but what are the best sites for publishing own work?

>> No.14354852

Publishing your work is no longer a thing.

>> No.14354853
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is there a bigger nigger in the universe than the Sun?

>always has to be the center of attention
>always trying to get up in everyone's business
>tries to burn everyones skin and make them minorities
>has spots and shoots out radiation for attention
>thinks its special but there are literally billions of them in the universe
>gets cucked by clouds like a fag
>tries to melt things
>worshiped by ancient mexicans and indians in blood sacrifices i guess
>gets S.A.D. in the winter time (like a huge pussy)
>tries to give white people (((melanoma)))
>thinks the world revolves around it
>an intricate part of (((photosynthesis))) Gay!
>doesn't control the tides or make werewolves like the based Moon

seriously the Sun is the biggest nigger kike in the world.

>> No.14354856

So... what is then?

>> No.14354864

Complaining on /lit/ about how nobody will publish your work because you aren't black or trans.