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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 44 KB, 643x368, Screen Shot 2019-12-15 at 11.48.05 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14354446 No.14354446 [Reply] [Original]


It's that time of year again. Everyone gets 5 votes. Voting closes when the thread 404s.

If there's someone willing to do the actual chart let me know and I'll send you the organized data. I can do the chart if need be but it'll probably end up looking kind of shitty because my knowledge of graphic design is cursory at best.

>> No.14354462


>> No.14354478

>no login required
Never go full retard

>> No.14354548
File: 51 KB, 716x498, Screen Shot 2019-12-15 at 12.18.04 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Never go full retard

>> No.14354586

Harry Potter

>> No.14354596

>sign in to continue
no thanks glownigger

>> No.14354626

Well at least we know the /pol/ filter is working, so shit like Evola won't end up on the list.

>> No.14354643

The Book of Disquiet
The Golden Bowl
Essays Montaigne
Arcades Project

>> No.14354649

this, stop being such a pussy

>> No.14354666

OP beware, some Anons use the original titles of non-English works:
À la recherche du temps perdu = In Search of Lost Time
Commedia =The Divine Comedy
Ficciones = Fictions
I hope you count those votes as well.

>> No.14354675


>> No.14354681

Thanks for the heads up

>> No.14354697

Ἰλιάς (Iliad)
Ὀδύσσεια (Odyssey)
Μήδεια (Medea)
Οἰδίπoυς τύραννoς
Tὰ Bιβλία (The Bible)

>> No.14354702

Da Jesus Book (The Bible)

>> No.14354718
File: 64 KB, 512x384, 1576186681101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get Taleb on there

>> No.14354727

Non-fiction and philosophy belong to a different top, don't they? Because I remember last year when we were seeing the chart and then "CAPITAL BY MARX" appeared and it was kind of jarring to see

>> No.14354744

Will be nice to see how /lit/ has changed

>> No.14354751
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>> No.14354755

someone post the ones from previous years

>> No.14354766
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>> No.14354786
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>> No.14354792
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>> No.14354793

tyvm anon

>> No.14354809

please make a separate row for our top 10 non-fiction or the non-fiction books that got in.

>> No.14354814

Post the spreadsheet, mate.

>> No.14354823


desu it should be divided like this
>best fiction
>best drama
>best poems (or poetry collections)
>best non-fiction

>> No.14354828

Nah. Keep it traditional, like the old top 100 but keep philosophy and non-fiction on a separate list.

>> No.14354831

>Combining the Iliad and the Odyssey
Let's not do that

>> No.14354832

There's nothing wrong with the format you autistic faggots

>> No.14354836

Damn what happened in 2017? This one is good the others are shit.

>> No.14354843

We should combine all of Shakespeare's works, though. They were published in a single book originally.

>> No.14354844

I mean I like the current format for how it is but their should be a separate for stuff like CAPITAL BY MARX, it clearly is a thing of its own. The list as it should be kept the same but their should be another pic with the best fiction,drama, poetry and non fiction i agree. Maybe even more cool facts like
>the longest book voted in was "****"
>the shortest book voted in was "****"
>authors who were voted in the most 1-5
Could be so much cooler imo

>> No.14354848

Lolita didnt even make the list

>> No.14354851

nah too much chink shit. 2018 is peak top 100.

>> No.14354866

Lolita isnt even his best. Ada and Pale Fire are better.

>> No.14354880

Thank you anon, I was a day away, but too lazy. You're commended for this.

>> No.14354883

Not enough books for a completely non fiction section

>> No.14354884

Lolita is the best book written

>> No.14354890

Harry Potter

>> No.14354899

On The Road by Kerouac

>> No.14354905


>> No.14354906

Can you just vote in the thread? Not making a google account

>> No.14354907

Ok here's the deal. I'm just going to let whoever is willing to do the actual chart have discretion, within reason obviously. If any of you can make the graphic and are willing to do so, I'll send you the data and you can organize it in whatever way most pleases your autistic preferences. If no one offers to do that, I'm just going to do the top 100 the same way it's been done the last 3 years.

>> No.14354913

No you retard

>> No.14354915

>Stoner higher than Paradise Lost, Ibsen's Plays, In Search of Lost Time, Don Quixote, The Aeneid
delusional faggot

>> No.14354926
File: 77 KB, 657x527, 1576146656477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll send a submission for you. What would you like?

>> No.14354929

When we did some of the last votings, OP put the conditions in the OP. Shakespeare is one book. There's nothing autistic about it. If some faggot mentions a play of his then it counds towards his complete works. Simple as that.

>> No.14354960
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>> No.14354969

Harry Potter 1-5 please and thank you

>> No.14354975

This is autistic. It should only count towards Shakespeare's complete works if its directly mentioned. Shakespeare and King Lear are seperate books it doesent fucking matter if it was all published in one book originally. What if i've only read some plays of his but not others? My vote is just gonna count towards every play? What if I hated one play but liked another? Its gonna count towards everything because some faggot wants to stick with some old retarded format that makes 0 fucking sense. Its his completed works because theirs individual works within it you fucking tard. The absolute state of shaketards on lit trying to fuck up the chart

>> No.14354976


>> No.14354986

Have sex

>> No.14354993


>> No.14354999
File: 1.88 MB, 2000x2000, DFE8B512-B91C-40C0-8BE5-DF7DF4F05961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we couldnt even do THIS thread without arguing

>> No.14355000
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>> No.14355006

That's fucking retarded. Titus Andronicus us not the same caliber as the Merchant of Venice. What other author do we do this with? It's nonsense.

>> No.14355011

I agree with this autist.

>> No.14355014
File: 1.08 MB, 1556x2400, A1mUkGrMieL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope it makes it this year.

>> No.14355016

OP if you count every shakespeare play for his collected works then your a retard and the chart should be burned

>> No.14355026

people here dont seem to like japanese literature
probably because no one here speaks japanese

>> No.14355051

a voté

>> No.14355084

>Shakespeare is one book. There's nothing autistic about it. If some faggot mentions a play of his then it counds towards his complete works.
OP here, that's retarded and if I end up having to do the chart Shakespeare's works will be counted individually.

>> No.14355155

these are responses for literature only?

>> No.14355177

>greatest of all time
Ahhhhh too much pressure I just want to vote for my favorite books

>> No.14355205

I put The Waste Land as one of mine, will that count as TS Eliot complete works or just as The Waste Land.

>> No.14355216

Imagine not voting for the Iliad. I hate redditors.

>> No.14355309

where is the results link?

>> No.14355337

That's how it's always been done. Check the 2017 chart, you stupid n*ggerfaggot newfags lmao Shakespeare is one book, I don't care about your bugman consumerist media in which you read it so fuck off.

>> No.14355356

no, 2016 is done correctly and every other chart as well. Considering 2017 is by far the worst top 100 for /lit/ we can consider the way it was done to be stupid as well.

Good riddance retard

>> No.14355377

2017 is objectively the best chart so your opinion doesn't quite matter.

>> No.14355407


>> No.14355413

The Iliad
Crime and Punishment
The Silmarillion
We Have Always Lived in the Castle

>> No.14355419

OP, I would be more than happy to do the chart.

>> No.14355432

Which translation?

>> No.14355434

It's only done that way on the fake chart.

>> No.14355436

One of the many things done right.

>> No.14355446

Fantastic. Just post some way for me to contact you with the data. I'd suggest creating a new gmail/discord/whatever account.

>> No.14355452

Normally the OP posts the spreadsheet here to avoid fraud and fake charts.

>> No.14355453

Tentative motion here - is it worth it to split the Bible up into its various books instead of just voting for the Bible? Some of the books are vastly superior to others from an aesthetic standpoint.

>> No.14355463

Bible is one book and so is Shakespeare. Only pseuds think otherwise.

>> No.14355464

I see, that makes sense. In that case, when should I close voting and post it?

>> No.14355474

The Holy Bible
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Franny and Zooey
Crime and Punishment
Plato Complete Works

>> No.14355476

Just count the votes what's the problem? If someone votes for the Bible then it's a vote for the Bible, if someone votes for the book of Job then it's a vote for the book of Job.

>> No.14355486

I guess it does make sense for classifying purposes but the Bible is not really the same case as Shakespeare seeing as it's a collection of over 60 books by over 35 different authors. I do get how it makes it easier for classification purposes of course but it would be nice to happy have a board vote where we rank the books or something.

>> No.14355494

Give 5 days for voting. And obviously do a daily thread

>> No.14355500 [DELETED] 

That would take a slot which could be used for another great book. Don't be faggots. Shakespeare and Bible are single books.

>> No.14355508 [DELETED] 

Meant >>14355500 for >>14355486 & >>14355476

>> No.14355510

>google forms
>google account necessary
Seriously guys, what is this nonsense?

>> No.14355516

To prevent cheating.

>> No.14355517

>ITT: People voting despite the fact the chart will be exactly the same as it always is. Not because the choices are bad, but because they're the only choices.

>> No.14355524

As Nietzsche said, combining the Old Testament and the New Testament into a single text and calling it "The Book in Itself" is perhaps the greatest sin that literary Europe has on its conscience.

>> No.14355525

That would take a slot which could be used for another great book. Don't be faggots. Shakespeare and Bible are single books.

>> No.14355637
File: 30 KB, 313x341, 63B720DF-F601-4261-95EA-094026A5B681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche also posted nudes online you gay zoomer

>> No.14355640

cope mongrel cuck

>> No.14355642

Neeche's face looks kinda fake.

>> No.14355643

whitoids are pathetic

>> No.14355649

I dont have to cope. We got rid of them in 2018 and we will get rid of them in 2019.

>> No.14355660

nice dick desu

>> No.14355665


>> No.14355683


>> No.14355685


>> No.14355689

chinks are lame

>> No.14355716

To give data to google?
To ensure a less representative survey?

>> No.14355724

Why don't you just go to a public library and make a throwaway account on a computer there?

>> No.14355728

Tbf last year was the first I know of where the vote required an acc.

>> No.14355732 [DELETED] 

Its always been like this newfag

>> No.14355738

Otherwise trolls would push for Harry Potter. Every pre-2018 top 100 is gay.

>> No.14355753

found the triggered whitoid ,which shithole are you from?

>> No.14355756


>> No.14355758

It might be a lot of work, but the owner of the poll could just delete the spam votes.

>> No.14355764

How does one determine what is a spam vote?
Will everyone agree with the choices made?

>> No.14355765

How do you know which votes are real and which are fake? What about multiple votes from a single user?

>> No.14355773

based chinaman conquering whitoid land and making it china 2.0

>> No.14355774

>Voting closes when the thread 404s.
So, less than 24 hours?

>> No.14355795

You wouldn't. Which is why some of the earlier charts may actually have suffered from vote inflation.

>> No.14355801

Theres a chart where Infinite Jest was meme'd into #1 lol

>> No.14355807

>not making a thread to plan everything out first before doing it

>> No.14355821

>The Man Without Qualities
>Don Quixote
>Divine Comedy
>Moby Dick

>> No.14355826

same with plato

>> No.14355837

>no rules
>no instructions
>no categories
>no seriousness
>no forethought or planning
>no quality
As expected

>> No.14355848
File: 200 KB, 720x402, 20191215_151242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least we had some planning last year. Retarded, but there it was.

>> No.14355849

should be restricted to fiction novels desu

>> No.14355870

How's it calculated? My first vote gets 5, second gets 4, third 3 etc. - or is each nomination a single vote?

>> No.14355873

Each nom counts towards the book that it's representing.

>> No.14355875

This. Restrict it to fiction OP. And no religious texts either. Would be the best decision. Would get a lot of garbage meme picks out like Spengler, Plato, and the Bible.

>> No.14355880

The Bible could be read as fiction, though.

>> No.14355884

Growth of the Soil
Anna Karenina
Great Expectations
Tale of Two Cities
A Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.14355920

Every time this has been done it's been an utter disaster and the guy running it has regretted doing so.


>> No.14355922

oh shit here we go

>> No.14355928

it could be, but then you wouldn't experience His divine truths

>> No.14355963
File: 188 KB, 325x1063, 20191215_153032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember this. Good times.

>> No.14355981

the guy that alledgedly did this last year told us that he regretted it, but mainly bc the chart was such a meme, thanks to the R*dditors and underage fags flooding the poll.

As long as these people read the books they votedfor, I don't see a problem. Not being a R*dditor myself, and disliking this subclass of Internet users, I don't mind them giving their opinion

>> No.14355983

I don't get why people want to weed out all the memes and restrict which types of books should be allowed on the list. Shouldn't it be /lit/-flavored? Just let /lit/ vote.

>> No.14355986

top 100 should be all a part of the theory canon

>> No.14355991

Christian gang.

Vote for the Bible and Augustine's Confessions.

>> No.14355999

Thanks for reminding me why I fucking despise gmail. Google maps is literally the only thing google does well, everything else is a dumpster fire. What a shitty company, I wish they'd go bankrupt and get bought out by Bezzy and Gates spitroasting them.

I put Hamlet. It's a play. Deal with it.
>A little more than kin, and less than kind.

>> No.14356001

Yes, because unmitigated interference and sabotage is the best way to get accurate results.

>> No.14356008

There are at least three (3) people on this board who speak moonrune, including myself.

>> No.14356024

whoever votes for these deserves chemical castration and 15 years in a Siberian jail.

>> No.14356030

commie cope, just accept defeat.

>> No.14356034

>no Canterbury tales

>> No.14356042

This is sad to watch. I'm out.

>> No.14356048

Already regretted it, OP?

>> No.14356057

dostofags must be purged

>> No.14356079
File: 71 KB, 300x246, fire temple is real nigga hours.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh bibble
The Avesta is objectively superior to the bibble.

>> No.14356084

>this thread
loving every laugh, desu

>> No.14356086

literally who

>> No.14356110


>> No.14356124

I can’t wait until the seething atheist fags get cocky enough to try and censor religious choices from the list, and admit themselves as the dishonest totalitarians they truly are

>> No.14356145

Deal with not being able to see it until it's all over.

>> No.14356164

I respect that

>> No.14356177
File: 1.58 MB, 1502x2400, zoroaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this uneducated.

>> No.14356184

Imagine being this delusional.

>> No.14356185


>> No.14356191

Based and redpilled OP

>> No.14356215

Peps are pleb here, half of those categories would be empty or memed.

>> No.14356216

>not using a tripcode
Have fun being impersonated

>> No.14356233


>> No.14356240

How's the poll going, OP?

>> No.14356242

Jesus Christ is all I need.

>> No.14356247

>nooo religion bad! not atheism bad!

>> No.14356251

Madam Bovary is winning #1 witth 48 votes, next is Crime and Punishment with 37 votes, then Gravity's Rainbow with 23.

>> No.14356258

wtf, no philosophy on the Top 3?
also, when will the poll 404?

>> No.14356265

>when will the poll 404?
>Voting closes when the thread 404s.

In other words, at this rate, within 12 hours or less.

>> No.14356269

The Republic has 8 votes, Beyond Good and Evil has 3. No other philo books.

>> No.14356271

What did you guys pick? My picks:
>The Bible

>> No.14356280

>All of that Japanese lit
Why is 2017 the best top 100

>> No.14356285

ok, I thought there would be bc of how massively philo-tier this board is becoming.
>Gravity's Rainbow #3
I can tell this is still a meme board, on the other hand.

>> No.14356294
File: 22 KB, 537x571, C2C746B4-4271-4B67-8091-1A71A4F14235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14356296

Based Tanizaki poster. How do you feel about Sasameyuki/The Makioka Sisters?

>> No.14356297

wow man me 2 i love those books gosh i really thhink thats cool that you also are a fan of epic fantasy like eragon. im also a christian two. lets chat. ur cool

>> No.14356298

>not liking GR and dismissing it as a "meme"
okay plebbitor

>> No.14356303
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Tao Lin

>> No.14356307

Is Guénon qualifying yet?

>> No.14356319

tbk getting first place this year boys!

>> No.14356327


>> No.14356330

Seethe more lmao

>> No.14356333

The Brothers Karamazov, pleb.

>> No.14356335
File: 1.29 MB, 525x939, Sepulchrave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck sake. I forgot to vote for the Gormenghast Trilogy. Is there any possible way I can revote?

>> No.14356338

You should account for brigading since TBK and any dosto really is just crypto christcuck shit

>> No.14356343

Haha just kidding. I looked up L. Ron Hubbard bibliography and just copy pasted what I saw there. I don't even know the titles. Have fun with your fantasy books, loser. I'm going to space.

>> No.14356346

Nope, it's currently Madam Bovary and will stay now that the polls are unrigged and unskewed thanks to Google, an Alphabet company.

>> No.14356352

SEETHE MORE gaythiest

>> No.14356355

Only if OP turns on being able to edit your choices.

>> No.14356364

It is.

>> No.14356365 [DELETED] 

I was shitposting and impersinating OP. I have no idea how the poll is going lol

>> No.14356368

Enjoy your nihilism.

>> No.14356369

wait another year, fag

nobody calls them that, tripfag

>> No.14356375 [DELETED] 

I know, I was hoping they would believe your post was real.

>> No.14356377


Educate yourself, pleb.

>> No.14356380
File: 12 KB, 250x250, gudn8frenspepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the current Top Ten? Come on OP. Gimme some good news before I head to bed.

>> No.14356383


>> No.14356386

I actually can’t really get into him for this. I remember literally pacing around the room whispering “yes!” During Ivan’s speech only to have the author try and refute it and give Ivan a miserable fate. I was eyerolling half the book, demons I just had to put down a quarter in

>> No.14356387

I'm so glad that words don't have any meaning any longer.
Banana walrus purple two yam xylophone

>> No.14356388

C&P is better

>> No.14356390
File: 15 KB, 644x800, 0EED32B2-661F-45E4-8344-B61D6F997FE6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14356400

>Madam Bovary is winning #1

>> No.14356401

Lmao no, the main character converts to his stupid religion at the end. Just transparent, his books are wish fulfilment

>> No.14356406

I love you. I'm seriously sick of the buzzword culture here. Based tripfag nigger yikes pleb christpilled bluepilled redpilled all manner of fucking pilled. It's all juvenile shit. There's loads more I can't even remember.

>> No.14356411

okay boomer

>> No.14356415

>goes on textbook stock rant about words losing meaning
>tells a 4chan poster he loves them

>> No.14356425


>> No.14356427

Oh, no. But it's no exaggeration. I love that poster with all my heart. My soul years for him.

>> No.14356430

christianity is a kiked up abortion of a cult, an abomination of hacked together snippings of garbage from every asshole in the religious realm at the time. pinch of kikes, pinch of pagans, pinch of american-ized nu-test(less)ament, sprinkling of the worst period of european historical values and theories. a weak bastard child cvckhold-fetishist's anthem, a mcdonalds version of a theology, the walmart knockoff of monotheism. a regurgitation of a rewrite of hearsay of previous generations of regurgitation, all rolled into one kid's version of a bedtime story that some King Pope personally censored and dipped his own cock into. It's an amalgamation of all the gimmicky mythos of yesteryear, made to appeal to everyone like uniting them under the great golden McArches for the sake of selling them dollar burgers that are mostly sawdust and cow assholes. That's what xtianity is.

and don't even call me a jew because judaism is even lower, an entire theological people whose purpose in life is to try and find the legal loopholes in their own religion and calling that deception "piety."

>> No.14356433

No one has used a tripcode in this thread.

>> No.14356434

it's cause it's not him

>> No.14356441

the classic blustering pseud rant

>> No.14356444

Are we having fun yet?

>> No.14356447

have sex

>> No.14356451


>> No.14356456

>He doesn't realise this shithole of a board is full of 17 year old alt right Christlarpers

>> No.14356463

Tripfag means to have a tripcode (like butthurtfly), not having trips (333, 444, etx). Get with the times, faggot.

>> No.14356466

>Wish fulfilment
>writes 600 page book about severe paranoia and being sent to a labour camp

>> No.14356468
File: 101 KB, 420x698, murasaki_shikibu_writing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any chance a woman of color will make it into the list this year?

>> No.14356473

>anyone who disagrees with my view is a larper

>> No.14356479

Leave then and go vote in r/books top 100 fag
Accept people with different views and tastes, it’s literally fucking 4chan, if you seriously cannot handle open discussion and expression from all corners and all beliefs on here find a hugbox for pseuds

>> No.14356480

All women have a color. There aren't transparent bitches around (yet).

>> No.14356490

White is a perfectly fine color anon

>> No.14356493

>he doesn't realise that being a 17 year old edgy Peterson cult worshipper is a new thing. This isn't the norm. It's a fad.

>> No.14356494

Exactly, it's 4chan. It's whatever the majority of posts make it be. So, don't try to push only what you want it to be.

>> No.14356498

this, OP, mind delivering, please?

>> No.14356499
File: 2.68 MB, 1820x4348, 2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the fake chart. Pic related is the real one.

>> No.14356501

>The Metamorphoses by Ovid isn't even on there

Evidently everyone on this board reads only reddit meme books.

>> No.14356504

>not realizing that /pol/ is in full control of everything now
Keep up with times or leave.

>> No.14356507

literally all of them came here from /pol/, and all of those came to /pol/ from r/thedonald.
stay angry. there is no valid defense of such a garbage theology as xtianity. all 3 abrahamics are pants on head retarded.

>> No.14356510

>Reddit meme books
>Ovid... Metamorphoses
You do realise that Reddit is the place that reads Harry Potter and The Martian, yeah?

>> No.14356514

les chants de maldoror

>> No.14356515

Why do asians pretend to be a minority needing protection when 3/4 of the world population is asian?

Whites are something like 8% of the global population. Whites are literally the minority.

>> No.14356519

Yet another strawman. Those people exist but they aren’t anywhere near the numbers you think. You don’t like religion, so you mentally lump all religious people in with this minority to justify your prejudice and desire to silence people

>> No.14356525

When did I do that?
/pol/ has a limited presence here, it’s nowhere near as bad as other boards, and even then most of them are dumb enough to defeat

>> No.14356528

I'm not disputing that. I know they came from /pol/. That's my point.

>> No.14356531

>of color
>pale as a ghost

>> No.14356540

Because different countries exist?
That's like saying racism doesn't exist because there's a majority country for every ethnicity.

>> No.14356551

>Accept people with different views and tastes
If the majority doesn't, then that's how it goes. This is your personal preference.

> if you seriously cannot handle open discussion and expression from all corners and all beliefs on here find a hugbox for pseuds
Might makes right.

>> No.14356557

white is a color too

>> No.14356560

don't feed the trolls, nigga

>> No.14356564

You are on an intellectually destructive trajectory. The second you start creating infantile fantasies to fit all your opponents into is the second you stop being able to really defend your own beliefs. Jordan Peterson is a fucking charlatan and hardly a philosopher, and further than that he’s an atheist. The “Christians” in it for tradition are not Christians at all, and are not actually religious. It’s funny that you target the religious here yet name a “philosopher” who is not actually Christian and does not believe in God, same with the /pol/ faggots. I guarantee I have been posting here longer than you, and have read and studied a huge variety of books in my life, so I have a right to be here and am more “qualified” than most in saying that anyone should be allowed to post, no matter how ignorant they are. For every Christian faker from /pol/ is some equally retarded teenage Nietzsche spouter going on about racial IQ. You can’t have it both ways, accept it or leave, and stop lumping in people you don’t like into one unidentifiable mass

>> No.14356565

>230 posts
>64 posts
It's just a few people arguging with each other.

>> No.14356566

Is OP around anymore? How's the poll going?

>> No.14356569

>w=w=ww==w=w=what about my wimminz of color, us asians?!?!?!?
>it's not like we're massively overbred and have 10 entire countries solely to ourselves, where we are extremely xenophobic to whittu piggu
>all white countries and only white countries need to embrace diversity, and by diversity we mean constantly put down and erase native literary works and cvck themselves to the NEW westerners
If chinese americans ever tired of coming here by the literal boatload to be oppressed, they can simply go back to their own country, which is 3x more populous than america and is 100% chinese ethnicity. *shrug* just go back. why are you running over here to come be oppressed. I don't see chinese literary establishments having fair representation of european-white authors and constantly pushing to include writers of more diversity.

>> No.14356575

That's what we're both doing, yes.

>> No.14356578

lolololololololololol screenshotted

>> No.14356579


>> No.14356582

Eat a dick. I read more books than 90% of /lit/ and none (NONE) of those are /sffg/. What makes you think you're more qualified than I?

I have read both the Avesta AND the bibble. You haven't.

>> No.14356584


>> No.14356591

You're in the wrong thread.

>> No.14356594

I have read the bible, the Hindu triple canon, countless works of theology. I’ve read plenty of atheist theory and philosophy as well. All I’m saying is that anyone can post, trying to control it is futile and pathetic, it’s basically cowardice

>> No.14356599
File: 188 KB, 840x838, F9D24CA8-4575-41CC-97D1-37208AE8170C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14356604

phoneposting gone wrong

>> No.14356608

I refuse to believe all of you read Ulysses, that shit is just unreadable

>> No.14356611

based tbk voter

>> No.14356612

I hope OP changes his mind and makes another thread after this one.

>> No.14356618

Isn’t there some book you can read alongside to understand it? I imagine it’s a big undertaking

>> No.14356620

why lit is so awake

>> No.14356638

It's not that complicated you faggots

>> No.14356643

There probably is but I still refuse to believe you all read that shit no matter how much outside help you got

>> No.14356653

Eurofag here. My fellow continent people are going to sleep now. It's time for you, Amerifags, to keep the thread up and make sure at least a decent amount of people get to know it and vote.

After 300 replies, create a new thread, please.

Good night.

>> No.14356654

As it should be, unironically. Feel free to talk about it once you've actually read it and understood it.

>> No.14356655

It’s like the baptism of becoming patrician. I’m sure few here actually have but we should all aspire to

>> No.14356656

Sure, it isn't, if you have no standards.

>> No.14356660

Bump limit is 310 replies, not 300

>> No.14356663

I fully expect this to resemble nothing like the past ones now that this is 4channel™.

>> No.14356672

Since christcucks are intent on ruining this list with their bible, I am creating a discord to get Dawkins to number one

>> No.14356676

Nietzsche was a feminist.

>> No.14356681

I bought that book because of /lit/'s shilling
Opened some of the middle pages and noticed it was indiscernible garbage, some seemed to be written in latin or something. It's just shitposting in bookform. There is no reason to believe this is a good book other than sheer irrational elitism.

>> No.14356682

If moot's book isn't #1, you should all be ashamed.

>> No.14356687

>sheer irrational elitism.
What other possible basis could be used?

>> No.14356690

Yes but if you finish it then you can say you read it

>> No.14356692

This guys a fake
Looks the top 3 atm is BK, The Bible, and Infinite Jest
I've decided to do 5 days of voting due to the number of people who complained
You get the top 3
Seems fine, tho this thread is a shithole

Ok, I'll be here for another hour so give me questions/feedback/complaints now

>> No.14356699

OP should take this into account.

>> No.14356700

Remove the bible from the list

>> No.14356706

The Bible and Shakespeare are the cornerstone of Western literature
All ideas of a fedora tipping neckbeard like you spring from the Bible too. Even if you never read it, cultural osmosis is a bitch.
You are a living embodiment of the Bible. Just like all westerns. Nothing you do will ever change this. Now cry yourself to sleep.

>> No.14356707
File: 312 KB, 1365x1960, an actual lit poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we make sure this dude doesn't vote

>> No.14356708

No way for you to prove that this is real.

>> No.14356709

if i vote for the same book 5 times will it count as 5 votes?

>> No.14356710

Nah, it deserves to be there.

>> No.14356719

You should learn a thing or two: >>14355963

>> No.14356720

Not only that, but every time you repeat it counts as well! Hence, if you put book book book book book, it counts every time! One dedicated person can control it all!

>> No.14356726

Very well. As stated a discord is being made so if you are so intent on your agenda, or appeasing the agenda of others, this list will be frustrated and brought down. We will not bow down to adolescencent idiots. We simply won’t be represented by them

>> No.14356732
File: 75 KB, 960x727, 1554110920319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no please don't include Dawkins in the top 100 list, that'd be the official end of Christianity forever

>> No.14356737

holy shit he looks exactly like me, down to the same glasses

>> No.14356741

The Bible has always been present in the charts. It can be read as fiction, too.

>> No.14356748

I'll give a more clear outline of the rules in the next thread. It seems like there's only a couple things that need to be cleared up, and the poll is going fine.
Does it really matter?

>> No.14356750

Non-fiction won't be included in the chart, so you better start digging for that secret Dawkins novel.

>> No.14356764

5 days would give more time than enough for discord trannies and R*dditors to organize and raid the poll. 1 or 2 days is more than enough.

>> No.14356765

What happens if I vote for Shakespeare's Complete Works, then, OP?

>> No.14356774

>Does it really matter?
Not really, since actions are what matter.

>> No.14356778

Non-fiction will be included in the chart
You're in the minority and I can't see why either reddit or discord would give a fuck about this
Your vote won't be counted

>> No.14356785

>Your vote won't be counted
Who are you to decide what ought to be counted or not? There's no point in doing this if you are going to determine all of the results yourself.

>> No.14356797

Yeah, reddit doesn't really read anything published before 1900. Sherlock Holmes perhaps, but not much else.

>> No.14356802

>Non-fiction will be included in the chart
>Your vote won't be counted
Okay, I'm out. You can do whatever FRAUDULENT chart that you want but it won't represent /lit/.

>> No.14356810

a. That's how it's been done every year

b. This exact issue has been discussed extensively in this thread already and it's clear that most people want anthologies not to be counted

c. It makes no sense, an anthology is not a singular book.

>> No.14356819

It's not an anthology. That's how the works were first published. The Complete Works of Shakespeare is literally a book.

>> No.14356820

Thanks for doing this OP. God knows this place is a mess, but you're putting in some real effort which is encouraging.

>> No.14356823

What effort? lol there's zero planning behind this shit

>> No.14356828

>real effort
Yeah, no.

>> No.14356829

don't presume i like dawkins just because i dislike the bibble

>> No.14356833

Non-fiction has been included every year
Thank you. I'm never doing this again.

>> No.14356834

don't assume i care

>> No.14356840

It's a mess because you're doing such a bad job. Everyone hopes you don't do it again and really you should just cancel it right now and have someone more competent do it.

>> No.14356854

Every year it's shown that 100 is too many because the bottom ones have so few votes.
What it actually should be is Top 25 of 4 categories.
Literary Fiction, Genre Fiction, Non-Fiction, and Philosophy.

>> No.14356861

>Non-fiction has been included every year
Only philosphy, though.

>> No.14356877

The format and rules will be the same they've always been. We're not fixing what's not broken.

>> No.14356882

It is broken.

>> No.14356888

The Shakespeare thing is broken. If his work is atomised then we should also be able to vote for different parts of the Bible

>> No.14356896

The bible has always been considered as one book. “Shakespeare” has never been known as a book, and don’t bring up the first folio because it didn’t contain his sonnets etc

>> No.14356908

"The Complete Works of William Shakespeare" is definitely a book.

>> No.14356913

I actually haven't seen any non-fiction non philosophy works so I doubt it'll be an issue anyway.

New thread will be made around 4pm EST tomorrow.

>> No.14356914

The format and rules will be as I have them be. I don't have any interest in doing otherwise.


>> No.14356920

Why wouldn't you just make a new one in a few hours when this one is archived?

>> No.14356926

Nobody is arguing for the sonnets. The First Folio contained all his plays in a single book. You're retarded.

>> No.14356931

or really, even in a few minutes when this one hits the bump limit?

>> No.14356937

If that's what you guys want

>> No.14356946

What we want is for you to STOP! CEASE & DESIST!

>> No.14356952

Suck my dick, retard.

>> No.14356985

>philosophags are /sffg/ genrefiction plebs
who'da thunkit.

>> No.14357044

New thread
Don't shit this one up so much.