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14353343 No.14353343 [Reply] [Original]

Has a book ever made you cry ?

>> No.14353351

Yes, when I got a paper-cut.

>> No.14353364

Johnyn Got His Gun and Lolita

>> No.14353379

Yes, I cry when i write my diary desu

>> No.14353383

lol if a book doesn't make you cry, were you even invested in it?

>> No.14353398

That's what I'm tryna get at, i wanna lnow if i am just not invested enough or if literature as a medium is incapable of inciting strong emotions.

>> No.14353410

Charlotte's Web.

>> No.14353432

many a time, but more often from expressions of beauty than from scenes meant to be tragic.

>> No.14353437

Matthew 5-7

>> No.14353518

I remember my mom cried when we watched the animated film together.

>> No.14353523

my mom is schizo cunt.
just wanted to let you know

>> No.14353525

I didn't ask.

>> No.14353528

shes prolly gonna scream her lungs out again sometime during the day

just wanted to let u know

>> No.14354313

The bible.

I teared up reading Finnegans Wake, but I don't really consider that crying.

>> No.14354360


>> No.14354500

>Finnegans Wake
Which part?

>> No.14354513

book of disquiet made me tear up while reading it in a mental hospital

>> No.14354515

infinite jest and metamorphosis and my diary tBh

>> No.14354516

The Lord of the Rings, the Silmarillion, Brothers Karamazov, several times throughout each. Don't remember any others.

>> No.14354533

Not that I can recall.
But knowing me, I'd be surpised if one hasn't.

>> No.14354598

i got a little misty towards the end of kokoro

>> No.14354607

The Bible on several occasions

>> No.14354752

Finished The Tartar Steppe by Dino Buzzati a couple of days ago, and while I didn't cry, it certainly was a gut punchh. Very relatable.

>> No.14354761
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I teared up when Levin and Kitty's baby was born in Anna Karenina.

>> No.14354826

Reading On the Heights of Despair after being discharged from a psych ward during the worst period of my life when I was 15. Now I'm 20 and wageslaving so I can buy a gun and off myself.

>> No.14354858

poe's book about the cat
I cried when I read about the guy killing his cat

>> No.14354859
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same here bro, right in the feels every time

>> No.14354867

Idiot made me shed a few tears. Poor Myshkin.

>> No.14354871

Clannad made me cry
that's anime but it's sort of the same thing, right?

>> No.14354877

almost all the books i've read in the last few years made me tear up, so i have to assume if a book doesn't then it's a shit book

>crime and punishment
>new testament
>the metamorphosis
>the sickness unto death
>ward number 6
>death of ivan ilych
for reference

>> No.14354879

Why are people talking about animes and movies.

>> No.14354881

i cried when dobby died :(

>> No.14354891

Which parts of the Bible?

>> No.14354901

Can’t remember the name. Read in late elementary. It was set in rural American some time in the late 1800’s I think. It’s about a boy who manages to work hard enough to collect enough money to buy 2 hunting hound pups. It was very touching and real. I wish I could remember the name.

>> No.14354908

Usually the prophets, psalms, and gospels. Jeremiah in particular.

>> No.14354937

im not even sure what i read that made me feel that way, thinking back on the plots its rather tragic but nothing to make me really emotional, it must have been some specific piece of prose that got me right in the heart

>> No.14354980

fuck off to reddit roastie

>> No.14354983

based but bluepilled

>> No.14355059


>> No.14355067

Anime is the only medium that has ever gotten me to cry.

>> No.14355073

and which one(s) was that?

>> No.14355090

"Powerful" climactic scenes just make me tear up. The way things are edited, with the music and the passionate voices, they just tug at my heart strings.

>> No.14355106

The Elementary Particles epilogue

>> No.14355109

give me an example so i can make fun of you

>> No.14355116

>death of ivan ilych
I felt that. I love how we follow the same path as the character. Being snide, mocking everyone and then empathy.

>> No.14355120

The end of the Three Musketeers trilogy. Eventually, they all die. Not an easy read.

>> No.14355125

the ending to Ano Hana
Gohan killing Cell
tons of DBZ scenes actually
the ending to 5 cm/s
boku no hero academia when izuku saves that one geek in the forest
the ending to YuYuYu yuusha no shou

>> No.14355129

L'assomoir when the alcholic father kills his daughter because she was defending her infant brother from him

>> No.14355134

Not him but during the descriptions of depression

>> No.14355143

Not crying but the ending to 1984 had me melancholy.

>> No.14355149

You have trash taste

>> No.14355156

crying to anime is fine but you have awful taste

>> No.14355168

he was a literal nigger

>> No.14355176

where the red fern grows. remember a lot of people cried for that

>> No.14355190

I'm genuinely jealous of people who can cry at media. I'm broken and haven't cried in a decade now, I just want to cry a little at the end of Lord of the Rings bros...

>> No.14355207
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I'm such a fag.

>> No.14355214

but that was happy ending

>> No.14355220

The former.

>> No.14355223

no, what am i a little girl? only girls cry.

>> No.14355225


Anime represents a totally new order of simulacra, the Platonic shadow-play. notice how the features of the vast majority of anime characters are totally interchangeable. even the most iconic characters suffer from this, but although to a lesser extent. all features become swappable for another, the eyes, the nose, the hair, the mouth, they achieve the autonomy of the Cheshire grin, insurgent partial objects. are we being too abstract? notice how it only takes some anime eyes with long eyelashes and a mouth to feminize even an inanimate object. medieval anime, then, refers to a very interesting and disturbing phenomenon: just as it would be incredible to imagine a Victorian dinner party playing modern electronic music, so does it seem equally absurd to imagine medieval peasants hitting on the captivating design aesthetic of anime far, far away from the high-glamour of Kali Yuga technology. but that is in fact what happened in some very rare cases: men with an uncommon discernment peering into the ahrimanic Utter Door of the 21st c. they saw that infernal entities would bootstrap themselves into the corporeal through cartoons. they understood the sheer intoxicating power of the mind to attribute life and personality to lines and colors arranged in a human-like form, just as the archons do.

>> No.14355226

i know i said i was gonna make fun of you but damn anon

>> No.14355231

fucking niggers think they're brave for mooching off white people. put them all in gas chambers and see how brave they are then

>> No.14355232
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tl dr

>> No.14355243
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>> No.14355250

Jesus being magnanimous in general, because he is literally pure good and righteousness and having not seen a lot of it in my life I find it beautiful. The scene in the garden too and maybe 13 Corinthians.

>> No.14355260

Have you tried Anime ?

>> No.14355265
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You're not wrong but I like le funey cartoons. I don't get entranced with waifus or anime tiddies, I just like anime humour and the non-normalfag mentality represented in it.
based asobi asobased poster

>> No.14355270

Twice. Stoner and The Road.

>> No.14355271

Me too , but it mostly happens when i watch One Piece , everything is just so epic.
Your name made my eyes water , with bittersweet happiness at the end

>> No.14355281

Yeah that was beautiful.

>> No.14355302

Do you think he had a chance to heal at that moment when he started to act differently?

>> No.14355305

>Notice how you can swap looks...
That's only if you watch bottom of the barrel stuff, the best shows always have iconic character design, to the point where you can recognize a lot of these characters simply by thier silhouettes.
>Jist add eyes to anything
If you add real human eyes and mouths to anything that's enough anthropomorphize it , this says more about humans than it does anime.

>> No.14355351

I have no idea what that last paragraph is supposed to say

>> No.14355372

He couldn't act much more by then, but his outlook changed for the best. How much does it "count", that depends on your/his faith.

>> No.14355379

Ask /x/.

>> No.14355511
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Anime girls are merely abstract projections of the anima, wrought into being with the toil of animation. A lot of the values and sentiments expressed in anime are very human and spoken by outsiders, people on the fringes of the hedonistic demiurgic machine society. It's a clinging still to that hedonism in some ways but even its more degenerate and perverted parts are more innocent in a way, definitely better than what you see in western media. A preference for the abstract forms of anime over the material world could transform into a preference for the spiritual; first you have to become aware of your soul before you understand that giving in to its desires is bad, even in a perfect and and pure aesthetic dream romance like only anime can portray. An incestuously dreamed up simulacrum that has no relation to reality and could never be; its purest and most well-realized expression is shown in Oreimo—truly the greatest love story ever told.

>> No.14355526
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me on the left here

>> No.14355545
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This got me in the feels repeatedly.

>> No.14355580

yeah a book about a turkish football chick who got a muscle disease and couldn't sport anymore.

>> No.14355595
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so profound

>> No.14355645


My man, you are a fucking bitch. Go check your T levels, seriously.
Out of all those books, death of ivan is probably the only one you might be forgiven for shedding a tear.

>> No.14355675

Not that guy but... The absolute fucking state of the modern age. Imagine being so full of evil resentment that you need to hate on someone for being emotional.

>> No.14355691

Weak effeminate men is the reason that western civilization is circling the drain

>> No.14355692

What this anon>>14355675
says is right , you are imposing toxic masculinity standards

>> No.14355695

War & Peace, when Princess Mary is at Prince Bolkonsky's deathbed

>> No.14355707

No. That's just wrong. You can be emotional receptive to good literature and still be anti-SJW. I'm quite emotional, I like to think, but I want nothing to do with pink-haired effeminate boys who cry over their white guilt. You know the sort. I can guarantee you the Greeks cried.

>> No.14355840

50 shades of grey because I have totally wasted my time. Not only it is a bad book, it is a bad bdsm erotica fiction as well. Didnt even cum

>> No.14355973

Mostly when I was a kid.
>Taste of Blackberries
>Bridge to Terabithia
oh god oh fuck

>> No.14356041

Most of Thomas Hardy's books have got me there. Big cry at the end of Tess of the d'Urbervilles

>> No.14356043

Karamasov made me cry too. Notes from the Underground made me cringe in the best way possible, in an intentional way I have never felt before.

>> No.14356044

You really impressed me my dude, your cynicism showed me not to enjoy genuine emotion.

>> No.14356052

I cried like a baby multiple times reading Stoner. Laughed so hard I teared up reading Don Quixote.

>> No.14356090

Their masculinity is only a mask against their own humanity. They simply follow the push-pulls of culture and counter-culture. I can't blame them. They likely grew up with incompetent teachers feeding them pseudo open-minded platitudes and they grew tired of it. Sadly, many people overshoot when it comes to ideologically balancing themselves.

>> No.14356127

Brothers K made me cry the most out of those three, I cried for a good 10-15 minutes at the ending scene with Alyosha and the children. Haven't read Notes yet

>> No.14356196

I should say, it wasn't out of sadness but of elation, enrapturement with Alyosha's speech. Probably the single greatest experience I've had with literature if I think about it, nothing else made me cry of joy like that.

>> No.14356593

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban made me bawl my eyes out. No literature has ever moved me like Rowling's world of wizardry has.

>> No.14356619

won't spoil it but everything about Dosto's TBK's second epilogue crumples my soul into a paper ball and throws it in the trash

>> No.14356623

any reason you're getting this mad?

>> No.14356630
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Cheating but fucking berserk has so many devastating scenes, especially stuff like pic related.
Pure book wise, probably the bit in atomised where the 50 year old guy finally finds love but she dies a few months later, hit me hard when their lying on the bed together.

>> No.14356688


>> No.14356727

The birds of the air

>> No.14356733

I cry when I reread the ending.

>> No.14356753

The Brothers Karamazov
A Living Relic - Turgenev short story
Anna Karenina
War and Peace
Nachts schlafen die Ratten doch - Wolfgang Borchert short story
Brideshead Revisited
The Sword of Honor
The Elementary Particles

>> No.14356754

>anyone who would cry at a book has to be a retarded harry potter fan
you're a vile emotionless husk

>> No.14356759

kitchen by banana yoshimoto, made me cry twice in less than 70 pages

>> No.14356903

Notes from the Underground

>> No.14357110

what in serotonin? worth the read?

>> No.14357137

When I was reading the beginning of Augustine's Confessions I was awestruck by his passionate exaltation of God and simultaneously saddened by how I've yet to feel even a fraction of that love towards anything in my own life.

>> No.14357145
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This is the first one that did, when I was twelve. Most recently I shed some tears at the end of Lolita.
Cried as well when Hedwig died.

>> No.14357152

Well yeah, if you're talking about shit like BNHA or Naruto.
But stuff like Evangelion, or Cowboy Bebop, that has some rhetorical value.
You can say the same of any mode of storytelling, that some of it's repetitive crap and some of it's groundbreaking literature. As long as you don't solely stick with one or the other, you're fine.
If you solely stick with repetitive crap, you're gonna be a normie-tier NEET. If you solely stick with groundbreaking literature, you're gonna be a stuck-up douche who posts too much on /lit/. Plus, when one of your groundbreakers subverts tropes and reinvents concepts, you're not gonna get it, and the breadth of your viable canon will ever continue to shrink.

>> No.14357156

thanks for mentioning this. I may get it after reading up on it.

>> No.14357188

If you read Sorrows of young Werther and didn't cry or at least come close to tears then you have no soul

>> No.14357292

The Stranger by Albert Camus

>> No.14357325

"He was a gallant gentlemen"

>> No.14357331
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Johnny Got His Gun was very depressing.
The main character is, practically, in hell. Forced to relive memories due to his fleeting imagination because it's the only thing he has.
>The memory of his Dad dying
>The memory of his young love crying because he had to go to war
>That feel when the sweet nurse cares for you but you can't let her know you're aware of her existence

>> No.14357345

just the ending, nothing really to do with the plot. I thought it was worthwhile if you enjoy Houellebecq. In some ways it's more experimental than the other books of his I've read. It kind of feels like nothing really happens. But part of the point of the book, I think, is to simulate life on SSRIs, where life is reduced to a dry, mechanized routine, with no highs or lows.

>> No.14357375

Redwall made me cry when I read it as a kid, when Father Abbot gets wrecked.

Lonesome Dove, when Gus dies. Hands down the saddest character death in any piece of media.
Les Miserables, when Fantine is taking Val Jean to Heaven. Also I teared up near the beginning during his conversion after stealing from the Bishop.
Mandate of Heaven, a nonfiction book that reconstructs the history of the Tiananmen Square protests, made me very emotional when I read about the actual crackdown on the night of June 4th/5th. People going from believing the army wouldn't fire at them to being run over, shot and burned alive in a matter of hours.
And this last one is a manga, but I'm reading Beastars rn and I was unexpectedly shook by the MC's decision to leave school.

>> No.14358140

I cried at the end of Les Miserables.

>> No.14358599

>tfw physically incapable of crying since age 9 after my parents died

>> No.14358638

fuckin based

>> No.14358642

even more fuckin based

>> No.14358652

Infinite Jest most recently, not full on crying though
Crime & Punishment got me pretty close when Sonya read about Lazarus

King Lear? More like King Tear.

>> No.14358691

last 200 pages, when the narrative comes back to hal, were close to home

>> No.14359887

Only once. "Liebe ist nur ein Wort" by Johannes Mario Simmel. It is tragic story about a young man who commits suicide. It is more like a thriller than a love story. The title is a little bit misleading.

>> No.14360435

>King Lear? More like King Tear.

Seeing it or reading it?

>> No.14360465

Seeing it in my mind's eye

>> No.14361347

We didn't ask.

>> No.14361463

Chapter X in that book is what got me, when he starts to think about what it means to die for his country, and thinks about a boy out there somewhere, bleeding out in a shell hole calling out for his mother. I honestly had to put it down at that point

>> No.14361644
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When he went into detail describing the mutual love with his financially successful step father(during the depression) and being torn away by his pimp woo'd mother I had to cry. A loving father is something I couldn't bear being torn away from again.

>> No.14362196

The passage in War and Peace where Prince Andrei's wife dies after giving birth. Also two Dutch poems.

>> No.14362278

"The Dead" in Dubliners was a wild ride. Highly recommend.

>> No.14362303

I was like twelwe and reading "The Tripods", and cried when the main character had to kill his alien master who was so nice to him :(

>> No.14362407

the plague by camus
the part where Jean Tarrou reveals his past to the doctor then the two of them go swimming in the sea

>> No.14362413

I can't read

>> No.14362457

Desdemona talking about love with her servant and the conversation Marmeladov had with Raskolnikov when they first met are the closest I've come to crying. Had a difficult time with composing myself over how struck I was by those two distinct parts.

>> No.14362464

King Lear didn't made me cry, but it made me absolutely bitter. Definitely his most powerful play.

>> No.14362525

Stoner had be sobbing by the end.

>> No.14362531

Honestly, only Notes from Underground made me almost cry.

>> No.14362601

flowers for algernon

>> No.14362743

Based. Made me cry in middle school.

>> No.14362791

meditations, tristes tropiques, the republic, sun also rises and many more I cant think of right now.

>> No.14362803

this. Also the character who constantly got berated and started crawling on all fours like a dog.

>> No.14362823

>The 'Piper at the Gates of Dawn' chapter of "The Wind in the Willows'
.>Wilde's "the Selfish Giant'
>The ending of 'the Screwtape Letters' when Screwtape describes salvation: “All the delights of sense, or heart, or intellect, with which you could once have tempted him, even the delights of virtue itself, now seem to him in comparison but as the half nauseous attractions of a raddled harlot would seem to a man who hears that his true beloved whom he has loved all his life and whom he had believed to be dead is alive and even now at his door.”

>> No.14362833

Last few pages of Cloud Atlas, the first time I read it. Bittersweet but hopeful stuff. Mitchell is the great living popular author of our time imo (e.g. Dickens).

>> No.14363129

I cry in every single one of them

>> No.14363150
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>> No.14363166

i burst into tears after reading the first few pages of The Waves by Virginia Woolf

>> No.14363181
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Closest I got to actually shedding a tear, and I did feel that strange physical pressure aroun the face, was the final few chapters of Thomas Mann's Buddenbrooks, focusing on little Johann, or 'Hanno'. Rarely have I felt as much for, or perhaps with, a literary character the way I did with that boy, and I'm not the sort to reader who seeks out nothing but self identification.

>> No.14363241

The Bible, also Kierkegaard. “I tell you, God makes something out of nothing- this is amazing. But I tell you, He does something more amazing still- out of sinners He makes Saints.”

>> No.14363251

That was my favourite bit of the whole novel.

>ywn have a buddy like Jean Tarrou
Not a good feel.

>> No.14363574

same, beautiful moment.

>> No.14363975
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>> No.14364038

if you can't cry youre a little retarded in the amygdala. not gonna lie

>> No.14364151

I've teared up in a few books, but John Williams is the only author to get me twice. Stoner and Augustus.

>> No.14364169

God, I felt so bad for Rieux. The man put his whole self into the plague only to be hit with the one-two right at the end. Atleast he still had his mom

>> No.14364233

I cried at the end of apology
>my time here is up. You go to live, and I go to die. Which one of us gets the better of the two is known to no one except to god
So sad desu. I crie like baby.

>> No.14364270
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The lady of the camellias was pretty sad, but didn't make me cry. Like others in this thread, only thing that made me cry was anime. Namely Hunter x Hunter

>> No.14364308

The gospels in general are the most beautiful thing ever written. Christ's miracles are always intense emotionally. The part of The Grand Inquisitor where Christ is performing miracles has the same effect. The effect comes from understanding how it all fits in, that God came in the flesh to save mankind. When the messenger comes to Jairus, who has come to Christ to ask him to heal his daughter, who is sick, and the messenger tells him "Your daughter has died, do not trouble the rabbi." One can imagine Jairus' grief in that moment, how utterly crushed he must have been, for this was not merely a baby that he had had, but a daughter whom he had bonded with for years. And Christ says to him "do not be afraid, only believe." And Jairus apologizes for having troubled him, for the girl is dead. Christ says that she is merely asleep. The servants chastise him for mocking Jairus' grief, but Christ says "Little girl, I say to you: wake up!", and she stands up and walks. One imagines not only the gratitude by the awe. One wonders if then Jairus realized that it was no mere rabbi, but the master of life and death.

>> No.14364315

Yes, but i can't remember

>> No.14364415

The Ilyusha parts of The Brothers Karamazov, especially the funeral.

>> No.14364428

Cormac McCarthy's "The Road"

I sobbed miserably after finishing it. It made me think of my dad and all he does to help me despite his shortcomings.

>> No.14364443

When I read one of the Gospels detailing Jesus life and death, I was sobbing by the chapter of his execution. Jesus was the purest, most innocent soul. Yet also he was the bravest.

He was surrounded by vile snakes of men who constantly plotted his death for...healing the blind and lame.

>> No.14364446

Don't do it Anon. Churches have free counseling, just walk in and ask for an elder.

Life is not a meaningless void. Christ gave me hope and a will to live. He can do the same for you.

>> No.14364448

Then why say anything you fucking dumb cunt

>> No.14364455


>> No.14364621

shut the fuck up lil nigga
pussyass 14 year old, go watch your looney toons, cunt

>> No.14364624

the only a piece of media that's ever made me cry was The Snowman.
I think there's something wrong with me lol

>> No.14364648

Same thing happened to me when I read it. Too relatable and really made me rethink my priorities.

>> No.14364721

Keats's poetry and Moby Dick, but not because they were sad, but because they were so overpoweringly beautiful.

>> No.14364726

I am much better than Jesus. My soul is even purer and more innocent.

>> No.14364749
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>did she really want to be present at the great ceremonial high office when Zupfner was made a Knight of Malta, surrounded by chancellors and presidents, and at home with her own hands iron out the drops of wax in his robes? A matter of taste, Marie, but not your taste. It is better to put your trust in an unbelieving clown, who wakes you early enough for you to get to Mass on time, who will even pay for a taxi for you to go to church. You’ll never need to wash out my blue jersey.

Alone this passage isn’t really much but if you read the book it’s heart breaking. He’s agnostic and doesn’t even like the church but loves Marie and makes sure she gets to church on time because she’s a catholic. Shes the one thing he really loves and she leaves him.

>> No.14364753

Yeah, I forgot the title of the book tho my memory isn't the same since I started having seizures but the phrase " thou mayest " is a big part of the last conversation in the book . darn I can't remember

>> No.14364762

I teared up at the end too

>> No.14364791

Lotr, when the mouth of Sauron says the hobbits are dead and merry and pippin charge ahead of everyone. Also, the scene of “you kneel for no man” gets me.
I just have a soft spot for platonic friendships and underdogs triumphing through adversity.

I will not say: do not weep; for not all tears are an evil. -Gandalf

>> No.14364852


>> No.14364869

When I was in elementary school I cried at "Where the Red Fern Grows"

>> No.14365025
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I cried at the end of Robin Hobb's Farseer Trilogy and I might have with Crime and Punishment (don't recall); If I didn't it would've been because of that tedious epilogue

Movies I cried to:
Cast Away (Wilson!!!)
Troy (Achilles taking arrows to the heel)

>> No.14365078

>Raskolnikov's last meeting with his mother.

>> No.14365101

Yeah, Raskolnikov asking his mother if she would love him no matter what was gut-wrenching.

>> No.14365185

I never finished that series, but I’m guessing you cried because something tragic happened to the fool as he’s the best character.

>> No.14365290

The end of Mason & Dixon by Pynchon is melancholy af. I mean you know whats gonna happen but after being invested in the characters for so long you'd have to be pretty cold hearted not to cry a little.

>> No.14365450
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>> No.14365458

>Finnegans Wake
Pretentious cunt. Reminds me of the tripfag several years ago who claimed to have cried during On Certainty by Wittgenstein.

>> No.14365480

Has anyone read "The Dandelion Girl?"

>> No.14365488

my mom read the book to me when I was extremely young and she didn't think I was actually processing much of it, like she thought it was just healthy to read to a kid, until she gets to Charlotte Dying and I just flipped out. I think she ended up lying and saying that Charlotte didn't actually die just to calm me down lol

>> No.14365669

Stoner is one of the only books that's ever made me cry

>> No.14365701

My eyes got misty at the end of All Quiet on the Western Front

I also started to cry a little in the second or third chapter of Racing in the Rain

>> No.14366008

This part spoken by Krishna from the Bhagavad Gita

"I am the true Self in the heart of every creature, Arjuna, and the beginning, middle, and end of their existence."

>> No.14366043

Joyce, Portrait of the Artist as Young Man

>> No.14366538

letters from unknown women

>> No.14366686
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>> No.14366718

yes, Stoner.

>> No.14367215

Of Mice and Men

>> No.14367296
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I'm about 1/6 through The Night Land and I already teared up a little from the depictions of honor and love enduring across millions of years in a dead world.

>> No.14367336

The ending in Disgrace got me gud.

>> No.14367341

I like that book so far, and I don’t mind the olde englysh, but goddammit he needs to shut the fuck up about his waifu and how they’re so in love and how she is his and he is hers for every paragraph.
The beginning is awesome, but I’ve been struggling to continue since that vapid cunt showed up. They’re at the great ascent now, so hopefully I can get some good bits and then the end

>> No.14367353

>a farewell to arms
>no longer human

>> No.14367366

Definitely the Jacob and Esau cycle.

I know you're joking, but I definitely cried during the scene in the film. They obviously did it better than in the books, JK Rowling can't write for shit. There's a scene in the sixth film where Slughorn relates a story about a lily petal and a fish which I thought was more touching than anything Rowling could have come up with.

>> No.14367386

Which vapid cunt, do you mean the very beginning when he tells the story of meeting Mirdath? Or a couple chapters after, when he's in the Redoubt and meets Naani?

>> No.14367460

When he goes to the Lesser Redoubt. I thought Mirdath was annoying, but her stupidity wasn’t nearly fatal.

>> No.14367572

A farewell to arms

>> No.14367671

Cried at the end of tale of two cities, cried reading the conversion of zossima in TBK, cried at Raskolnikov's conversion, and cried at Humberts sadness about losing Dolores

>> No.14367745

Which poems anon?

>> No.14367798

The Godfather when Genco (original Vito Corleone consigliere) dies. I was a huge fan of the first movie and the book is kino.

>> No.14369443


>> No.14370152

The Idiot... you know which scene I'm talking about.

>> No.14371038


Based schizo poster. I also hate nip 'culture'

>> No.14371454

"Het geschenk" by Rosalie Loveling and "Zes jaar heeft ze geleerd wat blijven was" by Herman De Coninck.

>> No.14371466

End of TBK

>> No.14371534

lmao, ok aspergers man

>> No.14371540
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''Towards thee I roll, thou all-destroying but unconquering whale; to the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee. Sink all coffins and all hearses to one common pool! and since neither can be mine, let me then tow to pieces, while still chasing thee, though tied to thee, thou damned whale! Thus, I give up the spear!''

>> No.14372217

The tranny deserved it desu

>> No.14372580

Myshkin’s story about Marie and when he got sent back to the sanatorium at the end really fucked me up

>> No.14373211
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>> No.14373401
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i was close to tears when thorin died

>> No.14373472

Night at the Galactic Railroad by Miyazawa Kenji. Really hits home if you have a sibling and read the context behind the story.

>> No.14373490
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If more of us valued frens and books and feels above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.

>> No.14373691

Me too homeboy

>> No.14373909

Memories of Ice
As for anime: Aku no Hana
I think it was when the MC admitted that he doesn't understand les fleur du mal

>> No.14374046

I always pronounce his name “weasel”, precisely what he is.

>> No.14374204

> Aku no Hana
i remember that one, but i'm still not sure if i like or hate the artstyle
rotoscoping is just fucking weird

at least its /lit/ related

>> No.14375309
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>tfw you cry so hard you puke when your mom reads you Where the Red Fern Grows as a lil kid

>> No.14376596

Lots of Russian literature. Asya, for example. I almost always cry at anime though. Beautiful Ghibli scenes, like Porco Rosso, Spirited Away, especially the scene where Haku regains his memories of Chihiro. Gunbuster, the last few Gurren Lagann episodes. And, of course, the first and only anime that truly destroyed me, Neon Genesis Evangelion. I was crying like a little girl when this piece came in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EasGG-RqxU