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/lit/ - Literature

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14351687 No.14351687 [Reply] [Original]

Why is literally every single poster here a pseudo-intellectual? What about /lit/ attracts people who feel a need to posture as cultured and intelligent?

>> No.14351691

Everyone who has ever spoken or written is a Pseud. there is no such thing as someone who isnt a Pseud.

>> No.14351695

im not a pseudo-intellectual, im just a regular intellectual

>> No.14351714

I may not be an intellectual, but I'm in the process of becoming one

>> No.14351797

So long as you think like this. You will be a true intellectual.

>> No.14351801


It's fun and a necessary outlet for people who don't have literary circles to posture in irl.

>> No.14351814

t. pseud in denial

>> No.14351822

I'm not a pseud.

>> No.14351830

Reading Plato I see

>> No.14351836

thats exactly what a pseud would say

>> No.14351838

But you're doing the same thing. How about you answer your own question, faggot?

>> No.14351923

anonymity allowing extension of and feedback to thought tentacles without fear of having them chopped off painfully

>> No.14351959

But I can prove it.

>> No.14352123

go on then

>> No.14352142

Fuck imagine being that guy such a sad funny video

He walked Dylan on stage kek

>> No.14352161
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What would you accept? Credentials of some kind, or would you rather just have a conversation on areas of my competence, and you judge? I can offer you both dear anon.

>> No.14352332

I'm an anti-intellectual. Specious reasoning is my whole being. Fuck you faggot. Have a sage.

>> No.14352337

A deep longing (neglected) desire for acknowledgement, that we here in our little niche obscurity, sequestered into this utterly marginalized and shunned (shithole) corner of the internet, have after all adventures, found this being the only avenue of sincere expression where we might find peers, in age, in interest, in humors, whose regard, unlikely enough, we hold in enough esteem to induce posturing.

Do not mistake the posturing, instead, see the desperation which would lead one here, what barren outer lives we must all lead that we must seek refuge—and so have some sympathy, the world is ill-fit for us with interests in such “weird” pursuits, in a sense we are the last guard, we gather to protect the dwindlin’ flame of literature, knowing very well how pathetic, how doomed.

>> No.14352356

>What about /lit/ attracts people who feel a need to posture as cultured and intelligent?
It's mostly a leftist problem.
Those are the kinds of people who keep screaming for everyone else to read books, have an entire library's worth of their own, but haven't actually read a single one of them. You know the type.
Unsurprisingly, these same people spend all their time on 4chan, instead of reading. They like the idea of reading far more than they actually read.

>> No.14352392

The great authors you love were always smarter on the page than they were in real life.

>> No.14352397

are pseuds a real problem? i dont think ive encountered one since uni

>> No.14352401

You really think leftists in general read less than rightists? There's absolutely people like the ones you're talking about, but there's also rightists who don't read, and I think if you look at the people who do read, most are not rightist. Still, left or right, pseuds suck.

>> No.14352681

>You really think leftists in general read less than rightists?
>but there's also rightists who don't read
Rightists who don't read don't have some weird obsession with trying to appear well-read. They're out farming or some shit.

>> No.14352728

its just avant-teens that read ulysses and infinite jest and think they've experienced the peak of literature

>> No.14353106

intellectuals are usually too busy to post in places like this

>> No.14353271

Alright, does God exist?

>> No.14353310

>Using ultimately provable/unprovable spiritual entities as a gauge of intelligence

This isn't reddit

>> No.14353326

Why would someone not try to become or seems smarter than they are ?

Who believes on this Internet page that he is dumb?

4channel. On the Internet.

Not Everybody surf the Internet.

>> No.14353339

What would you do with your life if you were sure that G.od exists ?

>> No.14353345

t. Pseuds.

>> No.14353352

God does not exist, anon.

>> No.14353354

I'm stupid, that's why I pretend to be smart because I hold contempt for me and everyone else around me.

>> No.14353357

I don't consider myself anything, its your problem.

>> No.14353551

i think true intellectuals just shut the fuck up, theres the difference

>> No.14353713

>Worried about there being pseuds on what started as an anime image board
You're not gonna make it

>> No.14353733

Literature is a hobby that allows for such posturing due to the cultural respect it has accumulated in a way that anime and videogames dont.

So, naturally, every nerd who has been picked on will latch on to that second hand sense of superiority, even if it means acting superior to others like himself, and so, in a way, bullying himself all over again.

>> No.14353890

t. Philosophy undergrad

>> No.14353914
File: 402 KB, 1920x1080, CDE0FE0B-02F8-433A-A34F-D725A83917BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just write science fiction for younger people

>> No.14353973

He’s right lole.
t. >I was forced to go to church by mommy and daddy and am now brainwashed

>> No.14354618

That depends on what you mean by god

>> No.14354622

why are there never any literature threads?

>> No.14354628

just in case anybody ITT hasnt seen the video, its incredible.

>> No.14354819

It is more welcoming than the rest of 4chan.