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/lit/ - Literature

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14351875 No.14351875 [Reply] [Original]

>"Pessoa held a lifelong job as bookkeeper and translator of foreign correspondence in Lisbon, a city he rarely left, and lived an extremely solitary life, never marrying. Josipovici describes him as a man who dressed "with the utmost correctness; a man of few gestures in a peninsula of gesticulators; smoking up to eighty cigarettes a day"

>"Despite his apparently ascetic and asexual nature, Pessoa was recalled by friends and neighbours as a deeply lonely man, his outlook on intimacy oscillating wildly between complete rejection of love in favour of intellectual pursuits, to obsessive - and rather worrying - devotion to women who are unlikely to have been aware of his feelings towards them. One theory claims that some of Pessoa's earliest heteronyms were invented to allow him to write lengthy erotic letters - discovered several decades after his death - to various young women living in Lisbon, without the risk of these letters being associated with him."

>"As far as is known, he died a virgin; he did take up with one Ophelia Queiroz when he was 31 and she 19 — she also wrote to some of the heteronyms. After six months Pessoa broke it off, saying that he was not like other humans, followed a different Law."

>> No.14351902

Most men back then whored but they obviously didn't published shit about it for decency. Going to the brothel was just as going to the grocery store. This was likely Pessoa's case. Not sure why whores are demonized in Burgerland.

>> No.14352450

so what? his existence meant less that nothing. he's gone now and to him it is as if he never existed at all. it will all be over much, much sooner than you think and after that you will never have to think about it again.

>> No.14352460

literally me

also I'm just about to start The Book of Disquiet

>> No.14352461

I fucking hate reading about guys like this and relating to them but not having any of their talent

>> No.14352477

Indeed. Only his books remain. They also mean nothing, or very little, of course, but they are the thing you can point to and say, "this was he"; his bones, that is.

Also this. But what is talent compared with so much suffering, at the end of the day? It only makes the light entertainments you devise for yourself seem more legitimate to the outsider.

>> No.14352485

Because of American Puritanism. You have no fucking idea how moral and great the average American thinks they are.

>> No.14353149

Wow, he's literally me!

>> No.14353280

>"Pessoa loathed being photographed, and was often judged to be rude and haughty for his refusal to participate in group photographs alongside his colleagues and the handful of modernist writers known collectively as the Geração de Orpheu (Orpheu's Generation). Indeed, such was his apparent revulsion at his own image that Pessoa once pleaded with a sub-editor at the Diário de Notícias (a Lisbon daily newspaper) not to publish his photograph in the newspaper following a literary event in which he had read an extract from his work. When the sub-editor refused, explaining that the edition had already been sent to the printers, another letter was sent to the lowly sub-editor from one João Paredes, who claimed to serve as Pessoa's legal representative. By all accounts this letter, which threatened legal repercussions should the photograph of Fernando Pessoa be published in the next edition, was met with widespread laughter in the newsrooms of the Diário de Notícias, whose editorial staff were already largely aware of "the black sheep" Pessoa and his many heteronymous creations. As a practical joke, the paper sent one of their photographers to take a photograph of the writer leaving the office where he worked two days a week. The result of this prank is the photograph of Pessoa most are now familiar with, as he walks alone along the busy pavement, clutching a raincoat and some papers, just about noticing that a camera is being pointed towards him. An anonymous obituary was submitted to the same newspaper the following week announcing the tragic death of one João Paredes, an unmarried lawyer who had shot himself after a night of heavy drinking alone in his apartment (which just happened to be located on the same street on which Pessoa resided)."

>> No.14353299
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Wow, his unironically the white me down to the bookkeeper and translator of foreign correspondence (chinamen in Africa lol)

>> No.14353306

fuck I didn't know pessoa was bullied

>> No.14353367

Feels despondent, bro

>> No.14354107


>> No.14354267

>I'm nothing.
>I'll always be nothing.
>I can't want to be something.
>But I have in me all the dreams of the world.

>> No.14354283

Based and Plotinuspilled

>> No.14354298

Why Plotinuspilled?

>> No.14354326

Sounds like a schizoid alright, maybe I should give him another chance

any other schizoid writers?

>> No.14354340

most men still whore now unless they're Elliot Roger tier weirdos

>> No.14354397

>Chinese Pessoa in Africa

sounds like a /lit/ life

>> No.14354418

I haven't related to a work of art so aggressively in my entire life.

>> No.14354420

This so much.

>> No.14354426

Same here. Re-read some of it last night and it didn't have the same effect sadly.

>> No.14354428
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Plotinus didn't want to be portraited as he pitty the 'material world'. For him, a portrait, a painting, a draw, any representation of the sensory world was twice as abhorrent, given that it plays twice the perfidy.
It is told that when an apprentice of him offered Plotinus to portrait him, Plotinus scolded him and said:
>Is it not enough to cope with the image with which nature has us wrapped, but that you pretend that I myself access to bequeath a more lasting image of an image, as if it were a work worthy of contemplation?
Later, that apprentice asked a painter, friend of his, to attend to Plotinus classes in order to remember his face and draw him. Plotinus never noticed.

>> No.14354430


>> No.14354495

>I suffer from life and from other people. I can’t look at reality face to face. Even the sun discourages and depresses me. Only at night and all alone, withdrawn, forgotten and lost, with no connection to anything real or useful — only then do I find myself and feel comforted.

>> No.14354511

>"During 1914, while living with his Aunt Anica on Lisbon's Rua Pascoal de Melo, the twenty-six-year old Pessoa revealed in a diary entry how loneliness and a lack of either material or artistic success had burdened him with immense feelings of failure and despondency. Treating his diary as a kind of maternal figure, Pessoa demands to know why he has so far failed to establish any kind of name for himself in Lisbon or formed any lasting bonds with its inhabitants. "Why do I only condone a ghost-like existence for myself. Wherever I go, I haunt. I sense the deep unease which people feel in my company - even my employer treats me with a kind of pity which is unbecoming of a man so assertive and so otherwise willing to lend no sympathetic attention to his business. Must I always perceive life as though through a glass window, fearing always that it will become obscured by the heat and revelry aside and leave me entirely alone outside on the abandoned street? Why, dear diary, do I fail to penetrate life like other writers and philosophers do with some competence? Tonight I feel abandoned once again. My spirit aches. The world outside proceeds while I yearn like a chained dog to be allowed to travel with it. Worse still is that there is no chain preventing me from living the life of a human being.""

>> No.14354529

Reading that made my chest hurt

>> No.14354540


>> No.14354577

This is what makes me turn away from what few social relations I have, I can't deal with this shit

>> No.14354605

so this is what peak /lit/ looks like? I guess I better go back to /fit/

>> No.14354821

you cannot run, you cannot hide

>> No.14354953

>To take note, not with my senses, but with the awareness of my senses. . . The possibility of other things. . . And suddenly, from behind me, I hear the metaphysically abrupt arrival of the office boy. I feel like I could kill him for barging in on what I wasn't thinking. I turn around and look at him with a silence full of hatred, tense with latent homicide, my mind already hearing the voice he'll use to tell me something or other. He smiles from the other side of the room and says 'Good afternoon' in a loud voice. I hate him like the universe. My eyes are sore from imagining.

>> No.14355008
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>> No.14355367


>> No.14355424

Seconding the Puritanism post. Also it probably has something to do with America'a ridiculous and deeply entrenched view on sexual romance being the highest ideal.

>> No.14355426

Shit man, I hate seeing photos of myself too. I should read this guy.

>> No.14355460

Why do you hate photos of yourself?

>> No.14355532
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>pessoa is slowly becoming the ryan gosling of /lit/
>he's just like me!

stop this fucking shit, not every loner person or character who actually accomplished something in spite of it is literally you. I don't know how to fix yours or anyone's life but surely engaging in this cringe cope can't be involved. please don't turn pessoa into a stank meme like this.

>> No.14355552

Self hatred
I'm ugly and I have a hard time living with it

>> No.14355563

Unironically just be yourself bro. Women love confidence. A ton of women actually get off on the idea of dating a confident but conventionally unattractive dude.

>> No.14355564

>Wahhh life so sad and hard wahhh

>> No.14355575

Do you get off on feeding people bad advice that they will inevitably embarrass themselves with?

>> No.14355593

No, but what's the alternative? I unironically know of several conventionally ugly guys who had literal qt gfs because they were confident and didn't give a shit, often made the first move and were assertive generally in their lives.

>> No.14355634

imagine being mad at people relating to other people
fuck off mate

>> No.14355658

I'm not mad, there's nothing wrong with identifying with somebody's isolation or anything else. But the point is to use it to a constructive end, wallowing like this is just shit and not good for you.

>> No.14355687

>Spoken primarily in English, though occasionally also in Portuguese, French and even Latin, these séances combined Pessoa's aptitudes as a writer with more practical matters of life. Literary ambitions tend towards the logic of the séance and Pessoa's ambitions found common cause, perhaps even erotic charge, in the practice of mediumship. Pessoa's long-standing bachelorhood and, in particular, his obsession with masturbation, were often the source of spiritual attention, even ridicule. In a 1916 séance, the spirit Henri More "exhorted him to lose his virginity", reproaching him as "a masturbator!... a self-swallower's barren touch of time."

>On still another occasion that year, the spirits raged at him "you man without a man's prick! You man with a clitoris instead of a prick," and warned him that "he was not cut out for a monastic existence" and that "chastity would be ultimately prejudicial to his literary ambitions." Rather than convince, the force of these spirit injunctions allowed Pessoa to see his masturbation as beneficial if not absolutely integral to his art of heteronomia.

>> No.14355688

coomers are really bitching about America not allowing pervasive, casual prostitution huh

>> No.14355712
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>> No.14355723

he sounds like a whiny piece of shit and probably wasn't bullied enough in high school

>> No.14355780

I understand the sentiment, sure
But to think that there is ONLY some "towards a constructive end" that can justify anything reduces pretty much the entirety of existence to some trivial optimization game.
There is very clearly something inherently valuable to the experience of relation to these people, that is not some "optimized" stepping stone towards whatever the hell you think we're supposed to be striving for.
I just hate this sort of pseudo-Nietzschean rejection of experience in favor of some nebulous notion of overcoming, it really isn't what he meant at all, but it's pushed as some a proiri truth. It's more or less just a hyper-rational extension of enlightenment thought wrapped up in post-modern garb to create lazy (but also 'edgy') platitudes for pseuds to spout if even the slightest bit of dissension comes up. It's not meaningful at all really.
It's just irritating man.

>> No.14355786

>live a miserable existence
>finally embrace death and escape
>your name lives on through your genius
>continually get bullied for all of eternity by vicenarian hacks on a chinese pedophile cartoon forum
That's rough.

>> No.14355815

>>finally embrace death and escape

>> No.14355844

How can a man unironically say this on this website in the year of our lord 2019

>> No.14355866


>dude utility sucks
>stop being a 21st century gamifier

And I understand this sentiment, but ultimately I choose to err on the side of "Quit thinking and do something" because I believe there is already a massive cultural debt on introspection. Further navel gazing is not the answer, if people need anything today it's to be *more* concrete.

>> No.14356021

I mean I don't think the ideas have to be opposed.
One can 'do' and still 'feel' intensely, it's probably for the best that one does both really.
But to dismiss any side as being 'unproductive' sort of implies a codified goal in the first place. And to be a bit cynical, that codified goal is usually something that is perhaps not best for the individual (if often takes implicit form of 'one must adhere to the rules of [dominant ideology]'). So to be skeptical of that goal, and even goals in general, seems warranted to me.
But, the value of doing for oneself and feeling for oneself does seem valuable to me, only insofar as it is truly for oneself (or a cause they think worthy).
But in truth I don't think the ideas of 'doing' or 'reflecting' are separable and both are valuable, those pains which are reflected on form as much of the identity of a person as the 'good' things, and it seems a waste of life to not feel those pains at least a little.

>> No.14356046

Excessive whoring is corrosive to the soul

>> No.14356144

Based Pessoa murdered his enemy

>> No.14356374

they both like me and there's nothing your faggot ass can do also kafka

>> No.14356436

where to start with pessoa?

>> No.14356543

Book of Disquiet desu. A lot of his stuff hasn't been translated, although he was fluent in English and two of his poetry collections are in English.

>> No.14356552

Why didn't he translate his own stuff into English, instead of wasting time trying to translate a bunch of poems from other people?

>> No.14356567

His first two poetry collections were in English, but I think he ended up just dedicating himself to writing for Portuguese magazines and newspapers in the end. I mean his Book of Disquiet was only discovered several decades after his death, in some kind of trunk.

>> No.14356613
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So is excessive consumption of deep-fried foods, or indeed excessive anything.

>> No.14356927

What is his best work to read if I'm looking for feels?

>> No.14356936

Book of Disquiet lad. It's his go-to work unless you're Portuguese.

>> No.14356971

ok, thanks man
I will order a copy tonight

>> No.14357107

Hope you enjoy it.

>> No.14357222

Should I lose my virginity to a prostitute at this point bros?
>20 y/o 5/10 tall and boney NEET

>> No.14357233


>> No.14357264

I'm asking the same question and I'm 21. It helps to know that the option is always there while I attempt to lose it the romantic way.

>> No.14357276


>> No.14357284

what if I'm 24

>> No.14357301

did you miss the part where he had no faith in his own work?

>> No.14358180

This guy needed nofap.

>> No.14358206

And a heavy dosage of Vitamin B-urself

>> No.14358220

dude just had to meditate and hit the gym bruh
coulda fucking SMASHED

>> No.14358229

It just occurred to me halfway through this thread that I am not on /fit/.
I don't know why I didn't realize that sooner.

I'm off to go pick up heavy things and put them back down. Farewell.

>> No.14358833
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>> No.14358856

Where is this? Kind of looks like Korea but the ethnicity is ambiguous.

>> No.14358953

LMAOing at this loser

>> No.14358988

If it's any consolation, Pessoa received next to no recognition for his talent until well after he died.

>> No.14359045

Yes. There is literally nothing wrong in whoring that isn't already wrong with 'casual' sex overall. If anything the clear transaction and lack of bullshit makes it cleaner.
Don't go cheap though.

>> No.14359059

what price point should i be looking at

>> No.14359080

>pessoa was a shitposter that would have masturbated to anime today
>literally told to have sex

>> No.14359100

Can't tell where you live, but I'm a bong and would discourage anything below two hundred pounds.
If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. These prices get you nicer looking girls, but also insurance on not stepping into a biohazard, and have a nicer setting.

>> No.14359158

what would pessoa think of lisbon today?

>> No.14359253

Sounds like he should have had sex.

>> No.14359298

>"There are NIGGERS here."

>> No.14359492
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I've had enough.

>> No.14359596

Who was a bigger sadboi? Him or Leopardi?

>> No.14359668

Not really true, as he was one of Lisbon's leading literary figures at the time. He published a controversial essay in a newspaper aged 24 and then published a ton of stuff in newspapers, magazines etc. Granted his lack of collected output (.e.. poetry collection, novel) did prevent him from gaining goat status.

>> No.14360892


>> No.14361350

Why are we like this?

>> No.14361357

let this shit emo thread die motherfucker

>> No.14361409

He lived for a while in South Africa, I don't think he would be surprised.

Memes aside Pessoa was a man of letters, translated several works into English and knew French as well. Imagine all the works he was able to enjoy.

>> No.14361414

Missed teen romance.

>> No.14361533
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>> No.14361549
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>> No.14361572

Immense faggotry

>> No.14361735
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I'm utterly dissapointed with "Book of disquiet" and haven't even read the half of it. Nothing but a constant whining, writed in most pretentious manner, some entry level reflection and insipid poetry. Don't fall for this meme.

>> No.14361848
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just a sad manlet

>> No.14361857

All right, I have to read some Pessoa now. He was based as fuck. Sometimes I feel the same, like my life doesn't mean shit to nobody except myself and my parents.

>> No.14361893

>they obviously didn't published shit about it for decency
>most famous portuguese romance tells how a man falls in love with a whore

>> No.14361918

Jesus. He should get a prostitute or something

>> No.14361939

no natural selection to weed out the socially inept.

>> No.14362036

I'm not exactly socially inept, I have social skills I just don't care, I'm apathetic, there is no social drive within me.

It's easy for normies because they actively WANT to socialize, there is something propelling them to do it. I suffer because I don't socialize and yet no matter how much I suffer I remain apathetic. For some reason I lack this basic thing that most other people have, it's so frustrating, when you don't care about socializing and being involved what's the point? It's like you barely exist. How can something like this remain elusive my whole life? Why do others have this and I don't? Even if I force myself there never comes a point where it doesn't feel like I'm forcing myself, it's so tiring.

>> No.14362059

>It's his go-to work unless you're Portuguese.
what do you mean, unless you're portuguese. what is the go-to work for the portuguese?

>> No.14362098

I don't know if this is 4chan autism or just normalfags being evil as usual. Where does this hatred come from? Timid people aren't hurting anyone so I can only imagine is some sort of primordial lizard brain in action.
Why can becky relate to hermione but I can't relate to the driver? Why can't the dreads of society feel empathy and kinship with a man that died 70 years before they were born?
no, nevermind your own life, you must be completely alone in the universe and history. You must not feel like a part of humanity at all.

>> No.14362101

I don't know, I'm not Portuguese myself. What I mean is that he wrote a ton of stuff, and his work is studied in Portuguese schools etc, so likely there's some kind of poetry collection or something that Portuguese people are more familiar with but TBOD is what made him well-known internationally.

>> No.14362109

what a self-centered, loathsome being
>nooo you must not photograph me, I'm sure that everybody will be looking at it and laughing at me
>nooo what will muh society think of me if I'm not 10/10

>> No.14362124

>I'm not exactly socially inept, I have social skills I just don't care, I'm apathetic, there is no social drive within me.
>It's easy for normies because they actively WANT to socialize, there is something propelling them to do it. I suffer because I don't socialize and yet no matter how much I suffer I remain apathetic. For some reason I lack this basic thing that most other people have, it's so frustrating, when you don't care about socializing and being involved what's the point? It's like you barely exist. How can something like this remain elusive my whole life? Why do others have this and I don't? Even if I force myself there never comes a point where it doesn't feel like I'm forcing myself, it's so tiring.
yeah dumbo that's called being socially inept. You can grind and acquire some social skills, but it doesn't take long for you to be disappointed in people, or for them to see through your mask. That sense of uneasiness and lack of connection is always there. As much as we hate it, we long for it and we'll suffer forever wether we do or don't.

>> No.14362128

>I'm not exactly socially inept, I have social skills I just don't care, I'm apathetic, there is no social drive within me.
this is the same shit as "I'm super intelligent dude if I put myself to it I'll prove the riemann hypothesis but I'm just lazy that's my downfall... what do"

>> No.14362144
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>natural selection exists
>except when it doesn't
lmao evolutionists

>> No.14362171

It has nothing to do with American puritanism. You do realize Catholicism deeply hates sexual immorality, and these mores were entrenched within Europe? Yes, it was sometimes ignored by society, but it was still present in the public mind.

>> No.14362184

sure, no other culture has ever worried about sexual morality

>> No.14362188

Reading this (your post) made me feel really bad. A couple of years ago I was at an event where my photo was taken a bunch of times by the person organizing it while I was just talking to people and when I had to go on a small stage to give out an award. Afterwards when they emailed me I mentioned if it would be okay if I didn't have any photos of me uploaded online. They said it was fine, and I can put it down to anxiety or fear or whatever, but I do feel like a loathsome and vain person for doing that. I don't have any social media or anything and have always hated having my photo taken. Am I a piece of shit for asking them not to upload any photos of me?

>> No.14362201

It is what it is dude, it's not like I'm making some lazy excuse it's an actual thing I lack
I hate when people like you do this, just because you're not the one with the problem you think the problem can't possibly exist.

I have social skills, it's not like I fail at reading people or fail at conversations, I just don't want to do it, it's not in me. I'm indifferent to it.
In fact I use my social skills every day but only because I have to, because it's expected of me, if I could get away with being quiet I would be quiet.

>> No.14362211

isnt their a line in the book of disquiet about this? i havent been able to find it though

>> No.14362223

>Am I a piece of shit for asking them not to upload any photos of me?
Not a piece of shit, I don't know what the appropriate word is, but the fact that you think that your picture will matter for anyone for more than 0.1 seconds (especially in a group photo) is absolutely astonishing. And don't tell me it's not about other people either.

>> No.14362256

It is about other people, sure. Maybe I just feel that people will generally react negatively to me or something. My self-perception / self-esteem isn't generally positive, so perhaps I suspect this will be reflected in others.

>> No.14363443

I feel a very strong spiritual relatedness to this guy.

>> No.14363796

someone post that fragment where he talks about some colleague going back to his hometown please

>> No.14363863

Right? Like at least he was able to write beautifully in his diary and, even if posthumerously, has 'made it' in the literary and intellectual sense. all i have to show for it is a folder full of pepes

>> No.14363870

I have this. I abhor being or getting close to anyone. I don't want people to have any leverage over me. I have maintained a few (literally 3) friendships because they are easy enough. I'm not a virgin, but haven't been laid in 7 years. Haven't had a date in 4. I just have a general lack of interest in other people, but, I am a car salesman. Therefore I am so good at social interaction my dealership pays me ~$1500 a week to do it. I can do it but there has to be some objective benefit. I also prefer the life of a hermit I go out to run errands on Wednesday (my day off) and go to my favorite burger joint on Sundays (where the clerks like me so much they usually give me a free beer and I never tip.) Other than that I drink a pint of whiskey a day watch movies and play games at home.

I once sold a Porsche to this Psychologist who gave up his practice to work for Goldmann Sachs as a "pricer," (as he put it) - a guy who determines the maximum value for any given commodity. He made the maximum also and because of his success I would guess, had a wife who lived in Vermont (he lives in NH) and he saw her every other weekend. That would be perfect for me. I don't think I will ever be that wealthy so I think I should kill myself but I have enough fun reading and being a pseudo-intellectual.

>> No.14364989

yes but know there is nothing as sweet as conquering the woman

>> No.14365788

Pessoa?? Is the word "pessimistic" derived from this dude? lmao, he is SUCH a pussy xDD

>> No.14365861

How to stop being a sadboi pessoa /lit/?

>> No.14365954


>> No.14365990
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I thought about that before sleep last night. The best way seems to be to hold these people close to you, not as lodestars or idols or sources of comfort, but as negative examples, as anti-heroes. Learn with these people the characteristics of you own personality and hopefully you learn to HATE the negative parts of it. Pain seems to be the only way to finally get people like us to care enough to be willing to change ourselves. I'd say my father is quite similar to Pessoa and no doubt it is a genetic thing. We need to learn to like socializing, that doesn't mean we need to like people in general. But social skills are a too important factor in todays life to not be good at it. It only hurts us to be like Pessoa. We need to respond to the Pessoa in ourselves with disgust, followed by anger, which is the fuel that initiates change.

>> No.14366009

You don't know what you are talking about.
How can he change when he does not know WHAT to change?

>> No.14366014 [DELETED] 
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>- and rather worrying - devotion to women who are unlikely to have been aware of his feelings towards them

>> No.14366023

He did it to himself. By never making up his mind about what he wanted, or being able to balance out the two poles of his personality, he got the worst of both.

>> No.14366094

>he turned his life into comedy

>> No.14366145

damn yesterday I was thinking the same about me, how I don't know if I want to go full hermit mode or I want to take action, and how this indecision has brought me guilt, and half-loneliness, half-friends, half-goals

>> No.14366203
File: 22 KB, 370x504, Ofelia_Queiroz_1920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He didn't have to be lonely, it says right there he was with this exemplary Portuguese specimen. He just never got over himself. If he wasn't timid he would've never had to "oscillate" between anything. He was already an ascetic intellectual so to retreat further into that mode when his instincts are telling him to find a woman was him coping with his fear.

>> No.14366232

Based, ignore him.

90% of 4chan is brainlet fags

>> No.14366245
File: 81 KB, 800x566, BE360CA7-DB63-4B17-884B-7FBF9BE0BCD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It may be moonsigns, but it’s accurate moonsigns.