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/lit/ - Literature

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1435469 No.1435469 [Reply] [Original]

I've read books like "1984", "Animal Farm", "Lord of the Flies", "The Catcher in the Rye", "Lord of the Rings" and much more. Suggest a book for me!

Pic unrelated.

>> No.1435473

"How To Graduate From High School"

>> No.1435474
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Ask your high school professor.

>> No.1435478

The Trial, Ulysses, War and Peace, Lolita

>> No.1435485
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Really, OP, you should try to put SOME thought into what you put in the first post. It is supposed to define the context of the text.

That said, I think that you would really love Count of Monte Cristo.

>> No.1435523

Try The Super Happy Fun Broadmead Colouring Book
It comes with a free grey crayon - the only colour you need

>> No.1435581

Tristram Shandy.

Oh yes.

>> No.1435585

I'm sure you'd like Eragon or maybe the Twilight series.

>> No.1435594

What is /lit/'s opinion on the Twilight series?

Captcha: Edward satire

>> No.1435595


>> No.1435596

Most of them have never read it but will dismiss it as garbage because of the fan base, it's as good a series as most fantasy and sci fi, and pretty much all of the novels in OP's list apart from lord of the flies and the catcher in the rye.

>> No.1435598

Meyer said Pride and Prejudice was her main influence, and you can see that both books have the same underlying messages.

>> No.1435599

Twilight's plot isn't amazing, but the characters are great and easy to relate to.

>> No.1435608

>as good as lord of the rings

>> No.1435611

>easy to relate to
A sparkly vampire?

>> No.1435636
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1/10 troll.

If not a troll, go hang yourself.

>> No.1435673

>probably hasn't even read it

>> No.1435732

I don't know why everyone has such a big problem about the Twilight series, they're pretty well written.

>> No.1435743
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Tao Lin

>> No.1435759

Ignore the hate. Yeah your taste is kinda entry level, but you are still better read than 80% of the population.

Also, try The Big Sleep, 2001: A Space Odessy, Any Sherlock Holmes story, Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy and maybe some Virginia Woolf. All is God Tier entry level.

>> No.1435777

hitchhikers guide to the galaxy is horrendously bas and virginia woolf has terribly bland writing.

>> No.1435783

I agree, I couldn't even get past the second hitchhiker book brfore giving up out of boredom.

>> No.1435786

oh and inb4samefag thats not me

>> No.1435787

Anyone who thinks Woolf is bland never got on the old gal's wavelength. There is very much the spirit of life in her writing--the pulse and thrill of it.

Maybe try audiobooks?

>> No.1435788

We are totally in awe of your superior taste Falstaff.

>> No.1435790

I agree with some of the guys here, the Twilight series will be a good next step

>> No.1435803

Meyer is a good, albiet unimaginitive, author. However I preferred the Twilight series to the Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy.
Maybe try Aldous Huxley's 'Brave New World' if you liked 1984 OP.
This is me btw>>1435732

>> No.1435805

Of Mice and Men, Catch 22, Scarlet Letter, maybe Grapes of Wrath. Also, Road to Wigan Pier/Down and out in Paris and London.

>> No.1435809


The pulse of someone in a coma.